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单词 Surprisingly
1) The exam was surprisingly easy.
2) Her voice was surprisingly calm.
3) At seventy she was surprisingly broadminded.
4) He answered my question in a surprisingly deep bass.
5) The weather was surprisingly warm and sunny.
6) Jan was surprisingly matter-of-fact about her divorce.
7) Many teenagers are surprisingly ignorant about current politics.
8) Mares are surprisingly tolerant of the roughness and rudeness of their own offspring.
9) Dogs are surprisingly agile.
10) The students we spoke to were surprisingly uninhibited in talking about sex.
11) John's aunt died suddenly and left him a surprisingly large sum.
12) In a surprisingly bold move , he is threatening court action against the company.
13) They appeared surprisingly pessimistic about their chances of winning.
14) The audience was surprisingly well behaved.
15) The changes were made with surprisingly little difficulty.
16) He plays the piano surprisingly well.
17) The Swiss franc has remained surprisingly strong.
18) The first track on the album is surprisingly tuneful.
19) The late summer air was surprisingly mild.
20) These discoveries were made at a surprisingly early date.
21) Our field of vision is surprisingly wide.
22) He's surprisingly sprightly for an old man.
23) Surprisingly, he agreed straight away.
24) She knew surprisingly little about her sister's life.
25) This is a surprisingly entertaining film.
26) It's been a surprisingly mild winter.
27) All things considered,(http:///surprisingly.html) we had surprisingly few injuries.
28) The handwriting was surprisingly neat.
29) Thankfully, a solution presented itself to him surprisingly soon.
30) Their new album is surprisingly listenable.
1) The exam was surprisingly easy.
2) Her voice was surprisingly calm.
3) At seventy she was surprisingly broadminded.
4) He answered my question in a surprisingly deep bass.
5) The weather was surprisingly warm and sunny.
6) Jan was surprisingly matter-of-fact about her divorce.
7) Many teenagers are surprisingly ignorant about current politics.
8) Mares are surprisingly tolerant of the roughness and rudeness of their own offspring.
9) Dogs are surprisingly agile.
10) The students we spoke to were surprisingly uninhibited in talking about sex.
11) John's aunt died suddenly and left him a surprisingly large sum.
12) In a surprisingly bold move , he is threatening court action against the company.
13) He plays the piano surprisingly well.
14) He had a surprisingly delicate touch.
15) Not surprisingly, he failed to convert her.
16) It was surprisingly cheap.
31) Swans are surprisingly awkward on land.
32) Al was surprisingly downbeat about the party.
33) It was a surprisingly easy victory .
34) He had a surprisingly delicate touch.
35) He took the criticism surprisingly well.
36) Not surprisingly, the jury found them both guilty.
37) Not surprisingly, he failed to convert her.
38) Not surprisingly, her teacher is getting irritated with her.
39) The restaurant turned out to be surprisingly cheap.
40) The journey was surprisingly hassle-free.
41) It's a small car, yet it's surprisingly spacious.
42) Most surprisingly, quite a few said they don't intend to vote at all.
43) This disease is surprisingly difficult to catch as most people have a natural resistance to it.
44) Boren surprisingly led off the most intensive line of questioning today.
45) Not surprisingly , with youth unemployment so high, some school-leavers with qualifications fail to find jobs.
46) For such a famous, wealthy man, his personal life was surprisingly simple and ordinary.
47) Surprisingly, no one came.
48) She reacted surprisingly calmly to the news of his death.
49) Not surprisingly, this excuse was too much for them to swallow.
50) Not surprisingly on such a hot afternoon, the river was very busy.
51) The Welsh team was surprisingly knocked out in the semi finals.
52) These figures are surprisingly high and they'll have to be verified.
53) It was surprisingly cheap.
54) Italy versus Japan is turning out to be a surprisingly well matched competition.
55) It was a surprisingly dry day after the rain of the previous week.
56) She looked surprisingly well.
57) Easter bonnets and egg hunts are surprisingly popular.
58) Yet the actual experience was surprisingly different.
59) You're a surprisingly brainy bunch,(http:///surprisingly.html) too.
60) It was a surprisingly amateurish movie.
61) Not surprisingly machinery manufacturers aim for commonality of parts.
62) Not surprisingly, their asking price went off the charts.
63) The truck gives you a surprisingly comfortable ride.
64) Not surprisingly, scalpers are annoyed at the recent developments.
65) Surprisingly, he made this important policy speech without prior clearance from his superiors.
66) Not surprisingly, Britain was annoyed at being excluded from any consultation.
67) Not surprisingly, such proposals often meet considerable resistance from those on whom the burden would fall.
68) Surprisingly, some recent research suggests that advancing age encourages people to eat a broader range of foods.
69) The little evidence available about the level or accuracy of memory in everyday driving situations suggests that it may be surprisingly poor.
70) Surprisingly, Congress appears to be firmly behind the President on this issue.
71) In the Mercedes, tall drivers can really stretch their legs but, not surprisingly, those behind will suffer accordingly.
72) She slammed the gate across - surprisingly lithe, her bicep bunching - and hit the button for the third floor.
73) Surprisingly, both the Portable and the Kodak were supplied without a battery, so I couldn't test them.
74) New large telescopes may clarify how galaxies form - at present a surprisingly difficult puzzle - and why they cluster.
75) Surprisingly, Northern Ireland has the third highest death rate from skin cancer in the world.
76) This surprisingly funny, reverse-Cyrano lark is witty, wise and the most romantic comedy so far this year.
77) This, not surprisingly, was enhanced by miniature benches and wooden walling: a busman's holiday to a craftsman carpenter.
78) We know surprisingly little about vanished civilizations whose majesty and whose ultimate demise were closely linked to liberties they took with water.
79) They are surprisingly early maturing: like the Jersey, they have been known to calve even younger than two years old.
80) She was still angry with Luke - he had been thoughtless, and surprisingly insensitive.
81) Not surprisingly, these expanding missions have been accompanied by increases in manpower and budget.
82) Perhaps surprisingly, there is little evidence of the cloth trade in the parish at all.
83) Not surprisingly, the result tasted more like a toasted cheese sandwich.
84) More surprisingly, the Pitti Palace at Florence housed a collection of amber vessels, cabinets, figures, caskets and crucifixes.
85) Pheasant: readily available and surprisingly cheap, any chicken recipe can be adapted for pheasant.
86) The assumptions underlying the deconstructionist view of reality linger on in surprisingly wide circles of influence in the 1990s.
87) Serum concentration of interleukin-6 are also raised in active Crohn's disease but surprisingly not in ulcerative colitis.
88) Not surprisingly,(http:///surprisingly.html) a slot in the Underground can be a big boost to the careers of unknown painters.
89) Not surprisingly, she advocates a balance, but one so delicate as to require almost daily adjustment.
90) Not surprisingly, both Reagan and Gorbachev said publicly that they did not agree with me about this.
91) Not surprisingly a strong field has assembled for this last tournament of the year in Britain.
92) Not surprisingly, therefore, they appear to be reaching a higher level of competence.
93) Not surprisingly, the building of branch lines and the provision of freight sidings never failed to create controversy.
94) Not surprisingly, Whitehall has been hedging its bets with officials preparing briefs to cover a variety of eventualities.
95) Not surprisingly, Dale had to entoil in a remedial mathematics course when he arrived on campus.
96) Big can be beautiful, and surprisingly few of the buildings here display the empty pedantry conspicuous in contemporary paintings and sculpture.
97) Amongst these are contact lens wetting solutions, comfort drops and artificial tears, which, perhaps surprisingly, have similar compositions.
98) Not surprisingly, it was another early closure, with only a few people living nearby.
99) The logical conclusion of this conceited but surprisingly widely held stance should be to declare all such people as legal minors.
100) It can be surprisingly difficult to avoid, too, because it is added to so many foods and drinks.
101) Not surprisingly therefore, he drew comparisons between the problems faced by the University and those confronting his own establishment.
102) The tapes and scores which they produce come across with real sincerity, and display surprisingly high levels of competence.
103) Airy, instantly accessible but surprisingly subtle music covering ground between modem mainstream and bebop and featuring Barnes alongside trumpeter Adams.
104) Surprisingly little is recorded about the techniques of ship construction at that time, and the wreck may provide valuable clues.
105) But all in all, it was a surprisingly effective night of music.
106) Not surprisingly, Gelernter, 42, still is trembling with rage four years after the bomb went off.
107) From this pontificate come, not surprisingly, important collections of church, or canon, law.
108) And yet surprisingly little is known about the factors which make for public acceptance.
109) Surprisingly, they were the first comets found from Britain this century.
110) Careful reading of the various clauses in a policy often reveals that surprisingly little is actually insured against.
111) But out of this adversity has sprung a surprisingly fine vintage.
112) Not surprisingly, what an existentialist account of existence does not provide is a clarification of the conditions of objectivity.
113) Answer: Surprisingly, a. Why: This one sneaks into punctuation rule books and is uncommon enough to cause confusion.
114) The caterpillars of the monarch butterfly, surprisingly, are able to feed on milkweed without taking any of these precautions.
115) She was a strange little girl, advanced for her age and surprisingly sensible for one afflicted with the symptoms of epilepsy.
116) For some one who appeared so gleefully wicked and amoral, Cleo seemed surprisingly dim when it came to character judgment.
117) Their domestic agendas and failings, even their backgrounds, are surprisingly similar.
117) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
118) Five ladies played for the seven-strong county team, and in inter-club matches Henley ladies were, not surprisingly, strong competitors.
119) Surprisingly, I find that all my reasons for postponing giving birth still apply: I don't particularly like children.
120) In return, they have, not surprisingly, behaved in ways which confirmed these perceptions.
121) Branch managers and staff have changed surprisingly little as a breed, for all the brighter uniforms and open plan offices.
122) As with the science of fermentation, it took a surprisingly long time for anybody to find answers to such questions.
123) Bartering for a burial plot Genesis 22 has, not surprisingly, provided inspiration to many artists.
124) Surprisingly in view of its much bigger budget, Notting Hill seems a more personal film than Four Weddings.
125) Not surprisingly, the rebellious streak in his nature surfaced, and he started to behave with studied rudeness.
126) Not surprisingly, they told us it's best left to professional fund-raisers.
127) Fink, not surprisingly, gets writer's block and at some stage the film becomes his fevered imaginings.
128) Not surprisingly, relations between the two black communities are often hostile.
129) The women who are trying to achieve the ultimate in feminine physical perfection, ironically, look surprisingly like men.
130) Not surprisingly, those who are averse to surrendering their sovereignty have become increasingly restive of late.
131) Although teachers flinch at such international comparisons, most of them are surprisingly enthusiastic about the national curriculum.
132) Yet rather surprisingly, most of the double stars are physically-associated or binary systems.
133) Because, perhaps surprisingly to its critics, the survey reveals lawyers are achieving an impressively high level of client satisfaction.
134) Perhaps not surprisingly, he was cautious in later life about committing himself in his relationship with others.
135) Not surprisingly, these men are well represented in the most sexually active groups.
136) Surprisingly, perceptions of bias never had a significant impact on usefulness-ratings.
137) Doctor Agrippa, who surprisingly had kept well out of our way, now came to dance attendance on us.
138) Despite the flux of political events some alliances of this kind proved surprisingly durable.
139) The payback on such items can be surprisingly attractive.
140) Underneath the radical image teenagers are surprisingly conformist.
141) He felt little volition and surprisingly little bitterness.
142) On that note, Organic Orchard Medley is surprisingly good.
143) Surprisingly, there are no Amish groups today in Europe.
144) Annual flowering plants are a surprisingly low 7 % of the total plant species.
145) Near 80 degrees steeple staircases make you look surprisingly supernatural.
146) After the woman opened the bakery a surprisingly good business.
147) Not surprisingly, he had a body of friends as big as nearby Lake Erie.
147) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
148) Surprisingly, the men's room was the best place to find relief.
149) Not surprisingly, the strikers were preoccupied with regaining their jobs and keeping their system of seniority.
150) Surprisingly, the abdominal circumference was on the 95 th percentile.
151) Not surprisingly, the unions were incensed, but failed to stop the Bill going through Parliament.
152) The behaviour of taunt is surprisingly simple, once you remember the 10 % rule.
153) There is surprisingly little pincushion distortion in the EII considering the field width.
154) Surprisingly, there is little heroism or drama in the routine of life in a combat zone.
155) Surprisingly, the ability to hypnotize yourself can be learnt in a single session.
156) Still , with Uranus you never know - you could have very surprisingly good news.
157) Surprisingly, Caliban also mirrors and contrasts with Ferdinand in certain ways.
158) After more than a century of immense effort, surprisingly little has been settled concerning Gospels.
159) Not surprisingly, hypertext has come under attack from traditional critics.
160) Then came the disquieting blue stare , and the surprisingly loud , ringing voice.
161) Not surprisingly, they've become a lightning rod for industry critics.
162) Taxes are rounded off to the nearest dollar but the rounding error is surprisingly small.
163) Yet, in spite of its awkward, slouching gait, the hyena can run surprisingly quickly.
164) In a series of online opinionsurveys and in voluminous press commentary, debate has been surprisingly intense.
165) But surprisingly, even as her life became increasingly complicated, Diana never became jaded.
166) Surprisingly, the key to such an anesthetic may lie in the metabolite of a sex hormone.
167) Yukon engineered the NVMT linenight vision monoculars to be lightweight, compact and surprisingly affordable.
168) In today's jittery markets, good news on one front can have surprisingly bad effects elsewhere.
169) The osmotic flow involved comes from the osmotic pressure, which is surprisingly large.
170) The performance went surprisingly well, though, until it was time for the gunnysack race.
171) Not only are Martian volcanoes huge, they are surprisingly complex.
172) It is light hopped and surprisingly malty for such an airy, sunshiny beer.
173) As an old man of 75, he is surprisingly sprightly.
174) She exclaimed surprisingly. " I just got back from Monte Carlo. "
175) Not surprisingly, China's central bank is the main internal proponent of reform.
176) But surprisingly, plants use this latter defence system only half - heartedly.
177) The eyeless sea urchin also has genes associated with taste, smell, hearing, balance - and surprisingly(), even vision. ...
178) They add a surprisingly high rate of spontaneous defibrillator activations, often occurring late after MI. ""
179) No surprisingly, the first stroke he mastered was the backstroke.
180) Surprisingly the curtain started to rise while the houselights were still undimmed.
181) Public - sector unions , not surprisingly, are adamantly opposed to most privatization.
182) In spite of the fall from his horse, his leg was surprisingly uninjured.




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