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单词 Architect
1. Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 
2. Each man is the architect of his own fate. 
3. The keynote speaker was Robert Venturi, the architect.
4. They commissioned an architect to design the new library.
5. She is acting as architect on this project.
6. The winning design came from an architect in Glasgow.
7. an is the architect of his own fortune.
8. He is the architect who planned the new shopping centre.
9. The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex.
10. Call in an architect or surveyor to oversee the work.
11. A good architect takes into account the building's surroundings.
12. The architect specified oak for the wood trim.
13. He was apprenticed to a local architect.
14. The architect drew the house in section.
15. The building is the work of architect Rafael Moneo.
16. Nina is studying to be an architect.
17. The architect laid out the interior of the building.
18. The architect stepped back to admire his handiwork.
19. Wynford was an architect of genius.
20. Tim is now a qualified architect.
21. The architect has quoted £3000 to build an extension.
22. He is probably the best known living architect.
23. The architect supervised the building of the house.
24. The bridge's architect was sued for criminal negligence.
25. The architect submitted the plans for approval.
26. He called himself an architect.
27. She is a highly recommended architect.
28. The house was designed by architect Louis Kahn.
29. The architect was given / presented with a blank cheque to design a new city centre.
30. The commission for the new theatre was given to a well - known architect.
1. The keynote speaker was Robert Venturi, the architect.
2. She is acting as architect on this project.
3. The winning design came from an architect in Glasgow.
4. The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex.
5. Call in an architect or surveyor to oversee the work.
6. The commission for the new theatre was given to a well - known architect.
7. The architect specified oak for the wood trim.
8. The architect laid out the interior of the building.
9. The architect supervised the building of the house.
10. The new building was built from the design of a famous architect.
31. Bevan was the architect of the British National Health Service.
32. The architect was instructed to keep ornamentation to a minimum.
33. Ricardo Bofill, the Catalan architect, has designed the revamped airport.
34. The architect has cleverly exploited new materials and building techniques.
35. The work of an architect of genius always arrests the attention no matter how little remains.
36. The architect is drawing up plans for the new offices.
37. One of the first things we did when we moved in, to the chagrin of the architect, was to replace the leaded windows.
38. The new building was built from the design of a famous architect.
39. The architect is carrying out a thorough inspection of the building.
40. Today's complex buildings require close teamwork between the architect and the builders.
41. Use a surveyor or architect to oversee and inspect the different stages of the work.
42. There is a certain logic in their choice of architect.
43. She wished to have a house built(), and to this end she engaged a local architect.
44. The architect showed us the house plans that she had drawn up.
45. The architect was gesticulating at a hole in the ground.
46. The author of the guidebook is an architect by profession.
47. The Taylors decided that they would employ an architect to do the work.
48. An art historian and collector, he was also a practising architect.
49. After years of study, Tim is now a fully-fledged architect.
50. The architect put forward two alternative design concepts for the new library.
51. The jury consisted of an architect, a photographer and an artist.
52. The rebuilding of London's churches was entrusted to the brilliant young architect,[] Christopher Wren.
53. The architect must have been an opium fiend.
54. Chubais was the chief architect of Russia's economic transition.
55. He saw himself as an engineer architect.
56. They received invaluable technical advice from architect Colin Humphrey.
57. Burn is still an underrated architect.
58. The Toronto-born architect is on a roll.
59. Architect, philosopher, chef - what next?
60. It seems he gave the fledgling architect his head.
61. Michelangelo, sculptor, painter, architect, and poet, died in 1564.
62. Mr Levin, the former chief strategist of Time Inc, was a principal architect of the 1989 merger.
63. Sometimes a project of this kind will involve working alongside an architect and interior designer.
64. It was built in 1864 to the design of a local architect, Peter Ellis, and is of five storeys.
65. Any architect knows that, as a rule, old buildings are more soundly built than new ones.
66. During the ceremony the main contractors and the architect formally handed over the building to him.
67. We visited the office of Dail Dixon, a brilliant local architect whose work we had admired.
68. Who was known as the architect of the Disney / Capital Cities acquisition? 15.
69. After making a three-month voyage to the East Indies in 1738, naval architect William Hutchinson could write from experience.
70. Macready must have enlisted the services of Cecil B. DeMille as an architect.
71. Find a local historian or architect who can help you in dating or describing it.
72. The chief architect of the new Web page is 18-year-old Roderick Portales.
73. Alternatively the contractor may sub-let the work to a domestic sub-contractor with the written consent of the architect.
74. The architect knows only too well how devoted they become to a building once it is erected.
75. Roy dreams of being a baseball player, or an architect(), or a fisherman.
76. One man stands out as the architect of the Midland's golden era: Sir Edward Holden.
77. Nobody knows exactly who built South Luffenham, but it is almost certain that an architect called John Sturges supplied the drawings.
78. For most of the time natural selection must act as a policeman rather than as an architect.
79. In the 1870s his career as a theatre architect started rapidly.
80. But what happens when one of the business partners is himself an architect, or has trained as one?
81. Not being a builder, nor an architect, I can only hazard a guess.
82. The architect did a sketch of how the building will look when it's finished.
83. Mr Gates will retain strong links with the company he founded 25 years ago by becoming chairman and chief software architect.
84. A new monthly magazine Wessex Architect was launched and used to promote a wide range of events.
85. The central section was made in Vienna in 1733-6 after a sketch by the celebrated architect Fischer von Erlach.
86. Krause hankered to tear the roster apart, proving that he is the architect, the great and powerful Oz.
87. Nobody knows exactly who built the manor, but it is certain that an architect called John Sturges supplied the drawings.
88. The first group will include a choreographer, two sculptors, two photographers, an architect and a writer.
89. Christina found herself remembering the way the promising young architect had first come into their lives.
90. Instead of the Baroque or modern architect, Sitte promulgated the values of the mediaeval master builder.
91. The architect was asked to explain the reasoning behind his new design.
92. Cassirer was a friend and sponsor of the young architect Erich Mendelsohn.
93. It can be used with or without quantities, and either the architect or the contractor produces detailed drawings.
94. In 1929 an architect was engaged and recommended doing nothing on the clubhouse.
95. And the favourite, oddly, is the architect of the prospectus that was disbelieved.
96. Reporting that George Kennan was the architect of the plan for a closer relationship, they implied that Bohlen had opposed it.
97. The young architect acknowledged that it was a tough question, that he faced it on site often.
98. The practising architect may design better buildings after working with the old ones.
99. An increasing number of builders now offer a service of drawing and submitting plans, although an architect may be more creative.
100. Finally in 1974 the San Francisco landscape architect Lawrence Halprin won the commission.
101. Mr. Wing was a prominent local architect and he went on to design and build the House of Industry.
102. He was the principal architect of the paper's style and the only journalist involved with the original Founders.
103. William Podolsky, an architect who serves on the neighborhood committee, has high praise for the process.
104. That prompted college trustees last month to threaten legal action if the architect and construction manager did not help resolve the problems.
105. Do they have all the things that are necessary to build the building the architect wants?
106. Colonel Lewis Pick, the architect of the tribes' inundation, was the embodiment of a no-nonsense military man.
107. This was virtually the Conservatives in disguise with Baldwin, rather than the prime minister, Macdonald, its chief architect.
108. I can hear them telling the architect not to spare a single sou.
109. Hadrian was an outstanding architect himself, and here he gave vent to one of his interests.
110. Beveridge is usually thought of as the architect of the British National Health Service.
111. We consult an architect, laying our current floor plan before her and describing our needs.
112. The architect takes pleasure in applying his art, and often his genius, to the design.
112. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
113. Architecture An architect is some one who is trained to design buildings.
114. The book by Folkwin Wendland, a trained garden- and landscape architect, traces its history since 1450.
115. The author writes these articles as an architect in practice.
116. Despite the powerful scale of his buildings, he was modest about the role of the architect.
117. Like an architect, he created a series of forest rooms connected by woodsy hallways.
118. Three times, local architect Val Welham offered 110,000 pounds of her own money but each time it was rejected.
119. The ground dipped between two minor cliffs, and the architect must have figured they would make swell windbreaks.
120. Soames returned from answering the door accompanied by the young architect, Holdernesse.
121. Designed by the eminent architect C. J. Phipps, the Royal has enjoyed a history of live theatre since 1884.
122. The decoration on the monument is intended to convey the idea of Leonardo as artist, sculptor, architect and engineer.
123. During the 1780s he was manager and principal promoter, as well as builder and architect, of the Albion flour mill at Blackfriars.
124. Could he mean Andrea Palladio, maestro of imposed and superimposed geometry and probably the most influential architect of all time?
125. An architect planned for a house that follows the contours of the hillside.
126. No one knows the architect of Mission San Xavier del Bac or why one tower never was completed.
127. With his architect son, Thomas, he entered the competition for the building for the Great Exhibition of 1851.
128. Horner was the principal architect of the air campaign and orchestrated its execution.
129. At Bremen; he wanted to be a naval architect in those days.
130. For that matter, he'd seen that loft being put together, knew it almost as well as that self-opinionated young architect had.
131. In addition, the continuing discussions between architect, contractor, and tenant might reveal the need for other changes.
132. As well as being an architect, he is a chartered town planner, and is specially qualified in building conservation.
133. A meeting with the Planning Inspectorate considered increasing the number of architect inspectors.
134. Livings was their architect for the iron foundry at Stockton, which John now had ideas of enlarging.
135. Le Corbusier was the most adventurous architect of modern times, always experimenting with new forms and structures.
136. The architect was Robert Atkinson, a shrewd-looking man with sharp features and reddish hair.
137. Our architect, the appropriately named Donald Buttress, devised an ingenious means of resolving the problem.
138. An architect can look at a drawing and visualize a three-dimensional shape.
139. We asked our architect to consider the practicality of cleaning the stonework and re-locating the plaque.
140. Greenridge is a category B listed house, built in 1840 by the famous architect, Archibald Simpson.
141. On the other is the pressure group, Birmingham for People, championed by local architect Joe Holyoak.
142. She had supervised the renovation of a large Victorian home[sentencedict .com], working with the architect and numerous subcontractors.
143. At Broomhill he constantly enlarged the house and developed the estate, acting as his own architect.
144. Alterations to Pearson's design were made by the architect J. T. Knowles in 1873.
145. Mr Greenwood, who was the main architect of the currency link, thinks the present rate is about right.
146. His maternal uncle, William Dauney, had been an architect in Aberdeen.
147. Mr Patten lost his seat of Bath despite being the architect of Mr Major's 21-seat majority.
148. At the private view of that year's Royal Academy Summer Exhibition she met the architect and put the proposition to him.
149. I stay with my friend Allan, a flaky architect I had briefly been infatuated with in 1983.
150. Plans have been prepared by a local architect for a clubhouse, traditional pavilion and all-weather nets.
151. The chief architect of this incredible advance in bombing efficiency was unquestionably Don Bennett.
152. It was incorporated by the architect, Alexander Skirving, into a private dwelling house he was building in Langside Avenue.
153. The Imperial Hotel in Tokyo was designed by the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
154. The architect has incorporated Egyptian and Renaissance themes in the building's design.
155. And Sculley was determined to be known as the architect of that vision.
156. But an architect friend offered me premises in Portland Mews, funnily enough just around the corner from our new gallery.
157. Architect Keith Murray called on friends who were high ranking in the Air Ministry to advise on camouflage and black-out techniques.
158. This can not be said of the colourful house, which turns out to be as likeable as its architect.
159. The unholy triumvirate of developer, planner and architect had maimed it for ever in the sixties and seventies.
160. Santee recently hired a landscape architect to begin drawing designs for a skate park.
161. If an architect examined a Gothic structure by reference to Grecian rules, he would find it a mass of deformities.
162. Or the architect, contractor and 27 subcontractors and their crews who transformed a gutted firetrap into a glowing gem?
163. In order to create as varied development as possible, each of the five building phases will be designed by a different architect.
164. The act of being creative should relate to the Creator - the Architect of the Universe.
165. She continued to go out to dinner with academics, to receive the hard-drinking architect.
166. St Paul's Cathedral was designed by the famous architect, Sir Christopher Wren.
167. Under a virtual gag order thanks to Intel marketing, P5 architect Don Alpert couldn't answer questions substantively.
168. Before every architect closes this book in disgust, let me explain.
169. I read the account of an architect who was consulted by a church with unsuitable premises which they wanted to adapt.
170. Clearly this method disposes the health professionals toward feeling that they have helped architect the final programme.
171. Architect Simon said the city owned the land up to 10 inches from the theater.
172. They represent a kind of hybrid architect, designer, engineer, set builder and scenario maker, all rolled into one.
173. Unemployed after graduating as an architect in 1930, she ended up working as a museum artist in the University of Pennsylvania.
174. It is now the office of the chief architect of the city of Prague.
175. He achieved great success and became the leading landscape architect of the day.
176. In addition, Robert Adam: Architect of Genius is offered at a special discount price to all visitors to the exhibition.
177. On this occasion Andy, the landscape architect, whom her father nicknamed Adam the gardener, was invited.
178. He had Daedalus, a great architect and inventor, construct a place of confinement for him from which escape was impossible.
179. He was the chief architect in charge of the then-burgeoning rapid transit system - and it turns out he was also a painter.
180. The chief architect of the document was vice chairman Makoto Tanabe, who was widely tipped to succeed Doi as leader.
181. In an earlier world the architect got on with the drawings.
182. Wren was a very very famous architect.
183. We employed an architect to design our summer house.
184. Invited competition, organised by Flemish Government Architect.
185. This architect had been a pedant.
186. So you're a handyman and a fugitive architect?
187. The dweller is the only architect.
188. Has access to the Architect and Alchemy crafting skills.
189. He completely obliterated himself as an architect.
190. Italian architect celebrated for his work during the Florentine Renaissance Florence cathedral.
191. Leonardo da Vinci was not only one of the earliest European abstractionist, but also a sculptor, an architect , and an engineer.
192. Should be energizing us the poet of our dreams and the architect of our purposes.
193. John K ? rmeling is an architect, visual artist, inventor and freethinker.
194. New art gallery opens by Pritzker Prize - winning architect who designed the Louvre.
195. Indian architect Charles Correa is a well - known master of architecture in the world.
196. Antonio Gaudi , a Spanish architect , was the first to understand that.
197. Christopher Alexander is an active architectural theorist, educationist and architect in the modern western architectural field.
198. Daedalus, the ancient scientist, was supposedly the architect of the palace at Knossos.
199. He chose the architect Bernardo Rossellino, who applied the principles of his mentor, Leon Battista Alberti.
200. This overarching idea of simplicity is what Mies van der Rohe, architect and leader of the Bauhaus movement in Germany during the 1920s, meant by his motto "less is more".
201. Distaste about the alleged architect of Lockerbie's readmission into the world leaders' club lingered in many circles, not least among the US victims' families and their supporters.
202. New York's architect LOT - EK , have designed a library in Guadalajara made entirely of refurbished airplane fuselages.
202. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
203. A good architect brings physical form to the dreams of his client.
204. You must be a tech architect level guy who can troubleshoot IIS to help us here.
205. Based on analysis of the design tactics and methods of software architect, this system's overall design and database design are described in detail.
206. American sculptor and architect whose public works include the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D . C . ( 1982 ).
207. Majored in Architect, Construction Management and Architectural Economy & Enterprise Management are preferred.
208. Simon Brown, a Software Architect, commented on Uncle Bob's conception regarding the "delivery mechanism", calling it " an annoying detail".
209. Ability is a poor man's wealth---Sir Christopher Wren, English architect.
210. Finnish architect and furniture designer noted for his use of contrasting materials.
211. In 1921 Kandinsky received the mission to go to Germany to attend the Bauhaus of Weimar , on the invitation of its founder, the architect Walter Gropius .
212. Mick Pearce , a Zimbabwean architect living in Melbourne, has been inspired by the humble termite.
213. An architect or interior designer cannot be creative without studying this relationship.
214. R. Buckminster Fuller was a twentieth century scientist, philosopher, inventor, and was also named a great architect.
215. Mantora: Good morning , Mr. Aderson . As a landscape architect, do you prefer the eastern landscape?
216. The sensation is comparable to the epiphany that Adolf Loos , the Viennese architect, experienced when he stepped off a steamship in New York Harbor more than a century ago.
217. Rene Peralta is an architect, author and professor at Woodbury University in San Diego.
218. The Dynamic Architecture concept was introduced by Florentine architect David Fisher.
219. Frank Lloyd Wright is called the greatest American architect because he an American style in architecture.
220. The Jewish Museum is one of the most important works of the deconstructionist architect D.
221. Estonian - born American architect whose bold, monumental designs include the Yale University Art Gallery ( 1954 ).
222. The Stanfords engaged Frederick Law Olmsted, the famed landscape architect who created New York's Central Park, to design the physical plan for the university.
223. Twin towers designed by US based NBBJ Architect with reinforced concrete core wall system.
224. The sustainability of this project is quite impressive and the landscape architect is to be commended.
225. He's in Syracuse , where his dream of becoming an architect is still alive.
226. Henry was a key architect of the Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review, completed in February.
227. The creation of halls with this new listening impression needs a high degree of experience for architect and acoustician .
228. So too was Hiram Abiff, architect of the Temple of Solomon.
229. The rules developer usually creates the RMA pages, but the architect can and should enforce a simple approach to designing the look and feel of the user interface (UI).
230. Go to a typical university and ask the professors to name a great Doctor (‘Albert Schweitzer’), Architect (‘I. M. Pei’), or Lawyer (‘Johnny Cochran’).
231. Associate degree above with majors in engineering, preferably in mechanical engineering, marine engineering or naval architect.
232. Lv also been hired to direct the grave of Chief Architect.
233. The landscape architect suggested a small planting in the northwest corner.
234. Studio Twist has been appointed architect and interior designer forand - alteration of the Crown Spa Resort Hainan!
235. The most elementary of all the architect [ dy ] s tasks is to provide shelter.
236. She is a fine stateswoman ,[http:///architect.html] and many people regard her as the architect of the national welfare.
237. Much of our knowledge of Roman architecture comes from the writings of Vitruvius Pollio, a working architect of the time, who authored De Architectura.
238. Richard Morris Hunt was America's leading architect of the late 19 th century.
239. If you have a problem with the plants, I can al ways call my landscape architect.
240. The Product Owner is the Project Manager, the Business Analyst, the System Designer, the User Experience Architect, and every other Business Group...
241. It was the commune's architect , Phil Hawes , who came galvanizing idea.
242. Article 42 The architect ? ? s commendation may take the following form.
243. Pearce , a Zimbabwean architect living in Melbourne, has been inspired by the humble termite.
244. Jenny Hayes, architect at O'Connell East Architect's comments: "Modular construction was identified early on as key to the successful and timely delivery of this scheme."
245. All the woodwork was designed by the architect and one of the great aspects of the project's interior design was the "high-low" effect, that is, great insights with very low costs.
246. Hansom cabs were patented by the English architect Joseph Hansom.
247. Suzhou Museum - museum designed by world famous architect I. M. Pei.
248. Portuguese architect Ana Reis has completed a family house in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.
249. (Applause.) The 2009 National Medal of Arts to Maya Lin, for her profound work as an architect, artist, and environmentalist.Sentencedict
250. A controversial see - through glass pyramid - shaped structure was added by the architect I. M. Pei in the 1980 s.
251. The landscape architect has created a romantic space with color.
252. If you're still unsure about the answer, think of Da Vinci, he was a mathematician, scientist, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, musician and writer.
253. The architect diagramed the floor plan to show how he would divide the office space.
254. Among these largest artificial articles in the world, many originated from the same architect -- Ieoh Ming Pei.
255. Ernst van der Hoeven, is a landscape architect. Lives and works in Amsterdam ( NL ) .
256. Without investing in thinking through how to architect, design, and build loosely-coupled services, the promises of agility and effective reuse will not be fulfilled.
257. Before becoming an architect Zumthor apprenticed with his father, a cabinet maker.




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