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单词 Autonomy
1 Demonstrators demanded immediate autonomy for their region.
2 Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas.
3 The subsidiary companies will now have more autonomy.
4 If we decentralize, the provinces will have more autonomy.
5 Activists stepped up their demands for local autonomy last month.
6 Teachers are given considerable individual autonomy.
7 They demand self - autonomy for the Palestinians.
8 Schools have gained greater autonomy from government control.
9 She sets a high value on autonomy.
10 Head office is giving the regional offices more autonomy.
11 The six fractious republics are demanding autonomy.
12 The universities are anxious to preserve their autonomy from central government.
13 Each of the area managers enjoys considerable autonomy in the running of his own area.
14 Britain knows it has to preserve Hong Kong's autonomy.
15 Beyond this, however, teachers were given considerable autonomy.
16 Affective autonomy arises out of mutual respect relationships.
17 Personality implies cooperation and personal autonomy.
18 Still others seek autonomy but do not seek creativity.
19 The Basques' progress towards autonomy was sluggish.
20 Foster indicates how commitment to relative autonomy of the political, ideological and economic generates accounts which look very like traditional functionalism.
21 When we deny autonomy to our 10-year-old, are we too guilty of bad faith?
22 Nevertheless, the modern law of contracts tenaciously clings to the liberal ideal of individual autonomy.
23 In both theories, however, the guiding vision and uniting theme remains a fidelity to the liberal ideal of individual autonomy.
24 He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for his nonviolent campaigns for greater autonomy in his homeland.
25 Dare we trust such people ever again with the professional autonomy which they once enjoyed?
26 They included clauses to devolve power by increasing the autonomy and economic power of local councils.
27 It seems to me that there is a sort of dialectic we need to preserve when thinking about autonomy.
28 In the end, the building is a home as well as a set of systems for achieving autonomy.
29 To undertake such intervention, governments needed a degree of independence or autonomy from any particular branch or fraction of capital.
30 Barzani stated that negotiations were continuing with the government for Kurdish autonomy.
1 Demonstrators demanded immediate autonomy for their region.
2 Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas.
3 The subsidiary companies will now have more autonomy.
4 Activists stepped up their demands for local autonomy last month.
5 They demand self - autonomy for the Palestinians.
31 Some ancient nations just wanted greater autonomy within the state.
32 However, they did find that personal service workers tended to give different answers to the questions about autonomy at work.
33 Legal regulation tends to create administrative burdens, resentment and loss of self-esteem through the undermining of professional autonomy.
34 Such a role called for financial autonomy, an independent international civil service, and collaboration between world organizations.
35 It also possesses relative autonomy, however, when they are not.
35 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
36 The 1970s were a period when the parameters of local autonomy enjoyed both by LEAs and schools were discussed.
37 It also reinforced the District's resolve to protect its constitutional autonomy within any approved scheme.
38 Give the group sufficient autonomy to carry out the task.
39 Formation of regional party bloc Five regional autonomy parties moved towards forming a political bloc under the leadership of the Lombardy League.
40 The 1990s is an era in which schools operate with considerable financial autonomy.
41 But in the late 1960s the relative autonomy of the teaching profession over the curriculum came increasingly under attack.
42 To what degree is that positive cycle of challenge and autonomy happening for you in your work now?
43 The concepts inherent in this right are the bedrock upon which the principles of self-determination and individual autonomy are based.
44 Teachers can encourage children to resolve issues themselves and develop autonomy.
45 Establishing network systems, with local autonomy but statewide standards, for service. 4.
46 There are constraints-the courts provide a lot of constraints, for example-but none the less, the e is considerable autonomy in this work.
47 Even the remotest village councils felt their heavy hand, and the municipalities of Chambery and the other towns lost their autonomy.
48 It gave the character limited autonomy, and did what it could to prod Tunney into taking care of the Daine problem.
49 This in turn implies increased autonomy for assessing practitioners resulting perhaps in a new level of autonomy and new systems of accountability.
50 For the Piaroa the social can only be created through the skills and the personal autonomy of individuals.
51 In the Tokugawa period it enjoyed some autonomy, and was permitted a certain degree of self-reliance and self-government.
52 It means simply freedom from coercion by others and it is achieved when a sphere of private autonomy is created.
53 The principle of individual user autonomy was sacrosanct in the day centres generally and the Contact group in particular.
54 Move to Autonomy: Setting Limits Children who receive affection and messages of acceptance are likely to feel secure.
55 Students' personal autonomy can not be guaranteed even by the best curriculum in the world.
56 By contrast the Interior Minister, Pierre Joxe, advocated greater internal autonomy.
57 Choice programs in schools typically have greater flexibility and autonomy than are found in traditional comprehensive high schools.
58 It is not just because of their greater autonomy that discretion in both senses is very important to neighbourhood police.
59 Hierarchies implement decisions that are made by those in authority; the market gives more autonomy to individual agents.
60 It was killed by the regional autonomy legislation of 1946.
61 The judges were looking for books that challenged pupils to get to grips with big concepts while giving teachers autonomy and flexibility.
62 The peak associations have some autonomy from the state, but they are supposed to work together for common national interests.
63 These boards and commissions had varying amounts of autonomy from city departments and the public officials who appointed them.
64 Giving autonomy to the local sensors and muscles, to make their own decisions, can be dangerous.
65 The region's agitation for autonomy could tear the country apart.
66 The deal was described as an alliance, and Crocker was allowed complete autonomy.
67 Congregations may belong to a Union of Baptist Churches, but each has considerable autonomy.
68 Professionals, in contrast to members of other occupations, claim and are often accorded complete autonomy in their work.
69 The notion of relative autonomy raises the question of the limits within which the state's autonomy may vary.
70 First, the relative autonomy of railway management means that the assessment of its performance by outside authorities is problematic.
71 Although people occasionally discussed questions of local autonomy in private, they rarely raised them, even obliquely, in public.
72 Rather, we claim, it is the political objective of removing local government's autonomy that is at issue.
73 Mission-driven budgets give managers the autonomy they need to respond to changing circumstances.
74 In such occupations autonomy is cherished as a means of adapting to an uncertain environment.
75 Nor would the dispute be of any great interest, because the explanatory role allotted to individual autonomy is so minimal.
76 Being in employment had given these women personal confidence, a sense of independence, autonomy and pride.
77 They also enjoyed a distinct autonomy from the Lords, the King, and the Ministers of the Crown.
78 Apparently, then, Hegel is extending a notion of full autonomy to the sphere of love-making.
79 As will be seen, autonomy in water supply and sewage were added later in the design.
80 Their belief in individual autonomy is such that even children are not required to obey their elders.
81 Educators want to develop autonomy in those who pass through.
82 The document stated that Kurdish cultural rights were to be recognized and that Kurdish regions would enjoy increased autonomy in local government.
83 Such a general concept was to be provided by Althusser's theory of relative autonomy within a structure in dominance.
84 Covering is the response of officials enjoying substantial autonomy to efforts at organizational control.
85 Each company is given considerable autonomy so it can know and respond to local markets.
86 No longer is the concern a simple alternative - local autonomy or centralisation.
87 The Catalans have also achieved a tremendously high level of autonomy.
88 The central axis of their variation is their degree of autonomy.
89 The first is associated with the state's need for autonomy from society.
90 We live in a knowledge-based economy, in which educated workers bridle at commands and demand autonomy.
91 Even those who retain a degree of autonomy over their work agreed that marketing is increasingly controlled by more powerful interests.
92 The only form of constitutional arrangements which socialist states took seriously after 1917 were formulas for national federation and autonomy.
93 It is clear that those who seek autonomy may also seek opportunities to be creative.
94 This intervention has the effect both of undermining managerial autonomy and of weakening the coherence of political control by blurring objectives.
95 They have already lost a great deal of the autonomy and self-determination they possessed under the Stormont regime.
95 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
96 An agreement on Kurdish autonomy would bring the Kurds back to their towns and villages, rendering a western military presence superfluous.
97 Their criteria of personal responsibility enjoy the fluidity necessary to achieve social policies rather than the rigour demanded by respect for individual autonomy.
98 If anorexia is about identity in general, it is also specifically and most importantly about autonomy.
99 The relative autonomy of law has to be constantly maintained by successful working-class mobilization into politics and the labour movement.
100 Measures affecting higher education saw the universities granted greater autonomy in running their own affairs.
101 We must also examine critically the notion that individual practitioners enjoy an autonomy which is somehow derived from that of the collectivity.
102 Others seek autonomy and believe unquestionably that they are creative.
103 Nevertheless(), cinema ultimately retains a relative autonomy in Levin's tribute.
104 Abandoning the commitment to full employment would restore autonomy to the centre.
105 Five years ago, it began to give more autonomy to its parts subsidiary, Acustar.
106 More specifically, Weber envisaged state bureaucrats as of key importance in creating this autonomy.
107 There were further difficulties within most of the republics stemming from demands for local autonomy or even independence.
108 The net effect of these measures has been to give greater autonomy to the central government.
109 In the long run the centralist traditions were to win the race against all hopes for some measure of local autonomy.
110 Could standards be preserved at the same time as giving institutions greater autonomy?
111 The function of this sentiment is likewise to preserve the autonomy of science ....
112 Interfering with or preventing children from developing cognitive autonomy discourages their efforts to learn how to learn.
113 The law would grant indigenous communities significant autonomy in the way they run their communities.
114 Editorial offices had the right of complete economic and financial autonomy.
115 However, a consequence of this autonomy is their responsibility for seeing that housework gets done.
116 The regional autonomy parties continued to make gains in the north, but won only 2.5 percent of the overall vote.
117 Maybe I made a mistake in creating a rigid opposition between marriage and autonomy.
118 The Tucayana demands included the cancellation of the Kourou accord and autonomy for Amerindian areas in the interior.
119 If the scientists could not retain their scientific autonomy, Oppenheimer told Washington, some would refuse to join the project.
120 As soon as a contract becomes legally binding, performance ceases to be optional, thereby curtailing individual autonomy.
121 He has acquired an autonomy and influence staggering even by the standards of a country where anomalies are institutionalised.
122 But those are ceremonial events in which citizens reaffirm their surrender of sovereignty and their carelessness of their personal autonomy.
123 These changes have created conflicts and tensions such as between old and new technological trajectories and between national autonomy and international co-operation.
124 Formerly the universities were granted considerable day-to-day autonomy within a legal framework shaped byu the state.
125 It would appear that Great Britain ranks next to the United States in degree of local autonomy.
126 Mechanization has increased the autonomy of the agricultural worker and has rendered close supervision difficult, if not impossible.
127 Stax got $ 6 million up front as a quasi loan / advance and retained creative autonomy.
128 The relevance of autonomy for cognitive development is further elaborated in Chapter 8.
129 Even during the period of its greatest political autonomy, Mormonism constituted only a partial or semi-Asiatic society.
130 The message promised that the agency would retain its name, autonomy and management while giving the firm worldwide capabilities.
131 It allows us complete financial autonomy, it establishes Hong Kong as a separate customs territory. The Basic Law guarantees the independence of our judiciary.
132 These provisions reflect the principles of sovereignty, equity, autonomy and respect of international conventions and practices.
133 The third chapter deeply analyzes the problems to hider the development of community autonomy in the present stage in changshou road.
134 On the basis of the principle of will autonomy, the author tries to discuss some issues of Statutory Succession and thinks that decedent's will must be fully respected.
135 Flexible working gives you a degree of autonomy, and autonomy is a vital ingredient for self-fulfilment.
136 Civil litigants' jus disponendi originated from the principle of autonomy of private law in civil substantive law. It is a procedural right through the public law reform of procedural law.
137 So Korea did not obtain the tariff autonomy until the trade treaty signed between Korean and America in 1882.
138 Self-access language learning is an approach to foster students' autonomy in foreign language learning.
139 The lexicalization of verb-object construction is the result of the autonomy of verb or object weakening.
140 The theory holds that well-being depends in large part on meeting one's basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness.
141 We believe in autonomy and decentralisation, but centralise a few core values.
142 This environment emphasizes the learning process and ecological niche differentiation in learners' professional development, thus enhancing autonomy in professional development.
143 This model generalizes grid middleware and functional equivalence services, and it can meet the need of real-time transaction in Grid Environment such as autonomy, heterogeneous, dynamic and so on.
144 Another was system designation of parliamentarism, cabinet sys tem and province autonomy system which would be practised in constitutional government period.
145 The arrangements accepted in this Agreement are without prejudice to the financial autonomy now vested in the Federated Shan States.
146 The results indicate that the metacognitive strategy teaching is significant in developing learner autonomy, which shows prominent pros-pectin foreign language teaching.
147 These balancing acts help Agile teams achieve and sustain three conditions of self-organization [7] - autonomy, cross-fertilization, and self-transcendence - respectively.
148 The action course of the moral-internalization law embodies the unity of heteronomy and autonomy, the unity of passivity and activity as well as experience a series of phases?
149 Mobile Agent is a new-style Agent technique, which is of excellent characters of intelligence, cooperation, reaction, autonomy and mobility etc.
150 In the proposed model, MAS was employed to solve the problem of presenting autonomy and whole emergence, and the technique of simulation was employed to present randomicity.
151 Moral need, which is unique to humanity, is indeed one of the fundamental human needs and the ground for the change from moral heteronomy to moral autonomy.
152 Data grid is an architecture of efficient distributed data management. There are many differences between distributed query processing in data grid and others, such as site autonomy.
153 The autonomy, deterrent force, anti- jamming and reliability are several important problems for the design of radar seekers of antiaircraft missile.
154 Instead, he and his party favour "autonomy"—that Quebec should stay in Canada but with increased powers.
155 Because that the self-government organizations have gotten into the development predicament, their autonomous function have been restrained seriously,(http:///autonomy.html) which stop the process of community autonomy.
156 The heterogeneity and autonomy make the task of ensuring global serializability in a MDBS environment difficult.
157 Kohlberg called heteronomy and autonomy two moral types in moral development. His moral typology was the important development of his late theory.
158 Autonomy is the desire and ability to achieve their reasonable goal by depending on one's own strengths, which consists of three dimensions: self-reliance, self-control and self-assertion.
159 Any claims on higher education autonomy at the cost of these elements should be declared as fata morgana.
160 It allows us complete financial autonomy, and independence of our monetary system.
161 So, can find out , the difficulty that what modern China is in order to recover tariff autonomy !
162 The autonomy(temporal and spatial variable) expression mode of the system latent function was refined, and the concept of role autonomous decentralized system was defined.
163 Activity list guided study "refers to the "activity list" as a medium to guide students in the "activities" in the autonomy, cooperative learning, the process of achieving teaching goals.
164 As a quasi-synchronous strategy, index-based checkpointing algorithms have the autonomy similar to asynchronous strategy, while it is domino-effect free as same as the synchronous way.
165 The foreign currency caution money business inspection pattern is to take that USA is to represent government inspection and United Kingdom as the inspection representing an autonomy mainly.
166 Beginning with God's autonomy, self-existence, and authoritative self-revelation, many of the old Reformed theologians were at war with modernity from the start.
167 The "predomination" is one of the important diplomatic policy after Chinese liberation with the principle of "independence and autonomy".
168 It allows us complete financial autonomy, and the independence of our monetary system.
169 This thesis takes the combination of "the autonomy" theory and "the heteronomy" theory as its main thread with due attention to the analysis of the literature history viewpoint of Russia Formalism.
170 The notion of civil law is the supreme value and tenet of civil law , which includes sacrosanctity of private right and autonomy of private law .
171 Indeed, the concept of "like products" is located at the center field of the endless battle between the two masters of international trade law—freer trade and national regulatory autonomy.
172 The ethical principles of non- maleficence and beneficence might be used as justification for overriding her autonomy.
173 Among others policies as one type of programmed decision's bases include contingent space, and encourage autonomy and creativity.
174 Financial autonomy is the material basis of economic autonomy and financial guarantee of national regional autonomy.
175 Evolution of Chinese national financial system reveals that in reforming financial system, financial autonomy was not put much emphasis on, which was caused by a series of false understandings.
176 In 1994, ADPC joined NSA. Glisan says the move gave ADPC national scope, without sacrificing the firm's autonomy.
177 The autonomy of the will of arbitration is not absolute. The contract of arbitration must be limited by the national law and many other items which can be arbitrated .
178 The way to build a completely new system of neighborhood committee autonomy is to start with solving its role conflicts and research on its reform in order to build a public relation system.
179 The loss of Chinese modern tariff autonomy and the agreed tariff which the big imperialist forced on Qing government were the direct reason for the situation's forming .
180 Rutherglen has always striven to maintain some autonomy since it was absorbed by Glasgow in the 1970s.
181 In actual morality construction, emphasizing heteronomous morality, autonomous morality, or morality of no - heteronomy - and - autonomy are all worth criticizing.
182 If you are quick to feel controlled, the pressure to meet deadlines can be tantamount to losing your autonomy.
183 The basic connotation of the idea of private law contains sacred private right, equal personality and autonomy in private law.
184 The success of the strategy on the development of western China must be guaranteed by legislation. The power of financial autonomy must be compatible with law.
185 To implement university non-administration reformation(/autonomy.html), the first thing is to realize its autonomy and monocracy.
186 They possess the autonomy of setting up foreign trade ports and developing frontier trade, and they enjoy the trade management autonomy from state preferential policy.
187 Local financial autonomy is the basis of local self-government contents, and local governments to issue debts are an important content of local financial autonomy.
188 A town's own militia stood ready to defend it against threats to its politico-economic autonomy.
189 This thesis examines two key components of learner autonomy, namely students' initiative and teachers' mediatorial role.
190 The cultivation of individual honesty is the subjective activities which the individual cultivates his honest personality and realizes the convert of the norm of honesty from heteronomy to autonomy.
191 The HKSAR has full autonomy in the conduct of its external commercial relations.
192 Results Antiarrhythmic effect of COE may be related to its prolongation of action potential duration, increase of the absolute value of resting potential and a decrease of autonomy of sinus node.
193 The fundamental issue on which formal linguistics differs from functional linguistics is the autonomy thesis.
194 Subsequently lost all autonomy, subject to the House of Anjou who ruled the territory from 1245 until 1482, when the region fell under the rule of King Louis XI of France, being annexed in 1486.
195 The Swiss were divided between "Republicans" who were in favour of a centralised government, and "Federalist" who wanted to restore autonomy to the cantons.
196 We don't refer--we have no reason to refer, - if we respect the autonomy of the poem as such, we don't refer-- we don't appeal to an authorial intention.
197 As a member country of WTO, China has to transfer part of its state sovereignty in tariff autonomy, jurisdiction, policy decision of economy and so on.
198 Ms Martin's dementia interferes with her insight and it may be considered acceptable to override her autonomy by reference to the principle of non- maleficence - the requirement to prevent harm.
199 Moral heteronomy provides moral action modes as well as moral evaluation mechanism, while moral autonomy changes extrinsic restraints into subjects′ intrinsic moral needs and pursuit.
200 Univesity autonomy, as one of the senior education system, derived from academic freedom, can be looked on as institutional safeguard to academic freedom.
201 They retain considerable autonomy and power, and have a self-interested reason to manipulate economic statistics.
202 People evaluate their job from various aspects, one of which is job autonomy and refers to job content and job atmosphere.
203 The relative autonomy of regional security constitutes a pattern of international security relations radically different form the rigid structure of superpower bipolarity that defined the Cold War.
204 The principle of autonomy indicates that rational individuals should be permitted to be self-determining. Respecting patients' autonomy has been considered as the basis of health care.
205 Overall foundation weak, the internal management autonomy deficiency, organization mode and government departments isomorphism is our country sports community existing main problems.
206 Inspection and the autonomy oversee appropriate union only when with the government, ability ensures that foreign currency caution money trading market health, stability develop.
207 Self-administration, the administrative system at the village level established by the state legislation, emphasizes the right to autonomy of villagers granted by the authority of law.
208 Some advice for Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch: You can obfuscate about what is said in a private conversation.
209 Through a solemn act of law, the Central People's Government has granted Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy, unparalleled anywhere in the world.
210 The ethnic educational financial autonomy and the improvement of present situation of ethnic education in ethnic autonomy regions should be guaranteed by the making of law.
211 It consists of autonomy, inherent regulation or law of literature itself, and heteronomy, all kinds of the relations and fabrics of society.
212 Rarely did cross-dressing begin in adulthood, but as they grew older and had greater autonomy, they were able to cross-dress more completely and more frequently.
213 As I became an adult, the freedom and autonomy I felt in my relationships helped me understand my self-worth as an individual, separate from my partners.
214 Civil execution reconciliation system is used to achieve the privacy autonomy, lower costs, as well as to ease the confrontation between the parties and "the difficulty in enforcement procedure".
215 The traditional standard is established on the ground of the principle of party autonomy and principle of privity in arbitration contract.
216 Access to quality physical rehabilitation services is key for persons with disabilities to gain autonomy and access to daily life activities.
217 Secondly, explores how autonomy or self-determined study motivation influences academic procrastination.




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