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单词 Landmark
1. The tower was once a landmark for ships.
2. Marble Arch is a famous London landmark.
3. The Ambassador Hotel is a Los Angeles landmark.
4. There was a conspicuous landmark ahead.
5. The farthest landmark visible is about 30km away.
6. The Russian Revolution represents a landmark in world history.
7. The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark .
8. The Supreme Court issued a landmark decision in January 2001.
9. In a landmark decision, the court agreed to hear evidence from twenty years earlier.
10. The film is an important landmark in the history of the cinema.
11. In a landmark case/decision, the Governor pardoned a woman convicted of killing her husband, who had physically abused her.
12. The talks went down as a landmark in the peace process.
13. The ceasefire was seen as a major landmark in the fight against terrorism.
14. The Empire State Building is a familiar landmark on the New York skyline.
15. The invention of the silicon chip was a landmark in the history of the computer.
16. The discovery of penicillin was a landmark in the history of medicine.
17. The Empire State Building is a famous landmark on the New York skyline.
18. The Washington Monument is a popular historical landmark.
19. The Lords ruling was hailed as a landmark by tax practitioners around the country.
20. Early results from the landmark trial were first released six months ago to great fanfare.
21. A landmark endures because it is timeless(), adaptable to the ever-changing needs of society.
22. The Bidston Dock cranes have been a Birkenhead landmark for many years.
23. There are efforts under way to designate the bridge a historic landmark.
24. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an instantly recognizable landmark.
25. This splendid if extraordinary erection from the last century is a local landmark.
26. Against this background, the first book devoted exclusively to this exciting and topical subject should be a significant landmark.
27. Downtown News editorial staff a behind-the-scenes look at what will be a major new local landmark.
28. To a sports fanatic like me, the Maracana would be as important a landmark as Sugar Loaf Mountain.
28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
29. The competition brief called for a tower to act primarily as a landmark.
30. It was a heavy snowfall and by morning even the most prominent landmark was disguised beneath a thick covering of snow.
1. The tower was once a landmark for ships.
2. Marble Arch is a famous London landmark.
3. The Ambassador Hotel is a Los Angeles landmark.
4. There was a conspicuous landmark ahead.
5. There are efforts under way to designate the bridge a historic landmark.
6. The Russian Revolution represents a landmark in world history.
31. In 1759 a small landmark in the history of Tyburn occurred.
32. Glasgow certainly needs a modern landmark - something to deflect the eye from the miserable tower blocks of the 1960s.
33. He looked down at London, searching for the tall familiar landmark, his eyes glazed but still seeing.
34. A landmark on the Waxholme/Withernsea road is the old Black Mill, and has been so for many generations.
35. Ben Elissar shared the landmark diplomatic twist with dinner guests last Friday.
36. It was the same with Cornelius, another great landmark in the spread of the gospel in Acts.
37. Washington the home town and Washington the historic landmark are physically the same but logistically, legally and pragmatically separate entities.
38. Almost painfully avant-garde in style, it nevertheless remains a landmark in post-Soviet literature.
39. Elisabeth stopped at the old peat barge, the single landmark on an otherwise featureless wilderness.
40. Select a local landmark on a 250,000 scale map and draw in the correct quadrant.
41. By nature the malais were heavily into festivals, and this was a landmark in the history of their presence.
42. Reunion Tower, a downtown landmark, looks like a giant, electric golf ball on 50-story tee.
43. This new drug is a landmark in the treatment of cancer.
44. Another, on his first bus journey, noted down the name of a shop as a landmark for the return trip.
45. Since its landmark 1978 decision in the Bakke reverse-discrimination case, the court has been trying to answer those questions.
46. Kay said the ruling violates the Fourteenth Amendment, and could affect landmark rulings on reproductive rights.
47. They organized quickly, and had the Tiradito Wishing Shrine declared a national historic landmark.
48. The 6-3 ruling was hailed by gay activists as a landmark in homosexual rights.
49. In a landmark decision, the U. S. Supreme Court disagreed.
50. It would neither be the subject of uninformed scandal, nor slated to become a national historic landmark in our city.
51. Together, they won a landmark union contract for better pay and working conditions.
52. She had the Monument built on top of the hill so everyone could see it as a landmark.
53. The only obvious landmark in north London was Alexandra Palace.
54. Their craggy Nab, poised above the Tees estuary, was as proud a landmark as neighbouring Roseberry Topping.
55. Hospital goes: A familiar landmark in Hartlepool has been reduced to a pile of rubble by bulldozers.
56. Towering over East Main Street, the elegant nine-story landmark has been plagued by financial instability since it opened in 1925.
57. Washington the landmark is mostly white, affluent, politically connected and frightened by the violence of the home town.
58. In about 60 days the Port will invite developers to make proposals for this landmark structure. 7.
58. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
59. Our man at the Yard Historic landmark buildings loom large in Geoff Lewry's life.
60. Getting my first part in a movie was a major landmark in my life.
61. Several venture capital funds, former owners and other real estate developers reportedly have shown interest in the landmark.
62. It begins with Proposition 13, the landmark 1978 initiative that froze property tax rates.
63. Another listed building is the fine windmill which stands on the hill above the village and makes an outstanding local landmark.
64. His move secures the 14 jobs at the site and keeps the famous A3 landmark alive.
65. For he is responsible for maintaining the sophisticated plumbing system inside the famous landmark.
66. They went to Cartier's in the Landmark, the black and gold shopping mall for the extremely wealthy.
67. Southwestern University School of Law purchased and restored the landmark in 1994.
68. Although Qian was noncommittal about early normalization of bilateral relations, the meeting itself was unprecedented, and a landmark.
69. The giant cross has become a familiar landmark to generations of San Franciscans.
70. A combination of impeccable service, lavishly decorated public rooms and fine cuisine make the St. Francis a landmark in itself.
71. She paused by the old flour mill, another landmark of her childhood.
72. Often there are other organisations, such as the Landmark Trust or civic societies, capable of coming to the rescue.
73. A popular rendezvous and a familiar landmark with its prominent clock tower.
74. At first Joshua took an interest in their route, peering into the gathering darkness in an attempt to identify some landmark.
75. The island looms larger until we sight its famous landmark, the Abbey - grey, formidable(), not at all picturesque.
76. Even in today's greatly changed urban landscape, the K ppersm hle in Duisburg is still a striking city landmark.
77. "Phantasma Gloria" has become a local landmark.
78. But in Carmichael's speeches and in his landmark 1967 book, Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America, he persuasively argued that the term implied black inferiority.
79. The promulgation of the Law of Right in Rem is of landmark significance for the improvement of the human rights protection system in China.
80. It may not seem like a landmark, as important to architectural history as the Louvre or New York's Woolworth Building. But it is.
81. Triptych, 1976, is without question one of the most important works in Bacon's oeuvre and a landmark of the 20th century canon.
82. The present embassy, a Modernist landmark by Eero Saarinen, is still regarded skeptically by critics.
83. But the landmark could quickly be overshadowed by divisions in the Church over the Bible and sexuality throughout world Anglicanism.
84. Years are a landmark of development and also a new jumping-off point.
85. US President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev are due to sign a landmark nuclear arms treaty in the Czech capital Prague.
86. Trajectory is the focus of spatial relation, and the spatial expression, which is used to describe the spatial position of the trajectory, consists of localizer and landmark.
87. It's a "landmark trial, " says gastroenterologist David Kerman, MD, assistant professor of clinical medicine at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, who was not involved in the study.
88. More than a decade ago, when Bill Clinton occupied the White House, he pushed through the landmark North American Free Trade Agreement, which linked the fortunes of Mexico and the United States.
88. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
89. Based on invariance of the cross-ratio in projective transformation, this paper designed a gray artificial landmark for vision-based recognition by shape information.
90. That allowed the yuan to trade on the over-the-counter market at 6.3938 to the dollar, its strongest intraday level since China's landmark currency reform in 1994.
91. DECADE AGO, THE DEPARTMENT of Justice filed its landmark antitrust case against Microsoft.
92. A useful landmark are the paired arteries that arise from the aorta caudal to the kidney, the coeliac and cranial mesenteric arteries.
93. The neoclassic design, with its six tall Corinthian columns and sculptured pediment, is the famous building known around the world today that NYSE still occupies, and is a National Historic Landmark.
94. Most were published in the landmark collection Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems (1820).
95. Spatial metaphors are image-schematic and they can be reasoned and analyzed with the parameters trajector, landmark and path.
96. Tradition wants the walker, en passant in front of a cairn, to add a stone, his stone, to enrich the landmark.
97. Rights guaranteed by the landmark Criminal Procedure Law of 1996, such as timely access to counsel and exculpatory evidence, are often denied or simply ignored.
98. This appendix proved to be one of the foundations of non-Euclidean geometry; it was a mathematical landmark worth far more than anything else in the book.
99. On August 25, 2004, the launch of the Shanghai fuel oil futures was a landmark in the process of Sinic petroleum market finance's development.
100. at work will be awarded compensation, the state workers' welfare agency said in a landmark ruling which acknowledged her suffering amounted to a work-related injury.
101. Results: Dissection of mesenteric vessels, lymphadenectomy, and identification of the surgical plane were guided by the landmark of the superior mesenteric vein (SMV).
102. Ensured implementation of the landmark Ticket to Work program, which modernized the employment services system for people with disabilities.
103. But architects, not necessarily foreign architects, want to make one statement, one eye-catching landmark that can't benefit society.
104. In October, visitors can enjoy the view from the 100th floor of the International Commerce Center, Hong Kong's newest landmark.
105. The Sydney Opera House has become, with the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney's best-known landmark and international symbol.
106. The Kremlin's most conspicuous landmark is the bell tower of Ivan the Great.
107. The PC point was an important surgical landmark in planning the surgical strategy for treating infracallosal distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysms.
108. A half-century later, it standsas a landmark of peaceful cooperation, demilitarization, and shared governanceamong the 47 countries that have signed.
109. China in October launched a landmark reform that formalised the transfer of land use rights by farmers, and has urged banks to provide easier funding.
110. It symbolized the Zhenwei Group has an important stride in the rode of multiplicate development, has the meaning of landmark.
111. Most people think of this London landmark as Big Ben, but Big Ben is actually the name of the largest bell inside this pendulum clock.
112. "Farewell to My Concubine" is a powerful film ... a landmark ...It successfully merges the commercialism of HK moviedom with the artistic purity of China's "Fifth-generation" directors.
113. Just south of Tiananmen, one landmark stands as a symbol of Deng's bold open-door policy.
114. The landmark hotel, where famed wit Dorothy Parker and fellow literary lights at the Round Table imbibed , offers a $10,000 martini, complete with a loose diamond at the bottom.
115. The more you select an element, the more interesting it becomes, until it becomes a bold-faced landmark.
116. Aim:To seek the landmark of bony semicircular canal and inner lymph sac.
117. Poached pears in curried cream. It was pleasantly disorienting, like being momentarily lost in a foreign city and regaining one's bearings at the sight of a familiar landmark.
118. Saint Joseph's Oratory sits atop Mount Royal,[] a landmark park that offers panoramic views of the city.
119. A major bridge in Baghdad that spans the Tigris River reopened Tuesday with much fanfare, 13 months after terrorists bombed the landmark and killed more than 10 people.
120. A joint team of reservoir engineers and geoscientists was formed from KOC's West Kuwait Asset Team and Halliburton's Landmark group.
121. The new Broadcasting Headquarters will serve as a distinct landmark connected with surrounding public amenities to create a dynamic backdrop to Centum City's seaport.
122. It may not seem like a landmark, as important to architectural history as the Louvre or New York's Woolworth Building.
123. This approach with a certain landmark, it directly with a visible symbol of the culture on display in the clothing so that it will have a marked feature of Chinese cultural rites.
124. The Edmund Pettus Bridge carries far more than the traffic of U.S. Route 80 over the Alabama River: It carries the memory of a crucial day and a major landmark in the civil rights movement.
125. Perineural vascular plexus as a landmark for identification of the facial nerve in surgery were observed to assess the utility.
126. As a landmark building of the airport, the tropical fish-like terminal is being installed with glass curtain wall.
127. The azimuth error is one of the main error sources of dead reckoning. The method is very effective that make use of landmark to improve the accuracy of azimuth alignment.
128. She said it was striking that the public were even more concerned about climate change than in the runup to the landmark Copenhagen summit on climate change in late 2009.
129. An Art Nou-veau classic built in 1912, and turned into a military department store by the Soviets, it was the first major Moscow landmark demolished by Luzhkov, in 2003.
130. Viewed by some as a landmark, the study is one of the few rigorous looks in the past 40 years at a hallucinogen's effects.
131. Twitter spokesperson Carolyn Penner aptly pointed out in response to our inquiry about the landmark, "If only I had a nickel for every Tweet. I'd be a billionaire."
132. 'The year 2008 will be a landmark year for the development of the space industry,' Ivanov said. He said the construction of a new space center in Russia's Far East must start this year.
133. Conclusion:Safe scope could be acquired in endoscopic transnasal surgery in pterygopalatine fossa and foramen rotundum could be thought as an important landmark.
134. Controversial sexologist Li Yinhe hailed it as "a landmark event" and "historical progress" on her blog.
135. In 1889 Yeats met his great love, Maud Gonne (1866-1953), an actress and Irish revolutionary who became a major landmark in his life and imagination.
136. The archaeologists from the University of Birmingham and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection in Vienna have been surveying the subsurface at the landmark since summer 2010.
137. In the harbor sits Denmark’s best-known landmark: the Little Mermaid.
138. This landmark work was the basis for the later publication of Luther's German Bible, Tyndale's English Bible, and the King James Version.
139. This landmark tower will be the first building in the UK to break the 1000 foot barrier. It will be nearly twice the height of the Gherkin, and one of the tallest buildings in Europe.
140. In addition, landmark neurologic research also appears in general medicine journals such as The New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association.
141. Chinese Village: Taitou, Shantung Province is one important ethnographical work about rural society in North China. It is a landmark work as Golden Wing in the early anthropological study in China.
142. It was the first movie by Welles, who bucked studio and storytelling conventions to craft a landmark film about the rise and fall of a William Randolph Hearst-like newspaper publisher.
143. In May a landmark genome analysis determined that humans most likely interbred with Neanderthals, and that as much as 4% of the modern human genome seems to be from Neanderthals.
144. Conclusion Taking THB as a landmark to locate the blood vessels and nerve surrounding THB would be beneficial for dealing with the operation on neck.
145. Landmark peaks including the Annapurna South and the Hiunchuli can be seen in the spectacular images which took hours to capture and expose.
146. Democrats in the United States Senate say they've secured the votes they needed to begin a full debate on a landmark health bill.
147. With these landmark events, the evolution of national cosmonautics entered the history of mankind.
148. Leaf-shaped openings in the fa?ade give the building a strong identity with landmark potential, while complying with the necessity for discreetness with respect to visibility from the outside.
148. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
149. The KNN Media Center is a new landmark broadcast headquarters and cultural media facility located in Busan's Centum City.
150. Objective To provide anatomical data for the clinical operation on neck to locate the acroteric vascular nerves of the tip of the greater horn of hyoid bone(THB) with taking THB as a landmark.
151. Buckingham Palace --- The Imperial Palace is the Queen City of London's most striking landmark in this view can be a day Guards the Guard ceremony.
152. From cover to cover this landmark work studies everything from the history of Chinese silver to its forms and makers.
153. Since the inception of cryosurgery in 1850, landmark had been made in the sophisticated cryosurgical devices now.
154. Occupying a landmark row house, the inn has four bedrooms, an extensive library and a living room filled with DVDs, board games and puzzles.
155. The landmark Cosmos collection of 1964, with tunic and hose for both men and women, was a confident statement about unisex clothing.
156. Hagia Sophia is the great architectural landmark at the heart of Istanbul, with its four minarets poised like moon-bound rockets.
157. Still, the water Tuesday was high enough to flood the city's landmark St. Mark's Square and other low-lying areas.




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