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单词 Tourism
1 The islands' economy is largely dependent upon tourism.
2 The growth of tourism brought prosperity to the island.
3 The city is finally realizing its tourism potential.
4 The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism.
5 Tourism was then still in its infant stage.
6 The new resort area has boosted tourism.
7 Tourism is Venice's main industry.
8 The government has been trumpeting tourism as a growth industry.
9 These factories have displaced tourism as the country's largest source of foreign exchange.
10 Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussions for the local economy.
11 With the advent of the railways, tourism boomed.
12 The country's economy is dependent on tourism.
13 Tourism on the island is oversold.
14 Tourism is the lifeblood of the city.
15 Some accommodation between conservation and tourism is essential.
16 Tourism has replaced agriculture as the nation's main industry.
17 Tourism is the lifeblood of Hawaii's economy.
18 Tourism is Britain's single biggest invisible export.
19 Tourism has had far-reaching effects on the island's culture.
20 Tourism contributes millions of pounds to the country's economy.
21 Tourism is the island's main source of revenue.
22 The country had resisted the seductions of mass tourism.
23 Tourism is the country's single biggest earner.
24 The region's reliance on tourism is unwise.
25 He's co-authored a book on Policy for Tourism.
26 Tourism generates income for local communities.
27 Tourism has not destroyed the spirit of Bali.
28 It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island.
29 Most of the east coast remains mercifully untouched by tourism.
30 In this resort you can enjoy all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.
1 The islands' economy is largely dependent upon tourism.
2 The growth of tourism brought prosperity to the island.
3 The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism.
4 Tourism was then still in its infant stage.
5 The new resort area has boosted tourism.
6 Tourism is Venice's main industry.
7 The government has been trumpeting tourism as a growth industry.
8 It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island.
9 These factories have displaced tourism as the country's largest source of foreign exchange.
10 Most of the east coast remains mercifully untouched by tourism.
11 Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussions for the local economy.
12 In this resort you can enjoy all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.
13 Some accommodation between conservation and tourism is essential.
14 Lisbon's foreign earnings have been badly hurt by the drastic drop in tourism.
15 The depreciation of other currencies in Asia has also caused a substantial reduction in tourism.
31 The island has been ruined by tourism.
32 Tourism brings in 40% of the island's invisible earnings.
33 There's money to be made from tourism.
34 Tourism is a fountain of wealth for the city.
35 Tourism on the island has boomed.
36 Tourism is the country's top earner of foreign currency.
37 Spain cannot afford to turn its back on tourism.
38 Not unexpectedly,(http:///tourism.html) most local business depends on tourism.
39 Mr Pok has now gone into the tourism business.
40 Tourism is the country's biggest foreign currency earner.
41 The town survives mainly through tourism.
42 We hope that this investment will lead to increased tourism in the area.
43 Tourism is up, jobs are up, individual income is up.
44 More than 3,000 local workers are employed in the tourism industry.
45 St Lucia depends on its clean coastal waters because fishing and tourism provide much of its income.
46 Without a major boost in tourism, the economy will suffer even further.
47 Lisbon's foreign earnings have been badly hurt by the drastic drop in tourism.
48 The depreciation of other currencies in Asia has also caused a substantial reduction in tourism.
49 Ecuador has capitalized on its natural beauty to attract tourism.
50 We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the environment.
51 Service industries such as tourism have become more important in the post-industrial age.
52 Many of the ranchers themselves see all this tourism as a cheeky attempt to commercialise a real and vanishing culture.
53 Income from tourism accounts for a sizeable proportion of the area's total income.
54 Tourism has acted as a stimulant to the country's economy.
55 The islands have been westernized by the growth of tourism.
56 But tourism is double-edged, boosting the economy but damaging the environment.
57 The sanctions have dealt a severe blow to the local tourism industry.
58 The island is being destroyed by the relentless march of tourism.
59 The country depends on tourism for much of its income.
60 Key burbled about the wonderful people who contribute to tourism.
61 Tourism, which is a major source of income for the city, may be seriously affected.
62 Over the last few years tourism here has developed considerably.
63 These beautiful old towns have remained relatively untouched by tourism.
64 Several European governments have pledged to work together to crack down on child pornography and sex tourism.
65 Tourism is a major source of income for the area.
65 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
66 Tourism is damaging the flora and fauna of the island.
67 Increased sales during the summer were mainly due to tourism.
68 Tourism is an industry that has a necessarily close connection with governments.
69 Gambling and tourism pay roughly half the entire state budget.
70 Tourism has long been the economic mainstay of Kashmir.
71 Retailing and tourism can't salvage an ailing economy.
72 Tourism, the islands' principal economic activity, continued to grow.
73 City leaders hope the amusement park will stimulate tourism.
74 Should tourism raise funds for conservation?
75 This has kept mass tourism at bay.
76 Tourism is already changing the city in unexpected ways.
77 Tourism has brought many benefits to the area.
78 The southern region is heavily dependent on tourism.
79 These raise questions like: What is sustainable tourism?
80 Tourism boomed here in the late 1990s.
81 Coastal development and tourism are booming.
82 Tourism is an important part of Egypt's economy.
83 Tourism creates its own culture for consumption.
84 Santa Fe doesn't have much industry beyond tourism.
85 The main foreign-exchange earner is, or has been, tourism.
86 There is also the opportunity to see new places, another way of life and meet new friends: rock music tourism.
87 It exceeded its investment target by thirty-nine percent, but most of the money went towards tourism.
88 Of particular interest are the discussion papers on Tourism and the Environment.
89 Much has also been made of the effect the troubles are having on tourism, farming, and the exchange rate.
90 But his exposure to the tourism industry extended beyond his actual job description.
91 They are more concerned with tourism than with preservation of the ruins.
92 A MAJOR push to make Darlington a centre for tourism was discussed by the council's development committee yesterday.
93 David and wife Carol who run a food and tourism business say they face ruin over the pipeline plans.
94 An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the town.
95 And, for those who work in the travel and tourism industry, this tax could cost them their jobs.
96 New Zealand goes to the expense of maintainance because it takes tourism seriously.
97 Aid was now able to be granted to measures which promoted diversification into other activities such as tourism and craft industries.
98 The environmental impacts of recreation, tourism and sport are insignificant in relation to those posed by forest demise.
99 Whereas industrial demand fell below expectations, demand in the tourism and leisure sectors has exceeded them.
100 The random sample approach to data collection for tourism statistics means that these peaks in sports tourism are almost certainly underestimated.
101 This year tourism officials are predicting figures closer to 400,000.
102 Tourism is also of particular importance in some regions and may dominate the local economy.
103 Travel and tourism is now the world's biggest industry, and many countries are almost entirely dependent on tourism.
104 Primary Production Agriculture, forestry, fishing and tourism are major employers in DRAs.
105 Tourism is also becoming an important component of developing nations' economy because it is a source of foreign income.
106 Further expansion through the development of tourism, financial and other services is dependent on the implementation of new projects.
107 However, the foreign exchange earnings on tourism did increase in 1989, not from IR£150m but rather by this figure.
108 May 1993 - draft tourism strategy to be published for widespread public consultation.
109 For every eight residents who saw benefits in tourism only one felt that the disadvantages outweighed the advantages.
110 To a certain extent, just about every business here is dependent on tourism.
111 A trip to Lombok, the next island along, gives a taste of what Bali might have been like before tourism.
112 Once the development is over or the travel and tourism industry falters, so might Las Vegas, some analysts say.
113 Tourism attraction operators in Cheshire will be told of the latest developments in home and overseas marketing at a forum this month.
114 There is clearly a need for a systematic research project aimed at estimating the value of sports tourism.
115 One high priority is creating an international hospitality and tourism firm.
116 Tourism was of great importance and added to the earning capacity of many full-time and part-time farms.
117 Controls against tree felling, tourism, urban development and major road and oil exploration schemes are to be increased.
118 And the local economy in Sucumbios is suffering. Since August, retail sales, tourism and tax collection have all plunged.
119 Meanwhile tourism and fishing have wreaked havoc with the marine environment.
120 The country relies on tourism and the sale of raw materials for hard currency.
121 Animal rights groups have called for a tourism boycott in protest against the plan.
122 The accident threatened an ecological disaster for the remote Shetland Islands and its fishing, tourism and farming industries.
123 Mass tourism started in 1989 when the first 340 Windsurf guests arrived.
124 The town council has been promoting business tourism and conferences.
125 However(), the Maastricht amendments have introduced measures in the sphere of tourism into the Community's express objectives.
126 Both countries depend on wildlife-based tourism for their economic survival.
127 The prospects for tourism were constrained by limited airline capacity and the lack of skilled personnel.
128 Tourism, one can safely say, is at least an eon away.
129 Tourism is our second biggest contributor - after North Sea oil - to gross domestic product.
130 In the past, one of the cornerstones of the economic argument for conservation was its value to tourism.
131 Investment is moving into the growth areas of forestry and tourism.
132 Blackpool tourism spokesman John Hall said Lisa felt Gaynor's filming was too intrusive.
133 If current trends continue, tourism in the state will increase by 10%.
134 By the beginning of the present decade tourism was very big business indeed.
135 Last year the government introduced a number of tax concessions to bring private capital and expertise into the hotel and tourism sectors.
136 It is perhaps particularly appropriate to consider tourism in an issue of the magazine whose theme is writers.
137 More than 1m foreign tourists visited Yunnan last year, and tourism earnings rose well above the national rate in other sectors.
138 Business travel will continue to grow, and increased domestic and foreign tourism will also create demand for additional hotels and motels.
139 They had prevailed with great courage in the trenches of tourism, but enough was enough.
140 Belle-Ile, however, seems to belong to a past era of modest and amateur tourism.
141 It was also agreed to develop co-operation in oil and gas exploration, transport, tourism, forestry and agriculture.
142 He also stated that the Corsican economy could develop harmoniously around the tourism industry.
143 Rural areas have relatively larger proportions employed in low-paying industries such as agriculture, distributive trades and tourism.
144 Maritime business generates better-paying jobs than tourism, which has been the bread and butter of the port.
145 Although they are discussed here as separate issues, tourism, recreation and sport are not mutually exclusive.
146 The camp has established an innovative partnership with a local village tourism enterprise.
147 Communities must take stock of their assets, he said, and devise a strategy to develop tourism or industry.
148 Tourism, served by some large hotels but mainly bed and breakfast facilities in many croft houses, is of considerable significance.
149 These modules will be suitable for students employed within the travel and tourism industry, especially if they intend working abroad.
150 A pukka ministry of tourism, even, is on the cards.
151 But if it is meant to promote tourism, Faulkner family members say, the writer would want no part of it.
152 Those organisations reflect interests from conservation to tourism, from business to rural affairs, and from education to art history.
153 Little more need to said about mass tourism in this period.
154 There has been a boom in tourism, fed by publicity about the movie filmed there.
155 Even now, sugar employs one-seventh of the work force, putting tourism in the shade.
156 Our resort areas are typical, but away from mass tourism.
157 This underlines the fact that tourism is a major source of income for the area and its 50,000 residents.
158 Enhanced educational and training standards will have demand implications for services in such areas as tourism, leisure and recreation.
159 In recent years there had been a considerable increase in the revenue derived from tourism.
160 There are few more cost-effective ways to invest relatively small sums of money than reinstating the support funding for tourism.
161 Similarly, the need to generate foreign currency has stimulated tourism in regions that would have been virtually inaccessible 15 years ago.
162 The business community rallied to him for fear that Duke's election would scare off tourism and outside investors.
163 Payment for shipping services, income from tourism, banking services and interest payments from international loans are other examples of invisibles.
164 Travel and Tourism One of the most common predictions for the future is that travel will decrease and telecommunications usage will increase.
165 Mr Ratky believes the problem could damage prospects of tourism in the town.
166 Can tourism damage the qualities on which it is based?
167 Toledo hopes to promote a tourism industry that he wants to make a cornerstone of economic recovery.
168 In the past two years, tourism, the country's single biggest earner,() has revived.
169 Developers have been trying for years to finish building a cruise ship pier that will bring more jobs and tourism to Cozumel.
170 As part of a plan to increase tourism, visitors spending less than 90 day do not need a visa.
171 This when nifty postcards of the planet are available at every convenience store, tourism agency and souvenir shop.
172 Then, in the 1970s, the government expropriated thousands of acres of ejido land nationwide to promote tourism and other development.
173 Their experts are not infallible, as when the World Bank boosted tourism in the 1960s as a sure-fire multiplier of development.
174 Emigration Emigration and tourism have long been the main contributors to the economy of Madeira, emigration being the older.
175 As already noted, tourism in the Western Isles is hampered by the high cost of transport from the mainland.
176 As a result, city official Masashiro Honda said Mikuni hopes to boost its tourism as a leading industry.
177 In the Perth/Borders area tourism and soft fruit occupied the summer and autumn periods.
178 Somerset Tourism is also creating cycling itineraries which will be available from Spring 1992.
179 Tourism is secondary to oil revenues as a source of income.
180 It will go on sale at Christmas, and it's hoped to use the release to boost tourism in the city.
181 And there has been a rapid growth in three types of industry: light factory industry, services and tourism.
182 The final question addressed was the need to institute a sensible programme for tourism.
183 Pollution, mining, uncontrolled tourism and soil erosion caused by logging are to blame.
184 The growth of tourism has spurred equivalent developments in the hotel and leisure-related sectors.
185 If they can spend money promoting the export of chickens, I think they can spend money promoting tourism.
185 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
186 The bureau promotes tourism in the county and is funded by the county and several cities.
187 Only a few weeks ago, I was in Newbury talking to representatives of the local tourism industry.
188 Then they did their bit for the tourism industry - by taking a break in Dorset and Hampshire.
189 It is an area of outstanding beauty supporting rare plantlife and the greatest asset to tourism.
190 Last fall a congressional tourism commission started debate on legalizing gambling.
191 The plan has the enthusiastic support of local councillors, who believe it will bring tourism and industry to the area.
192 The land has been developed for tourism and other recreational uses.
193 A land use plan is to be produced providing guidelines for protecting water resources, developing tourism and promoting ecological agriculture.
194 Mr. Brooke I was asked specifically about tourism in Northern Ireland.
195 Tourism in Baltimore has increase since the city redeveloped the Inner Harbor.
196 Proponents argue that the dams will check floods, facilitate fisheries, provide water for industrial and domestic use and promote tourism.
197 Invisible receipts from tourism have shown a steady rise over recent years from 2.97 billion in 1981.
198 Since August, retail sales, tourism and tax collection have all plunged.
199 It was designed to use preferential interest rates to encourage investment in manufacturing, tourism, mining and agriculture.
200 Winning entente floral would have meant a big tourism boost for cheltenham - so what went wrong?
201 In the month, the service industries, including tourism, registered a 2. 7 percent drop in unemployment.
202 Vocabulary First Class provides the essential vocabulary for tourism in the nineties.
203 Tourism industry leaders have called on the government to compensate them as well as the airlines.
204 In particular, the way tourism data is collected almost certainly underestimates two important elements of sports tourism, as follows.
205 There were no tourism survey results available to support claims that very late hours were needed, he added.
206 In Russia, Intourist no longer monopolizes the foreign tourism business.
207 Meantime, in Florida, the tourism industry is growing more than ever, spurring thousands of new jobs, economists said.
208 Most obviously this includes earnings from tourism but it also involves the image of products, not least whisky.
209 Previous economic impact studies in tourism have used the 1979 and 1984 tables.
210 Until the villagers can come to an agreement on tourism then we will not be sending any clients there.
211 Work continued throughout the year to develop new visitor attractions and enhance the tourism appeal of the city.
212 In May 1989 Westport Tourism Organisation released a statement against the mining.
213 Tourism has brought a huge influx of wealth into the region.
214 For example, unemployment figures generally rise in the winter months as industries such as construction and tourism reduce their demands for labour.
215 The bustle of metropolitan commerce and tourism filled the streets.
215 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
216 Tourism will increase in an aesthetically and ecologically beautiful city.
217 A country can also derive export revenue from service income, e.g. shipping and tourism, together with remittances from overseas workers.
218 In this year students apply higher-level business, analytical and technological techniques to management within the hotel operations and tourism ventures.
219 They are currently offered or planned in 14 fields ranging from leisure and tourism to science.
220 The pink marble reception area was a monument to the vulgarity of mass tourism.
221 Initially awards are available in business administration, hospitality, and leisure and tourism.
222 Like oxygen bottles on Everest and increasing Himalayan tourism, bolting is something which has to be controlled.
223 The third or professional year is spent on placement in selected hotel or tourism companies.
224 Some of the group are aiming for further education in business administration, or in other areas such as leisure and tourism.
225 Most of the people here depend on tourism for their livelihood.
226 In NaJing tulou tourism is independent charter travel best!
227 Diao Lan, 19, a freshman tourism major at Liuzhou Rongshui Polytechnic, says he's pleased with his school's summer work program.
228 The tourism board calls Kerala, kocated at the southwestern tip of India along the Arabian Sea, ”God’s own country.
229 The immediate outlook for Asia's tourism industry remains bleak as most major markets report sharp falls in visitor arrivals.
230 In the past, tourism backhander was seriously forbidon ; but no much effects were noted.
231 Tourism industry, the sunrise industry, has brought an increasingly obvious"multiplier effect"with the development of China's economy.
232 Instead of depending upon casinos as the primary source of income as is the case for many Native American tribes, the Hualapai decided to develop the land and build up its tourism industry.
233 Hwanggumpyong's future as a tourism, logistics and production center is less certain, experts agree.
234 Today tourism booms there, drawing adventurers to the frontier's glaciated peaks, untouched wilderness, and abundant wildflowers and wildlife.
235 At present, main direction of developing tourism is ecological and leisured tourism.
236 Developing Heilongjiang provincial tourism, we should synthesize leisured tourism and ecological tourism and make the forest tourism the supporting industry of Heilongjiang province in the end.
237 As a sunrise industry in 21st century, tourism has a broad prospect in development. Therefore, many countries in the world list it as an important industry.
238 And writer brings the community of urban folklore tourism out first.
239 The evolvement tendency of urban tourism should be generalized as a curve of accumbent " S ", which present a course makes up of low-grade development, high-speed development and balanced development.
240 According to the World Tourism Organization's long-term forecast – Tourism 2020 Vision, China is set to become by the year 2020 the most important tourism destination in the world.
241 And the country's indifference to trendy boutique hotels and splashy resorts — long the lament of global tourism professionals — is just what appeals to a more discerning clientele.
242 With the caveat that almost every figure in this survey is suspect, it can at least be said that the world travel and tourism industry is huge.
243 It is hoped that efforts to better conserve the country's myriad sites could also boost tourism, which is now heavily dependent on Shiite Muslim pilgrims visiting Iraq's various religious shrines.
244 We must join up with parallel enterprises to develop the tourism industry.
245 Now tourism has grown in importance to such an extent that many Third World countries cannot balance their financial budget accounts without their considerable earnings from tourism.
245 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
246 Urban tourism place planning and design is mainly affected or restricted by some factors as tourism resources, regional location, tourism markets, social economics, and tourism traffic, etc.
247 Non-cricketing holidaymakers who feared an invasion of sports fans avoided the area, so the combined result was a tourism slump and lost rental income for home-owners.
248 Tourism has become the economic sector and tourism academic study of the important areas.
249 Besides, there exists a paralogism about community involvement in tourism development. That is community as the host is often neglected in the process of tourism development as the weak group.
250 Toshinori Inoue, head of tourism in Abashiri, says the melting drift ice is an obvious indicator of global warming.
251 The scenery spots are intimately connected with the culture. The culture itself is the setting point and soul of modern tourism and its connotation is the basis of high level scenery spots.
252 In this article, the use of transfer printing to architectural ornament, tourism and advertising fields are introduced.
253 With the development of tourism, tourists to Mount Wudang Jinding successive incremental.
254 Exhibition on culture, arts, tourism, environment, fisheries and the elaboration of urbanization.
255 The arrival of the experience economy tide and the existence of the tourism product life cycle and fashion cycle have claimed the tourism products innovation.
256 Provides that" reiterated that the business, tourism, entertainment and commercial residential buildings, such as business sites will not be allowed to sell by agreement."
257 The foot-and-mouth disease cost British farmers and the tourism industry billions of dollars in 2001.




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