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单词 In question
1 On the day in question we were in Cardiff.
2 That is not the point in question.
3 His sincerity is not in question.
4 I don't think his masculinity is in question.
5 I am not personally acquainted with the gentleman in question.
6 Let's confine our discussion to the matter in question, please!
7 His honesty is not in question.
8 The woman in question is sitting over there.
9 I stayed at home on the night in question.
10 The future of public transport is not in question.
11 Where were you during the evening in question?
12 The lady in question is not in office now.
13 I'm afraid his honesty is now in question.
14 His honesty has never been called in question.
15 His loyalty was never in question.
16 Look at the information that precedes the paragraph in question.
17 His fitness for the new position is not in question.
18 The determinist doctrines in question maintained that certain people were born to be slaves.
19 The job in question is available for three months only.
20 With the loyalty of key military units in question,() that could prove an extraordinarily difficult task.
21 Did the matter in question occur on or about ten o'clock on the fifteenth of June?
22 Bill Clinton is the candidate in question.
23 Vito had raised his dark brows in question.
24 These calculations for the four countries in question appear in Table 1.4.
25 Add up all the income you've received over the period in question.
26 Another avenue to explore is the possibility of pressing the flower belonging to the month of the birthday in question.
27 This suggests that critical evaluation has point where the object in question is attributable to some person or group of persons.
28 At the news conference,[] Bennett played the radio ads along with excerpts from the rap music in question.
29 Often, the media convey a fairly complete picture of the events in question.
30 In principle, correspondence- and interpretation-computations together can distinguish between the three types of perception in question.
1 On the day in question we were in Cardiff.
2 I don't think his masculinity is in question.
3 I am not personally acquainted with the gentleman in question.
4 Let's confine our discussion to the matter in question, please!
5 Did the matter in question occur on or about ten o'clock on the fifteenth of June?
31 When describing the person in question, a reference to physical appearance is often made showing that physical appearance is very important.
32 I regret that due to the elapsed time it will not be possible to trace the item in question or its value.
33 Most errors in radiocarbon dating arise because the excavator has not fully understood the formation processes of the context in question.
34 The disease in question is undeniably very dangerous, although rare.
35 If the restaurant in question adds a service charge, then that is between it and the customer.
36 The future of new director general John Birt is in question because of his taxation arrangements.
37 The boy in question was the same who had asked me whether there was something called a dry martini.
38 At about 11.20 on the night in question he arrived back in his room and wanted to use the lavatory.
39 Where the implementation of such strategic highs is in question the centre will limit the action space around interpretability and local discretion.
40 It is also not clear from the survey whether the companies in question base their expatriates in London or elsewhere in Britain.
41 The housewives in question found that they were not especially fulfilled.
42 Many of the compounds in question are members of a group of estrogen-like synthetic chemicals that are widespread in the environment.
43 Each course involves more advanced study of the topic in question than at ordinary level.
44 The daleks in question are not enraged alien beings with full metal jackets.
45 If the court gives leave, the trustee must make provision in respect of the proof in question as the court directs.
46 The precise formula for working out who is eligible depends upon the legal entitlement in question.
47 Also try to receive a thorough briefing from an experienced instructor or pilot who has flown the type in question.
48 The widow in question is hardly spending dark days adorned in black.
49 There will be no fact-finding missions to any of the countries in question.
50 How far are they a consequence of the teacher's assumptions about and expectations of the children in question?
51 The scheme is applicable whether or not the school in question is the student's main base.
52 This gave details of the alleged assault by him during the incident in question.
53 The relationship between fertility rates and mortality rates has created a population structure which has varied substantially during the period in question.
54 A civilization generally refuses to accept a cultural innovation that calls in question one of its own structural elements.
55 I regard the most important criterion as an improvement in the delivery of patient care by the hospital in question.
56 An important additional factor, of course[ ], is whether the items in question originally attracted tax relief.
57 Indeed, over the period in question, many tens of millions joined the hundreds of millions already suffering from absolute poverty.
58 They are drafted by permanent government officials who are concerned to seek out expert opinion on the issues in question.
59 This depends mainly on the size of the record and the operating speeds of the direct access device in question.
60 While fights may occur in the context of displays of rivalry, the exhibition of the character in question is often sufficient.
61 The young woman in question, a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna, had inflamed me with cunning caresses.
62 And yet this is happening at a moment when the leaders in question stand exceptionally low in public esteem.
63 Their recommendations may offer an idea of what stocks have the benefit of being promoted by the licensed dealer in question.
64 The whole point of the legal process is to get a decisive determination which will end the dispute in question.
65 We should spend more time trying to bring whatever expertise we may have to bear on the subject in question.
66 Face validity reflects the extent to which the test items appear to be concerned with the abilities in question.
67 Psychological explanations may be to the point here, or speculations about the evolutionary history of the faculties in question.
68 The case was brought under the old law and it was alleged that the child in question was exposed to moral danger.
69 The man in question followed her, denounced her, and wrote letters to everyone in power.
70 I can quote some of the figures on the cuts in regional selective assistance in the period in question.
71 Blackburn sent a written apology to the umpire in question and has since apologised personally to him.
72 But the really bad news was that the post in question was an important insurance form.
73 A deed of transfer was executed on 18 October, whereby the developers transferred the land in question to the Prudential.
74 The wire in question passed all normal production tests.
75 I call in question the accuracy of these figures.
76 The book in question is out of print.
77 In pure or riskless arbitrage transactions, the purchase and re-sale of the asset in question are conducted simultaneously, thus the arbitrageur does not risk any of their own funds.
78 His fitness to operate on a patient is in question.
79 We will never accomodate ourselves to acts of aggression and intervention out of consideration for our relations with the power in question.
80 Still, the temperamental characteristics in question are thought to be somewhat inherent.
81 You can further imagine that such a finding would have significant financial implications for the breweries in question since bar owners tend to stock the most popular beer in their locality.
82 Otherwise, nothing would be shown on the screen because the SVG renderer does not zoom-in on the area in question.
83 People's views, however, are divergent on the matter in question.
84 It may also cause unrest in other players within the team if the player in question is a lynchpin of a team.
85 At Canberra's parliament house, politicians fell silent abandoning the usual cat - calling in Question Time.
86 Even worse is that the notes in question were not picked in time, all the normal and abnormal notes all mixed storage.
87 The public-relations campaign comes with Mr. Bernanke's own future in question.
88 The disrespect in question was a suggestion that the judge perform fellatio on him.
89 Impacts of sandy rivers on water and edaphic environments vary significantly according to the surface features of the areas in question.
90 The join utility must find a common field between the files in question, and by default it expects that common field to be the first.
91 These are also the telltales in distant layers of ejecta that the rock in question has come from an impact.
92 By the way, the Vista Performance Rating of the Gateway computer in question scored only a 4.something.
93 Conclusion Use of uterus tractor plus the nursing care mode in question in transvaginal total hysterectomy was safe and effective.
94 When the prices of vegetables surged last year, the farmer in question cultivated large numbers of cabbages, believing that this particular vegetable could fetch a good price this year.
95 The gene in question belongs to a retrovirus and the embryos in question belong to sheep.
96 The tomato gene in question codes for an enzyme called thymidine kinase.
97 How farsighted the deal turns out to be remains in question.
98 The preliminary joinder of actions is a kind of joinder with special structure elements, and in history its legitimacy was once in question.
99 The patterns in question occur in the basal ganglia, a brain region that is critical to habits, addiction and procedural learning.
100 The employees in question worked at only one factory, but accommodating the extra day off was a legitimate part of the payroll system for the whole company.
101 Draw a figure as accurately as possible representing the triangle in question.
102 That result means that topologically, the manifold in question is a 3 - sphere .
103 It is in question whether athermal effect exists in the interaction between microwave and chemical reaction system.
104 The specific device in question is an unassuming little case; how worried should we be?
105 Analysis formula and correspondence curve in question are also provided.
106 If the mass in question is a plumb bob, the horizontal component of F is important.
107 The prime mover behind Tawa's auction is a village party secretary, Zhang Yuwang, who happens to own, he claims, the usage rights to most of the land in question.
108 The "illness" in question is the bewitchment of intelligence by language.
109 Only the calorific value of the item in question was relevant.
110 The guy in question is the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), a venerable federal bureaucracy that markets power from 31 federal dams in the Columbia river basin.
111 Labour Laws. If any clause in this agreement is found to be in violation of Chinese labour laws, then Chinese labour laws shall supercede the clause in question.
112 Eaves was certain that the unfortunate debutante in question was no other than Mrs. Rawdon Crawley.
113 Bertha felt a little ashamed that she had a sneaking admiration for the statues in question.
114 The cells in question are negative for PSA and PAP and strongly stain for CD 68.
115 But with the recent dot - com and tech shakeout, the economy is in question once again.
116 Its strength seems to relate to the evolutionary salience of the item in question.
117 As long as the "presumed imputability" is not removed, the bishop in question has to abstain from all public ministries.
118 It follows that the title to the lands in question is in the plaintiff.
119 In my case, the emulated FireWire SCSI bus in question is 1 0 0, but it doesn't hurt to try a few others -- if you know which one you will be using, you can tailor the script.
120 He was mangy and starving and just the size of the lump in question.
121 In 2003 the disease in question was the mysterious Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ( SARS ).
122 BlockingQueue also supports methods that take a time parameter, indicating how long the thread should block before returning to signal failure to insert or retrieve the item in question.
123 But if the futures markets do not converge with cash markets, there is little information on what real price levels should be, either for producers or consumers of the commodity in question.
124 Neo-Darwinism suggests that such imperfections arise primarily from mutations in the genomes of members of the species in question.
125 Because the philosophers of anti-inductivism generally overlook this condition, So they call in question or refutation of inductivism manyly with false ground of argument or a trick by ancien premier.
126 While the indictment did not name the bank in question, people briefed on the matter identified it as Credit Suisse, and a spokesman for the bank acknowledged its involvement.
127 In the image in question, Yao Ming appears with China team-mates Guo Shiqiang and Menk Bateer, who is a reserve center with the San Antonio Spurs.
128 This is footage from the marina's closed - circuit camera on the night in question.
129 But the "experts" in question, it turned out, were at the Heritage Foundation, and few people outside the hard right found their conclusions credible.
130 Yes, by constraining 3 D motion to the 2 D plane in question. See Code Snippets.
131 The long-term existing theory of wood collapse which was thought to be caused by "negative pressure" resulted from capillary tension in the water capillaries was called in question.
132 The law in question was the basis for a legal agreement between the Republic of Chad and the World Bank," said Mr. Wolfowitz.
133 Once Orcus breaches holy ground, the god in question is immediately alerted to his presence and will often (DM's discretion) send a proxy or an avatar to deal with the intrusion.
134 In our first example, we assume that device_namer outputs a number of parts, each one to form a symbolic link (alternative name) for the device in question.
135 The verb in question is written variously realize and realise.
136 Yet straight-line projections about China's emissions are now again in question, said Trevor Houser, a visiting fellow at the Washington-based Peterson Institute for International Economics.
137 We have the meter reading for the call in question.
138 The case for such worry is strengthened because, according to sources, the sea-borne systems in question will operate optimally for the missions in question, only with support from land based radar.
139 An investigation in Shangdong School of Business and Trade is conducted by the author in order to get the first hand information about the issue in question.
140 The domestic partner o'r partners would not be qualified for the Contract Works in question on technical o'r financial grounds without the foreign participation.
141 I had never met the woman in question before, but as soon as I saw her sensible shoes, vintage dress, and mane of flyaway hair, I couldn't imagine my cousin with anyone else.
142 We authorize you to accept ¥800 per cwt. for the goods in question.
143 The signature is still cryptographically valid, as the body element in question has not been modified (but simply relocated).
144 The modified NCO - containing macromolecule organic compound can solve the follow - up difficulty in question.
145 He was mangy 10 and starving and just the size of the lump in question.
146 It is here that is sold cut-rate (se solder), it is the case to say[http://], this something knotted in question.
147 The incident in question occurred during a stop on her 2008 Dignity tour in Monterrey, Mexico.
148 If the function in question is not listed in the modules view because the containing executable has not been loaded, you can create a deferred entry breakpoint.
149 The latest report seems to call in question our previous conclusion.
150 The goods in question can be aggregated into a single commodity - energy - with a single price index, allowing one to speak about a single energy market.
151 On top of that, the capacity of an overstretched banking system to finance both the government's huge reflation and struggling enterprises as China's growth rate halves is in question.
152 The antibodies in question target phosphorylcholine, a fat found on the surface of various bacteria and parasites.
153 The very fact that they went to college at UNC Chapel Hill is also in question - but publicity stunt or not, it doesnt matter.




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