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单词 Frown
1. She saw his frown and hastened to explain.
2. Some restaurants frown on men not wearing jackets.
3. Don't frown at me like that.
4. A frown creased his forehead.
5. The boy gave a small frown.
6. Never frown,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
7. Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never kown who is falling in love with your smile.
8. The world is like a mirror: Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too.
9. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
10. never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
11. Don't frown you most precious I can give you want.
12. She saw his quick frown and hastened to explain.
13. He looked at her with a puzzled frown.
14. A frown quickly wiped away her smile.
14. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. His forehead was bunched in a frown.
16. My parents always frown on late nights out.
17. She wore a worried frown.
18. His forehead knotted in a frown.
19. A small frown creased her forehead.
20. She gave a little frown.
21. She looked up with a puzzled frown.
22. "Leave me alone, " she said with a frown.
23. The mountains frown down on the plain.
24. Her frown grew deeper at the memory.
25. A frown crossed her brow.
26. A worried frown creased her forehead.
27. A disapproving frown settled on her face.
28. His brows were knitted in a permanent frown.
29. A frown marred his handsome features.
30. A fiddly task like threading a needle often makes you frown.
1. She saw his frown and hastened to explain.
2. The boy gave a small frown.
3. A fiddly task like threading a needle often makes you frown.
31. He/His face wore a puzzled frown.
32. He gathered his brows into a frown.
33. Her frown creased her forehead.
34. Many teachers frown on such practices.
35. Billy's eyebrows knitted together in a little frown.
36. There was a deep frown on the boy's face.
37. His brows drew together in a frown.
38. A frown creased her forehead.
39. Her face creased into a frown.
40. I noticed a slight frown of disapproval on his face.
41. Her worried frown deepened.
42. She looked up from her exam paper with a worried frown.
43. He cocked his head on one side with a slight frown.
44. He looked at her with a puzzled frown in his eyes.
44. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
45. The smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown.
46. She gave him a frown and told him to mind his manners.
47. She looked up with a puzzled frown on her face.
48. His frown was mock-severe.
49. Micky's brow corrugated in a simian frown.
50. With another frown, she took a step back.
51. The woman looked at Hicks with a sensitive frown.
52. Sheila saw Al frown as he read the letter.
53. Janir glanced at me, and I managed a frown.
54. Each wore a frown as stubborn as the other's.
55. They did not go pale, or frown, or faint.
56. Johnny's broad smile changed slowly to a frown.
57. The haughty Servants meet him with a Frown.
58. Robyn slowed the jeep with a puzzled frown, considering.
59. He walked past her, giving her a judgmental frown.
60. But single women don't frown on married life.
61. A smile is self-powering, a frown is self-defeating. Dr T.P.Chia 
62. The nun's forehead creased into a puzzled frown.
63. The very idea of secrecy made him frown.
64. No visible sign, except a slight frown.
65. Dad's forehead was crinkling into a frown.
66. When he came to his own seal, his frown would. deepen.
67. His frown deepened, then transformed itself into a radiant grin.
68. He put it down and took up the other six in turn, his frown remaining.
69. He looks up at her inquiringly and she looks away with another slight frown.
70. These five-minute injections plump out the frown lines and defeat wrinkles by relaxing forehead muscles.
71. She stirred, a slight frown creasing her forehead, but her face relaxed again, and became peaceful.
72. Sarah shook her head, with a frown on her face.
73. She reads to the end, the frown deepening on her face.
74. She watched Luke read it, saw the gathering frown carve two grooves over his aquiline nose.
74. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
75. Then she waited with a slight frown on her pale white face, as if she might learn something by waiting.
76. After a moment, with a frown, the guard waved them on.
77. Serious business, he thought with a frown as he picked up the receiver.
78. High Sierra hikers, who frown on horses in the wilderness, have weighed in with arguments on the issue.
79. Only he hadn't, just quietly angry, and bitter, she thought with a frown.
80. Some governments now frown on the open sale of alcohol, and zealots harass young women wearing Western clothing.
81. She looked up, brows wrinkled in a frown, and he produced a typewritten report and gave it to her.
82. Instantly, you are treated to the Archer frown of disapproval.
83. Tension showed in the tight line of Amelie's mouth, the worried frown between her eyes and her new thinness.
84. Fiona watched him with a frown: Lewis's drinking, even to my eyes, was increasingly without shame.
85. In time they turn into deep lines, wrinkles, frown marks and sagging skin.
86. A frown touched her brow to recall the feeling of unease that had gripped her during that brief conversation.
87. At the same time she is so overwhelmed by guilt she can not allow herself to be apart frown the baby.
88. He returned to assist Frye, who was standing now with a frown of concentration on his face.
89. Eyes downcast; baby lips pulled into a frown; dull, vacant stare.
90. The doorbell rang and she started violently before glancing at her watch with a frown.
91. Lost for words, he looked shyly down at her, smiling sadly so that his dark eyebrows puckered into a frown.
92. Phillis without a frown or smile Sat and knotted, and knotted and knotted and knotted all the while.
93. The die-hards will frown but Burton will prove to be a man in a million.
94. It must be remembered that if we take two plants frown vegetatively from the same plant, they will also be self-sterile.
95. As she scanned the titles Polly's brows contracted in a puzzled frown.
96. McMurphy stares after him, that puzzled frown knotting his bleached eyebrows together again.
97. It adds to the exhilaration, bringing a smile rather than a frown.
98. Daak was unusually restrained, standing behind Ace with a hand on her shoulder and a puzzled frown on his face.
99. Your character is the master of your destiny. Your destiny will smile if you are in control of a positive character. Your destiny will frown if you are ruled by a negative character. Dr T.P.Chia 
100. Everyday there will be an opportunity to smile or to frown, to dance or to drown, to be glad or sad. It's a choice! RVM 
101. There was only a very slight frown on her brow when Fernando went inside to bring out the paella.
102. His expressions range from that of a contented Cheshire Cat, to a somewhat frenetic frown.
103. The long, carved lips were set in a tight line and the straight black brows were screwed up in a frown.
104. A frown ran in a slanting direction between his eyebrows and half way up his forehead.
104. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
105. Toni said, looking up and seeing the frown still there.
106. William got up from his chair at the workbench and went over to open up with a puzzled frown.
107. Bethany poised over the bed, a slight abstract frown clouding her face.
108. A frown of exasperation lined her brow as she shook her dark head in bewilderment.
109. But several sessions in the surgery can improve many scars, birth defects such as cleft lip, and deep frown lines.
110. He is looking at me with a slight frown, disconcerted by something about me, ready to be embarrassed.
111. She turned with a frown and quickly began to stride away, radiating silent hostility.
112. Alternate mild forms of discipline, such as a frown or a mild reprimand, with timeouts.
113. There was just that constant tiny worried frown between her brows to show the strain.
114. A majority of Indians frown upon intimacy in public.
115. Not a frown upon its face.
116. A frown formed between her arched brows.
117. A slight frown and a laconic'Yes,'were the answer.
118. Frank:That's OK. But some companies frown upon moonlighting.
119. Her frown gave him a speechless message.
120. Her beautiful face had a resentful frown on it.
121. The English frown on the use of tea bag.
122. Doesn't she frown upon that kind of behaviour?
123. Why do you frown, little owl?
124. I frown upon smoking in public restaurants.
125. She looked at the examination paper with a frown.
126. And they might frown upon our behavior.
127. Today's vegetarian generations may frown upon canned luncheon meat.
128. There was a deep frown on his brow.
129. He would frown on such a proposal.
130. When l shall see thee frown on my defects.
131. A frown is often an intimation of disapproval.
132. When I shall see thee frown on my defects.
133. Compare smirk, sneer, frown, scowl and grimace.
134. Perhaps the trend with her classmates, eat, drink, and she spends the money like water, these are things that we frown upon the.
135. Most parents frown upon their children doing part-time jobs though they may benefit from it.
136. I run off. Where the drifts get deeper. Sleeping Beauty trips me with a frown.
137. Her frown implied that she did not agree with us.
138. Piety will frown upon the man who has inherited goods from the impious ; that is, until he takes his style of dress from his own father.
139. You might like texting, frown upon sexting , but now comes "chexting"-- cheating via texting-- and it can lead to big trouble.
140. But the frown of this pale, weak, sinful, and sorrow-stricken man was what Hester could not bear, and live!
141. Pearl still pointed with her forefinger; and a frown gathered on her brow; the more impressive from the childish, the almost baby-like aspect of the features that conveyed it.
142. They frown on people spamming strangers with junk mail, but they cannot do anything to prevent it.
143. Her fellow Democrats in Congress are trying to raise BP's liability retroactively—the sort of move America's courts rightly frown on.
144. The Chinese cultural authorities tend to frown upon these sorts of things, but Garrington said he's been comfortable with the steamier content because the cast has been fine with it.
145. Never frown, even when you are sad, casque dr dre, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
146. Then, perhaps- for there was no foreseeing how it might affect her- Pearl would frown, and clench her little fist, and harden her small features into a stern, unsympathising look of discontent.
147. Wu Sun - fu's irascibility appeared to have abated somewhat , for his frown disappeared.
148. Never frown, Canada Goose Men, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
149. The Dutch are known for their rather laid-back attitude toward things the rest of the world tends to frown upon, which is one reason they're so much fun.
150. Never frown, even when you are sad Breathalyzer, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
151. " Ai!'said Hung - chien with a frown, " Why do you have to tell her - ".
152. Nver frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
153. And anyone who knows me will tell you that I frown upon fisticuffs.
154. Be advised however that that referees frown upon such behavior.
155. " All right, " he said to himself, with an irrepressible frown, " let her sleep alone. "
156. However, most DDR players frown on this as a crutch.
157. On the contrary, if a person behaves roughly and impolitely people will frown on him.
158. The frown on the bachelor's face was deepening to a scowl.
159. Objective : To remove glabellar frown lines and crows lines using brow lift which improve beautify face.
160. He doth nothing but frown, as who should say, " If you will not have me, choose. "
161. In addition, due to the impact of Chinese traditional values, the public has high expectations of donors, which means Chinese frown upon the philanthropy which appears to have ulterior motives.
162. I am sure your father would frown upon such a proposal.
163. Mongolian parents tend to frown upon the practice of dating, although they are slowly yielding to their offspring's demands to be allowed to do so.
164. Maxwell turned half around, with his hands full of papers and ticker tape. "What position?" he asked, with a frown.
165. I guess banks always frown upon clients lugging a large amount of cash at a time.
166. In general, many authorities in the web services and SOA fields frown upon developing web services starting from existing code.
167. Milton ultimately is a pious man and wants us to frown on Satan's critique of the Judeo-Christian conception of divinity.
168. He knit his brows in a tight, frown and smiled wryly to himself.
169. The Boss will frown on those who come to work late.
170. She frowned at his facetiousness - a pretty, adorable frown that made him put his arm around her kiss it away.
171. A frown a smile are so captivating, people Nanshe memorable.
172. And I think that a lot of Kenyan mothers as well would frown upon hearing that someone had a tattoo.
173. Nver frown, even when you are sad, because you never.
174. At the dawn the lawn the yawning drowned man began to frown.
175. As her slanting eyebrows rushed down together in a frown Rhett's old smile came back.
176. " No; frown, " he said. " Frown as you did before. ".
177. No smirk, no sneer , no frown of bewilderment, even.
178. A bald man with bushy side-whiskers frowned down from a window with her father's frown, and for an instant looked so much like Lord Tywin that she stumbled.
179. And chronic stress and anxiety can lead to frown lines and a furrowed brow.
180. " All right, " he said to himself an irrepressible frown, " let her sleep alone. "
181. And while sceptics may frown at the collaboration, Orsola argues that anything that gets ethical fashion into the mainstream can only help.
182. " Frown a little more, Miss Madenda,'said the stage manager.
183. Her ice skating class is going to be in an ice show. And her determination to be the best skater causes her to frown on her classmates1 less-than-perfect practice sessions.
184. She had a mini brow lift, chin reduction, Botox in her forehead and frown area as well as fat injected into her cheeks, nasolabial folds and lips.
185. While in some countries surrogacy is common practice, authorities here frown upon it, although little is done to stop it.
186. Kuei Chang - lin immediately knit his brows in a worried frown.
187. We can make a dimpled smile out of a frown.
188. There was a troubled frown on his weather - beaten face.
189. There was a deep frown on his face when he was pondering a problem.
190. You might like texting, frown upon ,[http:///frown.html] but now comes "chexting"-- cheating via texting-- and it can lead to big trouble.




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