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单词 In other words
1. In other words, she must give up singing.
2. They're letting me go?in other words, I've been sacked.
3. He became, in other words, a great hero.
4. In other words, when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hour, most waves will be about twelve meters.
5. So he is a fraud, a common thief in other words.
6. In other words, the bourgeoisie are a product of the French Revolution.
7. The mobile library services have been reorganised — in other words, they visit fewer places.
8. He was economical with the truth - in other words, he was lying.
9. In other words, a jolly good booze-up.
10. The policy, in other words, was containment, not rollback.
11. In other words, it is a social construct.
12. In other words, they are afraid of fundamental change.
13. In other words oxygen binding is reversible.
14. Peace, in other words, depends solely on collective security.
15. In other words, shortcut and cheat books.
16. In other words is simply a disequilibrium adjustment mechanism.
17. The rattler is behaving very strangely, in other words.
18. In other words, is constructive knowledge sufficient?
19. In other words,(sentence dictionary) class conflict was limited.
20. In other words, we are our own worst enemy.
21. In other words, multimedia must confer real benefits.
22. The Pre-Raphaelite beatnik, in other words.
23. In other words, the dominant ideology carries the day. 4.
24. In other words, meaning is a highly important component element in the labelling of emotional states.
25. In other words, these licensing factors stimulate the chromosomes to enter the S phase.
26. In other words the members would also begin to collaborate on foreign policy matters.
27. It does not, in other words, bear the hallmarks of Thatcherism.
28. In other words, general levels of income inequality have a positive effect on the incidence of political violence.
29. In other words, our enriched material is more than half dross.
30. The tax only affects people on incomes of over $200,000 - in other words, the very rich.
1. In other words, the bourgeoisie are a product of the French Revolution.
31. In other words, a technological breakthrough supposedly ushered in new symbolic meanings.
32. In other words, humans are sometimes spookier than the critters.
33. In other words, the emergence of conscious experience depends only on an appropriate functional structure.
34. In other words, they were compelled by need to seek extra income.
35. It is also a cliche that computers are incapable of creative thought - in other words, imagination.
36. In other words, the random loss of certain lines of descent will mean that the average number of defects gradually increases.
37. In other words, the job leads thinking away from the dangers of formalism back into reality.
38. In other words, the primary communicative function of causal connectives is to signal causal direction.
39. In other words, Schott gives smart folks the air of superiority they paid all that college tuition to obtain.
40. Strikes, in other words, represent a challenge to managerial authority.
41. In other words, one alternative to anti-perfectionism is restrictions on the choice of means through which perfectionist ideals are pursued.
42. In other words, capitalists must prosper if there is to be progress and landlords can not help reaping its fruits.
43. In other words, they both have valid points, which is often the case in an open and honest debate.
44. In other words, we are of opinion that the payment was made under duress.
45. In other words, it has been incorporated within the parochial confines of party-political polemic.
46. In other words, cell lines derived from tumours of the same tissue may contain two different transforming genes.
47. In other words, a parent bank and its subsidiaries abroad will be supervised by the parent country regulatory authority.
48. In other words, the disposition of the reader is a factor in moving along the cline in either direction.
49. In other words,(/in other words.html) there have been more military coups in underdeveloped than in developed countries.
50. In other words, in this model, the balanced budget multiplier is equal to 1.
51. In other words, there may exist, at an implicit level, an internalized dialectic between criticism and justification.
52. In other words, it seemed that as petty commodity traders these marketwomen were often unable even to reproduce their present conditions.
53. In other words, in ellipsis, an item is replaced by nothing.
54. In other words, they make him feel less helpless in the face of adversity.
55. In other words, when kids get a legal review-as differentiated from a clinical review-the majority get out.
56. The human ancestors, in other words, were not even drop-outs, they were throw-outs.
57. In other words, they can not prevent the destruction of Trantor no matter what they do.
58. In other words, nationalism belongs with political theory, ethnicity with sociology or social anthropology.
59. In other words, the whole idea of globalization was a canard.
60. In other words, they helped the crew chiefs where required, as well as one another.
61. In other words it is a part of the larger and even more complex issue of the relevance of current cost accounting.
62. In other words the tax is not spread over previous transactions, but is charged on the full amount of the sale.
63. Our model, in other words, is strictly a model of artificial selection, not natural selection.
64. In other words, forget your fancy gender studies: the neo-Darwinists were marching us back to basics.
65. In other words, the effect of economic development on democracy is lower in newly developed and developing countries.
66. In other words, the education of 250,000 pupils is being severely disrupted.
67. In other words the modern defence of the market economy is incomplete at one point.
68. In other words, it must not damage allocative, operational or dynamic efficiency as described in Chapter 2.
69. In other words, the attributes of traditional crime are defined for the enforcement agency.
70. In other words, if in doubt, don't take a chance.
71. In other words, an increase in expected inflation of 5 percentage points shifts the Phillips curve upwards by 5 percentage points.
72. In other words, Ahab fails to realize that good and evil are inextricably bound together and can not be separated.
73. In other words, one quarter of the theses are probably never consulted after completion.
74. Sovereignty, in other words, must no longer be a licence for abuse of power.
75. In other words, a scarcity value attaches at present to the possession of a licence.
76. In other words, dietary fat is absorbed through the intestine in the form of chylomicrons.
77. In other words, they could no longer be cushioned from reality, or protected from the need to compete and win.
78. In other words, in Winans no confidential information was specifically entrusted to the employer whereas in Newman and Materia there had.
79. In other words, failure on one new project could threaten the very existence of the company.
80. In other words, aggressive fantasy may suggest or stimulate aggressive behaviour, rather than drain off the motive to behave aggressively.
81. In other words, there is a clear distinction between application logic and the computer representation of that logic.
82. In other words, we must motivate our learner to think, and give her ample opportunity to do so.
83. It was, in other words, the kind of book you encounter with increased frequency as you move through college.
84. In other words, many of the snobby, clubby vibes that tend to waft around conventional classical music are absent.
85. In other words, in each moment of time countless trillions of alternate universes are sparked off.
86. In other words, pre-school attendance and university education are as unequally distributed today, as they were in the 1940s.
87. In other words, Dounreay has agreed to store the spent fuel from research reactors for four years.
88. In other words, I had something to aim for, an immediate goal.
89. In other words, within a colony, sons are worth more than brothers.
90. In other words, the subordinates did acknowledge the new managers authority when it was convenient for them.
91. In other words, should copyright extend to non-literal elements which are not directly perceivable?
92. In other words, insurers cut costs by making it harder to get medical services.
93. In other words, the dangers of the Internet are as old as cave paintings.
94. In other words such institutions can never spontaneously add to their liabilities and provide borrowers with additional funds.
95. In other words, charismatic followers seek out their own charismatic leaders.
96. The human being, in other words, may be the victim of generations of male choice even more than female choice.
97. Once again, in other words, Carter was seeing dangers that did not exist, while ignoring those that did.
98. In other words we talk to maintain or elevate our apparent status.
99. In other words, it might dissuade worthy lawsuits even as it fails to protect against outlandish ones.
100. It was equally important to outshine everyone else around me - in other words, to achieve at the expense of others.
101. In other words, they become true general practitioners in aviation.
102. In other words, this therapist was an alcoholic and a drug addict.
103. In other words, imported goods and services help maintain consumption levels in the marketable sector.
104. In other words, the subjects were making determined efforts to understand the dynamic aspects of the problem.
105. In other words, Melville is again emphasizing the duality of nature.
106. In other words, might not loyalty in large companies be bought by promises of job security?
107. Why, in other words, should we want to get true beliefs rather than false ones?
108. In other words, the typical diplomat is much like his fellow government employee in Washington.
109. In other words, only the paragraph structure of stretches of discourse about individual, primarily human, characters is being discussed.
109. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
110. In other words, it's not a reliable system and really not worth the bother.
111. In other words, they can easily be converted into cash but may involve some loss.
112. In other words, a topic is included if there is an information centre, source or service covering it.
113. In other words she herself is opening up avenues for all sorts of intuitive meanings.
114. Their utilitarian contribution to our welfare should not, in other words, be our criterion as to whether they survive or not.
115. In other words it enables one to modify the artificially simplistic notion of clear-cut dependent and independent variables having one-way causal links.
116. In other words, money supply growth is the main cause of inflation.
117. A true representative, in other words, is a delegate, carrying a mandate and acting under instructions.
118. In other words, only certain discrete energies would be permitted, exactly as for an electron confined in a single atom.
119. In other words, electrical activity was seen to develop in the cerebellum in connection with eyeblink conditioning.
120. In other words, what is needed is not only an equal but an equitable geographical distribution of educational resources.
121. In other words, complex systems were less likely to be stable than simple ones.
122. In other words, the drafter must understand what he/she is trying to achieve.
123. In other words, cash limits were not expected to be adjusted during the subsequent year to take account of inflation.
124. In other words, they cut first and most their personal consumption rather than collective consumption.
125. In other words, Summerlee, there is a sort of contagion effect.
126. In other words, women's caring responsibilities are being used as a ground for excluding them from benefits.
127. In other words, in economic matters you ought to leave well enough alone.
128. In other words, subordinates are unsettled by a boss who chops and changes between autocracy, persuasion, consultation and democracy.
129. In other words, when people rented furnished apartments, they were influenced by the style of the interiors.
130. In other words the five year housing land supply should not be the Structure Plan requirement plus an allowance of 60%.
131. In other words, extra spending automatically generates additional leakages from the circular flow.
132. The expression in other words is just one example of a range of expressions which have been classified as apposition markers.
133. In other words, the same people who would have emigrated on their own will be assisted by government programmes.
134. In other words, subcultural cleavage has attenuated and cultural homogeneity has extended from structural orientation into policy orientation.
135. In other words, behavior is generally motivated by a desire to attain some goal.
136. In other words, it was a way of easing the dilemma of choosing between tax cuts or more public spending.
137. In other words, does the expansion of highly distinctive words result in a greater proportion of useful information?
138. In other words, the human mind was arguably being stretched throughout the most advanced civilisations of the time.
139. In other words,(sentence dictionary) the announcer would kill time until the telegraph details started flowing again.
140. In other words, we may continue with a partial equilibrium framework.
141. In other words, lots of concurrent partners in the briefest possible time span will equal the greatest chance of epidemic spread.
142. The budget process in Congress, in other words, was deemed to be irrational, uncoordinated and inefficient.
143. In other words it denoted the duly consecrated and divinely endorsed king.
144. In other words, interactivity brings a vital element of added value to all electronic information, whether multimedia or not.
145. In other words the states of mind that do nothing for the healing process.
146. In other words, he was still developing the characteristics that would eventually make him a character actor.
147. In other words, information received must have the same content and organization as information sent.
148. In other words a fat calorie was exactly the same as a carbohydrate or a protein calorie.
149. Under those conditions, in other words, it is just as effective a weight-control agent as pink lemonade.
150. In other words, the more deeply entangled he becomes, the freer he is.
151. Let Africanized bees do their bit to breed better beekeepers in this country, in other words.
152. The proper question was whether there was a breach of the Code - in other words, was a caution necessary?
153. In other words, it is the rate that equates future net cash flows to the initial investment outlay.
154. In other words, the speaker can read his speech and look out into the audience at the same time.
155. In other words, menus provide a pedagogic vector.
156. In other words, Noah is an atmospheric control system!
157. In other words, the plumber is branching out.
158. In other words, frictional work is not completely recoverable.
159. In other words, they are hydrous silicates.
160. In other words they decide to create a cartel.
161. In other words, Death Valley is an unforgiving place.
162. In other words, an estimate is a specific observed value of a statistic.
163. In other words, the logical extension of Leatherstocking is the cowboy - hero in his novel.
164. In other words, he has to constantly reorganise according to his strategy.
165. In other words, someone as intelligent as Mr. Fang would prefer a stupid, illiterate woman.
166. In other words, well - informed consumers watch for information and check for misinformation.
167. In other words, the current market structure of China's aviation industry an oligopoly market structure.
168. A common saying goes, " Knit the brows and you will hit upon a stratagem. " In other words, much thinking yields wisdom.
169. This hereditary unit comprises a single complementation group, or in other words a single gene.
169. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
170. In other words, malversation has become a mode of behavior to maximize individual benefit, profitable, with more chances and low risks, and widely adopted by governmental officials.
171. Japan, in other words, is not conceding its place in the global order relative to China.
172. In other words, TUT will be forced to change its name soon.
173. He was, in other words, an early evangelist for the first commandment of today's economy: Service rules.
174. In other words, The Hermiticity of a matrix is invariant under unitary transformations.
175. In other words, an ontology provides an explicit conceptualization that describes semantics of data, providing a shared and common understanding of a domain.
176. In other words, it is a fine old tear - jerker and everyone likes a good sob.
177. She was essentially feminine, in other words, a parasite and a chalice.
178. In other words, he around whacking his brother and sisters.
179. In other words, the electric energy helps to explain the cohesion of the crystal.
180. In other words, the industrial engineering at the enterprise increasingly diverse roles.
181. In other words, every single newspaper had a cadre of salaried salesman.
182. Michelle has several boyfriends at once – in other words, she's promiscuous.
183. The traveling library services have been reorganised - in other words , they visit fewer places.
184. In other words, deflationary expectations arehold in both businesses and households.
185. In other words, it's the adolescent confusion and the exposure to the real world that make youthful days so special.
186. In other words , we can look at the idea of a stock issue.
187. In other words, there is no determinism, man is free, man is freedom.
188. The atavistic affection in other words is to increase fall and add its motivity.
189. In other words, the quintessential 20 th century dystopia owes nothing to nature and everything to nurture.
190. In other words, each of the high level tasks is mapped to something like a subprocess.
191. In other words, zero resultant force is equivalent to no force at all.
192. In other words, the ROC is not the legitimate government of Taiwan.
193. In other words, there is a boundary line between them and it can't be surmounted.
194. In other words, the distribution of unpredictability is not uniform throughout systems.
195. In other words it's a measure of the fraction of undesired by - products .
196. In other words, language is not necessarily the private property of those who use it.
197. In other words , happiness is completely an inside job.
198. In other words, you should read and speak English crazily every day.
199. In other words, the quality of the candidates was the decisive factor.
200. In other words, basic science is a necessary but not sufficient condition for remaining industrially competitive.
201. In other words, Napoleon War directly influenced Deutschland modern nationalism.
202. In other words, for most transparent materials the greater the deviation, the greater the dispersion.
203. In other words, you can produce a new hypertext system in most popular formats.
204. Within weeks, in other words, everything would break down and society would be unrecognizable.
205. In other words such a molecule is pictured much as if it were a conducting helix.
206. In other words , the strategy must be the genesis of any organisational design and structure.
207. In other words he was a carbon - based life form descended from an ape.
208. In other words, disconnection does not block waiting for the connection's associated slot to complete execution.
209. In other words, the abnormality of human bioelectricity is the source all diseases.
210. In other words, navel gazing is hardwired into the human libido.
211. In other words he was a carbon - based life form descended from ape.
212. I'm on a mission to get over you, in other words mission impossible.
213. There is reproductive advantage in good motherhood, in other words.
214. In other words, love comes into an imperfect world to make it livable.
215. The space age, in other words, came home to roost on earth.
216. In other words , the tropics do , indeed, act as cradles of biodiversity.
217. In other words, IPO state has entered a countdown to restart.
218. In other words, the document format becomes a product in and of itself.
219. In other words, operations research might be called quantitative common sense.
220. In other words, these cadres have less problem with bureaucratism and authoritarianism.
221. The marginal propensity to import, in other words, is a " leakage " from the expenditure stream.
222. The production of commodities, in other words, production for sale, was still in its infancy.
223. In other words: the equivalent of a house waiting to queue up behind a girl individuals.
224. In other words, American literature is to our eyes a curious amalgam of familiar and strange.
225. The first indication, Adagio Molto, means slow - very, In other words, very slowly.
226. In other words, animal's albumen is the source of entire diseases.
227. In other words, much of the Great Barrier Reef is an actual living creature.
228. In other words, what is the function and charm of public speaking?
229. So I won't choose the plastic surgeon, in other words, I won't be a man - made beauty.
229. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
230. In other words, unregistered sites will become unavailable to users in China.
231. In other words, to return to my simile, the stone must be rolled away.
232. In other words, its appeal is proportionate to how many other market players use it.
233. How synaesthesia starts ( in other words, how the connections become so strong ) is also unclear.
234. In other words, the transferee Yusheng Investment Trustee 37.27 % of shares.
235. In other words, you are to analyze them quantitatively and qualitatively.
236. In other words, the mechanisms that should ensure self - tolerance go awry.
237. In other words, they like to keep each other " arm's length. "
238. Not unambiguously good for Japan, in other words, but inflation may not be unambiguously bad either.
239. In other words, they will make relative prices equilibrate across countries, just as individuals do within a country.
240. In other words, software interrupts always occur at the beginning of an instruction execution cycle.
241. In other words, you inadvertently rewarded them for being lazy and quitting.
242. Successful entrepreneurs think in terms of 'niche marketing'and 'lateral extension' - in other words, providing more choice to increasingly individualised market segments.
243. In other words, it irrefutably proves that it was a ricochet.
244. Females, in other words, would rather choose which males inseminate them.
245. In other words, the United States could not be absolutely impartial in these new circumstances.
246. Private enterprise, in other words, delivers more equality than the supposedly egalitarian world of academia does.
247. In other words, F respects addition, multiplication and identity element.




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