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单词 Feminist
1. Does feminist writing come within the scope of your book?
2. All her life she was an ardent feminist.
3. Current feminist theory consists of several different trends.
4. What does the word "feminist" conjure up for you?
5. She embraced the feminist cause with enthusiasm.
6. Feminist ideas are interrelated with philosophical ideas.
7. He has strong feminist opinions.
8. Being a feminist doesn't necessarily make you a misandrist.
9. I'm not a feminist, quite the contrary.
10. There are various strands in feminist thinking.
11. She describes herself as an unreconstructed feminist.
12. She's been an outspoken feminist for over twenty years.
13. Saying that to a feminist is just asking for trouble.
14. She produced a feminist tract, "Comments on Birth-Control",[Sentence dictionary] in 1930.
15. The tone of the feminist speakers suggested they were adopting a rather defensive posture.
16. She's a feminist, in the broadest sense of the word.
17. Her book looks at his writings from a feminist slant.
18. I don't claim to be a feminist, but I'd like to see more women in managerial posts.
19. The essay first appeared in an anthology of feminist criticism.
20. She makes no reference to any feminist work other than her own.
21. She had brought a book, a feminist critique of Victorian lady novelists.
22. Feminist writers, she claimed, had been ghettoized, their books placed on separate shelves in the shops.
23. This is broadly the radical feminist viewpoint.
24. I turn then to recent feminist Christological positions.
25. She is professedly a feminist.
26. Lesbian feminist psychologists' research focuses mainly on sexuality.
27. A lot of people's eyes glaze over if you say you are a feminist.
28. With her cropped hair and and her mannish clothes, she typifies the sort of feminist often feared by men.
29. She used the newspaper column as a platform for her feminist views.
30. She is unlikely to give up her lifelong attachment to feminist ideas.
1. A lot of people's eyes glaze over if you say you are a feminist.
2. Feminist ideas are interrelated with philosophical ideas.
31. Generally, however, feminist psychologists try to avoid biological explanations.
32. Such simplifications are a focus of increasing feminist concern.
33. Magnard was also a fervent feminist.
34. Such feminist strengths and weaknesses are entirely absent from Bruce Arnold's book on Mainie Jellett.
35. I was dismayed by these feelings, even ashamed, having always presumed that a good feminist would beat this rap.
36. They locate the various strands in feminist thinking, and show the conceptual problems involved in combining them.
37. For any woman seeking power in the public arena, these questions would be unavoidable, doubly so for a feminist.
38. Women's pleasure in viewing then is high on the agenda in recent feminist work on film.
39. It was no accident that this was a major area of feminist endeavour.
40. Feminist psychologists are also increasingly concerned to avoid dogmatism and prescription.
41. Its concern with celebrating femininity encourages it to pass over more of traditional psychology's gender biases than egalitarian feminist psychology does.
42. Nell McCafferty, Bernadette Devlin and other notables vented their feminist spleen at an appreciative audience.
43. Feminist strategies and campaigns in these different fields are submitted to critical examination.
44. That convention should have been one of the peak moments of my career as a feminist activist.
45. Tammy Bruce was censured by the feminist elite for saying she did not want to deal with a bunch of black women.
46. It also lets feminist psychologists have and eat their methodological cake.
47. The difference is, of course,[http:///feminist.html] that feminist criticism arises from the experience of feminism and from taking feminist theories seriously.
48. Likewise she argued that the feminist versions of Althusserian concepts of ideology overemphasised textuality at the expense of social and economic analysis.
49. Egalitarian feminist psychologists draw on both feminist and psychological criticisms of gender imbalance among psychologists.
50. Philosophy from a feminist perspective has practical implications for both philosophers and feminists.
51. But the methods present severe difficulties for a feminist psychology.
52. The idea of Veronica Puddephat joining any sort of feminist group was entirely incongruous.
53. But the life of a first generation feminist can be plagued by disconcerting lapses.
54. In the 1960's I saw myself as a revolutionary and a radical feminist.
55. The differences between it, and traditional and egalitarian feminist approaches, are not as big as they look.
56. Feminist anthologies often include a couple of pieces by young and old women.
57. And feminist psychologists are still predominantly concerned with making egalitarian corrections to traditional psychological theories, rather than working with their uncertainties.
58. As an example, Graff raises the relation of a feminist literary canon to more familiar ones.
59. However, after 1918 feminist arguments became less and less distinct.
60. The emerging feminist perspectives on poverty, too, have been resourced primarily by the accounts provided by white women.
61. The exhibition became a milestone in feminist analysis of contemporary culture.
62. She also endorses the radical feminist view that the well-being of private and public life depends on a better understanding of feeling.
63. The main developments since interactionism have been in phenomenological, Marxist and feminist sociology.
64. Such a climate increases the likelihood that egalitarian feminist psychology will be incorporated into the traditional discipline.
65. I came across feminist politics while I was at college in London in the mid-seventies.
66. My lesbian socialist feminist identity was fully consolidated and formed the basis of my support network and closest friends.
67. But elements of a more ambivalent, productive, associative approach to signification also exist within feminist psychology.
68. Yet the feminist analysis of insults, from the small to the truly gross, would miss something if it stopped there.
69. Some feminist psychologists have even developed a kind of biological egalitarianism as a corrective to psychology's male-oriented biological theories.
70. Mary Daly's classic work Gyn/Ecology is a good example of radical feminist wordplay.
71. In women's and feminist studies, professionalism can have a more dramatic impact.
72. Brooke-Rose's engagement with feminist theory is typical of her encounter with literary theory in general.
73. Specifically she develops two areas, feminist theory and liberation theology, as potential candidates to regenerate the social group work movement.
74. From Lovell's Marxist perspective the feminist debates outlined above are misdirected for a variety of reasons.
75. The Expanding Discourse maps the progress and diversity of feminist art history debates through 29 essays written in the 1980s.
76. Humanist psychology's familiarity to egalitarian feminist psychologists makes the division between humanist egalitarian, and woman-centred,[http:///feminist.html] theories difficult to draw.
77. Feminist scholars have shown how all academic disciplines have been dominated by a male view of the world.
78. And most importantly, aren't Lacanian feminist explanations retreats from feminist politics, into psychoanalysis's traditional phallocentrism?
79. How does it feel, 8 years later, to still be at the cutting edge of feminist art practice?
80. A feminist might interpret a text very differently from an army officer, for example; or a teenager from his parent.
81. Many writers have documented the changes in feminist politics over the last decade.
82. Hillary Clinton is the cool, radical feminist with an independent mind.
83. Furthermore, women are not tied to the kitchen sink in the way often caricatured by feminist writers.
84. As in the conventional discipline, demographic imbalances are less among egalitarian feminist psychology's subjects than they are among its practitioners.
85. In some places, women have been directly responsible for its introduction, whilst in others feminist ideas have influenced the law-makers.
86. Janet becomes a Tory, while Miranda grows up to be a very conscious feminist.
87. The earlier feminist critics such as McRobbie and Garber argued that girls learned their roles partly through romantic fiction and girls' magazines.
88. I spoke about my frustrations, about not being able to read socialist and feminist books and magazines.
89. Feminist arguments in favour of day nurseries were also conspicuously absent.
90. It posed a challenge both to her religious motivation and her feminist principles.
91. In feminist research on poverty and resources within households; respondents again tend to be given no ethnic identity.
92. Feminist psychologists tend to see the significance of gender differences much as conventional psychologists do.
93. Other feminist writers, however, have tried to reevaluate the significance of psychoanalytic theory for feminism.
94. The feminist repeal movement was highly successful in challenging the gendered power relations inscribed within medical interventionism.
95. As we shall see, this is a point which has been made most forcefully by recent feminist writing.
96. Ellice Hopkins was a central figure in the feminist agitation for criminal law regulation in the 1880s.
97. I suspect that it is in this challenge to popular feminist orthodoxies that the book's significance will rest.
98. White feminist friends would not even accept the fact that I was Black!
99. A combinatory method loses some of the prestigious closeness to scientific rigour which a feminist psychology with a conventional method retains.
100. This would be true whatever the particular circumstances which produced the feminist response.
101. The principal feminist challenge to psychology's predominantly male subjects and masculine subject matter is, again, an egalitarian one.
102. So far, little attention has been paid by feminist sociologists to higher education.
103. Feminist psychology's combinatory approach has been applied to experimental design as well.
104. The equation between good methods and traditional empirical methods is stronger in feminist psychology which addresses subjects from less powerful social groups.
104. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
105. Counting women in among feminist psychologists on the grounds of their biological or cultural femininity also neglects differences between them.
106. These procedures are generating an increasingly large part of contemporary feminist literature.
107. She also pays due attention to the different positioning of black women artists within feminist art practice.
108. Although socialists are now beginning to take up these questions, a feminist perspective highlights these as central issues.
109. Feminist psychologists often adopt an implicitly biological standard of heterosexual normality.
110. Even if they do, they tend to cordon it off from other feminist issues.
111. The irony is that the threat of violence has come from anti-abortion Republicans, not anti-Republican feminist, gay and Chicano protesters.
112. We must continue to intervene in contemporary feminist debates on desire, pleasure, power and image.
113. The resulting book falls somewhere between the teen diary / confessional genre and the academic feminist treatise.
114. Their written forms, like autobiographies, biographies, and interviews, make up a large part of contemporary western feminist literature.
115. The compulsory element examines the relationship between feminist ideas, feminist practice, and theory and methodology in the social sciences.
116. Literature has a long history of feminist interest, but film and media studies are certainly as central to feminist cultural debates.
117. Feminist psychologies which work by association, stay close enough to psychology's concerns to be able to contest them.
118. She defines the area of feminist epistemology as that of developing theoretical accounts of knowledge which retain continuity with women's experiences.
119. Undoubtedly, the new availability of earlier texts of feminist interest is helping the explosion.
120. The topic of sexism in language is probably the best known of all feminist linguistic concerns.
121. Hers was the record of, at best, a foot soldier in the feminist and abolitionist struggles of her day.
122. And so rhetoric allows associative feminist psychologists to address psychology from outside, but from a recognizable and relevant perspective.
123. Just as thirty years before, here again were feminist divisions over using the repressive state to enforce women's demands.
124. Radical reform is far more closely associated with the feminist movement.
125. Political explanations Radical feminist and Marxist feminist interpretations of the education system have focused less on attitudes and more on power structures.
126. As we discuss shortly, this particular problem has also been explored in depth by feminist writing.
127. But among feminist researchers and practitioners, these concerns with uncertainty have limited currency.
128. Polly described herself as a feminist, a socialist and an anarchist, which of course made her an extremely dull conversationalist.
129. The Women's Liberation or Feminist Movement was influential in bringing women's issues into public consciousness.
130. Women recalled their early experiences in feminist groups: I had a lot of trouble not interrupting.
131. Feminist psychologists tend not to deal with these other discourses, except by adopting numerical strategies.
132. Anita the fabled feminist has a complaint she want you all to hear.
133. During the 1920s and 1930s Nina Boyle's interests reflected the diversity of feminist concerns of that time.
134. These feminist differences surfaced in a more extreme form in the months after the passing of the act.
135. Woman-centred psychology, like egalitarian feminist psychology, needs to address theory if it is really to change psychological discourses of gender.
136. A feminist perspective on, and analysis of, architecture and planning has only just begun to emerge over the last decade.
137. Unlike the versions of feminist psychology examined before, associative feminist psychologies are rarely deliberately or self-consciously adopted.
138. Scattered across feminist iconography, it makes points about women's issues which are usually clear and concise.
139. These aspects have received sustained analysis from recent feminist and social historians.
140. Since her work is among the most influential in feminist psychology, it demands a more detailed description.
141. This makes it seem more feminist than egalitarian feminist psychology, and much further away from the traditional discipline.
142. Often, it deploys explanatory frameworks taken from traditional and egalitarian feminist psychology.
143. That which a feminist perspective enables us to perceive is valid for everyone.
144. If you look at things from a feminist perspective they are, in fact, not equal.
145. She was the great-granddaughter of the early nineteenth-century feminist Anna Wheeler.
146. Because egalitarian feminist psychology wants to adapt conventional psychology, rather than replace it, it has to begin from psychology's self-definition.
147. Lacanian-influenced feminism is hardly an ideal response to the deficiencies in feminist psychology.
148. Ally was angry, as angry as any feminist would be in such a situation.
149. As the last chapter argued, many feminist psychologists pass over signification, in favour of simpler objects.
150. It is because they have already been widely written about in feminist art history?
151. Any chick who fancies herself as a feminist ought to go and see Martha McGilchrist.
152. Well, I hear a distinct echo here of the old feminist rally cry: The personal is political.
153. Humanist psychology's caution about change can add to egalitarian feminist psychology's existing theoretical timidity.
154. Another focus of feminist debate has been Hilary Clinton, wife of the Democratic front-runner.
155. He stayed for a year and grew deeply interested in Linder's studious attitude towards feminist principles.
156. The work construct outlined accepts much of the feminist argument.
157. Despite the fact that she sings about uniquely female experience, she denies having feminist leanings.
158. We have already seen the planning of the Feminist Art Criticism conference which was an extremely successful and well-attended event.
159. Even to celebrate what is distinctive about women does not, in my opinion, automatically qualify as feminist.
160. I have been told that this decision was partly in response to lobbying by feminist groups.
161. A parallel argument is put by contemporary feminist writers when they discuss Freud's ideas regarding relationships between parents and children.
162. It is through her emergence as a cult painter of the feminist movement of the 1970s that her current reputation has evolved.
163. In the last instance, it views feminist politics as an elaboration of biology.
164. But that he had a feminist analysis of society is something for which there is no evidence.
165. And we have latterly seen a feminist perspective informing the debate about nuclear weapons.
166. He is friends with feminist Gloria Steinem.
167. Friedan re-awakened the feminist movement in the United States.
168. The feminist took neutral ground during the first interview.
169. This essay is an analysis on the absence of female consciousness of "The Merchant's Tale" in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales by using one of Irigaray's feminist arguments.
170. The feminist preoccupation with not being seen as a sex object was another point that led to misunderstanding.
171. Even though she is an homme-elle(),[http:///feminist.html] she is never lacking in resources and it is because of this that even feminist demands do not involve anything particularly original.
172. I started work on Simone de Beauvoir because she is the greatest feminist thinker of the twentieth century.
173. In the first chapter, the thesis author analyses some major female and male characters Pearl Buck created and how feminist features are demonstrated.
174. Autobiography is one of the important part of feminist poetics.
175. Feminism and the feminist movement comes from these opportunities – it's Rosie the Riveter who inspired the opportunities that came to postwar women.
176. This thesis is to analyze Eustacia s tragedy in the light of Feminist Criticism and reveals that it is the traditional patriarchalism caused the repression and bondage suffered by women.
177. In other words, as a result of sexual, cultural and ethnic complexities veining the adventurous feminist media work, films cannot any longer be remote from feminism.
178. In 1979, feminist Sonia Johnson was formally excommunicated by the Mormon Church because of her outspoken support for the proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution.
179. In the 1970s the book gained a new lease of life when it was installed as a key text in the emerging feminist literary canon and the phrase "the madwoman in the attic" entered popular discourse.
180. What are your thoughts of Wonder Woman as a feminist symbol?
181. But he would not have liked the grown-up woman I've become: a feminist, an atheist, a poet, of all things. I suspect we would not be on speaking terms had he lived.
182. Yet beneath these attention - grabbing markers of gender parity, there's plenty to make a feminist squirm.
183. Margaret Sanger calls for legalization of contraceptives in her new, feminist publication, The Woman Rebel, which the Post Office bans from the mails.
184. And later, through the influence of structural anthropology as well as feminism, feminist anthropology developed as anew branch discipline on the basis of anthropology of women.
185. Under the impetus of the feminist movement and criticism, the image of madwoman in Jane Eyre has come to arouse some interest and attention from people, but not seemingly enough.
186. Through several lines of the text of the Department of History of the female keyword analysis, China may draw feminist criticism in the role field.
187. The Optimist's Daughter by the American woman writer Eudora Welty analyzes different stages of western feminist criticism with rational introspection.
188. Meninist is a global organization of men that believe in and support the feminist principles of women's political, social and economic equality.
189. Third, from the perspective of feminist criticism, Feng's movies generally give low-keyed descriptions of female images.
190. In the second chapter, from psychological and feminist perspective, explains the reasons why negative female relationship exists, based on the theories of Phyllis Cheslerand and Betty Friedan.
191. You have new methods now being brought back into seminary education, like feminist analysis,or literary criticism, or liberation theology,or African American approaches, or Latino approaches.
192. Through the detailed depiction of a group of old single women, Mrs. Gaskell reveals the females'distinctive concepts of culture and hierarchy in the background of feminist movement.
193. Mary Wollstonecraft(1759—1797), a passionate advocate of the equality of the sexes, has been called the first major feminist.
194. ABSTRCT Feminist literary criticism flourishes under the development of the Women's liberation movement.
195. After being reevaluated in the second wave of feminist movement in the sixties and seventieth of the last century[http://], Edith Wharton has been established as an outstanding precursor of feminism.
196. In the 1960s, Betty Friedan, the forerunner of the contemporary American women's movements, put forward her feminist theory of the "feminine mystique".
197. Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a famous feminist and writer in late 19th century and early 20th century.
198. This thesis attempts to analyze wifehood, motherhood and selfhood in Kate Chopin's The Awakening by feminist criticism.
199. But before we declare this the happy ending of a feminist fairytale, we must look at the more sinister afterword.
200. Feminist literature, which forsakes the critical method of new criticism, attaches the importance to the studies of social and historical factors.
201. Free thinking, free spirited, free moving Isadora Duncan brought her bohemian feminist consciousness to the dance stage and changed the art of dance forever.
202. It was also anticipated by the greatIrish socialist and feminist, William Thompson.
203. The specifically feminist part of Saint-Simonianism has, however, been less studied than the group's contribution to early socialism.
204. This paper attempts to research on female image created by Stefan Zweig on the basis of Western feminist theory and psychological mental analysis achievements.
205. They tried to develop a new and feminist epistemology to replace the traditional mode of androcentrism epistemology, and reestablish science and knowledge system.
206. Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a foremother of American feminist literature.
207. Now, the context of feminist inquiry is a multi - cultural, multifaceted one.
208. The rise of feminist theology studies are closely linked with the feminist movement, the theology of the black people, and the liberation theology in Latin America of this period.
209. This study further inspects the "medicalization" of menstruation from a feminist perspective.
210. The Story of an Hour, an early feminist work written by Kate Chopin, is about a woman who experienced sharp emotional changes by the news of her husband's death.
211. Haraway, Donna. "A Game of Cat's Cradle : Science Studies, Feminist Theory, Cultural Studies. " Configurations 1 (1994): 59-71.
212. Like many writers , American feminist writer Kate Chopin used her stories to ask and resolve questions - in her case, about marriage, motherhood, independence, passion, life and death.
213. The feminist argument against marriage has long been that it forces women to conform—as Gloria Steinem once put it, marriage is an arrangement "for one and a half people."
214. In other words, I am a lower-class black lesbian feminist whose nation is Palestine.
215. The subversion and deconstruction of "maternal mythology" is a result of the fustigation of feminist literature on male dominated culture as well as of feminism introspection.
216. This dissertation argues that Friedan's feminist thought is still instructive and applicable for contemporary American women, because the feminine mystique is still imperiling them to some extent.
217. Yellow Wallpaper was a representative work of feminist literature by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
218. A bumper sticker, "Be Your Own Goddess, " broadcast public self-affirmation with a feminist twist.
219. Thora is an avid feminist so I decided to soft pedal the issue of women's rights while she was at the meeting.
220. This thesis aims at analyzing and interpreting the connotation of Betty Friedan's feminist thought, as well as its development and its meaning for women today.
221. Many people still associate the word "feminist" with man-hating, lesbianism , contempt for motherhood, and a demand that everyone work for pay.
222. The Bunnies came under fire from many critics, including the feminist Gloria Steinem, who derided the selection and training process - where looks trumped all - as degrading.
223. I may be close to a liberalist and a cultural feminist.
224. In China, To the Lighthouse is equally favoured, but criticism tends to concentrate on its writing techniques, and many essays attempt to provide a feminist or deconstructionist interpretation.
225. In the third period, with influence of Postmodenist discourse, Feminist theory shows more concern on both of diversity of female experience and necessity of the construction of female discourse.
226. Patriarchy is a seminal concept in feminist studies and has different implications and ethnicity.
227. Lauren Leader-Chivee, who carried out the study, said women in Generation X had mothers who were inspired by the feminist revolution and encouraged their daughters to aim high.
228. The ethicist Carol Gilligan offers a feminist model of human development.
229. A feminist from her student days at Berkeley, Kingston left California for Hawaii with her American husband in the late 60s, so repelled were they by the violence of the anti-war movement.
230. After several thousand years' of patriarchic society and the consequent male-dominant culture, the existence of "Feminist Art" in its true sense in China is questioned, as it should be.
231. An evangelist, abolitionist, and feminist, Sojourner Truth (c. 1797-1883) is remembered for her unschooled but remarkable voice raised in support of abolitionism, the freedmen, and women's rights.
232. MANA, the Mexican-American Women's National Association,[] organizes as feminist activist organization.
233. What are the intellectual resources you see in the existentialist feminism of Beauvoir which have stimulated your vital new insights in feminist theory?
234. The Yellow Wallpaper is the masterpiece of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a wellknown American feminist pioneer and writer.
235. "Schuette-Lihotzky did make women's lives a lot easier," Kinchin says, "but she has been criticized by feminist critics in the 1970s for actually isolating women in the kitchen."
236. American feminist author Susan Sontag died at New York's Memorial Sloan-Kettering medical center at the age of 71, following a long struggle against cancer, the hospital announced.
237. In the course of concrete research, the thesis paid more attention to text analyzing and avoid inanely deducing on western feminist literary theory.
238. If you want to be a feminist intellectual, you have to study Simone de Beauvoir.




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