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单词 Effected
1, The president effected several changes in the company.
2, The new treatment effected a miraculous cure.
3, The new manager effected several changes in the company.
4, They effected their escape in the middle of the night.
5, The medicine effected nothing.
6, A permanent cure will only be effected by acupuncture, chiropractic or manipulation.
7, The reform was effected.
8, The transfer of power was effected swiftly and peacefully.
9, Inpart,(http:///effected.html) this decline has been effected by the successful ideological battle waged against them by Mrs Thatcher.
10, This can be effected by the use of a leitmotif or phrases of music.
11, Service may be effected at his principal place of business in the jurisdiction, regardless of his current residence.
12, A quick change can be effected by using this additional experience to point to another type of work.
13, The Big Board found that Mr Kleid effected unauthorized, unsuitable and excessive transactions and exercised discretion without written authorization.
14, This is effected by means of extractor fan system, the air entering close to the ceiling and leaving close to ground level.
15, The Thatcher government's policy, effected in the Broadcasting Act of 1990, provoked intense debate.
16, This policy of renewal was effected by installing a replacement internal structure of load-bearing brick walls and insitu concrete floors.
17, The differentiation was effected, rather, by a different body of linguistic rules.
18, Service is to be effected by posting the process or document in a prepaid registered envelope, or by personal delivery.
19, Locomotion is effected by undulating waves of muscle contraction and relaxation which alternate on the dorsal and ventral aspects of the worm.
20, Co-ordination of voluntary effort in relation to the promotion of tree planting and the protection of trees is effected through the Tree Council.
21, Then it headed straight for the nearest suitable planet and effected a landing.
22, In this and the next two chapters, we attempt to unravel and evaluate policies effected by the Conservative governments after 1979.
23, The body's first line of protection against environmental stimuli is effected through the defence or immune system.
24, He said all her friends had advised it; they had cited many cases where it had effected a cure.
25, One is the speed with which the revolution in biology has been effected.
26, But there is nothing to preclude a charge being brought under section 5 even though the arrest was not effected under the section.
27, However, there is a dearth of systematic research into the changes effected.
28, If the exchange suspects that a trade has been effected for improper purposes it must investigate this.
29, Technical sales literature often contains important data such as circuit diagrams and explanations on how improvements have been effected.
30, In this mouth-to-mouth communication, a fusion with the instrument is effected by the mediation of his breath.
31, Only those electrons which were struck by one of these projectiles would be effected.
32, The other readily agreed; a few needles were inserted and a dramatic change in posture was quickly and effortlessly effected.
33, If there was a re-entry in the present case, it was not effected by the changing of the lock.
34, Among his many far-reaching reforms, Gorbachev effected a transfer of power from Communist Party to executive presidency.
35, Ephraim even agreed to witness the legal document drawn up between his nephew and niece that effected the change.
36, A moderate reform of capitalism could, it was argued, be effected through a rational planning programme.
37, One minor criticism is that the recording level can be effected by the master volume controls on the Carvin.
38, There was an alternative view, however, that forcing the pace was necessary if real change was to be effected.
39, But there is no evidence that they either intended or effected systematic and long-term destruction.
40, He had opposed the radical change of direction effected by Occhetto and the proposed change of the name of the party.
41, Nevertheless, this was not the simple procedure by which the most significant departure from union was effected.
42, Cabinet reshuffle Presidential decrees at the end of May effected a minor Cabinet reshuffle.
43, The screw was only allowed to be effective where nothing could possibly be effected by its application.
44, A different type of biologically engineered pest control is claimed to have been effected through a free-living soil bacteria.
45, The plaintiff was insured under a policy which had been effected by brokers.
46, Settlement is effected under such a system at the end of each business day.
47, In six months, could both passages, there and back, be effected?
48, The transmission has 16 gears and the gear change is effected simply through pressure on the pedals.
49, There is no question that Clinton was the leader of the Great Group that effected his victory.
50, The French Revolution effected great changes in the law.
51, His ransom has been effected.
52, Their removal is effected by aluminum and ferric salts.
53, The growth of ovary and folliculus were not effected.
54, It'suggested that lead poisoning effected the hemopoietic system.
55, The control is effected through changes in turgidity .
56, Fermentation conditions were important factors that effected acidic proteinase production in pure draft beer fermentation.
57, Precision of GPS location is effected by many elements. Major error origins are error related with GPS satellite, error related with signal propagation and error related with accepting equipments.
58, He distinguished himself at Austerlitz in that admirable march in echelons effected under the enemy's fire.
59, As evidence of the receipt and clearance of goods in Ghana, the importer shall submit the Customs Entry Form (C12) covering the transfer has been effected.
60, The performance test of geophone is effected by many factors.
61, The parameters of porous Alumina membrane, such as aperture, hole density and aspect ratio, membrane thickness, had been effected by many factors mentioned above.
62, The results showed that the dynamic mechanical property was effected by crosslink densities availably.
63, His love to tcapable tennis is effected by his daddy, a update tcapable tennis coach.
64, The condensation is effected by heating a suitable mixture of sodium hydrogen orthophosphates.
65, The factors which effected the low temperature viscosity of the plastisol and the method to decrease the viscosity were studied.
66, In assessing the achievement of progressivism, one should not lightly the political changes that it effected.
67, However, realistically the public policy used to lacking the commonality, thereby effected on social harmony.
68, The realization of the ship mortgage shall generally be effected by the application to courts for auctioning the ship.
69, Gas injection velocity has strong effected on oil recovery for non-miscible flooding.
70, The research current of the foaming properties and the desulphurizing properties of LF refining slag which were effected by composition of slag had been reviewed.
71, So in times when we find ourselves unwillingly zapped by energy vampires it's a great idea to flick off their negativity as soon as we encounter them before our wellbeing is effected.
72, In other words,(http://) that your emotions can be effected affected by someone you do not to racily directly know.
73, In order to reach the required results, must be effected either core speed and speed ratio.
74, The church settlement she effected was planned to antagonize as few people as possible.
75, It is indicated from the results that effected by the high frequency group pulse power, higher machining quality is obtained by choosing higher main pulse frequency.
76, At the environment medium, the tubeplate joint welds of titanium reboiler were constantly effected by the alternation stress, welds cracking was occurred in the end.
77, Although present annual amount of growing stock is increasing, annual amount of growing stock in whole region changes in a big margin, which is effected by some factors.
78, The production distribution was effected by Vicia sativa or Vicia faba through its space competition.
79, Such designation shall be effected by virtue of a written notification between the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties.
80, The reaction time of TAS mainly depends on the number and velocity of target, and is little effected by the frame period of searching.
81, Ceaseless additions and refinements to this first plan were effected as the weeks and months passed.
82, AC's promotion of tobacco anther culture emergence was effected with macroelement and microelement's balance level.
83, Methods:74 cases among 229 Tick-borne encephalitis patients had changes on their ECG so that to observe there effected situation cardiovascular system.
84, Easy to cut and install: This large-areaed, soft kind of sheet sealing materials can be cut by mechanical press or handwork and no matter what kind of cut method, its sealing ability cant be effected.
85, The percentage for which insurance cover must be effected may be increased in such a way as to provide the amount of cover stipulated in the original Credit, or these Articles.
86, All this, effected in an open whaleboat on a great ocean, may well fill us with admiration for the courage and skill of the young surgeon.
87, Results indicated that the surface roughness would not be effected by saw cutting amount as long as saw side clearance angle wasn't changed.
88, Our powerful product development are effected in the completed process form designing to completing the products.
89, Objective : To observe the absorptivities of anesthetic gas absorber and its effected factors in inhalation anesthesia.
90, But the rats treated with pyridostigmine and methyl scopolamine were not effected significantly on motor activity to open-field exposure compared with rats dosed with saline.
91, Hariss concerned Exchequer in the statement of the relation of king parliament and public finance, his discourse was effected by the Constitutionalism ineluctably.
92, The shape similarity is given by the function of describing the shape, which ensures its precision not be effected by all interference and avoids the loss of shape information.
93, We cannot understand Full Up by LOS signal (Please refer as attachment) which will be effected to receiving sensitivity.
94, Their theoretic have effected the society profoundly and extensively and a great lot of art have come to teem in the each history phase and many geography district.
95, The secondary electron emission coefficient of MCP glass and its effected factors are discussed.
96, A surrender may be effected without resort to a capitulation.
97, Sealing is augmented and effected by propulsion-created spray and by spray ricocheting from the jump wave.
98, The theoretical calculation shows that potential distribution is effected by time-harmonic character and permittivity .
99, In toluene disproportionation, the catalytic activity is effected by the acidity and crystal size of catalyst.
100, As backup power supply of the DC system, the residual capacity of battery effected safe operation of DC system directly when AC power failure occurs.
101, The disciples of Jesus, with Peter at the head, react to the announcement of the redemptive Passion, that is, to the true messianism foretold and effected by the Beloved Son.
102, Mrs Moffat had effected hasty repairs with tape and gummed paper.
103, There exists a spiral clearance space in the API round thread casing joint which is effected by the thread tolerance ranges.
104, The transfer has been effected by a multitude of molecular collision.
105, Payments effected after the daily cut-off time of your selected payment service will be recorded as received on the following working day.
106, Carotenoid was indirectly effected by chemical composition through protein. Browning reaction and solanone were indirectly effected mostly by nicotine.
107, The air pollution over coastal cities in South China is also effected by sea–and land–breezes to a certain degree, and therefore, the distribution appears daily variation.
108, The results have shown that the flow velocities in the horizontal and vertical passages are greatly effected by the shape of the air exit of cross-fan grain thresher.
109, The Q-factor , output gain and frequency of cleavage of resonator which were effected by the thickness of adhesive layer, material properties and defects in adhesive layer were detailedly analyzed.
110, The way of generating financial repot is certain to be effected by the information process of business activities.
111, However, the problems such as moldiness in processing and transporting duration, fatty acid rancidification and higher level of Cd, have greatly effected on its security application to feed industry.
112, The buying and selling of the Assembly Lines and the Color TV Sets shall be on FOB basis, thus the ocean marine cargo insurance on them shall be effected by Party A and Party B respectively.
113, The performance of the counter-flow drier is effected seriously by the kinematic parameters of the sweep auger, especially the revolution speed.
114, Research shows that your blood alcohol level is most effected on the day before their cycle begins, and is lowest the first day of menstruation.
115, Thirdly, it formed fracture combination in Permian, Trias, Jurassic and Cretaceous strata effected by the compression-strike-slip structure superposed and rebuilt process.
116, The acculturative stress was the mediate variable, which effected other relevant factors and mental health.
117, Apperence in late Qing dynasty like others, the Xiangtuzhi of Guizhou is effected by Guizhou chorography.
118, Import restriction is effected through such measures as imposition of tariffs, fixing of quota, allowing imports only against licenses.
119, The hail cloud over the mountainous terrain may be effected by the air-flow of middle layer over the mountainous terrain and the microphysical processes of the hail cloud.
120, Your debit advice has not come to our hand. Please see if or not payment has been effected.
121, The normal frost heave force is an integral of soil frost heave stress at the freezing front along the range effected by a foundation.
122, Weight memo is made out by a seller when a sale is effected in foreign trade.
123, The safety and production effected by ice-induced vibration have long been a serious distress problem imposed on production platform operating in Liao-dong Bay- the northern most area of Bohai Sea.
124, Emission-trading is set to become a huge new non-productive industry of wealth redistribution with little or no actual reduction in emission beyond what is effected by economic decline.
125, The damaging extent of rock is developing with load of time and effected by the size of load, the after part injury is called creep damage.
126, The performance of air defence missile radar seeker in low-altitude tracking is mainly effected by the ground clutter and multipath interference.
127, CONCLUSION High-calorie diet can lead to IR animal model, which is effected by the artifactitious pattern of the feed, and the gender of experimental animal.
128, Vegetative rejuvenation of some bamboo species can be effected by exogenous GA 3.
129, To make payment in target dates for each consignment shall be effected by within 5 banking days after receipt by the advising bank of all documents required under clause 9.
130, The new hairdo effected a startling change in her appearance.
131, Any appointment or removal of an alternate Director shall be effected by Notice signed by the appointor and delivered to the Office or head office or tendered at a meeting of the Board.
132, FISH and RFLP are the most labour intensive, time consuming and more expensive methods. The special PCR markers, in some degree,() are effected by the content of template DNA.
133, However, different manners of squelching the ramp output signal may be effected in other embodiments.
134, And the princeps ' personalities effected the relations between the princeps and the Senate directly.
135, However, in practice AVO technique is seriously effected by the factors of wavelet interference and above - covered layers.
136, We agree that a letter of release will be issued to the Charterers endorsing to them all their rights to demurrage if payment is eventually effected by them.
137, Double insurance means that two or more policies are effected on the same interest.
138, With piezoelectric crystal inductor, the sensitivity of stopping or missing pick is so high that instant stopping can be effected.
139, Vegetables easily effected affected by ethylene include asparagus, brocoli broccoli, cabbage and cucumbers.
140, It is discussed that adiabatic material, as well as ratio of height and width effected solidification, shrinkage cavity and shrinkage porosity.
141, The distribution of stresses is chiefly effected by philippine Sea Plate and Indian Ocean Plate.
142, Hydrotest report in english for each individual line item. Such hydrotest report must be approved by applicant's shanghai office before shipment effected.
143, American officials say that they are redoing working to reduce visa delate delays that have effected affected foreign science students, researchers and others.
144, Reciprocal cross A cross that tests whether the inheritance of a particular character is effected by the sex of the parent.
145, Third, the independent thought of Confucianism and the naturism of Dao effected deeply the enlightened value of independence.
146, Seizure shall likewise be effected in the country where the unlawful affixation occurred or in the country into which the goods were imported.
147, One part is not effected by Faraday rotation, because of cancellation of rotating angels for two oppositing polarized waves, so it is called as ordinary wave.
148, Under three-dimensional drainage condition, the consolidation of saturated cohesive soil is effected by the shape and size of the loading area on the surface.
149, Color TV Sets shall be on FOB basis, thus the ocean marine cargo insurance on them shall be effected by Party A and Party B respectively.
150, It deeply analyzes composition of noise and its effected factor, and introduces how to measure the signal-to-noise ratio, total harmonic distortion and effective number bits of the ADC.
151, Effected by cold weather of Qinghai-Tibet Platean, Hemicrypotophyte was dominant in life form and had characteristics of type clod-warm coniferous forests.
152, The termination of services was effected pursuant to, and in accordance with, the Acceptable Use Policy.
153, The properties of zein films were effected by freezing storage temperature.
154, Emergency ventilation of an uncuffed tube can be effected by ensuring the inner tube is in place and attaching the manual rebreathing or resuscitation bag.
155, It has been reported that ARF gene expression was not effected by auxin concentration.
156, Heat treatment of immobilized cell and addition of inhibitor allyl alcohol could obviously improve the optical purity of(S)-CHBE,(http:///effected.html) but negatively effected the molar conversion.
157, We have effected marine insurance on your behalf for the gross amount of the invoice plus 10%.
158, Recall might be effected with the consent of the interdictors.
159, All the creatures in Blackscale Sepulcher can now be effected by spells that target undead.
160, Conclusion: Alternanthera philoxeroidesare rich in natural resources and the quality is effected notably by ecological environment.
161, The common goat skin diseases such as goat Demodicidosis, goat Sarcoptidosis, Goatpox and goat Pseudotuberculosis are seriously effected the goats raising in Guizhou.
162, Effected by various factors, the time at different observation station are not all coincide, which leads to errors in the setimation of orbits.
163, In mediaeval commercial law, the mandatory norms of commercial law exist as constructive norms that is aimed at the commercial act and the ethical and moral norms that is effected by canon law.
164, To avoid the direct debit dishonor situation, please do not cancel your old account until after the first successful direct debit from the new account is effected.
165, Presently the problem in electronic map display has effected the use and industrialization develop more and more.
166, During the commercial activities, the successfulness of the events will be directly effected by whether the conversation's discretion is appropriately grasped or not.
167, The formation of virtual anode effected by hollow cathode is investigated at different pressures.
168, The factors effected on the acidolysis of isoflavone in dry paste were also studied.
169, The principal axis effected the moving stability and action accuracy of the R 20 cathode bobbin making machine.
170, During the growth season of summer maize, different treatment had unoriented effect for soil water content because it was effected by frequent rainfall and evaporation.




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