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单词 Robe
1) She was wearing only a thin robe over a flimsy nightdress, and her feet were bare.
2) The robe was held at the waist by a cord.
3) The outer garment was a loose-fitting robe.
4) She wore a battered old robe.
5) Ryle put on a robe and went down to the kitchen.
6) The emperor was clad in a rich robe encrusted with jewels.
7) He huddled on his robe and ran into the room to answer the telephone.
8) He wrapped a robe around himself before answering the door.
9) She took from a chest a most lovely robe.
10) Kruger tried to brush the dart from his robe.
11) Very gently,[http:///robe.html] he parted the front of her robe.
12) The robe was encrusted with precious metals and stones.
13) Death raced from room to room, his robe flapping.
14) There's a robe hanging from the back of the door. Throw me your clothes.
15) Grabbing a robe and a towel, she was heading for the shower when some one tapped quietly at the cabin door.
16) That long white robe I had seen him in that night was a sort of hospital gown.
17) Mesmerized,[] she slipped off her robe and eased into the bed.
18) That done, the sick man and the buffalo robe were removed.
19) There was something rather nasty about the robe of woven-together eyes.
20) He was wearing a dark robe, made darker by constant wear and irregular washings.
21) It consisted of the straight robe mentioned above, with an elaborate flounced and layered over-skirt tied on at the waist.
22) A tall black-haired woman in a purple robe opened it.
23) She was dressed in a long white robe of finely pleated linen, which was belted loosely at the waist.
24) What was behind the dark robe and what was within the deep, all-concealing hood?
25) He wore a silk cloak over a finely embroidered robe.
26) He lay there a while longer, unable to relax, then got up and put on his robe.
27) The typical leisure wear at the ryokan is a blue and white cotton robe known as a yukata provided by the management.
28) Maggie acted, racing from her room and running to the stairs, not waiting to put on slippers or a robe.
29) You may even have sung in a church choir, helping voices rise in spiritual exultation before trading in your satiny robe.
30) He thought she looked like a vast boulder, dressed in a chenille robe, that some one had rolled to the door.
1) She was wearing only a thin robe over a flimsy nightdress, and her feet were bare.
2) The robe was held at the waist by a cord.
3) The emperor was clad in a rich robe encrusted with jewels.
31) He was dressed in a long blue robe which reached down to snow-flecked boots.
32) In came a man whose robe was tucked up in his belt and who held his sandals in his hand.
33) Sweating profusely, soaking through his robe, Havens raises his ax in triumph and walks off the makeshift stage.
34) We came on to the dirt road and a woman in a fluttering robe of pale pink organza walked towards us.
35) Presently, relaxed and generously anointed with body-lotion, she wrapped herself in a fluffy towelling robe and went back downstairs.
36) The bodice of the robe has a deep cleavage plunging to the navel.
37) Did Zenaida burn up, poisoned herself by the robe of prickly pear?
38) She was a tall girl, quite pretty, I thought, and she always wore a lovely kimono robe.sentence dictionary
39) At the traders', one buffalo robe was worth from seven to nine cups of sugar.
40) Intangible winds gripped the wizard's robe, flapping it out in eddies of blue and green sparks.
41) All Angus did was pull his robe tighter around him and slump in one of the high-backed chairs to glower at us.
42) Whistling nostrils, the gentle swish of the robe and a crunching like snow beneath my boots.
43) Larry paced the small rooms now, drink in hand, wearing an enormous striped robe.
44) Deeper into the hell, Athelstan shivered, folding his arms into the voluminous sleeves of his robe.
45) She put on her robe, lit the candle and went on tip-toe down the back stairs and into the kitchen.
46) Alice kept a gown, robe, toothbrush and other accessories in the private guest room for such times.
47) I reached out my crooked arm and touched the hem of her royal blue robe and her matching cloth slippers.
48) Then from her robe she took another chip, silvery and translucent and twice the size of the others.
49) Putting down her cup, she reached for the silk robe laid out on a chair at the side of the bed.
50) He could see that her body was naked beneath the midnight blue silk of her robe and her scent overpowered his senses.
51) Justice Thomas is on the court, with mud clinging to the hem of his robe.
52) Dry-mouthed, she smoothed down the shimmering folds of her robe with fingers that shook slightly.
53) With a disconsolate sigh she stood up, slipped off the towelling robe and threw it over a chair.
54) You pull a towelling robe from the back of the door and throw it at her.
55) Then she leaps on me, green face, glamor-length nails, Dior robe and all.
56) A further dark robe hid the damaged frame from view, but the face had a pull, like magnetism.
57) Long terry robe in choice of pink, crimson or garnet, $ 45.
58) He washed and dressed in a magnificent embroidered robe topped with a great gilt turban, then returned to the feast.
59) She smoothed her skin with oil and chose a short, ice-green robe in which to welcome him.
60) The Robe had been shot in Cinemascope in order to tempt the new television viewers back into the cinemas.
61) Tiredness ached in her bones, she sagged and rocked, hunched in her blanket with the buffalo robe around her feet.
62) He was right there in front of me, white wings and a blue robe with gold buttons.
63) By the time he had closed the door and turned into the room she had slipped the towelling robe off her shoulders.
64) She dragged her eyes away from D'Arcy, pulling her robe closed.
65) Jack was wide awake, in his red silk pajamas and red silk robe.
66) Catching sight of the two arriving, the old fellow, adjusting his robe, came toddling forward to show them around.
67) A man in a grubby white robe was in the passenger seat.
68) It was Cynthia, in a robe and gown with her hair full of curlers.
69) I was sitting on my fishing stool wearing winter clothes, and a sailcloth robe thrown over me for extra warmth.
70) No dust has settled on that robe; no time has elapsed since that divinity was revealed.
71) He had worked hard for the party and had earned the black robe, and he was even a pretty good lawyer.
72) Even if anyone saw it under the charred fringes of her robe, she could say it was homework.
73) The Robe of Human Hands ... the enchantment that would release the prisoners ... Yes.
74) Her robe firmly fastened around her, she emerged into the galley.
75) Kurt Steiner in pyjamas and towelling robe, sat by the window reading.
76) Now put your robe on and come into the living room.
77) Mrs Quigley was wearing a loose white robe with a hat and a veil rather like a bee-keeper's.
78) She wore pert green velvet slippers and a lovely sea green robe.
79) She herself had been named as wearing a white robe - and was asked had she ever done so.
80) The red robe they gave her there was the first bright colour she had worn.
81) The silk of his robe touching her bare skin sent a terrible heat washing through her.
82) She folded her nightgown and robe, pushing them into a corner of her case without regard for the fragile material.
83) She sat up, measuring the distance from the bed to her discarded robe lying on the soft carpet.
84) She slid her arms into her silk robe and tied it loosely at the waist.
85) She tried loosening and retying the robe to be more revealing.
86) He wore a heavy velvet robe of deepest crimson and indigo, trimmed with black fur.
87) He was still in a silk robe, in his office, staring dully at the grey morning beyond the windows.
88) He exulted and from the pocket of his long robe withdrew a self-powered Atomo bulb that filled the room with pearly light.
89) Margie was happy and sat down again, a string of pearls clacking under her robe.
90) Dropping the robe off her shoulders, Anne turned to a full-length mirror.
91) He hid the knife in the folds of his robe.
92) He wore a white robe that he used, as he talked, to cover and uncover his bare feet.
93) In a green robe, sunshine-splashed and spattered with the songs of thieving birds, you came sauntering between the vines.
94) In the familiar blue nightgown and flannel robe, Aunt Mary, propped against a cushion, sat next to me.
95) I walk through the dark to find my slippers, slide my robe from the closet.
96) The robe, too, is painted in Prussian blue, a pigment not introduced until the eighteenth century.
97) Several photos, tokens of thanksgiving, are attached to the red velvet robe that covers the carving.
98) The curtains swung back to reveal Marie in a glistening silver robe and an expression suggesting the onset of migraine.
99) The Oracle's scabrous,[] hairless scalp is - fortunately - mostly concealed by the black hood of his robe.
100) He put on his robe and went into his own room to dress.
101) Then, after rubbing themselves dry on the bath robe, they dressed and climbed the cliff again.
102) Milly, in her white silk robe, becomes the focus of our gaze as the camera pulls back.
103) My bare face rubbed against the soft fuzz of her robe.
104) She dropped her robe on to the stool near by and stepped into the water, sinking slowly down into the warmth.
105) He undressed and put on his pajamas and robe and made a pot of Darjeeling.
106) The angel on the right wears a robe whose tint is of this same blue, but whose intensity is less.
107) She dried herself, wrapped the soft, fragrant robe around her slim body and cautiously descended the staircase.
108) The robe is a richly patterned 7-by-10-foot cotton cloth whose abstract symbols represent the powers and obligations of kingship.
109) His bony skull and his sharp beak jutted out of the robe at such a low angle he looked like a buzzard.
110) Brenda put on her robe and went to the end of the hall and looked out.
111) Five yards away a woman sat almost in profile, a white towelling robe easy on her shoulders.
112) She would stand in the door of her enormous closet in a thick velour robe and choose her outfit for the afternoon.
113) She put her robe on the chair.
114) To clothe or robe , as in ecclesiastical vestments.
115) He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood.
116) Put on judge's robe and criticize your own work.
117) A thick robe of It'swept from hill to hill.
118) He began unfastening his padded robe.
119) She was simply dressed in a plain white robe.
120) She came toward him, trailing a lavender lounging robe.
121) Willie's old robe flapped around his frail figure.
122) He was John Bull in a Benedictine robe.
123) He helped her off with her robe.
124) She draped the robe around her daughter's shoulders.
125) She wore a stained pink robe.
126) She was sitting at her mirror in a robe.
127) Colour: Beautiful ruby-red robe with vermilion sheen.
128) Martin waited impatiently while she dried and put on a robe.
128) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
129) Death is often pictured as a skeleton in a black robe, holding a scythe.
130) It was late at night, now. They had talked and talked. Jonas sat wrapped in a robe belonging to The Giver, the long robe that only Elders wore.
131) There I sat on the closet floor in my robe holding a vibrator.
132) The robe is deep red and very brilliant . The nose is intense with mulberry and wood.
133) According to Greek mythology, the Sun-god Helios wearing a yellow robe rode in a golden chariot drawn by four fiery horses across the heavenly firmament.
134) Think to pay, adidas Originals JS Panda, she sees the tall youth whom the amber take to be dressed in madder red to rise steadily Hang silk fabric robe walk to enter for.
135) Afterward, David was conscience - stricken for having cut off a corner of his robe.
136) Due to green ink being used in surcharge on the Red Revenue Stamp, it was known as "Red Maiden in Green Robe".
137) The statue showed the half nude image of Aphrodite, a long robe covered her legs.
138) A strange man in a brown robe, tied with a whipcord belt, walked along the roadway.
139) The same day, Philomela read the message woven into the robe.
140) Second has resentment, use a peaceful silken robe to armour, after borrowing, also avoid meeting.
141) Bond found was a priest — a dynamic, handsome Franciscan friar in a brown robe — who was serving as the spiritual director for the retreat and agreed to begin counseling her on her marriage.
142) He had put on the ochre robe of a monk and was in an exalted state of mind, always indrawn .
143) They are attired in a high wizard's robe and ornaments, and carry a sorcerer's staff in their taloned hands.
144) That man is back, the one who loves to let his robe fall open every time I try to clean.
145) He hurriedly assembled some items on his desk, and put on his magician's robe and a tasseled hat.
146) You find a young boy wearing a foppish magician's hat and a robe that is much too large for him.
147) A garment to be wrapped or folded about a person, especially an outer garment such as a robe, cloak, shawl, or coat.
148) Out came Meg, with gray horsehair hanging about her face, a red and black robe, a staff, and cabalistic signs upon her cloak.
149) For the portrait, an assistant from the Met had brought along Mr. Domingo's Act III costume from Verdi's "Simon Boccanegra" – tights, brocaded robe, shin guards, breastplate, gauntlets , cape.
150) While judges in criminal cases will still wear them, those in civil and family hearings will appear bare-headed in court, wearing a new-style plain black robe, the British government said.
151) Then I realized that they were relieving nature also. As their long robe covered up the whole body, this seemingly dangerous method had much less opportunity of cleavage.
152) He took out a piece of paper from a deep pocket on his long robe.
153) He had given to Cosette a robe of Binche guipure which had descended to him from his own grandmother.
154) He wore a hat which was high and pointed full of silver stars. The blue long robe he wore was full of the pattern of gold owls.
155) I had an alb on and a long robe with long sleeves.
156) A woman stood under the persimmon tree, clad in a hooded robe that brushed the grass.
157) Now she was wearing a long robe with sleeves, for thus were the virgin daughters of the king dressed.
158) A white man is dressed in traditional Chinese costume composed of a bright red hat and a long robe.
159) Oversize because Copping's point of departure thellos season was portraiture, and he designed that coat and others after an artist's model's studio robe.
160) The rites completed, the disciple received from the guru the loincloth and ochre robe, the emblems of his new life.
161) Color: Intense cherry red robe , steady and brilliant with ruby hues.
162) You shall make the robe of the ephod all of blue.
163) I averted my gaze as I heard the revolting squish of another spike sunk into willing flesh. My eyes fell on the robe of the lead cultist.
164) She smiled and faintly dismissive, gesturing to the robe on his arm.
165) She gives me over to Grandfather who removes the deerskin robe and sprinkles His "holy water" over me.
166) He needed a terrycloth robe, an electric shaver, tennis togs, several double-breasted suits and a tuxedo.
167) " Happy, happy, so happy... " Wenwen kept shouting. She dressed herself like a noble lady with black long robe.
168) I put on righteousness as my clothing; justice was my robe and my turban.
169) And he made the robe of the ephod of woven work, all of blue.
170) Then David arose, and cut off the skirt of Saul's robe privily .
171) Slender and hairless, she wore a full-length robe and curious, tasseled five-fingered gloves.
172) Madame Olenska , heedless of tradition, was attired in a long robe of red velvet.
173) Offering a very dense, dark red robe. The nose, fine and lightly fruity, reveals some spiciness with light, toasty notes.
174) She was standing by the door, her blue robe hanging from her shoulders.
175) He had kept his body well, his head was shaven and he wore the usual saffron-coloured sannyasi robe.
176) Silas felt strong as he stepped from the black Audi, the nighttime breeze rustling his loose-fitting robe.
177) I wore my honesty like a garment; justice was my robe and my turban.
178) A soft white robe had been draped over a chair for Joanna's use.
179) Medical Textile: hospital dress, protective suit, Doctor Slipover, operating cap, operating mask, operating towel, Robe, sheet, pillow etc.
180) Brightly salmon pink robe. It smells like raspberry, currant. This wine is very fruity, with a lot of roundness, a good length and a well-balanced harmony of spices and fruits.
181) Then David crept up unnoticed and cut off a corner of Saul's robe.
182) Peacock prince overran holds the myna princess's hand saying:"my good younger sister, this gem feather robe this should be your, why don't you want?"
183) Did you get your cap and robe for the graduation ceremony?
184) Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence; a chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness.
185) It pulled at every populist heartstring, from the plucky woman warrior in a bright silk robe to the backdrops of peony branches and a red sunset over the Great Wall.
186) These Americans in imperial robe and phoenix coronet look unusually graceful.
186) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
187) He brought forth a small gold amulet from beneath his robe.
188) Covet not a gold - threaded robe. Cherish only your young days !
189) Growing to return a week is affirmative, whole body month white long robe, in the hand one handle periodical, ferocious on seeing, arrive to also have several charming dashing sensibility of dividing.
190) He was wearing his usual dress, the white papal robe.




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