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单词 Distinctive
1. Chick peas have a distinctive, delicious and nutty flavour.
2. Beer has a very distinctive smell.
3. Alcohol has a very distinctive smell; it's quite distinct from the smell of wine.
4. The company has a distinctive logo that makes it well known.
5. She's got a very distinctive voice.
6. African hyena noted for its distinctive howl.
7. His voice was very distinctive.
8. She has a very distinctive way of walking.
9. I recognized the distinctive shape of a Boeing-747.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. White poppy seeds have a distinctive nutty flavour .
11. The shell has a highly distinctive pattern.
12. The whale has a very distinctive call.
13. The diary features the organization's distinctive new logo.
14. She had a distinctive appearance.
15. The plant has distinctive globular flowers.
16. Each house in the street has its own distinctive character.
17. The male bird has distinctive black and white markings on its head.
18. The toad has a distinctive yellow stripe down its back.
19. Mid-fifties, short black hair, grey moustache, distinctive Russian accent. Need I go on?
20. The band's sound is a distinctive mixture of funk and rap.
21. All their beds were distinctive; Mac'swas an iron affair with brass knobs.
22. This particular dolphin is noted for its distinctive black and white markings.
23. The most distinctive feature of the dinosaurs was their size.
24. The birds have a distinctive blue band round their eyes.
25. As soon as I opened the front door I smelled the distinctive aroma of fresh coffee.
26. Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet because of its distinctive colour.
27. The pianist had to tailor his style to suit the vocalist's distinctive voice.
28. When Miles Davis died, jazz was robbed of its most distinctive voice.
29. Babies are born not just as bundles of flesh and bone but with already distinctive personalities.
30. Cooking with the lid on gives the food that distinctive smoky flavour.
1. Chick peas have a distinctive, delicious and nutty flavour.
2. Alcohol has a very distinctive smell; it's quite distinct from the smell of wine.
3. As soon as I opened the front door I smelled the distinctive aroma of fresh coffee.
4. The company has a distinctive logo that makes it well known.
5. Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet because of its distinctive colour.
6. African hyena noted for its distinctive howl.
7. His voice was very distinctive.
8. She has a very distinctive way of walking.
9. The pianist had to tailor his style to suit the vocalist's distinctive voice.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
31. Long complex sentences are distinctive of Henry James's later style.
32. However, they do so in a distinctive way.
33. Whatever you think of Larkin's poetry, it's certainly distinctive.
34. They gave themselves away by their distinctive styles.
35. The bicolor damsel, however, retains its distinctive pattern.
36. The all black bottle was very distinctive.
37. As a talker, Mrs Cruz had a distinctive style.
38. No prize-winner, perhaps, but a very distinctive Koi.
39. These brachiopods are preserved in a distinctive way.
39. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
40. Male birds have distinctive blue and yellow markings.
41. But the most distinctive feature is the fertilizer plant.
42. Each variety is molded into distinctive shapes.
43. Laughter is man's most distinctive emotional expression. Margaret Mead 
44. The eye-spotted dorsal fin is another distinctive feature.
45. Every house seemed to have at least one, sometimes several, of the distinctive mud-baked nests under its eaves.
46. The Macintosh casing was so distinctive that its visual presence would become as recognizable as a Volkswagen bug.
47. A horse uses a number of distinctive sounds to communicate verbally.
48. It is important to use sour pickle chips, as this is what gives the burger its distinctive taste.
49. He argues that each form of kinship has its distinctive form of arrangements.
50. Female and juvenile have no distinctive features, differing from Calandra and White-winged Larks in lack of white in wing.
51. They come up against our distinctive types of personal defence and weakness.
52. Legislation now produced separate apparatuses and spheres of activity, with distinctive forms of knowledge and expertise.
53. It was the combination of large circulation share and a large number of titles that gave concentration its distinctive character in 1990.
54. It is a small species with a distinctive yellow stripe down its back.
55. Yet it is structure which gives to any undertaking its distinctive shape and identity.
56. The desk lamp with an emerald-green shade and small prints of Degas' dancers were the only distinctive features of the room.
57. The distinctive area of the single television play has produced a surprising number of allusions to homosexuality.
58. In distinctive display flight flaps upwards at a steep angle and then glides down with wings scarcely upraised.
59. And one of the distinctive features of life here has been a gradual loss of the ability to distinguish right from wrong.
60. As always such a system was seen to deliver distinctive moral benefits.
61. The station etiquette of the suburban commuter was quite distinctive.
62. That's about ten pounds for every one of the wrinkles that makes them so distinctive.
63. Individually, each was a stylist with a voice and approach so distinctive they could never be mistaken for anyone else.
64. The three islands have distinctive characteristics with the best of the game fishing being on South Uist.
65. Diving ducks, with distinctive narrow saw-edged bills, well adapted to chasing fish under water.
66. Besides such large and expensive works, Stanton produced a considerable number of relatively simple mural tablets, in a distinctive style.
67. They may also share distinctive ways of communicating, such as a repertoire of sayings and in- jokes.
68. Those in my tiresome generation who thought 25 years ago it was so very distinctive, so in, to swear.
69. So an illustration may offer far wider possibilities for the art director to achieve special effects and a distinctive style.
69. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
70. Loganberries display a purplish dark red colon Their flavor is slightly tart and very distinctive, which makes them useful for winemaking.
71. The manufacturer makes products to match the retailer's specifications and these are labelled with the retailer's own distinctive label.
72. There had to be lots of genuine nurses with that hair colouring, but Aileen's was certainly very noticeable and distinctive.
73. I argue along with T. J. Clark that Parisian modernism is most distinctive in terms of the disruptive force.
74. Yoshitaka introduced new elements to the art, until gradually the art lost some of its distinctive Okinawan features.
75. Education is seen as a process of nurturing individuality, of fostering distinctive qualities that already reside within each individual.
76. They have Kalashnikov rifles slung ready across their chests and wear distinctive red and white armbands and helmets.
77. All three are of type K. Ara has a fairly distinctive shape.
78. The results were wholly unexpected: Mercury has small, reflective polar caps with the distinctive depolarization behavior of ice.
79. They evolved rapidly and spread widely, and have a range of distinctive characters to help the investigator in his identifications.
80. Many pieces of both 14 and 17C metalwork display a distinctive spiky naturalism which is paralleled elsewhere in stone and wood.
81. Iodine is added as a final bacteria killer, giving the recycled water a distinctive aftertaste.
82. The distinctive nature of Ends is further reinforced by the subsequent actions of club officials and police.
83. The smell is distinctive, too: chemicals and rotten eggs, the hydrogen sulphides produced by processing coal.
84. But there does appear to be something distinctive about language.
85. As early as 1848-9 a new and distinctive type of station had appeared.
86. Thanks to some very skilful hanging each of the four rooms used has a very distinctive flavour all its own.
87. Religious Education stamps the Catholic school in every area of its educational task with its distinctive Catholic character.
88. The pottery designs are distinctive and a diverse range of colours used.
89. Her hair was twisted into tight steel-grey rolls on which sat her clinic cap with its distinctive badge.
90. All madeiras are blended and the blender is an artist, giving the blend its distinctive characteristics.
91. He had that elusive quality so distinctive of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
92. A distinctive feature of the course is the emphasis on ethical concerns and in particular on applied ethics in each year of study.
93. The plan set out to establish what was distinctive about polytechnics, and what was specifically so about Hatfield.
94. Their contracts evidently having run out, the distinctive enamelled iron advertisements were removed from the ex-Croydon cars in 1942.
95. Each distinctive type should be subject to a rigorous set of explicit rules of discipline.
96. The most distinctive institution of capitalist economies is the privately owned corporation.
97. Real diamonds have a quite distinctive, soapy texture to the surface and are immune from water.
98. And it's a very distinctive shape, which doesn't conform with anything in this room.
99. There, each of the three species does have a very different and highly distinctive pattern of markings.
100. She had a fairly distinctive voice - certainly none of the women I met around the office today.
101. Micraster is sometimes called the heart urchin, because of its distinctive shape.
102. M'ARS specialise in a distinctive form of traditionalism, close to surrealism.
103. It was like a jazz class to some extent but with all the rather distinctive movements he had for his actual choreography.
104. In this tranquil setting stands the distinctive form of Holme Castle, an impressive Victorian stone house built in 1820.
105. This is a fairly traditional arcade adventure but offers excellent graphics and several neat, distinctive touches.
106. It is also an extremely distinctive feature in terms of its high level of geographical polarization.
107. The distinctive character of the drawing is determined by two quite independent principles.
108. It has a distinctive flavour that blends well with pork.
109. The elements selected from the confusion of conflicting movements have this different and very distinctive bias.
110. It had a big cairn of stones which made it quite distinctive.
111. Morayshire is the heart of the whisky industry and you can take the famous Whisky Trail to seven distinctive malt whisky distilleries.
112. Sometimes, quite independent of this influence, certain rural estates continued to practise their own distinctive styles of building.
113. Their path westwards can still be traced by the chain of distinctive buildings they erected on their way across.
114. And the most distinctive languages are often the most vulnerable - those of native peoples.
115. The Dorfwirt is a distinctive hotel with carved wooden balconies, and the peaceful atmosphere is totally in keeping with this relaxing resort.
116. It is at this stage Ministers must make their distinctive contribution.
117. The photographs were praised for their individuality and for their many distinctive styles.
118. These arrangements entrenched a distinctive land-owning pattern among the peasantry and perpetuated the peasantry's distance from other social estates.
119. To my taste, none of these have a particularly distinctive flavour, but the quality in texture is immediately obvious.
120. There are many overlaps between the approaches, though their specific orientations are quite distinctive.
121. His letters arrived in distinctive blue-grey envelopes typed by his sister.
122. During his lifetime, the distinctive characteristics of his vocation had begun to dwindle.
123. He has at last achieved his ambition to look both indistinguishable and distinctive.
124. Is there anything distinctive about motivation and morale within the public sector?
125. Some retailers use distinctive packaging for their own brands, eg one supermarket chain packaged everything in bright yellow.
126. It was also feared an emergency tracheotomy could have ruined his distinctive voice for good.
127. No brewer should ever be afraid of making beer with a distinctive flavour.
128. Such communities acquired their own distinctive character and many welcomed the Evangelical Revival with enthusiasm.
129. Unless such points are maintained, the analogy becomes so strained that little that is distinctive about natural selection remains.
130. Life-style refers to distinctive ways of living adopted by particular communities or sub-sections of society.
131. Both pieces combine the distinctive sounds of the New World flute with the more familiar tones of Old World instruments.
132. The city deserves a distinctive, central district to celebrate the arts, and itself.
133. But a tracheotomy throat operation which helped to save his life may have changed his distinctive voice for ever.
134. All the troops in a regiment wear a uniform which has its own distinctive pattern or mix of colours.
135. CabCharge customers can phone or hail cabs displaying a distinctive blue decal.
136. The policy traditions are again quite distinctive in other nations.
137. There is thus no evidence to suggest that definition expansion may provide useful information when applied selectively to highly distinctive words.
138. There is much evidence that the fluctuation field involves distinctive patterns of motion.
139. Of course, I am more easily identified and more distinctive, if not distinguished, than most authors.
140. The distinctive feature of the method lies in what it does not do.
141. What, finally, is the vital, dynamic core of the community that gives it its uniquely distinctive character?
142. These distinctive characteristics come from differences in minute quantities of flavouring constituents whose concentrations are at the threshold of human sensory perception.
143. This distinctive way of working and developing women's Art Magazine reflects the organisation's aims and ambitions as a whole.
144. Meanwhile private inter-war suburbia had its distinctive style where the semi-detached house was dominant.
145. He can begin to analyse the distinctive features of communicative interactions while still using the language of the mentalist.
146. When running it had a very distinctive sound which quickly earned it the name of Put-put or Phut-phut.
147. His range of subjects was enormous; his prose distinctive, lucid, and distinguished.
148. There is no really distinctive shape, but there are two objects of special interest.
149. The average age was about 16 5 and some of the more distinctive dress elements were present.
150. Selvedges are more or less the same on all items, but the fringes are secured in a number of distinctive ways.
151. They were in effect an inferior kind of man, with no distinctive character of their own.
152. Taken together, they conveyed a view of primary teaching which had a distinctive character.
153. There were twenty days in the month, each being regarded as divine and of distinctive omen.
154. She raves over the low cholesterol content of kangaroo and it's distinctive, sweet taste.
155. A skyscraper would obviously be more distinctive than a low bulky design.
156. The most distinctive land-mark in the parish is the Rimswell water tower, built in 1916 to serve South Holderness with water.
157. This type of cougar has a distinctive crook in its tail.
158. Around airfields and other installations of national importance emplacements of the distinctive Soviet ZSU-23 multi-barrelled anti-aircraft guns could be seen.
159. Even in Britain people noticed dazzling, lingering sunsets last winter which left a distinctive purple afterglow.
160. In language the basic units are distinctive sounds and words.
161. Another, contemporary series of Gosol paintings is characterized by a gentle, pastoral mood that is quite distinctive.
162. The cumulative effect of this conscientious blandness denied Lisa a distinctive personality, which limited the fervor of its users.
163. Sometimes manmade objects in high orbits about Earth are also seen and identified from their distinctive motion.
164. What mechanisms built the jaw's distinctive pattern, each tooth unique, the bone an asymmetric array of lumps and bumps?
165. What is distinctive is the idea that consciousness can be adequately described in terms of causal episodes.
166. The programs and data files have distinctive icons, providing a user-friendly graphical interface when run under OpenWindows.
167. However, financiers, merchants and bankers, such as the Rothschilds and the Barings(), remained the most distinctive group.
168. A black widow spider has a distinctive red hourglass marking on its stomach.
169. Didymograptus species of this type have a distinctive shape like a tuning fork.
170. Each developed a distinctive dress style, distinctive argot and followed particular kinds of music.
171. Yet these ego-structures, although perhaps most distinctive of our species, did not appear whole, complete and without a past.
172. The most distinctive feature of the building is its enormous dome-shaped roof.
173. Ideally, of course, each type of music should he noted down according to a method that reflects its distinctive features.
174. His distinctive contribution was to apply the conventions of estate and garden plans to county maps.
175. Corn oil is slightly heavier and more distinctive in flavour - I find it too heavy for salads.
176. Bullock's report says companies that emerge from such university environments follow a distinctive pattern of development.
177. They are chiefly associated with his distinctive emphases on historical revelation and on the ethical rather than mystical nature of religion.
178. It is furnished in a distinctive baroque style and public rooms include several sitting rooms and a lobby-bar.
179. These sceptical, cautious and cloistered arrangements constitute the distinctive institutions of science which separate it from other more worldly activities.
180. At its most basic level, the railway station was the nineteenth century's distinctive contribution to architectural forms.
181. Together these principles attempt to establish what is distinctive about the Modular Course.
182. In carving out a distinctive niche for themselves, a number of options have been open to them.
183. The consequent leverage is the most distinctive feature of our financial era.
184. Over the winter the distinctive bare earth is ground up and massed into sharp ruts by tractor tyres.
185. Immatures best told from other large immature gulls by distinctive shape of bill, heavy and appearing to droop at tip.
186. But the unit will retain a distinctive identity by having tan berets.
187. It is concerned with understanding the world and has a set of distinctive methodological devices for engaging in that process.
188. There is a growing band of buyers who want something more distinctive and who are prepared to pay extra for it.
189. This novel and distinctive economic backcloth to the inter-war years had a number of important consequences for town planning.
189. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
190. Anjou wines are so distinctive, that in 1920 a competition was held to design a glass to do them justice.
191. Do you understand the distinctive calling of a sister, brother, religious priest?
192. There ought to be something very distinctive about the theory that describes the universe.
193. In other words, does the expansion of highly distinctive words result in a greater proportion of useful information?
194. Pretty Samantha Mumba sounded like she has a distinctive voice.
195. The group shares a distinctive way of life, knowledge, beliefs, codes, tastes and prejudices.
196. The firm's wines, mostly bearing its own distinctive labels, include a magnificent collection of ready-to-drink burgundy.
197. The calcareous skeletons of this distinctive species have weathered out from the limestone matrix.
198. One particular strain lives only in the San Francisco Bay Area and gives the sourdough bread from that region its distinctive taste.
199. Shrewd in business, he had a ready wit and a distinctive appearance, with a full beard and piercing eyes.
200. This distinctive corporate culture flourishes in an environment in which independence is more a matter of convention than anything else.
201. It has evolved over the years from a nouveau style to a more weighty red wine with distinctive black raspberry fruit.
202. He created very distinctive passages of ascending chords to accompany the magic bird's flight through the trees.
203. Even to celebrate what is distinctive about women does not, in my opinion, automatically qualify as feminist.
204. Its runways made a distinctive pattern, a slanting cross, as if some one had slammed a rubber stamp on the scruffy countryside.
205. The Provencale beef daube and the zucchini casserole, for instance, were decent but not distinctive.
206. This will all add to the atmosphere and enable the creation of a distinctive meal experience.
207. These nobles wear exotically decorated armour and carry tall lances, and they have distinctive back banners adorned with feathers.
208. Urban growth is often reflected morphologically by the appearance of a distinctive central area.
209. Drifting out of an open window, riding over a choppy bassline, comes the distinctive voice of Omar.
210. The distinctive nature of this pattern was best illustrated in the coaches to away matches.
211. The results are poles apart in terms of character ... each room has a distinctive style of its own.
212. Normally it went about its business either on foot or in an arabeah, the horse-drawn cab distinctive to the city.
213. There were three distinctive characteristics about the archosaurs that paleontologists discovered marked them off from their antecedents.
214. Since the caterpillars have very bright distinctive colours, the birds quickly recognise that they are inedible and leave them alone.
215. The adult male peregrine is a very distinctive bluey black in colour when seen from the rear.
216. Ability to care for the helpless is women's distinctive nature.
217. To Bowman, every actuator in the ship had its own distinctive voice, and he recognized this one instantly.
218. With outsized ears, the Black-tailed Jackrabbit is very distinctive.
219. China's family planning program is distinctive in several ways.
219. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
220. Distinctive, decorous grade and brand-new life interest.
221. Saint - Simon did not develop a distinctive sociology.
222. However, as its hidden assets, sales teams styles, common aspirations and distinctive marketing concepts must not be neglected.
223. Each chemical element has been given a name and a distinctive symbol.
224. The main religious philosophy schools in the history of Indian thought, including Brahmanism, Buddhism, Jainism and Lokayata, all have put forward their own distinctive ethical viewpoints.
225. Her disposition is low-key, bringing faint grief, be different from the female with other distinctive appearance right-down .
226. A first contact with John Ashbery's poems often throws readers into confusion with his multifarious, usually longwinded and discursive, verses which seem to have no distinctive characteristics at all.
227. Boxfish, also known as trunkfish or cowfish, are known for their distinctive boxy profiles and for the bonelike, six-sided plates that cover much of their bodies and protect them from predators.
228. Curved out delicately in the shape of a giant human foot, I feel this is a very distinctive item of modern day furniture.
229. There exist three types of segmental lengthening in oral Chinese, each one matched with certain prosodic events and characterized by their own distinctive temporal variations.
230. Black English is as perfect as Standard American English, and in sounds it is equally distinctive.
231. Dominated with distinctive aromas of pineapple, peach and grapefruit, complemented with light toasty oak. Rich and flavorsome with soft acidity and a lingering finish.
232. The Komondor is a Hungarian breed of dog that has a very distinctive, corded coat that closely resembles dreadlocks.
233. Madeleines are very small sponge cakes with a distinctive shell-like shape.
234. A green, gray, or red metamorphic rock, similar to slate but often having a wavy surface and a distinctive micaceous luster.
235. We have previously described distinctive patterns of elastic fibers in nevi and in melanomas.
236. Due to the distinctive feature of " double indemnity" system, this article attempts to make a breakthrough in testing its effects in society.
237. Elderly Li women with their people's distinctive spidery blue tattoos on their faces and legs weave garments on simple lap looms and offer them for sale.
238. Urban square is the outstanding node point to express the style and the feature of a city, and creating distinctive character of squares is the key to show the characteristics of a city.
239. The visitors gawk as they troop through one of 10 distinctive pagoda-shaped high-rises at the center of the village, taking in the surreal view from the balcony on the top floor.
240. The apparent newsworthiness of pandas coming to Edinburgh zoo may be largely down to the public's delight in this distinctive bear.
241. Fresh, lively, crisp like a Granny Smith apple, distinctive as a Lori Bell solo.
242. Acadian music, for its part, was not only less distinctive but there was no recording industry on hand to record it and promote it.
243. In the classical differential geometry which deals with the theory of curves and surfaces of three dimensional Euclidean space, the most distinctive study is the Weingarten surface.
244. Salt workers' work song, a style of folk song in south Sichuan, has distinctive artistic features and historic value.
245. MOTC officials said they plan to designate a special route on Dunhua North Road and Dunhua South Road. The bikeway will be painted in a distinctive color, so it can be distinguished easily.
246. Through international comparison, the author also tries to explain the intercommunity and distinctive aspects of the stock market structure of China.
247. The supersonic gas-centrifugal atomization Technology was used to study the influence of distinctive factors on the properties of AgRE alloy powders.
248. Connective tissues of liver hepar are not developed, so the edge of the hepatic lobule is not distinctive.
249. Cut out unwanted material of becomes with the crocodilian skin joining together of different color late outfit bag is distinctive, reveal a costly glamour.
249. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
250. Aplysia only has 20, 000 neurons, and many of them are so large and distinctive that they had been named and their functions identified.
251. One of the mort distinctive features of commonly used Chinese textbook on the national scale in Year 2000 is the proportional increase of classical style of writing.
252. His distinctive language of image and tremendous momentum of using pen and ink, bear aggressive visual power, penetrate into people's heart and soul and are very enlightening.
253. This universe existed in the shape of darkness, unperceived , destitute of distinctive marks, unattainable by reasoning, unknowable, wholly immersed, as it were, in deep sleep.
254. Chapter 3 gave a proof-test to detail experiment, and researched distinctive complement cases to verify experiment result.
255. Their most distinctive feature, which can be worn in one of two ways, relaxed or rigid, depending upon which image your Caracal has chosen for the day.
256. Artistic people are often described as tall and slender figure, a distinctive personal colors, angular shape, and unconventional.
257. Harris married his deceitfulness with a total lack of remorse or empathy—another distinctive quality of the psychopath.
258. The car's distinctive look comes from extensive use of composite materials on the facia and interior panels.
259. The police firearm is an officer's most distinctive piece of service equipment.
260. There will be a help zone in which IT and library support staff--clad in distinctive polo shirts--will roam, aiding students who can't find a book or who have computer trouble.
261. Each of these forests produces wood with distinctive characteristics involving tightness of the wood grain as well as the amount of oak flavours that are imparted to the wine.
262. As a young man he had fought against the British in the American War of Independence , and he felt that written English in the newly independent United States should have a distinctive"American" look.
263. Any of various extinct ungulate mammals of the Eocene to Pleistocene epochs, having distinctive three-clawed, three-toed feet.
264. Britain's loudest bird, the bittern, has had its best year since records began with scientists tracking more than 100 breeding males belting out their distinctive booming call.
265. Among them, Emotional therapy is the most distinctive of TCM Psychotherapy. Cognitive therapy and behavior therapy of TCM Psychotherapy have similar with Modern psychotherapy.
266. Maurice Ravel (1875------1937), French composer. His distinctive style brought lasting popularity, and his scrupulous craftsmanship helped him to a position of eminence among composer of his day.
267. In the respect of Yi' s explanation, he stood for setting up rules from Yi itself, setting forth some distinctive concepts such as "body trigram", "four connections", "time and position".
268. Using broad, flat white cardboard boxes for pizzas and small waxy paper cartons for chow mein and chop suey, these ethnic restaurants standardized distinctive take-out packaging.
269. These documents reflect the distinctive features of the structure of the merchants' families such as adopting system, unsoundness of family, preternatural...
270. Distinctive crystal clastic rock enchases craft every design likes an artwork, aglimmer glamour burnish, popular feeling chord is touched like diamond.
271. Yanqing County forms an orderly urban layout combining rarefaction and density and the garden city scene with both mountain and water and distinctive characteristics.
272. The storm's swirling clouds cover most of northern Oman and all of the Gulf of Oman in this image. Though it is partially over land, the storm maintains a distinctive spiraling shape.
273. Berlioz is a composer, conductor and music critic with distinctive character in the Romanticism Times.
274. A large brownish wading bird(Aramus guarauna) of warm, swampy regions of the New World, having long legs, a drooping bill, and a distinctive wailing call.
275. Granular parakeratosis (GP) is an uncommon, benign cutaneous eruption of intertriginous areas that represents a distinctive clinicopathologic entity.
276. Aspiration is the main distinctive feature of consonants in Chinese, whereas voicing and palatalization as well as aspiration are all distinctive in Mongolian.
277. Abundant and distinctive flavors of fresh strawberries and ripe cherries without the cloying sweetness of an average rose wine .
278. Steven Hall is one of the most famous modern architects in America. His phenomenological idea and typological method are distinctive in the world.
279. Idioms are the essence of language, it contains grumous ethical color and distinctive culture connotation.
280. Breughel is great, but also because his works have a distinctive national character, the people of the struggle and reality.
281. Excellent dark crimson red. The bouquet has a powerful distinctive spiced peppery character with a background of sweet nutty French and American oak.
282. This paper analyzes the distinctive features of the "frog-mode housing"in terms of its design and architectural plan. The author also presents some ways and means to solve some...
283. This enchanting limited release is a unique exponent of what South America can give to the world by blending the two most distinctive vine varieties of the south cone.
284. The oil and gas reservoirs with distinctive features were widely formed in the mud diapir structure belt because of the special geological conditions in Yinggehai Basin.
285. Especially lotic project, depend on its distinctive alarmingly dangerous and beautiful idiosyncratic, get quickly popular in countrywide each district.
286. Chapter two generalizes certain distinctive characteristics of evidence litigation in respect of ship's collision at sea in view of the judge's evidentiary admissibility and weight.




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