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单词 Tunnel
1 They hollowed out a tunnel through the mountain.
2 He emerged from the tunnel into blinding sunlight.
3 A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains.
4 The tunnel project has already fallen behind schedule.
5 The tunnel goes right underneath the city.
6 They're drilling a new tunnel under the Thames.
7 The roof of the tunnel caved in on them.
8 The tunnel entrance was submerged by rising sea water.
9 The tunnel was blasted out of solid rock.
10 The roar of the train reverberated in the tunnel.
11 The rock was caverned out to make a tunnel.
12 The train passed through a tunnel.
13 They planted explosives in the tunnel.
14 A tunnel was not considered economically feasible.
15 The train went into the tunnel.
16 The train disappeared into a tunnel.
17 The Channel Tunnel project is the biggest civil engineering project in Europe.
18 To build this tunnel we had to cut through the solid rock.
19 The roof of the tunnel caved in on the workmen.
20 A tunnel entrance was found within the precincts of the prison camp.
21 Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines.
22 The Channel Tunnel was jointly funded by the French and British.
23 A tunnel has been bored under the channel to link England and France.
24 To build the tunnel,[] they had to cut through 500 feet of solid rock .
25 The tunnel would be well - ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea - level.
26 The miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed.
27 There will be a lot of opposition to that plan of the tunnel across the river.
28 Rescuers used props to stop the roof of the tunnel collapsing.
29 A worker put a prop against the wall of the tunnel to keep it from falling.
30 They will have to block up the entrance to the tunnel.
1 He emerged from the tunnel into blinding sunlight.
2 A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains.
3 The tunnel project has already fallen behind schedule.
4 The tunnel goes right underneath the city.
5 The roof of the tunnel caved in on them.
6 The tunnel entrance was submerged by rising sea water.
7 The tunnel was blasted out of solid rock.
8 The rock was caverned out to make a tunnel.
9 A tunnel was not considered economically feasible.
10 The train went into the tunnel.
11 The train disappeared into a tunnel.
12 The Channel Tunnel project is the biggest civil engineering project in Europe.
13 To build this tunnel we had to cut through the solid rock.
14 There will be a lot of opposition to that plan of the tunnel across the river.
15 A tunnel entrance was found within the precincts of the prison camp.
16 Rescuers used props to stop the roof of the tunnel collapsing.
17 Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines.
18 The Channel Tunnel was jointly funded by the French and British.
19 A worker put a prop against the wall of the tunnel to keep it from falling.
20 To build the tunnel, they had to cut through 500 feet of solid rock .
21 The tunnel would be well - ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea - level.
22 They will have to block up the entrance to the tunnel.
23 Now they can construct tunnel systems without hindrance.
24 They came out of the tunnel and thankfully breathed the fresh air.
31 The roof of the tunnel caved in .
32 The getaway car was dumped near a motorway tunnel.
33 They've built a new tunnel through the mountain.
34 The train entered the tunnel with a shrill whistle.
35 Builders had to blast a tunnel through the mountain.
36 The Chicago River flooded the city'sunderground tunnel system.
37 The tunnel is a brilliant feat of engineering.
38 Now they can construct tunnel systems without hindrance.
39 They dug through the mountain to build a tunnel.
40 The tunnel was some 300 feet below the surface.
41 They were digging in the tunnel the whole day.
42 We drove through the tunnel.
43 We excavated the mountain for a tunnel.
44 Trains will speed through the Channel Tunnel at 186mph.
45 They will hole a tunnel through the mountain.
46 They drove a tunnel through the solid rock.
47 The railway tunnel led deep under the mountains.
48 The train entered the tunnel.
49 The enquiry recommended the building of a tunnel.
50 Timbers were used to shore up the tunnel.
51 A service tunnel runs between the two buildings.
52 The grubs tunnel into the wood.
53 The wind roared through the tunnel.
54 The train rocketed through the tunnel.
55 They wriggled their way through the tunnel.
56 The tunnel was excavated through solid rock.
57 He gingerly felt his way along the dark tunnel.
58 Suddenly,[http:///tunnel.html] the whole tunnel roof caved in.
59 The roof of the tunnel fell in.
60 The engineers had to tunnel through solid rock.
61 A 1.5 km tunnel was blasted through the mountain.
62 They drove a tunnel through the rock.
63 They were clearing away snow to open the tunnel.
64 The tunnel goes deep under the ground.
65 They're planning to drive a tunnel through the mountains.
66 I escaped by means of a secret tunnel.
67 The train whistled and shot into the tunnel.
68 They bored a tunnel under the English Channel.
69 The roof of the tunnel was starting to collapse.
70 The train entered a tunnel.
71 A mouse dug a tunnel under the lawn.
72 They blanked off the tunnel.
73 A light appeared at the end of the tunnel.
74 The tunnel contracts to a narrow passageway as you go deeper.
75 The tunnel was one of the greatest engineering feats of the 19th century.
76 The tunnel was dug with the aid of heavy machinery.
77 As the train entered the mouth of the tunnel, the lights came on.
78 All I can do is tell her to hold on, that there's light at the end of the tunnel.
79 What is the Municipal Authority's attitude to the proposal of a tunnel across the river?
80 He was helping wire up the Channel Tunnel last season.
81 The plan entails rerouting traffic through a tunnel to create a vast pedestrian area around Al-Azhar.
82 They came out of the tunnel and thankfully breathed the fresh air.
83 As the exams approached[http://], she felt that at last she could see the light at the end of the tunnel.
84 The road goes over the mountains, not through a tunnel.
85 I've got tunnel vision when it comes to what I want to do.
86 The Channel tunnel was due to open towards the end of 1993.
87 It's been a hard few months, but we're finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
88 After mating the male wasps tunnel through the sides of their nursery.
89 It is not practicable to complete the tunnel before the end of the year.
90 The tunnel was low and dark, but she managed to wriggle through to the other side.
91 They were suddenly plunged into darkness as the train went through a tunnel.
92 The initial section of tunnel had to be dug by hand.
93 British Rail had to post a signalman at the entrance to the tunnel.
94 By the mouth of the tunnel he bent to retie his lace.
95 The company is planning to place surveillance equipment at both ends of the tunnel.
96 When the two ends of the tunnel met in the middle they were only a few inches out.
97 The construction crew blasted out a tunnel through the mountain.
98 A host of problems may delay the opening of the Channel Tunnel.
99 This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it.
100 They had to worm their way through the narrow tunnel.
101 They are digging through the hill to make a tunnel.
102 They thought he had escaped through a specially constructed tunnel.
103 The decision has not yet been made whether to tunnel under the river or build a bridge over it.
104 To build the tunnel they had to bore through solid rock.
105 The project has been going on for months but at last we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
106 Ten miners were trapped underground when the roof of the tunnel fell in.
107 The notion of a Channel Tunnel first saw the light of day more than a century ago.
108 Ten British and French companies combined to form the Channel Tunnel Group.
109 The roof of the new tunnel hasn't been properly supported; it shows signs of falling in.
110 They pressed themselves flat against the tunnel wall as the train approached.
111 The Channel Tunnel links Britain with the rest of Europe.
112 It's a marvel how they've managed to build the tunnel so quickly.
113 Plans for a tunnel were rejected in favour of a bridge.
114 The police arrived to keep watch on the mouth of the tunnel.
115 The tunnel is 10 metres wide and 600 metres long.
116 The alternative is to tunnel a route through the mountain.
117 Building the tunnel would involve cutting a great swathe through the forest.
118 Astronomical sums of money will be needed for this river tunnel plan.
119 The construction of the tunnel is a large and complex undertaking.
120 Until the rail links are in operation,[http:///tunnel.html] passengers can only travel through the tunnel by coach.
121 For the people inside the tunnel there was a serious risk of flooding or a cave-in.
122 He was trapped in a collapsed building but managed to tunnel his way out.
123 Lights tunnel the darkness.
124 The Channel Tunnel has enormous symbolic significance for a united Europe.
125 Their tunnel starts in our part of the line.
126 Kendall and his shadow blotted the tunnel ahead.
127 At ten o'clock they went to the tunnel head.
128 The channel tunnel is entirely privately financed.
129 I could dig a tunnel right out.
130 Crews are working deep underground to build the tunnel.
131 The tunnel is a remarkable feat of engineering.
132 Among the sights(), the Box Tunnel in the Cotswolds.
133 Several men were killed during construction of the tunnel.
134 I could dig a tunnel round the door.
135 The Tunnel may also bring benefits of its own.
136 The excavation of the tunnel is still incomplete.
137 Construction on the tunnel will begin in April.
138 The tunnel was cut through a hill.
139 Tunnel vision and mutual incomprehension were natural reactions.
140 A police officer negligently sent the plaintiff, another police officer, into the tunnel, against the traffic flow.
141 Talks centred on increasing bilateral trade and plans for a tunnel or bridge link between the two countries.
142 Way at the front end of the house red light came pouring through the tunnel and showed the lake burnished and menacing.
143 But his defenders note that the current excavation of the tunnel was initiated by the Labor government.
144 And the opening arms of the sky forget me Into the buried tunnel of hazels.
145 Three inmates fled the prison in a daring tunnel escape.
146 The machine they used to bore the tunnel is the size of a two storey house.
147 "Tunnel to Tanto Grande" the story of a daring escape staged by political prisoners in Peru.
148 The crisis surrounding the tunnel threatens to embarrass the Government,[] which insisted it be financed entirely by the private sector.
149 Miners have extended the tunnel in order to get a new supply of coal.
150 Notice the back-to-back houses, the tunnel entrances to the completely enclosed court, and the primitive sanitation.
151 The nettles in the tunnel entrance had been partially flattened.
152 The tunnel she had emerged into led to a circular chamber.
153 What really concerned me was how to finance a tunnel project of any kind.
154 A side tunnel branched up slightly into a chamber that must have been worked as an exploration into the vein.
155 The train was still inside the tunnel, the wind howling like a mad banshee through the open windows.
156 They pass a stone doorway in the tunnel wall, but by-pass it in favour of a more obvious way out.
157 The tunnel would have needed to be extremely strong to bear the full weight of the earth above.
158 Nice, laid-back, old pub, with no pretensions. Conveniently located near the Greenwich foot tunnel.
159 Prior to docking the probe mechanism was located at the end of this tunnel.
160 They're jockeying for position the moment they see the light at the end of the tunnel.
161 Leese and I sat at the bottom of the vertical tunnel he had cut, our heads swiveling on nervous lookout.
162 The Channel Tunnel has linked Britain with mainland Europe for the first time.
163 The dark of the tunnel hammered the engine noise back at us, water drumming on the roof above my head.
164 Perhaps one day some one in the know will explain in great detail the mysteries of Blea Moor Tunnel.
165 For Jane there is some light at the end of the tunnel, but many anorexia sufferers continue to suffer in silence.
166 Meanwhile the tunnel, open to the spray, was filling up with water.
167 After a year of declining profits, there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel.
168 The double track Botleks tunnel under the Oude Maas will carry freight trains between the docks and the Betuwe line.
169 My idea of checking out a tunnel is throwing a hand grenade down it.
170 Deeper and deeper he dug, following the tunnel into the bank.
171 Burglars smashed in the steel shutters and even dug a tunnel under the building in an attempted raid.
172 Projects such as the west coast main line and the Channel Tunnel rail link are expected to come in well over budget.
173 Fall through the platform, and unless you're either amazingly brave or stupid head down the wind tunnel to the left.
174 Encouraging full use of the potential of the County's rail links with Channel Tunnel rail terminals.
175 The tunnel had never been finished. Perhaps the builders lost heart and abandoned it.
176 The tunnel to the right turned left after a short distance, while the tunnel to the left led to a crossroads.
177 It burst out of the tunnel in a gale of hot air and shuddered to a halt.
178 The construction works on the tunnel would disrupt one of the colony's main breeding grounds.
179 The latest row is mainly over the cost of the fixed equipment for the tunnel.
180 They have lobbied hard for complete segregation on tunnel trains, similar to the operation of cross-Channel ferries.
181 Starting from the Scenic Tunnel, long a tourist attraction, the pair headed for the opening that had previously been blasted.
182 He went running off after the boy down the tunnel, dodging people and cannoning into others.
183 Billy felt the wind rushing into the cab as the lorry trundled through the tunnel and he felt relieved.
184 Does he think that that is the way that one should plan the freight movement from the north-west through the channel tunnel?
185 Decaying steelwork and water leaks have weakened the tunnel structures, and many stations are in need of major refurbishment.
186 The man leapt on to the track at Victoria and raced into a tunnel.
187 Due to rising costs and delays in the delivery of equipment, losses are already foreseeable on the new tunnel project.
188 But disasters like Blake and the Berlin tunnel do immense damage to the morale of intelligence agencies.
189 Also, the marshy ground near rivers, where most towns are sited, is ill-suited for tunnel construction.
190 Between this furnace tunnel and the lower chamber was a perforated floor.
191 The friendship tunnel became a well-worn path - what with all the to-ing and fro-ing of furred and feathered visitors.
192 A main feeder lava tunnel often branches towards the terminus of a flow rather like the distributaries of a river delta.
193 He mocked Britain's failure to start building a high-speed link from London to its side of the tunnel.
194 The two-level tunnel comprises an upper road deck and a lower duct for services.
195 Between the years 1902-1902, there was actually a signal box situated well inside the Woodhead tunnel.
196 Among the new exhibits is a footbridge that once stood at Percy Main and a segment of the Channel Tunnel.
197 Electron transfer to or from the node is only through the tunnel junction.
198 It has a complex tunnel system built along the banks of slow moving waterways with many exits above and below water level.
199 Billy Sullivan felt worried as he waited by the Rotherhithe Tunnel entrance for his confederates.
200 But that debate should not obscure the fact that private investment was the key that unlocked the Channel Tunnel door.
201 The problems-from bad backs to carpal tunnel syndrome to headaches-have made the headlines of every health magazine in the country.
202 Netting can also be stretched over the hoops used for the popular polythene tunnel cloches.
203 Trespass can therefore be committed by a person who digs a tunnel under land or who abuses the airspace.
204 Benny found herself in a rock-walled tunnel[/tunnel.html], with bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling at regular intervals.
205 She could see partly into the little room at the end of the main tunnel.
206 A ghostly figure hovered at the end of the tunnel.
207 Plans for the tunnel had to be revised at an additional cost of $180 million.
208 Sites investigated included a disused railway tunnel and bogland in Nad.
209 Half way down was a stone arch over the tunnel entrance.
210 Stretcher-bearers pushed past Jack as he stood blinking at the top of the tunnel, breathing the damp air.
211 This tunnel is the only entrance to the city itself, and it is protected by a fortress at each end.
212 There was no question that a tunnel was technically feasible, but 1 wanted to know what the economics would be.
213 In my view there was only one hope, and that was to build the tunnel using private venture capital.
214 Along the tunnel there exist a few modest zones of safety.
215 A 300-yard tunnel is being drilled through the mountainside to connect the two halves of the severed road again.
216 Rather than seeing a light at the end of the sanctions tunnel, Hussein felt increasingly boxed in.
217 He renegotiated the agreement over tunnel usage by the railways and succeeded in presenting it as a breakthrough.
218 A speeding subway train startled them as it roared out of its tunnel like a metal earthworm.
219 The mile-long tunnel will carry the new A3 Hindhead bypass under the bowl.
220 Never quite stationary, the mag-lev decanted her on a windy platform and whined away into the cavernous tunnel.
221 Ten days ago a police bullet had hit the explosive which Terry Place had hidden in a carrier bag in the tunnel.
222 We headed back to the dockyards and on to the approach road for the Blackwall tunnel.
223 He preferred the airless quiet of the tunnel to the numbing of his skull.
224 Rescue teams finally got through to the survivors by digging a tunnel.
225 Construction workers have to dig a thousand foot hole before work can start on the tunnel.
226 If the barracuda charges, the herring flee away on every side, creating a clear tunnel through the shoal.
227 Excessive formaldehyde levels have posed a problem before at the tunnel site.
228 Mortimer crouched at the corner of the short tunnel through which Benny had entered the previous day.
229 Dark passageways and blind alleys obscure the light at the end of the tunnel.
230 A blast of air knocked him over but he managed to crawl through a tunnel under Euston Road.
231 It feels like an underground tunnel down there, the walls thick and heavy, the air damp and cool.
232 To many early rail travellers, however, the gloom of the tunnel was very frightening.sentence dictionary
233 The Harbor Tunnel is one of the most ambitious engineering projects of modern times.
234 When you come out of a tunnel, you are drained.
235 She moved out of the sunlight that flooded in between the nettles and into the dank gloom of the main tunnel.
236 It snows throughout the winter in Jozankei, and it gets so deep, the people tunnel under the immovable drifts.
237 A new sound was growing in the tunnel, a distant rumble.
238 A project almost as big as the Channel Tunnel is now under way to bring cable television to every house in Britain.
239 A rock dam was erected to keep bat fans out of the tunnel.
240 C.-They ambled up the crowded tunnel, one after the other, their eyes as lifeless as their team.
241 Some of the prisoners escaped through a tunnel they had dug under the wall.
242 Or for a civil engineering student not to appreciate the environmental implications of large-scale works such as the channel tunnel.
243 In particular, many people have moved to the Wirral peninsula and they commute to Liverpool through the Mersey tunnel or by ferry.
244 Will he take note of the campaign to sink the link, as the channel tunnel rail link passes Gravesend and Northfleet?
245 They came down the steps at the side of the tunnel and disappeared into the darkness.
246 Construction began at the lower end of the tunnel in 1903.
247 People in trance often begin their journeys by experiencing a descent through a downward tunnel.
248 The arduous task of legging through a long tunnel like that under Castle Hill at Dudley could take over 3 hours.
249 Officers with radios were on duty throughout the Birkenhead tunnel watching traffic heading into Liverpool between 8am and 9am.
250 The A55 Conwy tunnel was closed for more than an hour.
251 Adam Clark also designed the tunnel which runs under Buda hill connecting the western parts of Buda with the waterfront.
252 We need to protect our men laying the charge and also the lower tunnel which they won't know about.
253 Hospitals, project managers revealed the findings of samples taken since tunnel toll takers began complaining early last month of noxious odors.
254 This Catch 22 means that the tunnel is excavated by more traditional blasting techniques.
255 Barring unexpected delays, work on the tunnel should be completed by the end of next month.
256 After all the problems we've had we're finally beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel.
257 Thereafter it hammers away with great effect until it has excavated a narrow tunnel as much as three feet long.
258 He also re-members the massive enemy tunnel network that caused so much grief and frustration.
259 Railway builders gave a special dignity and significance to the treatment of tunnel entrances.
260 The reverse acoustic ceilings amplify the din to a decibel range appropriate for a wind tunnel.
261 They seemed to be crawling in the tunnel for a lifetime before they found another grille.
262 Nuttall started work on site last July and expects to have completed its work on the tunnel by April.
262 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
263 The waste water would be drained away through a 2, 000-foot tunnel, 150 feet below the river level.
264 The resident here has clamped his opponent and is lifting him away from the tunnel entrance.
265 The tunnel is a place only a bat could love.
266 In addition there are two cross-overs in mid-Channel to allow partial closure of the tunnel for maintenance purposes.
267 An emergency procedure was in operation which should have ensured that only one train was in the tunnel.




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