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单词 In particular
1 Unemployment has hit unskilled workers in particular.
2 There is nothing in particular about him.
3 Why did you choose that day in particular?
4 Who in particular would you like to talk to?
5 What in particular did you like about the last apartment that we saw?
6 Is there anything in particular you'd like for dinner?
7 She directed the question at no one in particular.
8 He loves science fiction in particular.
9 One player in particular deserves a mention.
10 Are you looking for anything in particular?
11 He chattered on about nothing in particular.
12 They are chaffering about nothing in particular.
13 The situation in Ethiopia in particular is worrying.
14 The director stressed that point in particular.
15 In 19th-century Britain,[] industries became concentrated in particular localities.
16 One candidate in particular impressed us with her knowledge.
17 She likes fruit and tomatoes in particular.
18 The military in particular were subjected to intense political indoctrination.
19 He studies in particular the fishes of the Indian Ocean.
20 The young in particular see him as a man who will not sell out or be debased by the compromises of politics.
21 Was there anything in particular that you wanted to talk about?
22 We can never promise to sail anywhere in particular, because the weather might militate against it.
23 Peter was lying on the sofa doing nothing in particular.
24 One of his paintings in particular sticks in my mind.
25 He stares detachedly into the middle distance, towards nothing in particular.
26 The play has a very strong cast, but two actors in particular shine out.
27 When I said that I wasn't thinking of anyone in particular.
28 This is a crucial year for your relationships in general and your love life in particular.
29 We're trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution in particular .
30 She asked the author if she had modelled her hero on anybody in particular.
1 Unemployment has hit unskilled workers in particular.
2 There is nothing in particular about him.
3 Why did you choose that day in particular?
4 Who in particular would you like to talk to?
5 He stares detachedly into the middle distance, towards nothing in particular.
6 The play has a very strong cast, but two actors in particular shine out.
7 What in particular did you like about the last apartment that we saw?
31 It was a good concert - I enjoyed the last song in particular.
32 Drew made some remarks to nobody in particular and said goodbye.
33 The police haven't really done anything for the black community in particular.
34 I think a lot of people, women in particular, steer clear of these sensitive issues.
35 Is there anywhere in particular you wanted to go to eat tonight?
36 Please refer to the Regulations and in particular Articles 99 and 100 thereof.
37 The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellent.
38 Langford in particular had a juvenile addiction to these.
39 Other opportunities Tea parties - birthday parties in particular.
40 After her death they certainly took the full brunt, Silvio in particular.
41 In particular, books show an average annual growth rate of 8.25 percent while electronic information shows a rate of 20.30 percent.
42 Radio brought entertainment to a mass audience, in particular light musical entertainment: it produced the age of the great dance bands.
43 Those other features revealed in various divine forms were simply ignored, in particular with relation to Osiris and the afterlife.
44 Some of his decisions, in particular the one to raise the bank rate to 6 percent in July 1916, were criticized.
45 I love mankind, he said, "but I find to my amazement that the more I love mankind as a whole, the less I love man in particular.". Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
46 This fall reflects in particular the low birth rates of the 1920s and 1930s.
47 Harmony and group awarenesses develop, in particular a realisation of responsibility towards your companions.
48 Those advocating such innovations were motivated most powerfully by aesthetic considerations, in particular by the deadening effect on design of development control.
49 These are articulated, in particular, through finance and economic affairs departments - in the United Kingdom, the Treasury.
50 In particular, he said the Pentagon would have to spend up to $ 1 billion per arsenal ship for the missiles.
51 The police are increasingly looking to technology - and to information technology in particular - to help them combat increasing crime.
52 It is a source of cleavages which are as important for social action in general and voting behaviour in particular as production-derived social class.
53 In particular, the Czechoslovakian agreement carries a cultural clause which covers conservation, training and special events alongside the audiovisual sector.
54 I shower and lay out all seven bathing suits on the bed and try to picture myself in one in particular.
55 Over recent years considerable concern has been expressed over the introduction of new diseases caused by bacteria and viruses in particular.
56 In particular, who in the nine months has been in charge of this section and shown great dedication and commitment.
57 In particular, habitats which appear inhospitable at one period may be quite acceptable and considered normal at another.
58 In particular, we should applaud the efforts of Tom McHugh and the Parking Section in their very important revenue gathering work.
59 The sales to total assets ratio in particular is often used to compare the structure and capital requirements of different industries.
60 In particular, size differences can lead to differences in relative factor rewards and scale-adjusted relative commodity prices.
61 The aim is to provide a comprehensive range of services and expertise on a national scale to the business community in particular.
62 In particular the company is hoping to position TeamWorks Office as a direct competitor to Lotus Notes.
63 In particular non-disclosure makes it difficult to answer charges that the government's policies are not properly coordinated.
64 Kissinger in particular thought it outrageous that such an old friend and ally as the Shah should not be allowed into the States.
65 James worked closely with his bishops, and in particular with George Abbot, whom he appointed Archbishop of Canterbury in 1611.
66 In addition, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular accidents and in particular intermittent claudication occurred more frequently in diabetics of both sexes.
67 In particular, both corals and giant clams harbour unicellular algae which live within their body cells.
68 A problem in researching child abuse is that social workers, in particular, are consistently subjected to complaints about their work.
69 In particular, Haslam found the camaraderie he experienced working alongside mineworkers extremely rewarding.
70 Be ready with thin canes to support hyacinth blooms in particular if they start to bend and droop under their own weight.
71 It was unusual for anything in particular to happen in Mafeking Street.
72 Moreover, imbalances arose within the economy as a whole,[] in particular between consumption goods and capital goods.
73 Deposition of nitric acid in particular may contribute to the equation as a fertiliser as well as a pollutant perse.
74 Reformed systems of direct support, aimed in particular at helping family farms and crofts.
75 In particular, contingent entities can not be individuated in an absolute sense by any kind of descriptive phrase.
76 One athlete in particular, however, has caused more of a disturbance with his seeming lack of concern.
77 The principle of individual user autonomy was sacrosanct in the day centres generally and the Contact group in particular.
78 It will almost certainly place additional costs on local government generally, and urban authorities in particular.
79 Secondly, some forms of work design - autonomous group work in particular - appear to threaten traditional managerial decision-making prerogatives.
80 To accomplish this, the Coalition recommends more, and better, marked bike paths, in particular along the L.A.
81 The female hormonal cycle is finely synchronized with the circulatory system and lymphatic drainage in particular.
82 What of the future of Bosnia, in particular, where there is a very complicated cocktail of ethnic mixes?
83 If we want to know where the truth lies in particular cases, we have to look.
84 Two-thirds of the total cited heating and fuel bills in particular as being more expensive than they had anticipated.
85 In particular, the transaction seemed to comply with strict rules dictating the type of assets that banks could hold.
86 In particular, the clearing banks ceased to tie their deposit and lending rates to it.
87 There he made his name as a cricketer, and in particular, as a fast bowler.
88 In particular in the sophisticated world of alchemy, the resonances of chemical and other truths were of the utmost importance.
89 In particular, more still needs to be known about the characteristics of patients most likely to benefit from treatment.
90 Through its strong associations with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, abdominal obesity in particular is injurious.
91 Actual long coats, although difficult to spot at this age, will show in fluffy long hairs on the ears in particular.
92 So the civil rights movement began to splinter, and young blacks in particular followed more militant leaders.
93 He didn't want anything in particular. He just stopped for a chat.
94 Human rights in general and the right to communicate in particular are bound up with the notion of democracy.
95 Adults, adult women in particular, are subscribing to this expansionism for themselves without question.
96 In particular, they have been censured for failing sufficiently to take into account the needs of local people.
97 Inorganic chemistry in particular provided the bulk of new pigments based on chromium, cadmium, cobalt, zinc, copper and arsenic.
98 The research project explores the substantive and technical issues of analysing hierarchical structures and in particular develops general purpose computer software.
99 These traits are ingrained and stable dispositions to respond to certain situations in particular ways characteristic of the personality.
100 But this ideology, though revolutionary in content, in fact sustained capitalist relations of production in general and big business in particular.
100 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
101 In particular he scrutinized every report of an alleged matriarchy, where women were said to hold political power.
102 Varo collected pre-Columbian art, studied eastern religions and was fascinated by the occult and alchemy, in particular.
103 The purpose of the Classbook is to achieve maximum results in the classroom, in particular by developing the communication skills.
104 In particular, it brought the demolition of most historic buildings in conservation areas under control.
105 Most of them were carrying bows, but even those who had arrows nocked were not aiming at anything in particular.
106 In particular, this means that you: must wear a name badge when dealing with the public.
107 In particular, let the average cost curves for firms in one country lie everywhere below those in the other.
108 Now they have dedicated their hangar to high speed and in particular the record breakers that flew from this historic airfield.
109 One in particular, about a metre high, pale lemon in colour(), was ornamented with neo-classical bandings in blue and gold.
110 Ferranti then hopes to decide on a course of action and in particular on how to restructure its capital base.
111 Driving licences, in particular, are like giving some one a cheque book.
112 In particular, he acted as adviser to the Labour Party continuously from the 1930s till his death.
113 The housing needs of the elderly, in particular, must be a prominent policy issue in years to come.
114 In particular, more research is needed to ascertain how the voice of the consumer may best be heard.
115 Schools' concerns in examining their attendance rates tend to be with levels of non-attendance and in particular with truancy.
116 The day belonged to Ireland, and in particular to the big-hearted Kerryman.
117 In particular you should ask: i. - Are they building any low-cost homes for sale to first-time buyers? ii.
118 Peace Alliance supporters, and the Communists in particular were annoyed that the opportunity for a joint candidature had been lost.
119 In particular, the bond markets-high-yield and investment grade-showed signs of life last week.
120 In particular, it requires a good attendance record at school.
121 Pettitt sees urban services in particular offering vast scope for expansion as city fathers wake up to the dangers from the car population explosion.
122 On the contrary, much of it - the taxation proposals in particular - is calculated to sacrifice our competitive edge.
123 In particular, there has been a rapid erosion of Britain's manufacturing base.
124 James, in particular, deserved all the accolades he received for securing his par.
125 There are even more examples of very thin units that persist over fantastically large areas in particular sedimentary basins.
126 In particular it highlighted the necessity of delaying decisions about interpretations at the word level, due to ambiguities in labelling and segmenting.
127 In particular, emotional attachments may be given a justification which psychologically does not explain why the individual holds the attachments.
128 In particular, it fails to take account of its cross-equation restrictions.
129 The international community, and journalists in particular, could be of great assistance in ensuring that elections are free and fair.
130 I remember in particular going with the local bishop to an early morning Eucharist.
130 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
131 In particular, corporations may be able to take advantage of mass-production technologies.
132 In particular it requires a more flexible approach to taxation, and the operation of the social services.
133 Thus, in particular, heavenly bodies moving in a gravitational field are well described by such geodesics.
134 In particular there are close associations between nesting density on islands or islets, foraging habits, breeding ecology, and behaviour.
135 The challenge for secondary schools in particular will be to ensure that the system reflects the learning, and does not dictate it.
136 With chronic diseases, in particular, it is important to have a good prevalence measure.
137 The children in particular had a great time with computer games, entertainers and bouncy castles to keep them occupied.
138 The Delegates meet at intervals to determine policy, in particular publishing policy in the academic field.
139 In particular the expectations of research often do not match the actual practice of their supervisors.
140 In particular, it is acknowledged that a de minimis level for warranties and indemnities will be included.
141 Older managers who report to younger ones, in particular, may resist the coaching session.
142 In particular, money managers will be asked to show greater willingness to support venture capital projects and start-up enterprises.
143 He was uncoordinated, moving his arms through the air and pointing at nothing in particular.
144 Markers lend themselves in particular to mixed media sketching and to mixed media artwork for reproduction in print.
145 The examples which follow are just some of those opportunities which have occurred in particular circumstances.
146 He expressed anxiety about the public accountability of the funding council, and in particular who was to look after the strategic planning.
147 But they denied hens much of their normal behaviour and in particular frustrated the urge to nest.
148 In particular, the relationship is becoming increasingly bedevilled by the issue of anti-missile defence.
149 In particular, many people have moved to the Wirral peninsula and they commute to Liverpool through the Mersey tunnel or by ferry.
150 So-called aberrant behavior, in particular lesbian and homosexual behavior, was shown to have a natural precedent and a genetic basis.
151 Smaller practitioners are fed up to the back teeth with all forms of regulation, and audit regulation in particular.
152 In particular many pointed to growing social unrest, crime and unemployment caused in part by the government's structural adjustment policies.
153 The effects of comet and asteroid impacts are potentially damaging to life in general, and to human civilization in particular.
154 In particular, how does it come about that the imprecise quantum world yields a precise answer when it is experimentally interrogated?
155 In particular, the way tourism data is collected almost certainly underestimates two important elements of sports tourism, as follows.
156 I had written a learned book, Architrave and Archetype, a thesis linking human aspiration with human-designed structures, cathedrals in particular.
157 Critics had the opportunity to write poetically of the ceaseless, easy flow of rivers and this one in particular.
158 In particular, we need to calculate the objective-row coefficient of any non-basic variable.
159 Front forces, in particular, lost a very high percentage of their best men in 1968.
160 But where a decision affects everyone in general and no one in particular it is much harder to define sufficient interest.
161 In particular the project focuses on recent anti-avoidance case law and statutory developments,[http:///in particular.html] and follows the professions' developing responses to them.
162 Cumulative alcohol intake certainly plays a role and other environmental factors, in particular nutrition, may also be important.
163 The family in particular, as the basic unit of society, is deeply affected by the media environment in which it lives.
164 Oriental cats in general seem to be more likely to indulge - and Siamese cats in particular.
165 Disabled people, in particular, often have a greater degree of self-sufficiency than many able-bodied people however.
166 In particular it monitors each firm's conduct and capital adequacy.
167 Means-related fines, in particular, have aroused the ire of middle-income earners.
168 Lehmann also had an active interest in the visual arts, and in particular promoted the neo-romantics.
169 In particular, the freedom since 1987 to advertise on radio and television does not seem to have exercised any discernible effect.
170 The legislation gave the Government generally and the Home Office in particular an opportunity to bare its liberal soul.
171 In particular, they are much more substantial at ages 10-15 than is commonly supposed.
172 In particular, it is not clear how a sense of well-being and a sense of belonging are connected.
173 Mr Viljoen, in particular, gives the Volksfront an authoritative voice.
174 But hardcore schizophrenics in particular can't be trusted.
175 Farmer in particular was obsessed with the roulette wheel.
176 In particular, rashness presents the major danger.
177 One student in particular, however, John Doe.
178 I prefer the daisy and the knapweed in particular.
179 In particular they tracked the positions of transposable elements.
180 I like meat in general, and mutton in particular.
181 The state of Oaxaca and in particular, is unlike any other place in misunderstood Mexico.
182 One little girl in particular moved like a wisp in the background.
183 O. Henry at describing the American society in particular NewYork common people's life.
184 The utility model relates to a mechanical device, in particular to a dregs and liquid separator.
185 The most common abnormalities associated with ASA are interatrial shunts, in particular patent foramen ovale.
186 In particular vocational education and economic activities more closely related.
187 The first Sunday , in particular , their behaviours served to mortify me.
188 Two stocks Groebli cites in particular, Suntech Power Holdings ( STP ) and Trina Solar ( TSL ).
189 The toggle switch is suitable for being used as a power switch in particular.
190 The utility model relates to pipe cutting tools,[http:///in particular.html] in particular to a novel pipe cutter.
191 Kobe and Bynum , in particular, suffered through some rather significant injuries.
192 It doesn't really sound like you have a hankering for anything in particular at all.
193 The Templar caste as a wholeand the zealots in particular , seethe with shame at this dishonor.
194 In particular, those injected with naloxone did no better than the o ther two control groups.
195 Enland , in particular, was suffering from attacks by Nazi Germany.
196 In particular, the powerful and recently developed hydrostatic reconstruction method is detailed.
197 Explorationists in general and geophysicists in particular search for hydrocarbon traps.
198 Early Industrial Engineering at Taiwan's application mostly in factory management, in particular the production of manufacturing.
199 In particular, sensitivity to PTC and certain con - centrations of saccharin may have a genetic basis.
200 In particular , literature pertaining to glaucoma in response to intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide will be reviewed.
201 In particular, it gives a characterization of closed totally geodesic hypersurfaces in such an ambient space.
202 Females may NOT be physiologically able to reproduce; in particular, older females may be infertile.
203 Venezuela has been an interesting country to watch this year in particular.
204 In particular, no evidence at all was found for a positively charged equivalent of the electron.
205 Its design thought and the approach to materialise it are discussed in particular in the paper.
206 One incident in particular had convinced him of her genuineness.
207 During WWII central Milan was heavily bombed, and the opera house in particular was blown smithereens.
208 In particular, the invention is concerned with amido piperazine derivatives.
209 Lingfeng night in particular, China can be called Stagecoach ryong'am a must.
210 He looked in particular at the activity of the medial orbitofrontal cortex.
211 Few have done that so far ; the Italians and Germans in particular have been shamefully silent.
212 One in particular? a very powerful one, actually . It's called lycopene.
213 Most people complain about hotness in summer, the fat in particular.
214 Bombing foreign embassy is a clear violation of international law - in particular of the Geneva Convention.
215 In particular, wind tunnel testing has become a useful and practical tool in these endeavors.
216 Biology, microbiology in particular, had fascinated him from his earliest student days.
217 In particular, approximate expressions for the air gap flux and the airgap flux density are derived.
218 In particular , this year we were swamped by pseudo - emotional guff.
219 In some extent, anesthesia agent could influence SEP, in particular the SCEP.
220 The ventromedial prefrontal cortex has a close connection with basal ganglia structures,[http:///in particular.html] in particular the striatum.
221 Percy in particular was working to get the Transylvanians on board ( GF 23 ).
222 Kepler in particular wrote Paeans to God on the occasion of each discovery.
223 Conservative politicians in particular like to natter on about family values.
224 European nations, in particular, maintained a hankering for fixed exchange rates.
225 Huanjiang pterosaur fossils, ancient animals of China scholars, in particular pterosaur Studies is a major event.
226 In particular , among the packets of the decoration and utilisation.
227 High source of young, studious and honor the mother in particular.
228 In particular, Chinese prickly ash, walnut trees, as Guo the history of culture since ancient times.
229 Both have supplied significant amounts of end - of - line packaging machinery, semi automatic turntable pallet wrappers in particular.
230 He talked, in particular , of a telephone exchange in Canberra called' Deacon Center '.
231 In particular, are our political rulers properly as unlimited in their powers as Hobbes had suggested?
232 In particular, the yew film in this growth is very rare.
233 In particular the threat of Africa's marginalization must be removed.
234 In particular, we give a characteristic of hyperspheres in a Minkowski space.
235 Parrotfish in particular use their serrated jaws scrape off incipient algae and plants.
236 Drawing and printmaking, in particular, often are described as graphic arts.
237 I believe that the United States, President Reagan in particular, can accomplish something in this connection.




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