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单词 Decrease
1. People should decrease the amount of fat they eat.
2. There are indications that unemployment will decrease.
3. There was a decrease in the number of children in school.
4. There has been a sharp decrease in pollution since the law was introduced.
5. Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussions for the local economy.
6. The population began to decrease.
7. Is crime on the decrease?
8. There has been a decrease in imports.
9. There has been some decrease in imports.
10. The birthrate is on the decrease.
11. I haven't noticed much decrease in interest.
12. The government wants to decrease population growth.
13. There has been a steady decrease of temperature.
14. The decrease in sales was almost 20 percent.
15. The prices of polymers and suchlike materials will decrease.
16. Police report a decrease in violent deaths.
17. Marriage is still on the decrease.
18. Attacks of asthma decrease in frequency through early adult life.
19. The report's finding on the decrease in violent crime supports the police chief's claims.
20. The decrease in the number of bicycles and cars might give rise to another new set of problems.
21. There has been some decrease in military spending this year.
22. There has been a steady decrease in the number of visitors.
23. This year's figures show a decrease of 30% on last year.
23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. There was a slight decrease in his weight after a week of dieting.
25. There has been a modest decrease in house prices this year.
26. Half the companies in the survey reported a decrease in sales.
27. The encouraging news is that typhoid is on the decrease.
28. Fewer houses are available, but there is no corresponding decrease in demand.
29. Without early intimation of the dates of the training sessions, enthusiasm for training could decrease.
30. Sales have now peaked and we expect them to decrease soon.
1. People should decrease the amount of fat they eat.
2. There are indications that unemployment will decrease.
3. There was a decrease in the number of children in school.
4. There has been a sharp decrease in pollution since the law was introduced.
5. The encouraging news is that typhoid is on the decrease.
6. Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussions for the local economy.
7. The population began to decrease.
8. There has been some decrease in imports.
9. The birthrate is on the decrease.
10. The decrease in sales was almost 20 percent.
31. They tried to beat the sudden decrease in land values.
32. The new treatment led to a huge decrease in the number of deaths.
33. If the egg is not fertilised oestrogen and progesterone decrease.
34. Gradually decrease the amount of vitamin C you are taking.
35. There are fears that share prices could decrease still further.
36. Bank base rates have fallen from 10 per cent to 6 per cent — a decrease of 40 per cent.
37. The North's share of the world's energy consumption is expected to decrease from 70% to 60%.
38. After this, the annual payments would decrease.
39. The June decrease was the first drop since January and the steepest since December.
40. And as time goes by, your staff will likely decrease, for the age limits of call-up will rise.
41. Because survival rates decrease dramatically as the disease progresses, early detection is key, Dressler says.
42. The figures recorded for 1991 show a decrease of 42 in casualties in this group.
43. The aim is not to increase the community nurses' workload but rather to decrease time spent chasing the social work team.
44. An unfavorable change in consumer preferences will cause demand to decrease, shifting the curve to the left.
45. The decrease in sodium reabsorption by the renal tubules will be accompanied by decreased chloride and water retention.
46. That finding suggests that hospitals trying to boost patient satisfaction must do more than merely decrease waiting times.
47. The binding is reversible so that factors that decrease the protein concentration will increase the ionized fraction of calcium in the blood.
48. When resorption overtakes formation, the result is a decrease in bone density and strength.
49. The remaining strategies are designed to decrease the overload and pressure themselves.
50. The problem becomes more difficult for older adults as calcium needs increase while calorie needs decrease.
51. This decrease in inflation has not been achieved without a price.
52. A good response to treatment was defined as restoration of continence or a decrease of at least 75% in frequency of incontinence.
53. It causes the wake to increase in width and decrease in velocity deficit with distance downstream.
54. Calculate a percentage of a sum of money. Increase or decrease a sum of money by a given percentage.
55. By 1919 the number of soldiers began to decrease and the numbers of unemployed to increase.
56. Contrary to mathematical expectation, the presence of Rupa and Dullah did not decrease the loading time by two thirds.
57. Discussion A decrease in the incidence of gastric carcinoma has been widely reported over the last three decades.
58. In iron deficiency anemia complicated by other disorders which either increase serum iron or decrease the.
59. Thus settling appeared to decrease the spread of sizes as estimated from sieving.
60. The rate and amount of vaginal lubrication does decrease with age.
61. Short recordings of classical music caused their activity to decrease, sometimes to levels half of that before the music started.
62. Simply by growing larger, creatures suffer a continual decrease in relative surface area.
63. If all goes well, our own production of cholesterol should decrease in relation to the amount we take in from outside.
64. Reductions in bus passenger and car rear seat passenger casualties have contributed in large degree to this decrease.
65. More nuclear weapons, properly shared out, might decrease the risk of global war.
66. Pure alcohol injection after an epinephrine injection tended to decrease the rebleeding rate in our series.
67. In addition, a decrease in size seems to have accompanied adaptation to an exclusively arboreal life.
68. There are positive and negative reinforcers which increase and decrease this rate of occurrence respectively.
69. A big fall in steel productivity caused a corresponding decrease in profits.
70. If your graphs and charts are showing an overall decrease in weight, then you know you are eating the right amounts.
71. But if interest rates fall below the capped rate, your rate will decrease with them.
72. An increase in supply shifts the curve to the right; a decrease in supply shifts it to the left.
73. What happens when you decrease the amount of salt by adding more fresh water?
74. Second, there is the issue of the increase or decrease in overtly exploitative, degrading and violent forms of sexuality.
75. In contrast to carrying costs, ordering costs decrease with increases in average inventory level.
76. Williams-Sonoma has been struggling recently, reporting a 45 percent earnings decrease in the past year.
77. Under such circumstances the frequency with which you visited the pub would be likely to decrease gradually over time.
78. The percentage of poultry meat may decrease to 50 percent if statement is made of the percentage of broth. 6.
79. Normally, some records are accessed more frequently than others, and this tendency can be used to decrease average access time.
80. The effect of branching is to decrease the percentage crystallinity, broaden the melting range, and reduce the average melting temperature.
81. Production costs will decrease as the required level of stock is reduced.
82. Then slowly decrease the finger pressure, ending with about twenty seconds of light touch.
83. Fueling up can decrease errors, increase productivity, improve your mood and prevent binge eating later on.
83. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
84. A quantitative measure of the damping is provided by the logarithmic decrement defined as the logarithmic decrease in amplitude per cycle.
85. At night our internal clock, sleep, and our inactive environment act together to decrease temperature and urinary loss.
86. Constant wetting makes nails soft and opaque, and chemical detergents and varnish removers decrease levels of moisture in the nail.
87. Any increase or decrease in the money stock is thus directly attributable to the activities of the central bank.
88. Don't cast off, but enter a second program that will decrease from the measurement you have to the waist.
89. There has been both an increase in the total number of households and a decrease in the average household size.
90. This percentage is likely to decrease as a result of improvements in cable systems.
91. You could exercise to increase the amount of lean muscle tissue and decrease the amount of fat in your body.
92. Conscientious about nutrition, Wait said he added fruit to his recipe to increase moisture and decrease the fat content.
93. The treatment can decrease the time it takes the body to remove the lactic acid build-up in your muscles.
94. To decrease the depth of a V neckline, deduct 1 from this figure for each 0.5 centimetre required.
95. In the evening, body temperature begins to decrease in preparation for sleep.
96. These decrease absorption of calcium from the intestine and have an even greater impact on lowering calcium excretion by the kidneys.
97. The decrease in the number of salmon has come about through commercial overfishing.
98. They also delay sleep onset, increase the chances of waking after sleep onset occurs, and decrease total sleep time.
99. From the viewpoint of a molecular biologist, the distance between us seems to decrease as our knowledge increases.
100. As the roast darkens, caffeine and acidity decrease proportionately.
101. Decrease cost subcontractor, increase frequency to monitor compressor.
102. Carnitine appears to decrease muscle soreness.
103. Objective: To diagnose neonatal septicemia in early stage so as to reduce complications and decrease mortality.
104. Objective To increase the knowledge of acute thyroiditis and decrease the misdiagnositic rate.
105. Improved diet has been responsible for a dramatic decrease in rickets.
106. Objective To prevent or decrease eyelid retraction and ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty.
107. Chapter 54 - Does Intraoperative Regional Anesthesia Decrease Perioperative Blood Loss?
108. The solubilities of the gases generally decrease with increased water salinity and increase with pressure.
109. With the decrease in weft diameter, the insertion force also decreases.
110. Objective: The decrease false ball to paralyze sufferer again and again the aspiration pneumonitis occurrence.
111. Therapy with phentolamine produced a significant decrease in the preejection period index.
112. Oil is not a renewable resource, so its reserves will certainly decrease.
113. Result: CQT can decrease the blood pressure, rennin and angiotensinexpression in plasma of RHR.
113. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
114. Decrease of postoperative value of VE and V TINS was found after phrenic nerve transfer.
115. Yucca extract could decrease the number of the protozoa significantly ( P & lt; 0.05 ).
116. Architecture parallelization can decrease the long running time of GA for time - critical conditions.
117. Photoradiation - HPD was also found to decrease the order of the phospholipid molecule in the liposome slightly.
118. The incidence neural tube defect was increased. The incidence of cheilopalatognathus and limb defect were decrease.
119. If you fire your sniper rifle while unscoped, you will notice a significant decrease in accuracy.
120. Both wild and farmed turbot prices are expected to decrease mainly in the smallest sizes.
121. An increase or decrease in this ratio is indicative of the integrity of myelin.
122. It can also decrease the content of 5 - HIAA in rat striatum.
123. You can decrease the intensity, but the surfaces will always be lighted a tad bit.
124. From semantic perspective. word reiterative brings increase. decrease and weakening to meanings.
125. Moreover, spending and taxing policies work together to increase or decrease aggregate demand.
126. Misusing organic fertilizer may cause a decrease in the soil's quality.
127. Restructure planning process, production is shifted by safety stock, to decrease stock.
128. Hydrodesulphurization technology could effectively decrease sulfur content in gasoline and octane number loss.
129. Results: The progesterone can greatly decrease frequency of eletrical activity and increase urine flow.
130. He said that crops likely will decrease in seasonally dry countries as average world temperatures rise.
131. Information sharing can increase the transparence of companies and decrease the effect of bullwhip.
132. In three main coal - forming periods arsenic contents decrease from Tertiary, Late Triassic to Late Permian.
133. An amendent should decrease bulk density, increase toltal porosity , and incr ease water and air content.
134. This will decrease the nutritive value and the taste and colour will also change.
135. And now, traces If shamanistic culture decrease little by little, shamanism became a surviving belief.
136. There is a decrease in the radiant energy received at a specified distance from the explosion.
137. Sacrificial anodes protection can decrease the degree of corrosion wear very effectively.
138. RESULTS To build effective system and decrease abrasion and uselessness of oral apparatus.
139. It has been systematized for operation control and can decrease the losing of blind operation.
140. The best decrease was always at sodium hydroxide treatment among these components.
141. Conclusion: The nonage rehabilitation therapy can enhance the curing raterate, and can decrease the rate.
142. After TMETN is substituted for NG, the impact and friction sensitivity of the propellant decrease obviously.
143. The result of the trial operation shows that weft crackiness and end breakage decrease greatly.
144. The theory confirms the increase in the retardation effect with decrease in particle size.
145. An amendment should decrease bulk density, increase total porosity,(http:///decrease.html) and increase water and air content.
146. Experimental results show the apparent sorption rate constant decrease with increasing ionic strength added salt.
147. More bulbs in the series circuit will decrease their brightness. A smaller current will flow.
148. By using this kind of special toothpaste, children may decrease the rate of tooth decay.
149. The causes of outpatient drug repercussion were analyzed, and the countermeasure to decrease the events.
150. The volume of Neuron decrease, Cytoplasm's stain is dark, karyopyknosis are observed.
151. Now dorsa rush in fm abroad n stock rapidly decrease outgo early order.
152. Results Taurine could reduce the PAF level and decrease the heart injury during myocardial infarction.
153. Objective To decrease the missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis of cerebral infarction in ophthalmology.
154. The group says death rates from colon, breast and prostate cancer continue to decrease.
155. Conclusion: Decrease of TNF releasing might be one of the mechanisms of anti inflammation of EsA.
156. The gas - solid heat transfer coefficient will decrease when height of riser increases.
157. Conclusion New method of caesarean birth of operatic time was short, complication decrease, simple and easy.
158. When a company declares a stock split, the price of the stock will decrease.
159. These were caused by the decrease of nitrification rate and increase of denitrification rate.
160. Increase of efficiency of regenerator can powerfully decrease energy consumption of tank furnace.
161. Results: Salvia miltiorrhiza can enhance the effective power , decrease the myo - creative and improve the clinical symptom.
162. Thermal conductivity and specific heat decrease while thermal diffusivity increases with the increase of space - holder addition.
163. But for the potassium hydroxide precipitated, the purity decrease because of charcoal of crue phenanthrene.




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