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单词 Indication
1. Dark green leaves are a good indication of healthy roots.
2. Rising interest rates were an outward indication of the change in government attitude to economic controls.
3. He searched Hill's impassive face for some indication that he understood.
4. His early successes gave some indication of his ability.
5. She gave no indication of having heard us.
6. There is every indication that it is true.
7. He gave every indication of being a fool.
8. There is every indication that they are reforming.
9. Did he give you any indication of his feelings?
10. There's every indication that the operation has been a success.
11. The indication from the trade figures is to reduce stock by at least 30%.
12. Some car alarms have no visual indication that they are in operation.
12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
13. They gave no indication of how the work should be done.
14. Can you give me some indication as to your intentions?
15. This is a much better indication of what a school is really like.
16. He shows every indication of wanting to accept the post.
17. There is no indication which way the vote could go.
18. There had been no indication of either breathlessness or any loss of mental faculties right until his death.
19. The researchers say they can find no indication that television has harmful physical effects on children.
20. He gave us no indication as to what was the matter.
21. He swore in Spanish, another indication that he was rattled.
22. Could you give me some indication as to when I am likely to receive a reply?
23. This is an indication to drivers who break the law that they will be punished.
24. A government spokesperson said they had no indication who was responsible for the attack.
25. Helen's face gave no indication of what she was thinking.
26. This is by no means an exhaustive list but it gives an indication of the many projects taking place.
27. The comments made by management may be taken as an indication of how they felt about their workers.
28. I cannot come to a decision about it now or even give any indication of my own views.
29. Taking a career history along with you will be a clear indication that you are well organized.
30. The popularity of the government building project served as an indication of public support.
1. Dark green leaves are a good indication of healthy roots.
2. This is by no means an exhaustive list but it gives an indication of the many projects taking place.
3. He searched Hill's impassive face for some indication that he understood.
4. Did he give you any indication of his feelings?
31. He gave no indication that he was ready to compromise.
32. He gave no indication of his own feelings at all.
33. If she had noticed her father's entrance, she gave no indication.
34. There was no indication of a sexual attack.
35. The coins, therefore, should give a good indication of examples in circulation at the very end of the fourth century.
36. That might be an indication that the local economy is on a downswing.
37. Ordinarily that is an indication the offense is in full flower, blooming all over the bloody place.
38. This is a clear indication of the effectiveness of the cynical propaganda used by political and military leaders.
39. The corporation has prepared a detailed indication of running costs for the new hovercraft.
40. The indication for endoscopy was noted as well as the dose of sedation, the size of endoscope, and length of procedure.
41. The large number of court cases in which the complainant dropped the prosecution is an indication that many cases were settled informally.
42. The medical records of the clinic patients had no indication of any adverse effects or death related to sildenafil usage.
43. By midnight,[http:///indication.html] there was no indication that Milosevic had imposed direct rule in the capital.
44. The failure to win additional numbers for the expansion we have achieved is a clear indication of that movement.
45. These provide the contact details and an indication of charges for more than 20 online brokers.
46. Perhaps the clearest indication of this was the difficulty he encountered in filling the job of finance minister in his new cabinet.
47. This gives at least some indication how multimedia databases can be constructed.
48. The electrocardiogram provides a graphic indication of the membrane effects of altered potassium concentrations.
49. Comte suggested that a society's political institutions provide an indication of the stage which has been attained by civilization.
50. Nor are we given any indication of how, precisely, Pilate intended the appellation to be understood.
51. Overinvestigation or repeated testing without substantial indication undermines the patient's confidence in the doctor's conclusions.
52. Any other indication of document content, such as classification notation or alphabetical subject headings, are partial representations of content.
53. Voice recorders also showed no indication pilots had gone through a routine checklist of landing procedures.
54. This is an indication of how far government policy has undermined local planning authority priorities on the ground.
55. And if the turnout was any indication, the parish was welcoming them with open arms.
56. The London based group Books Etc gave an indication of the kind of impact this had on booksellers.
57. This is a clear indication of a central principle of planning for Cramlington.
58. Resentment of this magnitude was a clear indication of the failure of the avowed policy of pacification and Romanization.
59. Even so it would be nice to have an indication on the screen that this command prompt came to you courtesy of Windows.
60. But, it has given no indication of whether it intends to acquire or dispose of any data processing activities.
61. This gives us an indication of how much money we will need to raise for the appeal.
62. Special considerations: there was no indication that the appellant was suffering from psychiatric disorder.
63. The first indication that a person requires accommodation is through a request for a reservation.
64. There is no indication or evidence that under such circumstances contact can be confusing or lead to divided loyalties.
65. For instance, if the airspeed is too high and begins to reduce, this is your indication to start levelling.
66. It is a recognised indication of excellence which helps them compete with men in the early stages of their careers.
67. Nor was there any indication that it carried life; to the contrary, in fact.
68. Brown algae is generally an indication of quite low lighting levels and increasing the amount of light will overcome this problem.
69. The simplified scale in Figure 1 gives an indication of the range of vision as described in terminology based on visual acuity.
70. As usual he gave no indication about when he would be coming back, but nevertheless a relaxed atmosphere soon developed.
71. The tests will also provide some early indication of physical defects such as sense impairment.
72. Filling in the two charts on page 32 gives the best indication of what you can afford.
72. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
73. But Reno has given no indication she will seek an independent counsel on political fund raising.
74. One indication of that success is that virtually no one drops out of school.
75. Thus recorded crime can only be seen as an indication of criminal activity.
76. Try to achieve a well balanced follow-through position as it's a good indication that you are in control of your swing.
77. There is no indication that Hollywood is turning over a new leaf, free of bloodstains.
78. Their written petition gives some indication as to how much the Jesuits had mastered the delicate art of memorializing the emperor.
79. Beds representing marine invasions may contain marine shells or brackish water shells, thus giving an indication of local conditions.
80. They know that his letters home will be read by censors, and that any indication of his whereabouts will be expunged.
81. This is a further indication of the influence of bookish language on the spoken style.
82. Failing all else, its feet will provide some indication of its ultimate adult size.
83. Perhaps the clearest indication of the quality of the One Key series is given by the documentation.
84. LCD display for position, pressure, diagnostics fault indication.
85. The indication is that it is an underworld killing.
86. For instance to Chinese military force deployment scale indication.
87. Mono selector: Yes, with LCD indication when stereo being decoded.
88. The news is an indication that the labor market is slowly improving.
89. Screen should not show any indication, turn the left toggle switch towards you.
90. Fai - lure occurred in 5 flaps, survival 91 . Survivalratio was 95.2 % . The operative indication.
91. Methods: The indication , methods and outcome of 87 patients undergone laparoscopic ovarian cyst divesting surgery were analyzed.
92. Check the indication of pressure gauge on central landing dear strut.
93. METHODS: 5 patients of bladder tumor who have the indication of radial cystectomy underwent sigmoid - rectal.
94. Objective To investigate the indication of globe enucleation after severe ocular rapture.
95. Production indication of provenance, quality, specification, pack and guarantee period.
96. To understand the best opportunity 、 indication and merid of ETV compared with shunt.
97. Operating without the proper indication is not just unethical an assault.
98. The New Moon in sign is a helpful and inspiring indication.
99. The proven variable - area piston metering assembly provides accurate, dependable flow rate indication.
100. Conclusion: Air-pressure enema should be the first choice for the diagnosis and therapy of acute intussusception in children of its range of indication.
101. Phrenology: Study the shape of the skull as an indication of mental abilities and character traits.
102. However, McCormick believes that there is no indication that China gave up forward exchange rate reform.
103. Objectives:To evaluate the nursing diagnostic items in perioperative patients, its indication and clinical directive effect.
104. There is no indication he had ever set eyes on a copy of Liber abbaci, let alone read it.
105. P : Indication of moisture in intake; Numerous water leaks from fuselage.
106. Objective : To investigate the surgical indication and operative technique of intracranial arachnoid cysts.
107. His actions for some weeks have given indication of queerness.
108. The best indication of MED is lumbar lateral disc herniation or with narrow lateral recess.
109. Purpose: The opportunity and indication of tracheotomy in inhalation injury were discussed.
110. In actuality, color is simply an indication of the breed of hen.
111. Objective To study the advantage and indication of transversal approach in the treatment of cardiac cancer.
112. A credit is irrevocable even if there is no indication to that effect.
113. There is a radar elevation zone indication on the HUD.
114. Mimic - based visual interface - gives a clear indication of plant status at a glance.
115. The tonometer's display indication during the IOP measurings is shown in Figure 11.
116. Objective : To explore the indication and clinical significance of washed RBC.
117. Figure 11 - The tonometer's display indication during the IOP measurings.
118. The irrationality focuses mainly the indication, the doses, therapeutic course and the frequence of drug change.
119. Please fill in the form. and give clear indication of the weight and number.
120. Furthermore zooplankton indication of the Yellow Sea Warm Current ( YSWC ) in winter was discussed.
121. Vegetation prospecting for thallium includes plant indication and plant ore.
122. Early Antithrombotic Therapy for Aortic Valve Bioprostheses: Is There an Indication for Routine Use?
123. We these information content to claim, we still undertake can preferentially indication to it.
124. When a target is locked there is a radar beam position indication on the HUD.
125. In the absence of such indication, the CredIt'shall be deemed revocable.
126. Every indication so far is that China is on track to democratize within a few decades.
127. An indication of the end of a news story, usually written 30.
128. Brown's speech in Kampala was an indication that the wind is now blowing from a direction.
129. And the creation of the Buddhistic state of chilly loneliness is not only and indication of his sublime artistic interest but also is closely related to Buddhist aesthetics.
130. The PET first indication was evaluation of the indeterminate solitary pulmonary nodule.
131. Tailing, or watching other hounds, is indication of lack of sufficient independence.
132. No indication of when a final decision might be made was given.
133. Hemodynamics indication and blood routine examination is compared between before and after therapy.
134. Objective : To discuss the indication and surgical skills of anaplasty.
135. INDICATION : Metal - free crowns , veneers, inlays, onlays or metal supported crowns, bridges and implant supra - structures.
136. Comparing results and to find out the main surgical technique and the indication for endarterectomy.
137. Objective : To find the best time and the indication for tracheotomy of patients respiratory tract burn.
138. The first indication, Adagio Molto, means slow - very, In other words, very slowly.
139. Metastatic disease: Any indication of metastases should prompt immediate evaluation.
140. There is no public indication that the Gordons' four children have any interest in taking over management of Tootsie Roll.
141. A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.
142. Metastasis is the best indication that a neoplasm is malignant.
143. To evaluate the indication, surgical procedure, complication and therapeutic effect the bronchoplasty.
144. Objective To explore indication and strongpoint of lower blepharoplasty of suspending flap to periosteum.
145. For clear indication, it is necessary to specify the type , e.
146. The location intraoperation is very important and middle nosepiece is good indication.
147. Easter Sunday and Passover came and went without any indication of its occurrence.
148. Make sure that the dc ammeter indication increases approximately 5 amperes.
149. Conclusion Extrusive disjoint fingers should be regarded as an indication of replantative operation.
150. Objective To study the indication and effect of coronal incision for reconstruction of complex midfacial fractures.
151. Methods : The indication, operative methods and complications gynecological laparoscopy in 383 cases were retrospectively analysed.
152. Mr. Wale gave no indication that GM is already planning an additional factory in China.
153. Colour exceeds there is macula on indication liver, how to do Organic still meeting?
154. This gas brine has two types as metagenesis and potassium salt leach stack, is meaningfulness as resource and being indication for seeking potassium minerals.
155. Feature: Modern Design , exquisite structure, easy and safe installation , indication tube foot at the correct position.




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