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单词 Alliance
1. Which country is the predominant member of the alliance?
2. All the small states called for an alliance.
3. States seek to become stronger through alliance.
4. Religious fanatics have formed an unholy alliance with right wing groups.
5. PLATFORM is an alliance of more than 80 rail-user groups.
6. The companies have formed an alliance to market the product.
7. The organization is a broad alliance of many different groups.
8. In 1776 the United States forged an alliance with France.
9. The two parties entered into a defensive alliance with each other to win the election.
10. I had coached the Alliance team for some time.
11. They contracted an alliance with another country.
12. They joined with a ramshackle alliance of other rebels.
13. They broke off the alliance with Sparta.
14. The alliance stands ready to do what is necessary.
15. We are working in alliance with our foreign partners.
16. The two countries made an alliance.
17. The new alliance was very much in evidence.
18. NATO is sometimes called the Atlantic Alliance.
19. The SDP - Liberal Alliance is holding a conference.
20. The alliance was born of necessity in 1941.
21. The government, in alliance with the army,[http:///alliance.html] has decided to ban all public meetings for a month.
22. Under the terms of the alliance, Japan was not obliged to enter the war.
23. She had contracted an alliance with a wealthy man of rank.
24. Relief workers in alliance with local charities are trying to help the famine victims.
25. The uneasy alliance between such different people just cannot last.
26. The two parties were still too much apart to form an alliance.
27. In 1882 Germany, Austria,() and Italy formed the Triple Alliance.
28. On the face of it, their marriage seems an improbable alliance.
29. All the countries have proclaimed their loyalty to the alliance.
30. All these different political elements have somehow been yoked together to form a new alliance.
1. All the small states called for an alliance.
2. Religious fanatics have formed an unholy alliance with right wing groups.
3. The two parties were still too much apart to form an alliance.
4. In 1882 Germany, Austria, and Italy formed the Triple Alliance.
5. PLATFORM is an alliance of more than 80 rail-user groups.
6. On the face of it, their marriage seems an improbable alliance.
7. The companies have formed an alliance to market the product.
8. The organization is a broad alliance of many different groups.
9. In 1776 the United States forged an alliance with France.
10. The two parties entered into a defensive alliance with each other to win the election.
11. All the countries have proclaimed their loyalty to the alliance.
12. The new alliance was very much in evidence.
13. The SDP - Liberal Alliance is holding a conference.
14. She had contracted an alliance with a wealthy man of rank.
31. Germany was in alliance with Japan and Italy during the Second World War.
32. But in order to maintain a credible threat of intervention, we have to maintain a credible alliance.
33. Reagan's presidency may prove to have been the high watermark of the US-Israeli alliance.
34. The two countries teamed together in an offensive and defensive alliance.
35. The alliance had been forged in the crucible of war.
36. The Social Democrats are now in alliance with the Greens.
37. The Green Alliance was formed to campaign against environmental damage.
38. The uneasy alliance between these two men offered a glimmer of hope.
39. The Alliance in its first show of strength drew a hundred thousand-strong crowd to a rally.
40. The President's visit was intended to cement the alliance between the two countries.
41. A chain can only be as strong as its weakest link, so we must look at the least committed country to see if the alliance will hold.
42. So far the French alliance had profited the rebels little.
43. The strategy alliance served to strengthen the country's hand in the region.
44. The group split away from the Green Party and formed the Environmental Alliance.
45. The alliance is the product of months of negotiation between the two parties.
46. Some of us feel that the union is in alliance with management against us.
47. If the government does fall it will be because of this unholy alliance between the far right and the left.
48. The two countries signed a treaty to solidify their alliance.
49. The United Peace Alliance had only a tenuous connection with the organized Labour movement.
50. The three smaller parties have forged/formed an alliance against the government.
51. Each member of the alliance agrees to take such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force.
52. To cement the alliance with England, Charles married Margaret, sister of the English king.
53. So why the holy alliance between left and right?
54. The two countries entered into a defensive alliance.
55. The ensuing rows almost split the western alliance.
56. Massalia claimed alliance with Rome from the origins.
57. Finnair once had an alliance with Swissair.
58. In the fifth century the popes embarked, in alliance with the local aristocracy, on a programme of urban renewal.
59. Allies received attention in proportion to their contribution to the Western alliance.
60. For an immigrant boy this marital alliance was no mean achievement.
61. To cement the alliance with Lombardy, Charles married Desiderata, the daughter of Desiderius.
62. Characteristically, Scargill is not returning the compliment and is not planning to co-operate with the alliance.
63. Whether Eowa was in alliance with Oswald in 642 or 643, it is impossible to say.
64. Companies with more than 5, 000 employees nationwide could choose to insure their workers directly by creating their own corporate alliance.
65. The new alliance will be looking for consensus among its members when developing its global policies.
66. Perhaps an alliance with the East Angles was the cornerstone of Aethelbald's ascendancy.
67. Ministers were as anxious as their predecessors to preserve Britain's privileged position in the Western alliance.
68. He was very keen on the SDP/Liberal Alliance and wanted to get everything factually correct.
69. Within the Alliance interests of local petit bourgeoisie and industrial bourgeoisie converged.
70. Jan 16, 2001 A new alliance of major technology companies is being forged in Washington to address the problem of hacking.
70. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
71. It was the potential in this unholy alliance that she feared.
72. Together, books and television form a useful alliance which has another set of special characteristics.
73. Alliance leader John Alderdice held emergency talks with the security chief at Stormont on the recent spate of murders and sectarian attacks.
74. Kodak is exploring either selling its copier unit or setting a joint venture or strategic alliance.
75. The original alliance between Guntram and his nephew thus came to an end.
76. It also announced an alliance with Thomas Cook that could bring more customers to its website.
77. It is an expression of alliance between groups of kin rather than a short-term arrangement between two private individuals.
78. For all these years we had this huge military alliance designed to thwart the dreaded Commies.
79. An alliance between workers, peasants and petty bourgeoisie necessitates a bureaucratic authoritarian regime. 2.
80. Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless. Adolf Hitler 
81. We have already seen how pioneers of the ecological approach forged an alliance with specialists from the environmental sciences.
82. He added Zeta to his realm in 1186, and forged a strong alliance between his state and the Church.
83. An unholy alliance with other minorities to preserve ideological positions otherwise unacceptable to the electorate does not appeal as a noble enterprise.
84. A concert party simply describes an alliance between two or more investors.
85. Rothermere, a much bigger newspaper owner, supported Beaverbrook in uneasy alliance.
86. It also points to a developing new alliance between environmental activists and religion.
87. The military alliance is offering a first prize of £130,000, as well as several runner-up prizes worth at least £60,000 each.
88. He said this summer that the Warsaw Pact had to become a political rather than a military alliance.
89. NATO is a formal military alliance with America at its head.
90. The Empire, a loose alliance of city-states and provinces owing allegiance to its Emperor, and the kingdom of Bretonnia.
91. Alliance councillor Michael Healy is attacking proposals for a centre which, it is hoped, will attract 7,000 people a week.
92. One way is to form an alliance with other small wineries and open a co-op tasting room.
93. Lowe wrote claiming that Sutton was trying to undermine him and forge an alliance with the Founders.
94. Ironically, some eugenics leaders were uneasy about their alliance because they felt it could compromise their then-respectable public image.
95. The Alliance for Aging Research was established in 1986 by a conglomeration of health organizations, medical schools and major corporations.
96. Yet an alliance between research and practice is essential to the development of good services.
97. Some Alliance supporters made statements that did little to allay such fears.
98. Since those times the Tzar of Kislev and the Emperor have forged a common alliance against the threat of Chaos.
99. Instead, it has vaguely proposed some form of co-operation or alliance with Pirelli.
100. She was too fragile to form an alliance with large, strong, fully made Deborah.
100. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
101. The National Cancer Alliance publishes a directory of cancer specialists.
102. Despite some socialist groups within the alliance, the dominant economic belief is capitalist.
103. This person needs the information and the learning opportunities that alliance with other, similar workers could provide.
104. A strategic alliance may take the form of an outright acquisition, minority stake, joint venture or brand franchise.
105. The deal was described as an alliance, and Crocker was allowed complete autonomy.
106. The adherents to the Peace Alliance had to undergo a serious reorientation in their political attitudes.
107. What is crucial for learners to know is how grammar functions in alliance with words and contexts for the achievement of meaning.
108. Now put a twist in the tale, an alliance between the courted pair.
109. This alliance of the monarchs with the army and the landed aristocracy lasted into the twentieth century.
110. Kwasniewski, a deft politician, insists his policy is still to seek entry into the alliance.
111. But an alliance with AccuTrade could prove even more beneficial.
112. The Business Software Alliance has estimated that up to 80 per cent of software sold on auction sites may be illegal.
113. It was also partly because of a sense of loyalty to the United States as leader of the Western alliance.
114. It was not, as its critics asserted, meant to presage an alliance between the Left and the Liberals.
115. In addition, gifts would be required in any negotiations with foreign powers, especially if they culminated in a marriage alliance.
116. Some are more easily drawn into a regional class alliance than others.
117. The alliance, unveiled at a Windows hardware conference in San Jose, marks the entry of Dolby into the computer arena.
118. Discussions took place between the two parties over a possible electoral alliance, but broke down in April.
119. There was a brief alliance between the Communists and the Socialists.
120. Tuesday, the three countries were invited to join the Western military alliance in 1999.
121. Peace Alliance supporters, and the Communists in particular were annoyed that the opportunity for a joint candidature had been lost.
122. The alliance will use the two-week inventory to award grants to local groups for making improvements.
123. Throughout the alliance the will was lacking to create conventional forces on the scale needed to balance those of the Eastern bloc.
124. Clinton and Brown overcame early political tensions to forge their strong alliance.
125. The opposite of honourable antagonism between men is honourable alliance, typically affirmed in the image and name of the brother.
126. A motor car was parked in the alleyway about three metres from the bakery door and alongside the Alliance building end wall.
127. After all, that is what happens whenever a state joins a multilateral alliance or economic community.
128. The battle lines are not at all clear: a competitor may also be an alliance partner.
129. Another reason for developing the alliance portfolio is the need to broaden the product range offered to customers.
130. Some of those diets were the result of a mutually beneficial alliance between physicians and food producers.
130. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
131. It seems unlikely that they will jeopardise their superior circumstances by combining in an alliance with Third World workers against capital.
132. The medical profession did not contribute to the new crusades nor was there any resurrection of the medico-moral alliance.
133. The agreement is said to mark the beginning of a close strategic alliance between the two companies.
134. The alliance of king and pope ensured that no more Winchelseys became archbishops.
135. Puruggnan said the alliance was formed during a secret conclave.
136. Kabbah's close link with them predictably alienated the army, driving it into an even closer alliance with the rebels.
137. He built a political alliance with his old college chum and fellow L. A. Democrat, Rep.
138. Around the country, the first tentative steps have been taken toward this new alliance.
139. Yeltsin's alliance between the oligarchs and international capital is ending.
140. This effectively barred an alliance with the fighting elements of the colonial revolution.
141. The uncomfortable alliance of unions and Republicans rallied mainly around job protection and environmental conservation.
142. The political imperatives are those choices faced by states, either solely or in alliance with others.
143. Held on 12 April 1931 the contest turned into a more-or-less direct confrontation between monarchists and an alliance of republicans and socialists.
144. Many marriages were more satisfactory than Matilda's alliance with the count of Anjou.
145. Apple and online provider service America Online formed an alliance.
146. Your cover will begin as soon as your telephone call or Application is received by Sun Alliance.
147. The new alliance will attempt to win the moral high ground from anti-abortion and antivivisection groups, he says.
148. The Yugoslavs sought a close, opportunistic alliance with the national bourgeoisie of the colonial and semicolonial countries.
149. And, whereas King forged an alliance with the Democrats, Loury is a member of an exotic breed.
150. The parents, after all, often are in alliance with the hospital psychiatrists.
151. Late in life she campaigned against capital punishment, in alliance with William Allen of Guy's Hospital.
152. It acted in Parliament as the representative of Labour interests within a broader alliance of progressive forces.
153. There appeared to be a man using her room to conduct the business of the Western nuclear alliance.
154. Operational orders to Arab forces within the alliance would be conveyed through Prince Sultan.
155. However, participants denied reports that the four planned to create an alliance modelled after the Group of Seven industrialized countries.
156. China, east alliance free trade area has good prospect.
157. The Alliance Needs More Rainbow Fin Albacore!
158. Not only the Sadeer faction opposed that the Iraqi Shiah being in power alliance on 19th also issues the statement, requests to consider the draft agreement partial contents to make the revision.
159. Furthermore, the Alliance teams up with a wide group of partners including WHO to work on consolidating the HRH information into detailed and analytic profiles.
160. The alliance between Microsoft and O.L.P.C. comes after long stretches of antagonism, punctuated by occasional talks, between the two sides.
161. The United States and Japan recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of their security alliance, which has served as a cornerstone of Northeast Asian security and fostered prosperity throughout Asia.
162. The Alliance for Environmental Technology (AET) is an association of chemical manufacturers and forest product companies in North America.
163. One of the most endive and significant cultural phenomena in the 20th century is the alliance between TV and advertising. TV advertising has the duality of being practical and aesthetic.
164. Guiding by this strategy, the U. S. drafted " the Atlantic Alliance policy" , which included Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, the Point Four Program and NATO.
165. The Alliance of Small Island States warned that that some low-lying countries, such as Tuvalu or the Maldives, were facing "the end of history" due to rising sea levels.
166. Furthermore, enterprise can establish strategic alliance so as to make use of the financial balancing network.
167. Under the provisions of an exchange contract, the "black projects" directorates of your secret government received a number of devices from members of the former Anchara Alliance.
168. How do I get back the Women's Alliance for Choice?
169. Five years ago, says Joe deVries, head of crop research at the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), the big problems in Africa were prices and investment.
170. Their twisted prog suggests an unholy alliance between the Magic Band and King Crimson.
171. According to preliminary results, the Alliance, Mr Reinfeldt's four-party centre-right coalition, won marginally under 50% of the vote, and will take 172 of the 349 seats.
172. Cliff Waldman, an economist for the Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI, said high unemployment will keep consumers anxious and keep household and business demand subdued even as a global recovery takes hold.
173. The basic characteristics of Franco-American relations is"a alliance in turmoil".
174. For instance, recently Li Ning, China's top domestic sports brand, entered into an alliance with Lotto Sport Italia, and Peace Mark, Asia's biggest watch retailer, bought Swiss watch brand Milus.
175. Design the structure function model of the alliance with IDEF 0 method at last.
176. No one in authority in Washington or Tokyo will say publicly that current turmoil is likely to unhinge the 35-year-old U. S. -Japan security alliance, but week by week a sense of alarm is growing.
177. Britain and France, whose alliance dated to the entente cordiale of 1904 and two world wars, drew opposite lessons from this humiliation.
178. According to the nonlinear feature of performance system, we have used RBF network altitudinal nonlinear map to evaluate candidate partners' performance for a dynamic alliance of construction project.
179. The Chinese army made an alliance with the Parthians and established some forts at a distance of a few days march from the Parthian capital Ctesiphon, planning to hold the region for several years.
180. Washington Post columnist Jim Hoagland wrote this week that U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden was set to press MacKay's candidacy when he visits Alliance headquarters on Tuesday.
181. Companies with pre-Daimler-Chrysler Corporation signed a "directional issue with the share subscription agreement, " and the "alliance agreement.
182. This is belike your foremost associate physically and mentally. This alliance will revel in spending, voyage and adventure. Quite an exciting linkage.
183. We also want to highlight the good direction the independent movie, low cost's movie certainly does not have the major suit star's alliance, this is avoidless .
184. On the other hand we rely on our alliance with the peasants to secure grain and industrial raw materials with which to bring the bourgeoisie under control.
185. Most Russian experts understand that a U. S. -Russian alliance against China is as much of a nonstarter as a Russian-Chinese alliance against the United States.
186. The prehistoric society in China entered the chiefdom stage during the Huangdi period and became to form a chiefdom alliance.
187. Sam's resurfacing will strengthen the Charlton team's defensive ability with the Martin - gram Laney 's alliance.
188. The GOES-O satellite is on the move, on its way to Launch Complex 37 at Cape Canaveral, where it will be moved to the United Launch Alliance Delta IV expendable launch vehicle.
189. This alliance is a waste of time for both parties. yxtVg. comou are a homebody and the Archer is a travel nut. This is not a likely attraction.
190. China angles piscine website alliance is released instead " network news safety heated up bit of data 2009 " show, the nearly 8 safety that worry about individual data into the netizen.
191. The paper set forth dynamic alliance procreant background, developmental actuality and development, in order to dynamic alliance connotation have one fire-new cognition.
192. And, thanks to the support of the GAVI Alliance, it is the first to be conducted at such a scale in one of Africa's largest and most under-developed countries.
193. The results indicate that industrial growth positively affects the establishment of corporation vertical strategic alliance while capital intensity and entry barrier inversely affect it.
194. Zhuge Liang defined the policy of combining Wu against Cao, reviving the Han Dynasty in "Long Zhong Countermove". He won the victory of Chibi Battle, and showed great vitality of Sun Liu Alliance.
195. But Anderson's platform may not match the tough-on-crime Alliance. She wants affordable housing, better public transport and decriminalization of marijuana and prostitution.
196. The relationship of German-American during the crisis was faced with double dilemma which included strategic dilemma and alliance dilemma.
197. The Galactic Alliance is still in power, but a new Chief of State has been installed: a former Imperial, Natasi Daala.
198. For sensitive materials , Alliance can supply a gas - assist system with a secondary water injection gas purge.
199. Thirdly, it systematically elaborates on the fundamental principles in conformity to the establishment of Agile Real Estate Dynamic Alliance.
200. One of the most endive and significant cultural phenomena in the 20th century is the alliance between TV and advertising.
201. At the same time, facing to actuality of realizing E-Commerce of our country, it brings forward business model of strategic alliance of traditional corporation and retail network.
202. The collusion is an activity of alliance made by some people in an organization for seeking a certain kind of malfeasant benefit.
203. She pored over the canonical texts, particularly Plutarch's account of Mark Antony's alliance with Cleopatra.
204. All the powers of 'globalism' have entered into an unholy alliance to exorcize this spectre: Microsoft and Disney, the World Trade Organization, the United States Congress and the European Commission.
205. Soon, Chmielnicki's Ukraine, on the decree of the Cossack military council, signed an alliance with Muscovy in 1654 and jointly attacked Poland and Lithuania.
206. The chain-like alliance, the low cost and fast expansion can greatly make the elementary and middle schools extracurricular training market strong.
207. In other news, American said it would aggressively contest any JAL-Delta Air Lines alliance and said AA's offer to JAL was a "no-brainer.




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