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单词 Hypothesis
1. Let me enumerate many flaws in your hypothesis.
2. She wrote something to summarize her hypothesis.
3. The researcher sets up experiments to test the hypothesis.
4. Scientists have proposed a bold hypothesis.
5. One hypothesis is that the victim fell asleep while driving.
6. The results confirmed his hypothesis on the use of modal verbs.
7. We hope that further research will confirm our hypothesis.
8. We have proved the hypothesis.
9. All this is mere hypothesis.
10. These observations appear to support our working hypothesis.
11. Her hypothesis concerns the role of electromagnetic radiation.
12. The theory is based on the hypothesis that all men are born equal.
13. It is possible to make a hypothesis on the basis of this graph.
14. A hypothesis is tested by finding experimental evidence for it.
15. Work will now begin to test the hypothesis in rats.
16. We have a working theory/hypothesis about what caused the crash, which we shall test.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. Clearly, the hypothesis does need some refinement, in the light of these surprising results.
18. The hypothesis predicts that children will perform better on task A than on task B.
19. The authors reject the hypothesis about unemployment contributing to crime.
20. Her study is based on the hypothesis that language simplification is possible.
21. Any evidence that exists to support the hypothesis is fairly weak.
22. The statistics to prove or disprove his hypothesis will take years to collect.
23. According to the hypothesis of some economists, increased wages may give rist to the high cost of living.
24. There is no direct evidence of the prion hypothesis.
25. The hypothesis can therefore be tested by clock-shifting experiments.
26. Do our results confirm this hypothesis?
27. The magnetic hypothesis of homing is not yet confirmed.
28. Some epidemiological studies support the Fathalla hypothesis.
29. Even casual observation makes this hypothesis improbable.
30. Dr Lee set up a series of experiments to test out this hypothesis.
1. She wrote something to summarize her hypothesis.
2. The researcher sets up experiments to test the hypothesis.
3. Scientists have proposed a bold hypothesis.
4. One hypothesis is that the victim fell asleep while driving.
5. The results confirmed his hypothesis on the use of modal verbs.
6. We have proved the hypothesis.
7. Her hypothesis concerns the role of electromagnetic radiation.
8. The theory is based on the hypothesis that all men are born equal.
9. Her study is based on the hypothesis that language simplification is possible.
31. An experiment of Charles Brown has confirmed Marler's hypothesis.
32. The hypothesis has been championed by F. Papi.
33. Seventeen pages of notes support his hypothesis.
34. The scientist should try to prove the hypothesis wrong.
35. And there: the flat-Earth hypothesis is demolished.
36. The olfactory hypothesis has not been confirmed either.
37. Thereafter he would be testing his hypothesis.
38. A hypothesis should have an empirical referent. 3.
39. At least he put up the dislocation as a hypothesis in a scientific paper.
40. Although irritable bowel syndrome is commonly believed to be a colonic motility disorder, the evidence supporting this hypothesis is inconsistent.
41. If a hypothesis is falsified by the empirical evidence then it has to be changed to explain that evidence.
42. This aggregate supply curve is of fundamental importance to the macroeconomic policy conclusions often drawn from the rational expectations hypothesis.
43. One other example of a possibly adhoc hypothesis from the history of science will be briefly mentioned.
44. The first is referred to as the efficient markets hypothesis.
45. Belief in one's hypothesis has been found to lead to errors in observing and in recording the results of experiments.
46. Romaine, Le Page and Tabouret-Keller and others have raised serious theoretical objections to the continuum hypothesis itself, as described above.
46. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
47. The causal direction hypothesis predicts that performance will be better on the causal task than on the temporal task.
48. The null hypothesis that can then be tested by using the F distribution as explained in chapter 3.
49. This bizarre behavior is explained by the efficient-market hypothesis, which we will discuss at the end of this chapter.
50. In later versions of the natural rate hypothesis, Friedman was tacitly to abandon this view altogether.
51. This hypothesis was investigated by re-estimating the preferred equation up to 1987 Q2 prior to the stock market crash.
52. The ultimate evolutionary victory, on the theistic hypothesis, does not go to the most ruthless exterminators and most fecund replicators.
53. Like Laplace in his famous reply to Napoleon, Humean atheists have no need for the theistic hypothesis.
54. The counsellor constructs a working hypothesis which attempts to see meaning and connections in the counsellee's social performance.
55. Sometimes the researcher will present an explicit hypothesis and set out to test it.
56. On this basis, the hypothesis would be that religious beliefs tend to cluster around particular compounds of limitation.
57. A recurrent working hypothesis of gene-culture coevolutionary theory is that the epigenetic rules are shaped by natural selection over many generations.
58. This hypothesis not only flouts accepted biological principles but is unnecessary.
59. They had no doubt that the hypothesis stated in Allison's paper really belongs to Mark.
60. The finding that their number is neither affected by ranitidine nor by cisapride treatment does not support this hypothesis.
61. What this means is that there is no way that any hypothesis drawn from Marxist theory can be disproved by empirical investigation.
62. The use of the null hypothesis does have one very practical use.
63. Her main hypothesis is the iconographical and cultic continuity between pagan goddesses and the Black Virgins.
64. Subsequent studies have supported the hypothesis that population mixing can influence the incidence of childhood leukaemia.
65. This hypothesis is not widely accepted as the clinical evidence generally is not supportive.
66. The third, theistic, hypothesis of creation is by far the best explanation for the existence of the universe.
67. As a result, this supports the hypothesis that men are more specialised in the left-brain than women.
68. Direct observations on what people are expecting allow a second and stronger test of the rational expectations hypothesis.
69. Animal research has been much more consistent in suggesting this hypothesis than human research has.
70. In Earth's case it developed a secondary atmosphere through organic evolution, say supporters of the Gaian hypothesis.
71. This hypothesis requires further analysis of the passive voice before it can be considered confirmed however.
72. Accordingly, we tested the hypothesis that postoperative pain decreases subcutaneous oxygen partial pressure.
73. There is an additional prediction about the relationship between arousal and memory which is commonly made from Easterbrook's hypothesis.
74. The null hypothesis of no heterogeneity can not be rejected in any of the variants of the model.
75. She first confirmed Watson's hypothesis that in the tobacco mosaic virus small protein sub-units were arranged in a helical fashion.
76. For the short observations, the null hypothesis is that only Poisson noise is present.
76. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
77. Such a hypothesis requires, however, confirmation in a large group of patients.
78. Results in studies of diabetic patients are consistent with this hypothesis.
79. Once the observations are completed the parents can devise a hypothesis about what is maintaining the problem behaviour.
80. Some interpretations, at least, of the hypothesis of natural selection do conflict with the theistic hypothesis on three main counts.
81. They will get attention in connection with the second hypothesis of the theory of determinism of this book.
82. The purpose of this study was to examine the hypothesis that such a difference in metastability already exists in hepatic bile.
83. Therefore the rational expectations hypothesis suggests a valid method of incorporating additional information when estimating macroeconomic models which contain expectation terms.
84. While the evidence for the validity of the hypothesis is much debated, the evidence against it is almost non-existent.
85. On this hypothesis the spits both start from their respective headlands and converge towards the centre of the bay.
86. If only a single character is suggested then word knowledge is used to detect and correct errors in the hypothesis.
87. They had little difficulty in finding abundant evidence for this hypothesis.
88. However, to fully test this hypothesis, it was necessary to investigate more than one domain.
89. With admissible or near-admissible algorithms the search can end as soon as a spanning hypothesis has been found.
90. When this indicated a probability of less than 0.05 for the null hypothesis Student-Newman-Keuls analyses were performed to determine which values differed significantly.
91. The researcher may actually expect that the null hypothesis is faulty and should be rejected in favor of the alternative H1.
92. Hypothesis Power lines, cancer and cyclotron resonance Living close to overhead power lines may increase the risk of cancer in humans.
93. Now we find Quine saying that H is never a single hypothesis but a bundle of them.
94. The application of these tests may increase the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is in fact true.
95. This provides an important argument for the lead causes-hyperactivity hypothesis.
96. Recognizing the internalized self-image of the counsellee is an important perceptual skill in arriving at a working hypothesis.
97. Friedman's statement of the natural rate hypothesis went a long way towards reconciling such evidence with basic classical theory.
98. Suppose we begin with an existential hypothesis, without being able to point to any confirming evidence.
99. The project will test this hypothesis using data collected from teachers and from pupils.
100. For example, one may have a hypothesis about the outcomes and one wishes to test whether the data are consistent with this.
101. Like Galileo, he was committed to the Copernican system as a cosmology and not merely as a mathematical hypothesis.
102. The proposal serves as a guide to the hypothesis testing process which embodies the specific purpose of the study effort.
103. The researcher has a hypothesis and sets up experiments to test it.
104. A recent empirical test of this hypothesis as applied to surgeons has provided support for it.
105. These results show a significant positive effect of maturity on volatility, and this contradicts the Samuelson hypothesis of a negative effect.
106. Baillie etal. reject the speculative efficiency hypothesis in all cases.
107. That, the authors conclude, casts doubt on the refuge hypothesis.
108. Studies using those that do exist provide little support for the rational expectations hypothesis.
109. The thrifty genotype hypothesis and its implications for the study of complex disorders in man.
110. The value of the hypothesis is that it leads to an empirical test.
111. It gives a better account of all the relevant facts, and is thus the preferable hypothesis.
112. The Oxford Record Linkage Study was used to explore this hypothesis.
113. This hypothesis holds that giant tongues of material were torn from the preexisting Sun by the gravitational attraction ofa passing star.
114. Departures from the null hypothesis were assessed at the 5% significance level.
115. Whether this statement rests on a factual basis or is simply a reasonable hypothesis it is once again impossible to tell.
116. An attractive hypothesis is that the activity of this region in man and monkey is related to emotional speech, especially expletives.
117. We first consider tests of the rational expectations hypothesis in those relatively few cases when the expected variable is directly measured.
118. This gives variables of exactly known distribution, so that we can calculate the significance of any given peak under the null hypothesis.
119. She offers a persuasive and very interesting hypothesis, as yet unsubstantiated, to which classroom research could usefully be directed.
120. The working hypothesis is tested and refined through the process of discussion and questioning.
121. This project will help us to confirm or reject this hypothesis.
122. This tends to support the hypothesis that although customers will complain about price increases it does not necessarily alter their visiting behaviour.
123. As previously suggested, a researcher is usually interested in setting up a hypothesis which he really would like to reject.
124. Possession of such direct observations on expectations would allow us to test the validity of the rational expectations hypothesis in two ways.
125. These findings support the hypothesis that H pylori colonisation is directly involved in the hypergastrinaemia.
126. The retirement impact hypothesis appeared to spread quickly and to be widely accepted, particularly in governmental and other widely disseminated documents.
127. It points us to the theistic hypothesis rather than to the necessity hypothesis.
128. This hypothesis generates an infinite set of indifference curves which are convex to the L axis.
129. These results support the hypothesis that individuals are willing to pay more in order to live in communities that provide high-quality services.
130. This supports the hypothesis that adaptation is due to visual change.
131. These require more detailed examination in order to determine whether they disprove the hypothesis formulated above.
132. Minor hypotheses are designed in the same manner as the major hypothesis.
133. In Hawaii, many efforts were made to test the vaccination hypothesis.
134. Such results may be explained by the hypothesis that serotonin is more responsible for regulating mood than for controlling alcohol cravings.
135. This study can not provide data to confirm or refute this hypothesis, however.
136. But on the whole,[/hypothesis.html] a gradually rising population throughout the ninth century seems an acceptable working hypothesis.
137. An alternative hypothesis, which has considerable intuitive plausibility, needs to be refuted before this assumption can be justified.
138. Far from this being the case, it is exactly what might be expected if the theistic hypothesis is true.
139. Isaac Newton solved the final problem in the Copernican hypothesis by demonstrating that planetary motion was caused by gravitation.
140. The evidence, particularly of Willis, would support this working hypothesis.
141. Thus no evidence to support this alternative hypothesis is available.
142. The theistic hypothesis postulates one necessarily actual reality, the mind that conceives all possibilities.
143. The weight of the evidence against the scanning hypothesis for REMs is very great.
144. Essentially, the classic experimental design involves controlling all factors extraneous to the hypothesis of interest in order that this can be tested.
145. It was this criticism of the adaptive expectations hypothesis that led to the development of the rational expectations hypothesis.
146. I don't see what's so sinister about biology as a hypothesis.
147. Decisions to retain or reject an hypothesis are fairly straightforwardly determined by the results of experimental tests.
148. It looks as though here, too, the hypothesis does not account for all the biological facts.
149. Zamboni's hypothesis does not have "a reasonable scientific rationale".
150. Selection of a theory to guide hypothesis testing.
151. So I stand by it as a testable hypothesis.
152. "There is an age old hypothesis in psychology that a person's wishes, hopes and desires can influence what they see," said David Dunning, Cornell University psychologist and co-author of the study.
153. Using the new concept, It is clear to identify losses of different wheelings without any hypothesis,() and these losses satisfy the superposition theorem.
154. It is usually use first-order method such as effective lengths method in engineering practical stability compute. Because of much hypothesis adopted, so it can only make approximate analysis.
155. The syntactic system of a language and the perceptual system of the speakers of that language do not have the kind of interdependent relationship that the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis claimed to have.
156. This paper discussed the double sideband noise figures and single side band noise figures of the superheterodyne receivers in a ideal hypothesis and the practical case respectively.
157. To improve this hypothesis we must make sure that the expression change of GDNF in DRGs is related to hyperalgesia.
158. As the idea that birds descended from dinosaurs gained acceptance by all but a few paleontologists, so too did the cursorial hypothesis.
159. The article is theoretical foundation with environmental theory and hypothesis of retail production cycle.
160. Two Culture implies a positivistic hypothesis, emphasizes the objectivity of social reality, and assumes that both decision-makers and researchers have the qualification and ability for policy design.
161. A hypothesis about the culturable predominant groups in hypersaline environment is the important resource of bioactive substance would be proposed.
162. The dynamic characteristic of official crime is analyzed economic model based on life cycle hypothesis.
163. Under the hypothesis of continuous dividend, if the continuous dividend rate isp, and regular payment dividend, we get European call and put option pricing formula and their parity.
164. The individualism and the hypothesis of economic man, as well as exchange-like politics, fluctuate the justifiability of government-intervening economy, seriously challenge the economic law.
165. Background and objective:The hypothesis of "two hit" model suggests that at least two classes of gene mutations are responsible for the leukemogenesis.
166. Concept learning can be formulated as a problem of searching through a predefined space of potential hypotheses for the hypothesis that best fits the training examples.
167. Then there is the practice hypothesis, that individuals are honing their skills for mating,[] which seems to hold good for male fruit flies at least.
168. To test the hypothesis that economic recessions lead to reduced global development assistance for health (DAH).
169. The British Biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake introduced the concepts of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance in his revolutionary 1981 book A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation.
170. Previous research showed that the developmental sequence of L2 acquisition of this linguistic feature could be predicted by the aspect hypothesis.
171. Using a dynamic economic model with a life_cycle hypothesis, this paper examines the effect of population change on economy.
172. The fitted result proves that the hypothesis that load-life curve in single logarithm should be exponential curve is right.
173. For Simpson, though, seeing her hot tower hypothesis verified over the next two decades was surely a kind of poetic justice as well.
174. Integrating and obliging strategies are the two most adoptable strategies, which means the hypothesis is tested that person under collective culture is more inclined to adopt integrating strategy.
175. The cancer stem cell hypothesis suggests that malignant growth depends on a subset of tumor cells with stem cell-like properties of self - renewal.
176. This conclusion is consistent with the hypothesis that the rotational axis of the minor planet has no precession.
177. The answer to this query is viewed from two contrasting hypotheses, namely, the linear no-threshold (LNT) hypothesis and radiation hormesis.
178. A new hypothesis of electron hole pairs is given in this paper with a complete new view point.
179. Firstly, a game model has been established based on the hypothesis and predigestion of traditional market.
180. The final CFV for hypothesis is given based on mean and fuzzy entropy of all CFV.
181. And James Randerson recently chaired a debate between the Cambridge palaeontologist Simon Conway-Morris and Elaine Morgan, advocate of the "aquatic ape" hypothesis, at the Bath Literature Festival.
182. This case supports the theory that TS is related to the left frontal lobe, limbic system, and basal ganglia, but contradicts the hypothesis that the tics are ictal events.
183. Objective: This paper concerns the design and analysis of phase IV clinical trial under non-null hypothesis.
184. If theDravidian hypothesis is correct, it might be possible to match wordsfrom the old form of Tamil, a Dravidian language spoken in Tamil Nadu, with the Indus signs.
185. Further, I cautioned them that their failure to disprove a hypothesis that no structure existed was methodologically inadequate to support a conclusion that prices were random.
186. One is represented by Noam Chomsky and his followers, who advocate rule-based Universal Grammar in linguistic study and language innateness hypothesis in language acquisition study.
187. With converging to the competitive equilibrium in continuous double auction(), it shows paradox results with efficient market hypothesis.
188. Lastly, we analyze the reasons of magnetic heading's error and the compensation methods. What's more, we experiment to validate the ellipse hypothesis compensation method.
189. The hypothesis of economic man has universal authenticity. And the self-concern of government is the inevitable deduction of the hypothesis of economic man.
190. As the Red Queen hypothesis fell out of favour, researchers began to cast around for other possibilities.
191. These findings support the hypothesis that peripheral buccal nerve compression could be an etiology of paroxysmal neuropathic pain in the unilateral orofacial region.
192. The sampling distribution and hypothesis testing of this non-linear generalized correlation coefficient will be studied with linear regression model .
193. In a research context, the alternative hypothesis of a linear model needs to be established by theoretical and statistical arguments.
194. About 25 years ago, the Harvard biologist E. O. Wilson popularized the "biophilia" hypothesis: the idea that our evolutionary history has blessed us with an innate affinity for living things.
195. Many of the founding fathers were scientists who deliberately adapted the method of data gathering, hypothesis testing and theory formation to their nation building.
196. An alternative null hypothesis — that global warming is already occurring — could be the basis of our policy.
196. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
197. Conclusion In light of space-time distribution, the sudden death couldn't be explained by the hypothesis of mushroom poisoning.
198. The feasibility of the gray body hypothesis and the veracity of the experimental formula are compared and analyzed.
199. Students are able to understand and apply the statistical hypothesis testing.
200. The physical model of cantilever board in bench blasting is firstly presented and based on the hypothesis, a formula for calculating the charge weight in the MS delay bench blasting is also derived.
201. Realization of Potter hypothesis lies in the actual execution, especially the constituting and strict executing of the proper standard that Porter hypothesis emphasizes.
202. This is the belief of a small subgroup of Young Earth creationists, which is sometimes termed the Omphalos hypothesis.
203. The Anklet Hypothesis can also apply to wrists, as so brilliantly demonstrated by Tsukasa in this pic.
204. It is pointed out in the present paper that this hypothesis, without supporting by any evidences in the Tangut literature, was only analogized from the phonetic features of the Lolo languages.
205. The influence on dispersion characteristic is analyzed for two types of hypothesis current, the different permittivity of the dielectric support and the different radius of the metal envelope.
206. The researchers call this the "forbidden fruit hypothesis, " based upon previous research that has demonstrated that people find things more desirable when they off-limits or forbidden.
207. The discovery of the Kela - 2, Dina - 2, Dina - 1 and Tuzi - 1 gas fields supports above hypothesis.
208. Therefore, the basic principles and the frame hypothesis of the diagnostic layer for both name of a disease and symptom-complex have been put forward.
209. According to the strong version of the Sapir – Whorf hypothesis, language determines speakers' perceptions and patterns their way of life.
210. Nowadays, the analysis on internal force of structure is based on the hypothesis of plane system, but it can not solve the problem of stereoscopy.
211. The recent history of U.S. banking regulation shows that 'it went off the rails on the rational-markets hypothesis, ' says Arthur Kroeber, managing director of Dragonomics, a research firm in Beijing.
212. These observations support the hypothesis of functional redundancy in the human gut microbiota.
213. We must be aware that Economic Man Hypothesis has practical significance in our government reform.
214. The current results have provided evidence for the hypothesis that empathy is phylogenetically continuous in mammals and has provided a rats' model of empathy for further research.
215. A corollary from the hypothesis is that, people's marginal propensity to consume in earlier life cycle is high, in the following life cycle is relatively low, and in the late life cycle is high again.
216. This study tested the hypothesis that the use of inotropic drugs is associated with postoperative AF.
217. The hypothesis favored on current evidence is that as the backwardly directed fins gradually turned into sideways-facing limbs with large areas for muscle attachments, they gained in strength.
218. To distinguish from the above two hypothesis, this thesis is based on the imperfect competition market to do the research on factors allocation of china peasants household.Sentence dictionary
219. It is a basic advocation of new political economy that applies the hypothesis of economy man to the domain of political market, and raises the question of rational behaviour of government man.
220. Certainly the concrete literalness of the enactments and their aliveness in the mind recall this early hypothesis.
221. The result of multiple correlation coefficient testing, F-testing and t-testing indicates that the model meets the hypothesis testing of linearity and its matching effect is preferable.
222. After the analysis and calculation to an emblematical hypothesis, we made further improvement to the model. The result validated the rationality of the model.
223. Our hypothesis was that the various constructs available for posterior cervicothoracic fixation would be mechanically equivalent.
224. The hypothesis holds that current income is apportioned to consumption over a lifetime.
225. The authors tested the hypothesis that genetically elevated plasma CRP causes COPD using a Mendelian randomisation design.
226. For its contributions to the study of the acquisition order the Teachability Hypothesis enriches the SLA theory and is of pedagogical significance as well.




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