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单词 Fraction
1 She spends only a fraction of her earnings.
2 Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article.
3 The car missed me by a fraction of an inch.
4 A mere fraction of available wind energy is currently utilized.
5 She hesitated for a fraction of a second before responding.
6 The car stopped within a fraction of an inch of the wall.
7 I got these shoes at a fraction of the original price.
8 She hesitated for the merest fraction of a second.
9 The cost is only a fraction of his salary.
10 Could you move a fraction closer?
11 I opened my eyes just a fraction.
12 3/2 is an improper fraction.
13 Express 25% as a fraction.
14 She paused for a fraction of a second.
15 Only a fraction of my friends have video recorder.
16 The goods will be sold for a fraction of their value in order to discharge the debt.
17 Most humans only use a fraction of their total useful brainpower.
18 If he'd reacted a fraction of a second later(),[] he would surely have died.
19 Why not grow your own fruit at a fraction of the price?
20 The fraction was then multiplied by 100 and rounded to the nearest half or whole number.
21 Only a small fraction of a bank's total deposits will be withdrawn at any one time.
22 The house was sold for only a fraction of its true value.
23 11/8 is an improper fraction, equivalent to one and three-eighths.
24 The average income is high, though many people earn just a fraction of that average.
25 The first step is to rationalize the denominator of a fraction.
26 The new system can trace a phone call in a fraction of a second.
27 Reputable charities spend the lion's share of donations on aid and a tiny fraction on administration.
28 Although sexual and violent crimes have increased by 10%, they remain only a tiny/small fraction of the total number of crimes committed each year.
29 He does not like the new governess by a fraction.
30 If you would kindly move your posterior just a fraction to the right, I might get by.
1 She spends only a fraction of her earnings.
2 Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article.
3 The car missed me by a fraction of an inch.
4 A mere fraction of available wind energy is currently utilized.
5 She hesitated for a fraction of a second before responding.
6 I got these shoes at a fraction of the original price.
7 The cost is only a fraction of his salary.
8 He does not like the new governess by a fraction.
31 A second-hand car costs a fraction of a new one.
32 If a stranger stops you, just wind the window down a fraction.
33 A muscle tensed a fraction in his jaw.
34 Of those, only a fraction are granted relief.
35 The mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 46%.
36 But this fraction is the most creative,[http:///fraction.html] he says.
37 Leave the inner tent door open a fraction, even if you don't have mesh.
38 As you can see from Table 16.2, they account for a tiny fraction of total assets.
39 A useful approach was proposed by Schulz who suggested that a cumulative mass fraction be plotted against the molar mass.
40 Last night was a light easterly - might have checked the ebb a fraction, but not enough to matter.
41 Import prices rise and since imports are a large fraction of consumption, the consumer price index rises right along with imports.
42 Down there, it encountered the large fraction of the planet that is still molten, and began to crowd it.
43 The demand for such babies is so high that some adoption agencies have difficulty meeting even a fraction of it.
44 The bags are required by law to inflate in a fraction of a second, fueled by hot gases.
45 By 1920 the fraction of eighteen-to twenty-one-year-olds in college had doubled to 8 percent.
46 On impulse she hurried down the corridor to her daughter's room and carefully opened the door a fraction.
47 Immunohistochemical studies have shown that the IgG cell fraction is increased up to 30 times, depending on the severity of the lesion.
48 Contractor recordable and lost time accident rates were also a fraction of the industry average.
49 To undertake such intervention, governments needed a degree of independence or autonomy from any particular branch or fraction of capital.
50 A mere fraction of the population shared in the cultural revolution.
51 Forty thousand cases of assault against children were reported last year, believed to be only a fraction of the real total.
52 But over a substantial fraction of the wake width, turbulent and non-turbulent motion alternate.
53 Even fraction of a second, the optical density of the nucleus is measured and stored in the computer's memory.
54 Otherwise a decreasing fraction of the flow would be turbulent, and, for example, self-preservation could not occur.
55 Raise the leg a fraction higher and repeat this tiny movement 15 times, holding each raise for 1 second.
56 Its area is a tiny fraction of that occupied by the 21 hostile Arab states.
57 It is good to recall that astronomers cover only a tiny fraction of the sky at any time.
58 The binding is reversible so that factors that decrease the protein concentration will increase the ionized fraction of calcium in the blood.
59 For a fraction of an instant I thought I had ceased to exist myself.
60 Each has gone beyond serving a few dozen students, although they still reach only a fraction of the total student population.
61 The relationship of these metals with other elements in the colloidal fraction is also investigated.
62 In this nascent electronic marketplace only an infinitesimal fraction of business transactions are currently handled on the I-way.
63 In the main, the holders of cultural capital can be regarded as the dominated fraction of the dominant class.
64 At one extreme, Murdoch employs a small fraction of the 6,000 production workers he had in Fleet Street.
65 Most humans use only a small fraction of their total useful brainpower. 8.
66 The microsomal fraction of the Parenchymal cell is responsible for the conjugation of bilirubin.
66 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
67 Similarly, patients with low serum albumen due to any cause will have a higher unbound drug fraction.
68 Culley waited for the spasm to pass, and loosened his hold a fraction.
69 Admittedly, this sum is but a fraction of money allocated for career development this year.
70 He stopped outside the kitchen door and carefully cracked it open a fraction - and looked straight into Jane's wide eyes.
71 This would allow for a vertical movement of a fraction of an inch at each level without breaking the seal.
72 To illustrate the partial fraction method, suppose that the inverse Laplace transform of the simple function is needed.
73 I believe that music-lovers are deluded when they claim to find artistic pleasure in any but a fraction of this music.
74 A single township would contain no more than a fraction of the estates of a nobleman or other great landowner.
75 However, both categories represent a small fraction of the population.
76 The fraction of cells in S phase did not differ significantly between the groups.
77 After 4 months, cardiac function was reassessed: fractional shortening and ejection fraction was 33% and 47%, respectively.
78 This ensures that the precipitated fraction is not broadened by local precipitation during addition of the non-solvent.
79 The spectrum during this fraction 0.35 of the pulse period can be fitted with a power law with in MeV.
80 The grey eyes met mine for the fraction of a moment, then she faced the King.
81 Most new radical ideas in science turn out to be incorrect; only a tiny fraction turn out to be correct.
82 Only a tiny fraction of our profit comes from book sales.
83 Sharpe saw the blossoming smoke a fraction before the sound punched the air.
84 That is only a fraction of the numbers killed by bee stings.
85 Note that the mole fraction of either A or B can be used to express the composition of the solution.
86 Success rates were similar for writing 0.5 as a fraction.
87 Simple reaction time is a fraction of the time required to react even when having to choose between only two possibilities.
88 A second, more troublesome fraction exists at the lowest end of the working class.
89 Although much of this heat was radiated back into space, a significant fraction was retained by the growing planet.
90 Computers can now do the same job at a fraction of the cost.
91 He was reading a newspaper-with some difficulty, as the crush meant he could only open it a fraction.
92 For a fraction of a second I felt that life itself was no longer endurable.
93 This records only a small fraction of the sport-related expenditure associated with spectating at sports events.
94 The Defense Department therefore is paying only a small fraction of the benefits until it gets more money from Congress.
95 The Committee can consider only a fraction of the instruments laid before Parliament.
96 In the case of household waste,[] the price rarely covers more than a fraction of the cost of collection and sorting.
97 In the plasma, the bicarbonate concentration comprises the second largest anion fraction, with chloride being the largest anion fraction.
98 The ratio of sample to population is normally expressed as a fraction, known as the sampling fraction.
99 Arjunas must make up a surprisingly large fraction of the bodies striking Earth.
100 Native wind instruments fashioned from tiny straws are sold at a fraction of the cost of matchbox-size ghetto-blasters.
101 Several Congressmen criticized the Mahatma for having failed to achieve a concrete fraction of independence.
102 The tubes in the automatic fraction collector were meticulously labeled, with none of the usual felt-tip scribbles.
103 Hold the bag at right angles to the surface to be iced, with the nozzle a fraction away.
104 If he took the short cut across the beck, he would arrive there in a fraction of the time.
105 This image represents a tiny fraction of the activities and aspirations of International Women's Day.
106 The cost of manufacturing a capsule of drug is a fraction of the cost it sells for.
107 A microwave oven cooks food in a fraction of the time required by a normal oven.
108 If you fancy your chances at bigger shows think about a registered Mountain and Moorland for a fraction of the price.
109 Chargecards are almost as convenient and a fraction of the price.
110 Patients with left ventricular ejection fraction greater than 30% and no inducible ventricular arrhythmia comprise a heterogeneous group.
111 Elderly patients have decreased protein binding of AEDs resulting in a higher unbound fraction.
112 And the fact is, his take is a small fraction of the wealth he has created for others.
113 The interim dividend goes up a fraction to 3.1p, from 2.9p.
114 Melissa had the distinct impression that he held Iris's chair for a fraction longer than her own.
115 Fraction by fraction it rose, then a dirt-streaked brown forehead appeared over the broken bricks.
116 This is precisely why we have not reached more than a fraction of the people who are now in deepest need.
117 The cases reported to Hoffman-La Roche I believe are a tiny fraction of all reactions.
118 The activity of the solvent can be considered to be equal to the mole fraction of the solvent x 1.
119 However, learning to cope is only a fraction of what is involved in learning from experience.
120 They can do this with a fraction of the water usage of the normal in-rack system and has a greatly improved performance.
121 This is why timber develops a good fraction of its theoretical modulus in actual practice.
122 It made her thaw a fraction towards him, in spite of herself.
123 Within modern capitalist societies the monopoly corporations constitute the dominant class fraction.
124 The disease affects only a tiny fraction of the population.
125 Change ten decimals to a fraction Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! is my reaction.
126 Repeat the exercise but this time raise your body a fraction further with each count for even greater toning.
127 Then, on second thoughts,[http:///fraction.html] she opened the lid just the tiniest fraction so that the creature could breathe.
128 Linked together, they can crunch numbers as fast as any mainframe, but at a fraction of the cost.
129 Maybe she missed the channel into Angle Inlet by only a fraction of a mile, a miscalculation of gradient or degree.
130 In other words, Salomon carved a tiny fraction out of each financial transaction.
131 Just a fraction of the fascinating collection sold by Christie's.
132 A significant fraction of their water content can emerge from the explosion at a speed below the escape velocity of Mercury.
133 Even the most significant unions could recruit no more than a small fraction of the workers in their industry.
134 For the Great Fen that once covered the huge expanse of 2,500 square miles has shrunk to a tiny fraction.
135 The cost of copying a disk of software or a tape of music is a fraction of the cost of the product.
136 A number of refineries have been converted into oil storage terminals, which employ a fraction of their former work forces.
137 But the companies are having to point out once again the tiny fraction of land they take up on relation to the whole.
138 For a fraction of a second Jane was off guard and the shearwater struck right in the palm of her hand.
139 It remained a significant predictor when adjusted for clinical, demographic, Holter data and ejection fraction.
140 And that could be just the tip of the iceberg as official monitoring picks up only a fraction of illegal pollution.
141 Getting a large fraction of companies involved, however, will require a fundamental change in business attitudes.
142 The ring of fire contains a very large fraction of the earthquake activity of the entire planet.
143 After he became vice president, Rutskoi decided to form a new political party on the basis of his parliamentary fraction.
144 In the event the Hansard Society raised only a fraction of the sum required and no consultancy payment was made.
145 By moving the hatch a fraction of an inch we could hear what went on below, but we could see nothing.
146 Anyway, they represent only a fraction of the long distance paths Britain has to offer.
147 Since competition has forced all bid levels down, this is but a fraction of the real savings.
148 A mere fraction of North sea revenues is to be spent on enforcing the safety regime.
149 They represent the highest points average in the international game - a fraction above the All Black whom he deposed from no.1.
150 Point the toes and raise the leg a fraction higher 15 times, holding each raise for 1 second.
151 That was never true - and has been recognised, even by socialists, as only a fraction of the explanation.
152 The low-density lipoproteins, also known as the beta lipoproteins have an electrophoretic mobility which is slightly slower than the prebeta fraction.
153 Perata said his figure was a fraction of the amount the state is now spending on emergency energy supplies.
154 Both the real and imaginary coefficients A and A' in the partial fraction expansion are given by the Heavyside expansion theorem.
155 With toes pointed, raise the leg a fraction higher 20 times, holding each raise for 1 second.
156 But the passengers are only a tiny fraction of the population[http:///fraction.html], basically its middle class.
157 Primary end points of the study were infarct size and ejection fraction, and the results revealed no differences between the groups.
158 However, the fraction of light absorbed is an exponential function of the pigment concentration in a leaf of a given thickness.
159 Only a fraction of readers make regular use of the reservation service.
160 Many options may be purchased at a very small fraction of the cost of the underlying security.
161 The fare you pay is a flat rate £25 - a fraction of the normal return fare!
162 The greater the fraction of atoms with that speed the greater the intensity of metal deposited at that place.
163 Wilson points out that the designer side represents only a fraction of the fashion industry's £6.5 billion turnover.
164 And SeniorNet only reaches a fraction of the seniors using computers.
165 There are, however, some real gems in a small fraction of the 67 chapters.
166 Because of this increase in the conjugated fraction, urinary bilirubin excretion is positive.
167 The campus had become increasingly apolitical as the fraction of immigrants had grown.
168 A minor fraction of phosphatidylserine may be present at the outer surface of platelets, but this can not usually be detected.
169 No spacecraft has ever moved faster than a small fraction of this speed.
170 In measuring visual acuity in this way, a figure which looks like a fraction is recorded.
171 Employees' salaries are just a fraction of the total cost of the project.
172 Private land dominates the nation's landscape and is held by a small fraction of its population.
173 This means that operating costs are a fraction of those at a typical full-price supermarket.
174 If those expensive cherry tomatoes are your idea of heaven, why not grow your own at a fraction of the price?
175 Or should the rich man or woman be made to pay a larger fraction of this income as taxes?
176 What I had done so far amounted to a mere fraction of nothing at all.
177 If such balancing selection maintains a substantial fraction of life-history variation, it will generate negative genetic correlations among life-history traits.
178 Jitter expressed as a fraction of the significant interval.
179 Objective:To screen anti-human papillomavirus(HPV) effective fraction from Lithospermum erythrorhizon.
180 Multiply the decimal fraction by the radix (number base).
181 Simultaneously, the left ventricular ejective fraction (LVEF) of above patients were measured by nuclide ventricular imagery.
182 So when martensite volume fraction was 20%, forming property of DP steel was better than the DP steel whose martensite volume fraction was 30%.
183 The optimal weight fraction is 0.1%, for under this condition, the wear scar diameter is decreased 35.6% and lubricating oil has great time-release effect.
184 A hexagonal close-packed model for graphite particle was developed. The fraction of carbon atoms on the surface and edge was derived in expression of crystallographic parameters and particle size.
185 In the paper , we propose two methods of interference excision: Fraction Zeroize and Fraction Clip.
186 Monooctanoin was prepared by mixing monoglyceryl octoate and diglyceryl octoate with mass fraction was 70% and 30% respectively.
187 A new continued fraction form of the mapping function deduced from the generator function method is applied into both the atmospheric delay and the astronomical refraction.
188 A very small fraction of the sun's light and heat is emitted in such directions that after passing unhindered through interplanetary space[Sentence dictionary], it hits the earth.
189 The results indicate that the molar fraction of the comonomer 1-hexene of 1-hexane LLDPE is lower than that of 1-butene of its counterpart with similar density and melt flow rate.
190 The colloidal solution formed under lower concentration conditions has zero free water and is with large volume fraction, the advantage of which is good deformational ability at low pressure gradient.
191 OBJECTIVE:To observe the protection of the effective fraction of Hibiscus Mutabilis L. (MFR) on renal ischemic reperfusion injury in rats to probe into the mechanism of MFR on anti inflammation.
192 The extraction raffinate can be concentrated by one-stage evaporation to obtain sulfuric acid with 80% of mass fraction.
193 Better yet, a kernel splice interrupts normal system operation for a mere fraction of a millisecond, leaving daemons, processes, and connections intact.
194 It is showed that the minimum in V mE reached with mole fraction of ionic liquid is different due to the difference of the substitution of the aromatic compound.
195 The hemicellulose fraction which is rich in D-glucose and mannose residues was further subdivided by treatment with barium hydroxide, then four distinct polysaccharide fractions were obtained.
196 The model for fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is composed of factor set, remark set based on the evaluation of expert or persons familiar with internal control, weight set and fraction set.
197 If you look in the normal population and ask what fraction of people have [a defect in methylation in the gene encoding insulin-like growth factor 2] it's about 5 percent.
198 And then I have a non-linear relationship between the pressure and the mole fraction in the gas phase.
199 Amylopectin The water - insoluble fraction of STARCHA. It is a branching polymer of glucose units.
200 Therefore, the content of low carbon martensite and volume fraction of undissolved carbide in the structure hardened files can he increased and their toughness and working life have bee...
201 Orally active fraction of momordica charactia, active peptides thereof, and their use in the treatment of diabetes.
202 The company has managed to thread a long, thin tube into the broken pipe, but that is only drawing off a fraction of the flow.
203 The compound fraction of target surface was gotten from the rate equations of sputtering and the transport equations of reactive particles .
204 Twins joined at the head — the medical term is craniopagus — are one in 2.5 million, of which only a fraction survive. Separation is extremely high risk.
205 The monitoring points in different position of the turbine stage have been calculated and analyzed, the Mach number, subcooling rate and the wetness fraction oscillate periodically.
206 The TPP group accounts for only six percent of U.S. trade, about the same fraction as U.S. trade with Japan alone.
207 In experiment, excess fraction method was introduced into the measurement of the optical path difference.
208 At maturity, lungs were excised and quantitative histology performed to measure alveolar air fraction and surface density.
209 AIM: To study the effect of fraction F of Naja naja atra venom on proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC).
210 However, the overall mean coordination number is essentially a constant and independent of porosity or volume fraction for the binary packing under gravity.
211 Only a fraction of anorgasmia cases come to the attention of clinicians, he said.
212 In 1999, Chu and Marini derived numerous important formulae for evaluating trigonometric sums through partial fraction decompositions.
213 Technology Progress of producing BTX aromatics from heavy fraction of pyrolysis gasoline and correlative hydrodealkylation and non-aromatics hydrocracking techniques were reviewed in this paper.
214 Age, left ventricular mass index, left ventricular remodelling and the left atrial prosystolic volume index are important factors which influence the left atrial ejection fraction.
215 The electrical conductivity of Middle East Atmospheric Residue (ME-AR) diluted by n-heptane was continuously measured, and the mass fraction normalized conductivity of ME-AR was calculated.
216 The extraction efficiency of organic light-emitting diode(OLED) is restrained by the high fraction of energy of the guided wave in the high-index materials(ITO/organic).
216 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
217 Using iron naphthenate as catalyst, to same fraction of the product, contents of basic nitrogen and total nitrogen are both lower than those using molybdenum dialkyldithiocarbamate as catalyst.
218 A very small fraction of the Sun's light and heat is emitted in such directions that after passing unhindered through interplanetary space, it hits the Earth.
219 Haggis said that he felt "dumbstruck and horrified," adding, "Tommy, if only a fraction of these accusations are true, we are talking about serious, indefensible human and civil-rights violations.
220 OBJECTIVE: To study the phytochemistry of Pteris semipinnata L. (PSL), and antitumor action of its active constituents and active fraction.
221 Objective: To study the protective effects and its mechanisms of n-butanol fraction of Potentilla anserine L on Hippocampus neuron of neonatal rats in hypoxia injury .
222 Effects of feed rate, feed fraction, reflux ratio and feed position on reaction distillation were investigated.
223 The two-phase flows over the sand bed and in the pipe are simulated, the different distributions of volumetric fraction are found and analyzed.
224 A catalyst for deeply hydrofinishing fraction and preparation thereof are disclosed.
225 In the Southwest, continuing drought shrank Lake Mead, the enormous impoundment behind Hoover Dam that waters much of the region, to a fraction of its former self.
226 The higher mole fraction of hydrophobe, the stronger viscosity enhancement effect.
227 Soil microbial biomass phosphorus, the relatively active fraction of soil organic phosphorus, was often considered as a labile pool of soil available phosphorus because of its short turnover time.
228 We can restore your headlights for a tiny fraction of the cost of replacement!
229 For the less developed countries, wealth levels are a fraction of these.
230 The electrical conductivity of vacuum residue from Oman was measured and mass fraction conductivity was calculated when the residue was gradually diluted with n-heptane.
231 What's more, the relationship between the replacing errors and the standard deviation of demand, fraction of demand returned as well as the order lead time were analyzed.
232 In the laboratory research foundation, the fraction oil depickling solvent technologies carries on the industry test in the Zhonghai Asphalt limited Liability Company and obtains the success.
233 Based on thermo-physics the dryness - fraction regulation and realization model is established.
234 The results showed that the contents of organic matters in soil and heavy fraction were markedly increased and the agrochemical properties of Chernozem were improved by applying organic materials.
235 Experimental results show that CAI combustion is notably influenced by residual gas fraction and air-fuel ratio.
236 When the PEO molecular weight increased, the gel fraction, the degree of swelling and the hardness of the PEO hydrogel films increased obviously as well.
237 In the reaction system, the weight ratio between two kinds of C1-C8 straight chain fatty acid is 10-85 %, and the weight fraction of nitrobenzene or nitrobenzene derivative is 0-25 %.
238 Objective: study the protective effect of fraction F of Naja naja atra venom on cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in gerbils.
239 For a larger mole fraction germanium on silicon substrate, the SiGe bandgap becomes smaller, thus causing larger electron injection efficiency.
240 I must take blame for at least a significant fraction of the suboptimal design.
241 The extraction efficiency of organic light-emitting diodes(OLED) is restrained by the high fraction of energy of the guided wave in the high-index materials(ITO/organic).
242 Finally, in the light of measured recalescence curves both the dependence of the fraction solid on time and the solidification rate on transient undercooling were determined.
243 Experiments showed that the fraction frequency peak and the multiple frequency peak have similar scattering behaviour to that of the resonance scattering peak.
244 Recent research suggest that brain tumors contain a relatively small fraction of cells, termed brain tumor stem cel(lBTSC), that have the ability to self-renew, proliferate, and differentiate.
245 The effect of the content of yttria on the mechanical properties of zirconia ceramic and the phase as well as microstructure of zirconia ceramic with different molar fraction yttria are studied.
246 A method for separation and determination of sulfur compounds in gasoline fraction of vaccum gas oil microreactor products by gas chromatography - atomic emission detector(GC- AED) was established.




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