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单词 Leverage
1) His function as a Mayor affords him the leverage to get things done through attending committee meetings.
2) We'll have to use leverage to move this huge rock.
3) They are determined to gain more political leverage.
4) Her wealth gives her enormous leverage in social circles.
5) He has some leverage over the politician.
6) Retailers can exert leverage over producers by threatening to take their business elsewhere.
7) Position the piece of wood so that maximum leverage can be applied.
8) Nader is relishing the leverage and the limelight.
9) The pressure to revert to maximising leverage ratios and suppress local authority and community-led development would be intense.
10) The decreasing leverage of the state allowed capital greater influence over production,[http:///leverage.html] credit and ideology.
11) At the same time, their capacity to leverage private capital in support of these developments has varied considerably.
12) Operating leverage is very high near the breakeven point and decreases as the level of production increases above the breakeven point.
13) The gain from leverage arises because the interest payments on bonds are tax-deductible whereas the dividend payments on shares are not.
14) Only those whose prodigious skill gives them leverage for negotiating secure contracts are prepared to forsake higher education for sport.
15) A buy-out usually involves some form of leverage, in that financing is provided by banks and investment institutions.
16) The national brewers' leverage has been intensified as a result of the rise of lager.
17) The ability to leverage private capital has also come to be increasingly expressed in defense of sorely needed downtown redevelopment activity.
18) He tried to push the door open, but he didn't have sufficient leverage.
19) If the United Nations had more troops in the area, it would have greater leverage.
20) A longer piece of wood would give you greater leverage.
21) The spade and fork have longer shafts, providing better leverage.
22) And for better or worse, the new interactivity brings enormous political leverage to ordinary citizens at relatively little cost.
23) Now, the company is poised to deliver on the promise it has used to leverage its future during research and development.
24) One would call for $ 6. 35 million in public loans to leverage $ 30 million in private investment.
25) We know how to teach other women to do it too, to leverage their natural expertise as peacemakers.
26) Meanwhile, organized labor and the thousands of new patronage jobs in the federal bureaucracy gave the president powerful political leverage.
27) The successful LBOs as a group also experienced greater increases in leverage with the buyout.
28) Also, their power to grant or withhold benefits provides them with considerable leverage over clients.
29) He never let Karelin use his size advantage for leverage, standing shoulder to shoulder and chest to chest instead.
30) If necessary use a metal bar to increase the leverage, then repeat for the further tap.
1) He tried to push the door open, but he didn't have sufficient leverage.
2) His function as a Mayor affords him the leverage to get things done through attending committee meetings.
3) We'll have to use leverage to move this huge rock.
4) He has some leverage over the politician.
31) Turkey has promised not to use its control of the rivers for political leverage.
32) As a general rule, the archbishop had sufficient political leverage to ensure success for his own monks in these disputes.
33) He was a national hero and now he had the leverage to change golf.
34) Still, industry sources acknowledge that stars have greater leverage in such negotiations as the search for prime-time hits becomes increasingly desperate.
35) The ability of UDAGs to leverage private dollars is not very meaningful if those dollars would have been invested anyway.
36) Pavlov had warned on Aug. 13 of a potential power vacuum,[Sentencedict] unless the centre retained sufficient economic leverage.
37) Everything is in flux with no constant points from which political leverage can be gained.
38) Abused women can gain new confidence when they realize they have political leverage against their abusive spouses.
39) This gave them potential political leverage were their sectional interests to be threatened.
40) The attraction of options and futures, our specialty item, was that they offered both liquidity and fantastic leverage.
41) Development programs often use public funds to leverage private investment.
42) The logic with margin is that you can leverage your assets to buy additional securities and increase your profits if prices rise.
43) Operating leverage measures the percentage increase in profits resulting from a given percentage increase in sales.
44) Soderberg put it succinctly and with passion: Right now we have no leverage at all on Hunts Point.
45) Kerrey and the commission, however, had little political leverage and were easily ignored by both Democrats and Republicans.
46) The consequent leverage is the most distinctive feature of our financial era.
47) This will usually mean encouraging greater leverage to allow the work to be performed profitably.
48) This, together with closer economic ties with the West, added to the Empire's leverage in international affairs.
49) Yet the report looks to the institutional investors to exercise the leverage necessary to persuade companies to comply with the code.
50) In its 1992 programme for liberalizing financial services the Community is also exercising leverage by imposing reciprocity conditions.
51) Without amplification, cylinders could only be reproduced more loudly by altering the leverage between the stylus and the reproducing diaphragm.
52) The challenge of how to use that powerful leverage for the benefit of humankind is simply an intelligence test.
53) The agreement promises to leverage Kalpana's strengths in Ethernet switching technology to boost Sparcserver network performance and availability.
54) With growing demand, Mike could exercise exchange leverage over an expanding number of people ready to change.
55) While obtains the financial leverage benefit.
56) Chinese households' leverage ratio is still quite low.
57) But growth was driven by financial leverage and overinvestment.
58) SAP BW data sources can still leverage remote processing.
59) Debt financing has leverage effect and tax benefit.
60) But nobody pretends that foreign governments have much leverage.
61) We can a crowbar to apply leverage.
62) Leverage this by mapping key functionality onto these buttons.
63) Use the leverage of fixed overhead.
64) Do you have any leverage with the Senator.
65) Has analyzed the influence financial leverage s factor.
66) Scissors and claw hammer that belongs to such leverage.
67) Another important principle of operation, stock index futures and leverage characteristics.
68) Return on Invested Capital measures a companies net operating profit as a percentage of the leverage that they are using.
69) An improvement in leverage suggested an improvement in long-term solvency , while an improvement in liquidity was a good signal about the firm's ability to service current debt obligations.
70) Similar to application server multi-tenancy, transaction multi-tenancy can be configured and programmed to leverage a nonsegregated or segregated approach.
71) Find purchase transeunt funds and bridge funds for purchasers, then to increase the rate of return through leverage effect.
72) Because of leverage, the gain or loss may be greater than the initial margin deposit.
73) Their results are similar to ours in that they conclude that these tax benefits act as a non-debt tax shield and affect leverage.
74) Why should large systemically critical financial institutions be allowed to heavily leverage themselves with short-term borrowing?
75) Of course, just like any C application, you can leverage the C compiler to build a better executable.
76) An expression that breaks return on equity (ROE) down into three parts: profit margin, total asset turnover and financial leverage. It is also known as "DuPont Analysis".
77) Her second thoughts about the bank's leverage crusade led to her being sidelined into a policy job a year before the bank went belly-up.
78) In fact, a lower debt-to-equity ratio could actually lead a bank to take on more risks in order to make up for the loss of leverage.
79) I am still bullish on gold and energy bearishand leverage.
80) The creep strain of nonwoven geotextiles is measured by using the method of photic leverage.
81) Such a high leverage ratio makes investors extremely nervous, even if a large portion of that leverage ends up being relatively benign government agency debt.
82) Future versions will leverage the ship's reconfigurable payload capacity for a wide range of missions, including anti-piracy.
83) The system is dialing back risk substantially , bringing down leverage, Mr. Fink said.
84) We need to establish and enforce strict capital and leverage ratio requirements, bring the shadow banking system under supervision and regulation and formulate globally consistent accounting rules.
85) Comparing consideration level, absolute level is thought as a developing banking tool, with two functions: financial leverage and diversification of risk.
86) All these things mean that banks will reduce the credit to reduce its leverage ratio.
87) The goal of schema design is to leverage existing schemas as much as possible and to provide external schema changes to build a model of the desired mixed-namespace document.
88) One of the benefits of switching to a functional style is the ability to leverage higher-order function support provided by the language or framework.
89) But you don't have to become a CEO or a movie star to be in a situation with measurement and leverage.
90) The fourth aspect of the financial leverage ratio is too high.
91) Something, such as a crowbar, that is used to apply leverage.
92) Whether you follow this rule as one of the success tips from Abraham Lincoln or one of the mafia tips from Al Capone, doing so will only leverage your credibility in the public's eye.
93) Amazon will be hoping to leverage both the strength of the Kindle brand, built up over three generations of its popular e-book reader, and its ability to serve up content such as music and video.
94) You can generate and use your own icon file or just leverage BMP images by clicking Specify separate BMP images.
95) Still, we rarely leverage the flexibility that this type of architecture affords us.
96) Then combined price to earning ratio and financial leverage, we constructed[ ], and revisited the performance of the portfolio model made by the free cash flow.
97) In addition, this section also discusses the impact degree of factors which influence operating leverage and the applications of factor control in outsourcing and enterprise expansion.
98) Using the leverage value to detect this model and finding the mainly influential observation, an improvable model is built.
99) Hyun Shin and other scholars in academia provided early modeling of illiquidity and of the perverse effects of leverage during asset bubbles.
100) Its core is the financial leverage that the bank wants play adjustment socio economy to live.
101) The use of leverage can lead to large losses, as well as large gains.
102) That's the reason Comcast is deliberately keeping leverage low, despite grumbling from shareholders who want a big stock buyback.
103) Customizability: It is not enough to have a lot of content; you also need to be able to leverage that content to execute projects of different types effectively.
104) Based on this analysis, the NSC determined that we should grant the visa, because it would boost Adams's leverage within Sinn Fein and the IRA, while increasing American influence with him.
105) The industry-specific common services provide standards-based implementations of message and document processing and transformations that you can leverage in your SOA application.
106) It does not leverage the Teradata DML array operation feature.
107) It is also found that the ownership reward of the company mainly benefits from financial leverage. The reward rate of ownership decreased after the asset-liability ratio was improved in 2006.
108) Smaller, unlisted firms likely experienced a similar trend, aggravated by lower margins given their higher operating leverage.
109) The several GARCH models show that there is asymmetric and spillover effects and leverage effects between two markets.
110) But, beyond the strategic questions, muchof the potential leverage of the Internet still relies on a very unsexy word:execution.
111) So by using the open standard approach of UIMA, you gain the advantage of possibly being able to leverage the work that others may have already done to solve similar problems.
112) I think every one who gets rich by their own efforts will be found to be in a situation with measurement and leverage.
113) The expenses of taxation of our country exist a lot of drawbacks at present, which makes the role of the leverage of the tax revenue and macroscopic controlling ability of the country drop.
114) All these will cut the profitability and leverage of banks.
115) Please keep in mind that leverage magnifies both gains and losses.
116) Since the middle of 2007, Morgan Stanley has raised about twenty billion dollars in new capital and cut in half its leverage ratio—the total value of its assets divided by its capital.
117) The acting force of prying and pressing marks is leverage effect which is different from that of hitting marks, impact effect.
118) I work with a 50:1 leverage and go allways full buying power in the market.
119) Empirical result shows that ARMA (1,1)-GARCH (1,1) model provide a successfully simulation by explaining strongly the volatility clustering, durative and leverage effects in enterprise bond markets.
120) Black America has something even more important than committee chairs: leverage.
121) That, in turn, helped the firm to reduce its leverage ratio (the level of indebtedness on its balance sheet), avoid a rating downgrade and appear healthier than it actually was.
122) Note that Objectify's query calls still hit the datastore; it's all other datastore interaction calls, like get, that leverage memcache.
123) You'll learn what problems each practice addresses and how you can best leverage RUP and OpenUP (an open-source version of the Unified Process) to make the practice work for you.
124) OCCI and CDMI leverage the design considerations in the HTTP protocol suite with respect security.
125) The economic crisis has provided China with a window of opportunity to leverage its relative stability and status as a trade surplus country to extend yuan credit to deficit countries globally.
126) We are forced to a lower financial leverage and wealth of the period.
127) It was a body capable of enormous leverage - a cruel body.
128) The current upturn has lasted extra long due to the stimulative effect of the leverage bubble.
129) Following this approach you can leverage the benefits of using entity lifecycles without making your requirements look too techie" 16 when you place them in front of the business user.
130) The fund will lower the cost of financing clean-energy projects in developing countries, and will help leverage greater amounts of public and private financing.
131) Because it is a serious offense in Nigeria to enter without a valid visa, the victim's illegal entry may be used by the scam artists as leverage to coerce the victims into releasing funds.
132) The leverage of synchronously closing machine is important for multilayer hot-press in forestry industry because its closing precision directly affects products quality.
133) The financial leverage is the enterprise use debt adjustment rights and interests capital income method.
134) The User object will be pretty basic: just a name and two attributes related to Twitter's OAuth implementation, which we'll leverage for its intuitive approach to authorization.
135) As a result, in order to juice up the returns, the quant funds used leverage. A conference call with Goldman Sachs suggested its quant fund was geared six times.
136) Meanwhile, the responsibility of credit fund balance was practised, the institution of reserve ratio was built, and the economic leverage function of rate was performing.
137) The guidelines call for a Tier 1 leverage ratio of 15 percent for three years. Currently, well-capitalized banks must have Tier 1 captial of at least 6 percent of risk-weighted assets.
138) China has policies that force residential buyers to have enough cash in hand (30% for your first home and 50% for your second) to minimize leverage and risk.
139) Capital structure describes the ratio of a firm's liabilities and equities, it also called financial leverage.
140) Mortgage interest is not tax-deductible, as it is in the U. S. , which also discourages excessive leverage.
141) The Carlyle Group CYL.UL last year shut down its Asia leverage finance group, which had been set up in 2007 as the region's first dedicated leverage team among private equity funds.
142) The mapping of unique node identifiers to hierarchical addresses is done using a distributed hash table that leverage the hierarchical network structure.
143) We even offer a debugger that works at the EGL source code level, and a way to leverage JSF from your EGL code to visually build your application's GUI.
144) First, if the operating leverage of the resurgence of capital once again into the high-risk assets, it will stimulate subline currency rose against the dollar.
145) The urgency to retain capital becomes clear when you look at the firm's leverage ratio.
146) They leverage the underlying protocols to keep track of the timeliness of data bits, such as HTML documents or images.
147) Because low margin deposits normally are required, an extremely high degree of leverage is obtainable in foreign currency trading.
148) Table Analysis Tools for Excel: This add-in provides easy-to-use tools that leverage SQL Server 2008 data mining features to perform powerful analytics on your spreadsheet data.
149) Finally, corporate use of leverage capacity - building to fill the gap.
150) The initial attack is followed by a takedown, with the attacker generally staying in contact with the broken limb to maintain leverage on the target.
151) With an increasing mix of Gen X, Y, Z and mobile employees in any business, we are encountering the need to leverage Web 2.0 innovations.
152) Jason saw an opportunity to leverage his background in boutique wedding photography and "marry" it with his network of award-winning photographers.
153) In order to improve leverage utility, mutual guarantee fund should be directed by professional organizations or banks should get involved in the operation of mutual guarantee organizations directly.
154) To stabilize financial markets, financial leverage ratio must be reasonable . U.
155) Moreover, the tooling is complete providing you code completion, debugging facility, generation preview, which makes it easy to leverage your models to generate code," he said.
156) You can customize portal aggregations to leverage and extend URL addressability, to some extent,[Sentence dictionary] and to enhance its capabilities.
157) China's unwillingness to let its currency appreciate more also limits its leverage.
158) The larger point is that the same forces that make Chinese mercantilism so damaging right now also mean that China has little or no financial leverage.
159) Contrary to the impression created by these companies, we had no leverage.
160) Conversion to a bank holding company will limit the amount of leverage that Goldman Sachs can take in its business. It will have to keep more capital on hand and borrow less.
161) In that case, you should leverage the visual capability of RMC, which allows creating workflow diagrams, for instance.
162) Indeed, there are already signs that Beijing's strengthened financial leverage is paying political dividends.
163) The pessimists are arguing that this crisis has set off a great unwinding of leverage, which pits the private sector credit system against the Fed in a giant tug-of-war.
164) For the first time, Basel III will also be introducing a new, internationally applied, leverage ratio requirement that includes firms' off balance sheet commitments and exposures.
165) It is a library that helps you leverage multi-core processor performance without having to be a threading expert.
166) Forex is traded with a high degree of leverage, which can work for you as well as against you, and it is possible to loss more than you invest.
167) That might give the miners further leverage to win a shift to quarterly prices, especially after steel mills across Asia and Europe have agreed to similar terms for supplies of coking coal.
168) Financial risk is due to financial leverage and achievements of uncertainty.
169) Operating Leverage A measurement of the degree to which a firm or project relies on fixed rather than variable costs.
170) A natural user interface or "NUI" seeks to harness the power of a much wider breadth of communication modalities which leverage skills people gain through traditional physical interaction.
171) Basel announced its planned new leverage ratio or cap on debt will be pegged at 3 percent -- not as high as banks had feared and a level that wholesale banks are already above, Morgan Stanley said.
172) Failing to rein in our dependence on imported oil gives leverage to undemocratic and unstable regimes.
173) Think about how you can leverage your technological, well-connected selves to bring new skills to the marketplace.
174) A bank - wide leverage test , unless properly calibrated, would make uneconomic to hold mortgages, undermining our strength.
175) So is Goldman Sachs (GS, news, msgs), which, because it is converting to a bank holding company, faces life with more regulation and less leverage than in the last economy.
176) The measure of a company's financial leverage calculated by dividing long - term debt by stockholder equity?
177) And connect with those people and bring them into a community of interest and leverage them on a task force without having to clog up e-mail to do that.
178) We calculate financial leverage, LEV, as the ratio of total non-current liabilities to total assets.
179) You can leverage and extend this approach as a synchronization mechanism for maintaining the classification taxonomy in multiple systems, including WebSphere Service Registry and Repository.
180) There exist leverage effect and information asymmetry in Chinese stock market. And the expected yield and risk have some positive relationship.
181) Topic B: Give me a pivot, I can prize up the earth. Leverage females are helpful women who can support their husbands or boyfriends and assist them in their career.
182) The guidelines call for a Tier 1 leverage ratio of 15 percent for three years. Currently, well-capitalized banks must have Tier 1 capital of at least 6 percent of risk-weighted assets.
183) However, even after the cutback in their leverage , the Turtles kept performing.
184) Core Image is designed to leverage the processing abilities of certain types of graphics processor found on high-end video cards.
185) Although operating leverage is an important factor affecting business risk.
186) More leverage, whether through conventional debt or unbooked and indexed "pension debt",[http:///leverage.html] should be viewed with skepticism by shareholders.
187) The financial leverage ratio (total assets divided by shareholders' equity) is an all-purpose debt gauge.
188) Just two years ago the perfect storm of a decade of excess credit, excessive leverage and uncontrolled expansion by financial institutions precipitated the crisis.
189) With merely 10 % deposit, he has effectively leverage himself ten times on the capital invested.
190) The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you.
191) To simplify the reuse of your custom workflow decision solution, you do not want to insert custom fields and form logic directly in this form; rather, you can leverage a computed subform approach.
192) All the risk enterprises are exposed to come from the fluctuations of sales income and the size of leverage.
193) Conceptual design is the highest leverage point of quick delivery and product innovation.
194) To upgrade China logistics operation, streamline processes and leverage the potential resources.
195) European nations agreed to support some form of bank leverage ratio - a key US demand.
196) Such guarantees lower the cost of credit, encouraging greater risk taking, Lacker said. "Inexpensive debt financing will encourage an institution to seek greater leverage than it otherwise would."
197) Put differently, Lehman's net leverage ratio was either 15 times or 17 times, both sky-high.
198) The event data itself is contained within the CBE as a payload field that can either leverage predefined payload structures or be extended to create new payloads.
199) The new tax system gives a depressing impact to the development of the leverage effects of tax.
200) The distinctive organization of the text provides for early coverage of operating leverage, cost-volume-profit analysis, relevance, and cost allocation.
201) Cooperation, the use of market mechanisms and financial credit leverage that work to promote residential properties.
202) It's the secretary's man; I have a lot of leverage.
203) As a small businessperson you have no greater leverage than the truth.
204) Nothing wrong with that, except that the leverage ratio explicitly excludes lending the banks undertake domestically from calculations of capital.
205) We discover that the operating lever is affected by the sale quantity and the unit gross profit, and that the value of the operating leverage in different fields.
206) The banks hid their excessive leverage using derivatives, off-balance-sheet entities and other devices, the report found.
207) By staying with the Lakers another year, Bryant assumes the normal risk of injury, but he gains a ton more leverage for his next contract.
208) The earnings generated at home are suffering as operating leverage fades and companies can't fully pass soaring costs through to customers.
209) In conclusion, it is more objective and accurate by putting ABC method into operating leverage. The research helps the operators' decision-making.
210) He also said more people-to-people exchanges could help build such U.S. leverage on Iranian leaders.
211) He will likely not call off the talks, but might try to possibly leverage some conciliatory talk out of Abbas.
212) DOL(Degree of Operating Leverage), which is the ratio of net income variation to sales variation, is one of the indexes to reflect the operating risk of an enterprise.
213) But as a result of financial leverage many kinds of factor influences.
214) UI designers and developers can leverage the DOM's accessibility and manipulability through JavaScript and cascading style sheets (CSS) to create systems that users can manage more efficiently.
215) The GPFS enabled IBM SONAS filer further helps leverage high data storage performance to your AIX and Linux systems aiding in a uniform, consolidated and cohesive storage management.
216) Based on 5% of statistics there are no apparent relationships between equity capital cost, average capital cost,[http:///leverage.html] standard variation coefficient of EBIT and degree of financial leverage.
217) Take that draft directive on hedge funds and private equity, a ragbag of measures requiring more disclosure, greater controls over leverage and tighter restrictions on non-EU funds.
218) "It's a huge responsibility of a church to leverage whatever's going on in the broader culture, to connect people to God and to each other, " says Hahn.
219) He failed in the project because he could gain no leverage.
220) Such financing can't come from the public sector alone so governments need to better leverage their resources to attract private financing.
221) However, once one develops the mindset to correctly leverage these languages, there can be large gains in productivity.
222) But despite the high leverage ratio and uncertainty, there are options available to MF Global to continue as a going concern.
223) We should improve the macroeconomic control system featuring the coordination of state planning and fiscal and monetary policies to give play to economic leverage.
224) Profit is profit model of the core, in-depth analysis of profit model 3G mobile phone games profit source, the profit point, profit targets, profit leverage, and profit barrier to maximize profits.
225) If you've tried and failed make a shift, the missing ingredient was probably leverage.
226) Ideally, you should look to leverage your strengths, stick to doing what you love and find team members who can cover the parts of the change/ project management cycle that you don't enjoy.
227) Build automation empowers strategic decision-making that helps SMBs chart their product development direction(), and optimize and leverage their competitive differentiation.
228) When users need to analyze or retrieve these data, they must leverage various custom-built tools.
229) As utilizing principle of torsion spring and leverage, the unique MEMS microwave switch has low actuation voltage, high isolation, low insertion loss and good stability.
230) This article carries on the analysis theoretically to enterprise's financial leverage.
231) For societies built on credit and leverage, this is disastrous.
232) This was seed money to leverage private and state contributions.
233) Without it, prosecutors have more leverage over him as an extended period in a miserable jail cell awaiting trial can wear down even tough suspects.
234) Leverage TradeAbility Landed Cost to reduce expenses and better serve your international customers.
235) Our investment process tries to leverage fundamental research and we will try to identify opportunities on that Monday or Tuesday.
236) This means UI designers and developers now have a fixed, robust platform and can feasibly create rich client applications that leverage advanced, instantaneous, client-side interactions.
237) May bring more incomes reasonably using the financial leverage to the enterprise.
238) Amylin 's research and development activities leverage the Company's expertise in metabolism to develop potential therapies to treat diabetes and obesity.
239) "It's a community of like-minded learners who can leverage their native language proficiency to help one another, " he said.
240) "Deutsche Boerse believes the proposal by Nasdaq and ICE would burden shareholders with irresponsible leverage, eliminate a competitor and face insurmountable antitrust risk," it said.
241) Without proper risk management, this high degree of leverage can lead to large losses as well as gains.
242) What is your view about high leverage in Forex trading?
243) Big company often use its deep pocket as a leverage to initiate price war against competition.
244) African and Asian ambassadors have made off-the-record statements suggesting that China uses its aid and trade as leverage to make them tilt away from U. S. initiatives.
245) Reasonable use of financial leverage to equity capital to bring extra income,[http:///leverage.html] namely the financial leverage.
246) This section was separately retained given its unique impact on the company's financial condition and leverage.
247) It's also noteworthy that these operations used only minor financial leverage in achieving that return.
248) Companies can also take on debt to raise capital, creating leverage.
249) Since we leverage the main module, it needs to be modified.
250) Leverage has the effect of potentially magnifying losses and could result in the value of the Company's net assets and the Net Asset Value per Share decreasing.




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