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单词 In practice
1) All theories originate from / in practice and in turn serve practice.
2) It sounded like a good idea, but in practice it didn't work.
3) In practice, this law is often given a wide interpretation by the police.
4) In principle I agree with the idea, but in practice it's not always possible.
5) The following examples illustrate how this operates in practice.
6) Your idea won't work in practice.
7) My solicitor is no longer in practice.
8) She has retired from practice/is no longer in practice.
9) It's important to keep in practice.
10) In practice, however, such an attitude is counter-productive.
11) He doubted whether the plan was realizable in practice.
12) He kept himself in practice at golfing.
13) In practice, the regulations are rarely enforced.
14) These ideas are often difficult to apply in practice.
15) Taylor was in practice with two colleagues.
16) In practice a graduate tax is an administrative nightmare.
17) Urban planners in practice have to take account of many interest groups in society.
18) A school dental service exists in theory, but in practice, there are few dentists to work in them.
19) In practice women receive much lower wages than their male colleagues.
20) It seems good in theory, but it doesn't work in practice.
21) It seemed like a good idea before we started, but in practice it was a disaster.
22) The journey should only take about 30 minutes, but in practice it usually takes more like an hour.
23) She told him he needed to be more creative, without being explicit as to what this meant in practice.
24) She can speak English fluently as she is always in practice.
25) I can't see how your plan is going to work in practice.
26) It's a fine scheme on paper,(http:///in practice.html) but will it work in practice?
27) Her idea for reorganizing the department will never work in practice.
28) I agree with it in principle but I doubt if it will happen in practice.
29) The idea sounds fine in theory, but would it work in practice?
30) In theory, the journey ought to take three hours, but in practice it usually takes four because of roadworks.
1) All theories originate from / in practice and in turn serve practice.
2) In principle I agree with the idea, but in practice it's not always possible.
3) It seems good in theory, but it doesn't work in practice.
4) It seemed like a good idea before we started, but in practice it was a disaster.
31) In practice, workers do not work to satisfy their needs.
32) Schumacher crashed out in practice for the Australian grand prix.
33) Prisoners have legal rights, but in practice these rights are not always respected.
34) Officially, Robert's in charge, but in practice Hannah runs the office.
35) Morally you're right, but in practice I don't think it would work.
36) This is certainly a theoretical risk but in practice there is seldom a problem.
37) Theory needs to be grounded in practice.
38) How then do firms determine their prices in practice?
39) In practice, combat units were invariably understrength.
40) In practice this book will endorse action accounts.
41) In practice, it is an everlasting coat.
42) It was less efficient in practice.
43) Are the procedures for doing so effective in practice?
44) But in practice the prognosis is finely balanced.
45) In practice, this did little to curb union activities.
46) The defending World Cup champion was fastest in practice.
47) This has clear implications in practice.
48) In practice the distinction is not so clear-cut.
49) Balancing the budget dominated managerial agendas in practice.
50) On abortion, I suspect most people in practice would follow the example of cabinet ministers.
51) Poor Law administrators in practice operated with considerably varying degrees of harshness or generosity.
52) Western cars, holidays, consumer goods and lifestyles are theoretically within their reach, although in practice quite beyond it.
53) Commitment accounting Commitment accounting is much less widely adopted in practice than either cash accounting or accruals accounting.
54) In practice, the conditions for perfectly competitive labour and product markets do not apply.
55) This is particularly so in the case of course-integrated instruction and this ideal is more seldom reached in practice than course-related education.
56) In practice, a mix of assembly language and C will be needed.
57) One could never, in practice, complete such a translation; it would be much too time consuming and difficult.
58) In practice, this exercise provides an excellent opportunity for active collaboration between the firm's accountant and responsible fee-earning staff.
59) In practice, for a given area to remain in isostatic equilibrium, there would always be a limiting factor.
60) Yet a cursory look at these systems reveals that in practice the police still influence the process greatly.
61) The second phase will involve more detailed case study work with a small number of authorities to look at techniques in practice.
62) Ultimately it means more efficient at self-replication, but what might this mean in practice?
63) The fact that in practice logistic problems in public libraries are not given enough attention is noted above.
64) In practice he acts as a formal head of state.
65) In practice there will not be complete freedom of choice for the individual.
66) But in practice, if most countries want to go ahead with something, they may well ignore a lone dissenter.
67) It is helpful therefore to look at the pre-1991 case law to understand how the welfare principle operates in practice.
68) The definition of cleanliness would delight a philosopher or scholar but is unwieldy in practice.
69) In practice the administrative shift away from environmentalism was much less dramatic than ideologues like Newman were insisting.
70) We agree that primary prevention is the ideal, though its effects are limited in practice.
71) In practice, I keep in close touch with the work of the foundation.
72) However, Fahey and Narayanan comment, in practice scanning frequently detects environmental change that is already at an advanced state.
73) It is a religious and social ideal which is achieved relatively infrequently in practice.
74) In practice, he or she became increasingly dependent also on ministers for advice.
75) This ideal of an essential continuity between active and contemplative life is often worked out in practice in terms of their opposition.
76) In practice decisions have to be made with which people disagree.
77) The schedule seemed doctrinaire on paper, as Communist theories do, but its key in practice was flexibility.
78) In practice, we will soon see desktop videoconferencing becoming a standard feature of computer communications.
79) The following example illustrates how the party rules operate in practice.
80) This delineation of labourism is ideal-typical; in practice it could exhibit contradictory tendencies.
81) In practice, detailed attention is usually confined to double correlations with briefer investigation of triple correlations.
82) Video and one-way mirrors allow designers to see how their systems stand up in practice.
83) This involves observation of the skill in practice and during training and discussion with practitioners and trainers.
84) In practice they are at daggers drawn as the furore over Tom Clarke's pronouncements on the subject this week amply illustrates.
85) The evidence here is often contradictory, and suggests that in practice,(Sentencedict) there were variations in what was asked of women.
86) They may not set up in practice on their own account for a further three years.
87) Whatever we say we believe in, is not being enacted in practice.
88) This, in its turn, may conceal considerable variation in practice.
89) In practice, of course, twelfth-century society adopted a double standard on the subject.
90) Like most engineering projects, it may have looked good on paper, but in practice it was another thing entirely.
91) Some agencies are particularly keen to attract nurses who have had a break in practice and provide reorientation for new staff.
92) In practice, however, uncertainty is often dealt with through the simple mechanism of assigning higher discount rates to riskier projects.
93) Neither in theory nor in practice is one process distinguishable from the other.
94) However, in practice so far most organisations have selected the indirect method.
95) And, in practice, the external auditor will take account of this in carrying out the statutory audit.
96) The authorities have responded to complaints of increasing truancy with legislation apparently strict but in practice almost ineffective.
97) It is too early to tell how the bright idea may work in practice.
98) In practice, objectivity is the main constraint on achieving more relevant financial statements.
99) Secondly, while it wishes pupils to experience freedom, in practice it is easy for the teacher to determine the structure.
100) Indeed, few files seem in practice to conform to this requirement.
101) Other entrants had been apprenticed to farriers, druggists, and so on, or were following their fathers in practice.
102) In practice every opportunity should be taken to encourage students to formulate ideas for themselves.
103) Its troops have fought in Bosnia, and in practice Western Hercegovina is annexed to it.
104) In practice, initial drafts of rules will be the subject of ongoing discussions between all four parties.
105) In practice, social work records where relevant are likely to be introduced into the proceedings via the guardian ad litem.
106) It is vital to have accurate knowledge of existing air quality, yet in practice, problems arise.
107) Although dangerous, then, as a doctrine in practice, the admission of nodding is a logical extension of principle.
108) But at least it pays no rent and in practice it is secure so long as it farms the land and avoids bankruptcy.
109) In practice, of course, many cases fall between complete success and complete failure.
110) In practice, of course, there was no chance of Edward 11I successfully asserting his claim in 1328.
111) Again in practice, facts not in dispute are verbally agreed, often shortly before the hearing, between counsel or solicitors.
112) In practice much of the initiation and review of management policy fell to the four full-time members acting with the chief officers.
113) In practice, however, most of these organizations implement only a part of the Deming approach.
114) In practice it involved an enormous amount of administration also.
115) In practice, the entire school comes alive with each theme.
115) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
116) In practice most mortgagees require to join in the conveyance.
117) In practice, however, there was considerable dissension within the dar a!
118) In practice each patient area should indicate its staffing requirements in detail over 24 hours and for a typical 7-day period.
119) In practice, for simple experimental work an ordinary switch may give reasonable results.
120) In practice it works a bit like flicking through a huge magazine by clicking on links with your mouse.
121) In practice, the treatment of widows and deserted wives varied considerably from region to region.
122) To the victims, the abstract Leftism of some of the Bolsheviks seemed in practice much the same as colonial domination.
123) Audrey is shown as wanting independence, but in practice usually failing.
124) They point out that in practice there is great variety in corporate activities, even within one sector.
125) Personal experience shows that the best ideas never work perfectly in practice.
126) It was undesirable to make an order which would in practice be executed before the defendant could avail himself of that opportunity.
127) If we are to achieve those in practice, we must first prepare the ground carefully.
128) In practice many of us have become Christians and are continuing to believe for less than the best reasons and clearest motives.
129) In practice, of course, it would be extremely hard to establish any such unconscious desires in the complainant.
130) The separation of strategies into generic versions is a useful conceptual device, even if such strategies become intertwined in practice.
131) In practice the actions of governments have been less high-minded: a fact the opposition is always quick to point out.
132) In practice, therefore, Eisenhower and Dulles continued the policy of containment.
133) In practice, Mr Ozal keeps both cabinet and party on a short rein.
134) In practice, beneficiary households have to pool their meager grants in order to buy a farm from a willing seller.
135) Then he dislocated his shoulder in practice and missed five games.
136) In practice active and contemplative life get in each other's way.
137) In practice, however, a great many well-established businesses engage in highly successful entrepreneurship.
138) This sounds fine in theory but tender offers are rarely used in practice.
139) In practice, the operator jumps forwards and backwards within the pattern indicated on the chart rechecking some decisions and anticipating others.
140) In practice, the issue of new currency in the United Kingdom is geared towards meeting the expenditure requirements of consumers.
141) It's funny that he managed to hit the ball because he never hits it in practice.
142) In practice most genes have more than one phenotypic effect, say green eye colour and curly hair.
143) In practice, this meant that for six years he refused to take classes, attend seminars, or write a dissertation.
144) In order to understand fully the effect of resource issues on the public sector we need to examine what happens in practice.
145) It won't be very accurate in practice, because of difficulty in measuring the distances accurately(http:///in practice.html), but at least it's right.
146) In practice, the trays are often left to overflow, leaving puddles of water that are sometimes concealed by the cabinet.
147) In practice, spray containers are laid in a wire basket inside a sealed container.
148) In practice also, the dividend policy chosen by the firm is important.
149) In practice, however, the precise boundaries of ministerial responsibility are often difficult to define.
150) In practice, that opportunity will be provided by the resit diet in subjects which currently have such a facility.
151) In practice the Act requires teachers to avoid racial bias in the performance of their teaching and pastoral duties.
152) And one which found that its ambitious expansion plans were rather more difficult in practice than on paper.
153) In practice it has not proved easy to achieve the drastic cuts in spending that are wanted.
154) In practice the gliders became much like any other aeroplanes, except that they had no engines.
155) It's easy enough to say this: I know from experience how difficult it is in practice!
156) In practice, many doctors are too busy to take a long hard look at every patient.
157) In practice instruments could not survive such a journey; they would be torn apart by the increasing gravitational field gradients.
158) In practice this order will also be followed for the purposes of cross-examination and closing speeches unless the court directs otherwise.
159) In practice, that would have to be about the level at which sterling was trading in the foreign exchange markets.
160) Now, in practice the astronaut would not drift across like this as the curvature of the walls would be far less.
161) However, in practice this exception has been interpreted as applying to similar contracts issued by other entities.
162) Perhaps the easiest way to begin to explain this is to consider design as a model in practice of human culture in general.
163) Masked by the cold war, it has in practice fulfilled that function for a long time.
164) What I think is more debatable is how successfully the method can in practice avoid the following criticisms.
165) Penalties for induced abortions are fierce in theory but ineffective in practice.
166) In practice, spoken language interpreters are highly educated and highly trained.
167) In practice neither scholars nor officials ever have sufficient evidence to put forth an accurate, exact figure.
168) That is all very well in theory but almost impossible to achieve in practice.
169) In practice there are strong grounds for believing that the money stock is not entirely exogenous.
170) By doing so, it is hoped to develop a far better understanding of how industrial land markets work in practice.
171) In practice a somewhat smaller interval can be used to speed up calculations.
172) In practice, the executive frequently comes to dominate the assembly, as in Britain.
173) In practice these allocations reflected the scale of existing facilities and their resident populations.
174) In practice the particle sizes in the sediment are computed from the weights settled at specific time intervals.
175) It is important, but in practice exceedingly difficult(), to maintain this distinction at all times in the study of meaning.
176) In practice, there's no doubt that they know what they're doing.
177) In practice, eleven Andean condors were raised from a single pair over a period of six years.
178) But in practice, modern Earthly life is a protege of water, as much as it is of carbon.
179) In theory, and to some extent in practice, it does act as a means of distancing broadcasting from government.
180) In practice you look at all the alternatives and examine each in turn to see how it might affect your business.
181) In practice, this is unlikely to happen except on a small scale in the present political climate.
182) In practice this might require constant supervision of the patients over the course of several weeks.
183) In practice, the great majority of appeals are now decided by inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State for that purpose.
184) In practice settings, those involved are often struggling to find ways of resolving the dilemmas they face.
185) In practice, most of them have previously been deputy lieutenants.
186) In practice the polymer solution is held at a constant temperature while precipitant is added to the stirred solution.
187) A sound enough plan in theory, but in practice it turned out to be a devilish job.
188) It is feasible to provide adequate exposure to events which in practice might be rare but very serious.
189) In practice the relationship between the two has been all too cosy.
190) In practice, it is only the largest of building societies which can offer a real competitive challenge.
191) This embraces all overseas companies, but in practice this has not given rise to difficulties.
192) This is supposed to reduce the amount of herbicide used in spraying fields, but in practice the converse happens.
193) In practice, of course, it would be very difficult to implement a policy of this nature.
194) In practice, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act has caused little difficulty for freedom of expression.
195) With regard to independence, Chas is shown as both wanting independence and in practice being independent.
196) In practice the parties and arbitrator should agree his remuneration in advance.
197) These are distinct for analytical purposes though in practice they overlap.
198) In practice, the invisible foot is sometimes a very imperfect incentive structure.
199) In practice, rounding-off errors soon produces inaccuracies which re-introduce small proportions of x1, which tend to grow relatively rapidly.
200) The effectiveness of incentive schemes is in practice hard to assess.
201) In practice they are recommended for appointment by the board of directors.
202) It goes without saying that stating the problem is not the same thing as solving it in practice!
203) In practice history is being created this moment at a dizzying pace.
204) In practice, fertilisation requires tight coordination between the sperm and the oocyte.
205) In practice this may not be onerous as very limited factual information is contained in the typical advertisement.
205) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
206) In practice, no group can be excluded from the process.
207) In practice this can only be achieved within the constraints of any given indexing language and system.
208) Indeed, the cross-equation restrictions may become so complicated as to make computation of the restricted model difficult or impossible in practice.
209) An example showing how s673 would catch a back-to-back transaction in practice is set out below.
210) This experiment illustrates how, in practice, a simple analogue system can provide good results over relatively short distances.
211) Academic research tells us that this rarely happens perfectly and so we need to examine the effects of the policy in practice.
212) However in practice the change has been less dramatic than it first appears, for two reasons.
213) In practice, of course, few paper systems delivered all these benefits but they were the rationale behind their maintenance.
214) In practice engaging the services of an independent financial adviser makes sense.
215) Such a sweeping interpretation can be challenged by distinguishing between the formal acceptance of reform institutions from their operation in practice.
216) In practice, 70 percent of employers pay their workers less than the legal minimum wage, according to Mr Masduki.
217) Modern constitutionalism then has always been linked with the problem of power, in theory as well as in practice.
218) But, of course, writing something into a constitution does not necessarily mean that it will be honoured in practice.
219) Even after his second wife left him in 1991, Thurmond has kept his eye in practice.
220) In practice, the student will necessarily miss some continuity because of days off and night duty.
221) This was an important step towards a national health service, though in practice few authorities did much to modernize their facilities.
222) Program evaluation is commonly thought of as a dry, fruitless endeavor, extolled in theory but ignored in practice.
223) But in practice a certain period of time may elapse before the authorities are able to recognize that a problem exists.
224) This is a difficult question but in practice few spreadsheets need more than 1 or 2 MBytes of expanded memory.
225) In practice, little except empty talk!
226) How to use AVO technique in practice?
227) Will the Nepali Maoists refute this argument in practice?
228) What other points would the bank check in practice?
229) Solve the linear programming problem in Practice Question 14.
230) What does Existential therapy look like in practice?
231) And deepness shears a mouth is fault not quite, but can correct in practice.
232) This system has universality, expedience to use, and expansibility in practice.
233) Mahara : The RNA has been converted into the Nepali Army only in words not in practice.
234) The development condition and the problems in practice of Naphthalene series superplasticizer were also analysed.
235) Analysis of Northwest China Power Grid shows that the presented indices are valid in practice.
236) And there are some unclear expressions in clauses , inducing much disputation in practice.
237) As an innovative enterprise institution, ESOP has achieved a lot in practice.
238) In practice the mortgagor will usually remain in possession of the property.
239) In practice a small pad will wear down more quickly and therefore in not used.
240) Now the government is committed rhetorically – and, increasingly, in practice – to rebuilding the social safety net.
241) In practice this is done on an enlarged photomicrograph of the porous medium.
242) In practice, however, this jurisdictional limit on administrative investigations is generally easy to satisfy.
243) I think, this needs to fumble ceaselessly in practice, cannot be an armchair strategist.
244) In practice, it is characterized by communicative visibility, group agreeability and individual arbitrariness.
245) In practice, system state is always characterized by nonlinear, non Gaussian and incompletely observed.
246) To reformism, he tries self - consciously also after many be rebuffed hind in practice slam the door.
247) Such stoppages as are observed in practice are thus attributed to mistakes or even irrationality.
248) In practice this statistic suggests a few very large winners and a great many losers.
249) The notion that wide variation in practice proves that medicine is not based on science rebuttal.
250) In practice, seeds should not be stored dry but stratified on removal from the fruit.
251) The analysis by electromagnetic field theory for it and the structure design in practice were introduced.
252) This study is a significant reference to the composite random sampling of bulk materials in practice.
253) So enterprise should cultivate and carry out humanism idea in practice.
254) Next, academic freedom plays an important role in promoting academic level in practice.
255) The teaching of plane analytical geometry is short of the suitable courseware resources in practice.
256) Reminiscence in practice and sensationalism in research break up the history relation of the theories.
257) As is proved in practice, domestication is feasible and effective.
258) In practice, North Korea could in a jiffy declare what it possesses, if it chose to.
259) In practice darts are not sewn completely to the bust point , as this is considered unflattering.
260) The results show that the process and parameters is exactitude and value in practice.
261) The method has good preciseness and less unknown and convenient to be used in practice.
262) Good performance of the system is shown in practice, with vibration and overshoot effectively suppressed.
263) However, in practice AVO technique is seriously effected by the factors of wavelet interference and above - covered layers.
264) In practice, marketing is an intrinsically difficult tast for public agencies to perform well.
265) Fourth problem: in practice, many test groups automate only the easy - to - run tests.http:///in practice.html
266) How does such a turnaround to a production policy happen in practice?
267) In practice, and not considering purchase price, the creel size is limited by two factors.
268) As for exhortation, he argues that in practice, religion is not a legitimate source of morality.
269) It was proven to be of good performances of catabatic corrosion and scale prevention in practice.
270) It is important to digitize the dynamometer card of pumping well in practice.
271) In practice, represent two extremities that the Centralism of AGM and the Centrism of the Board.
272) In practice , however, Filipino workers pay up to as high as $ NT 182, 000 in placement fees.
273) In practice, ROC Convex Hull ( ROCCH ) method which combines techniques from computational geometry is used.
274) Secondly, in practice we must change traditional ideas and actions and strengthen the procurator system andcourt.
275) It discusses the exploitation of sparsity in large LP problems as used in practice.
276) In practice, pyrotechnics prepared in this way have the advantage of high combustion precision.
277) The paper detailed describes the principle, characteristics and usage value of rare earth cementite in practice.
278) An ice - skater keeps in practice by skating every day.
279) Pick at least five of the companies identified in Practice Question 2.
280) The Supreme Court of the United States established flexible forum on conveniens doctrine in practice.
281) During the training, you can expect to carry through tasks as if you were in practice.
282) The above countermeasure and advice would play great role in practice.
283) In practice most babies with convulsions will be found to be great fat heavy overweight creatures.
284) Finally, it put forward some proposal on protecting trade secret in practice.
285) In practice this velocity is sufficiently nonrelativistic for the operation of a conventional cyclotron.
286) Multi - stage countercurrent extraction technology with 4 # solvent is ripe, and has been applied in practice.
287) This text discusses the theory of Structural Family Therapy, and carries on the practical technology in practice.
288) Both use communist symbolism, but in practice support the mixed economy and rule of law.
289) Rabin - Miller test and the Baillie - PSW probable prime test are primality tests the most used in practice.
290) In practice as well as theory, Thatcherism is in the process of being abandoned.
291) Aim The steady producing period of single gas well production was evaluated in practice.
292) The third part is about the scope the insurable interest applies the problem concerned in practice.




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