单词 | In general |
例句 | 1. Many friends in general, one in special. 2. I like games in general, and especially football. 3. In general, men are taller than women. 4. In general, incumbents have a 94 per cent chance of being re-elected. 5. In general, a plain carpet makes a room look bigger. 6. The dog was similar in general appearance to a spaniel. 7. He spoke in general terms about greater competitiveness. 8. The next ten minutes passed in general conversation. 9. People in general like her. 10. She had a confused idea of life in general. 11. I think in general the report reads well . 12. She's disillusioned with life in general. 13. Women live longer than men in general. 14. People in general will support us. 15. The class are, in general, very bright. 16. How do people in general look on her? 17. I know how it works in general terms. 18. I am glad to find myself in general accord with your opinions. 19. In general, the changes they had made were to be welcomed. 20. £2,500 for software is soon swallowed up in general costs. 21. I enjoy working in general medicine(Sentencedict), but I hope to be able to specialize in the future. 22. They have had some minor differences, but in general they get on well together. 23. Minerals in general are not nearly so well absorbed as other nutrients. 24. This is a crucial year for your relationships in general and your love life in particular. 25. These policies are unpopular with politicians and people in general. 26. Raising the minimum wage would ratchet up real incomes in general. 27. The inequalities between the sexes were mirrored in life in general. 28. There is little evidence that juvenile criminality is increasing at a very much greater rate than crime in general. 29. The British media have created a fierce controversy over Oxford's admission procedures and elitism in general. 30. I'm not an expert, so I can only speak in general terms on this matter. 1. I like games in general, and especially football. 2. In general, men are taller than women. 3. Raising the minimum wage would ratchet up real incomes in general. 4. In general, incumbents have a 94 per cent chance of being re-elected. 5. In general, a plain carpet makes a room look bigger. 6. The dog was similar in general appearance to a spaniel. 31. In general, it was the better-educated voters who voted Yes in the referendum. 32. Women, in general, tend to be more concerned than men about their personal appearance . 33. In general her work has been good, but this essay is dreadful. 34. We're trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution in particular . 35. Is this group of people fully representative of the population in general? 36. In general, employers do little to help the single working mother. 37. We've had a few arguments over the years, but in general we get on marvellously. 38. In general, about 10% of the candidates are eventually offered positions. 39. So, apart from the bad ankle, how are you in general? 40. Having discussed the matter in general,we can now descend to details. 41. In general, Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare. 42. The article gives us a few interesting sidelights on life in Japan in general. 43. Shylock is a usurer, yet not a usurer in general. 44. I think we need to improve our educational system in general. 45. Residents in general are poor and undereducated, and live in sub-standard housing. 46. I can see your point and in general I agree with you. 47. She enjoys a sterling reputation in law enforcement circles and among the community in general. 48. He was in no way representative of dog-trainers in general. 49. I understood in general what she was talking about, but some of the finer details/points were beyond me. 50. Negotiations for disarmament have in general led nowhere. 51. Only Hollywood can talk about cinema audiences in general. 52. In general, the appetizers are better than the entrees. 53. Voters seem disenchanted with government in general. 54. Lenders in general often appeared to be financing the tempting rates offered to first-time buyers at the expense of existing borrowers. 55. Vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge is one of the commonest female complaints and one that is in general poorly understood and looked after. 56. Nor are they fully explained - although less efficient digestion in general is probably a reasonably accurate explanation. 57. So it must be other people, not us or not people in general, who are deluded by their biology. 58. In general, you will find it easier to use T to set the date and time. 59. In general, the provincial circuit is a far tougher cookie than its metropolitan counterpart. 60. In general cystitis will be helped by drinking plenty of clear fluids. 61. Marketers' work in general is a complex combination of activities, many of them adding value to what is sold. 62. I think the market will be increasingly excited about wireless communication in general, which could include direct-broadcast satellite programming. 63. In general this is a well designed and well made sweater with a stud fastened neck closure and medium height collar. 64. Excessive need to inflate the importance and achievements of oneself, males in general, or both. 65. This may be the medical adviser, whose background as a partner in general practice is particularly useful in three ways. 66. In general, it was for the governors to determine the admissions policy at the school after consultation with the local education authority. 67. Employees who remained angry about life at Kodak in general accused management of manipulation. 68. In general, during his first year in office, Carter was distressed by Soviet failure to respond to his signals. 69. I was working on changing the kids' attitudes about science and school in general. 70. In general, my advice to parents is to let your children read and reread books at their own comfort level. 71. This factor has already been alluded to in earlier discussions on bibliographies, and on citation analysis in general. 72. In general, then, males tend to compete with one another for females. 73. But in general, parents love their daughters, and are very concerned about them and their welfare. 74. It is a source of cleavages which are as important for social action in general and voting behaviour in particular as production-derived social class. 75. Barrier reefs and atolls are very like each other in general form and zonation. 76. Other name and course order lists are found useful in general library administration such as processing external readership applications for Polytechnic students. 77. In general the principles depend on cleanliness and appropriateness of animals to their habitats. 78. In general there was the invocation of one or more deities to bear witness that a binding contract was being undertaken. 79. People in general are equally horrified at hearing the Christian religion doubted(), and seeing it practiced. Samuel Butler 80. Once again we are saying something in general form which corresponds exactly to the particularities of wave mechanics. 81. I've made a few very minor adjustments to the decor(), but in general it was excellent. 82. Dim Sum Dictionary A word about dim sum in general: It is not for people who must know every ingredient. 83. In general, geosynchronous satellites are designed to broadcast a wide beam to ensure the wide area coverage. 84. Any comments on uniforms or the Bank's corporate image in general would be welcomed by Bob McInnes. 85. I learned to read for drums first and then to sight sing choral music and then I learned to read music in general. 86. Let us get our own house in order for the benefit of the regulation of light aviation in general. 87. In general the colonial revolution has helped to overcome lethargy and the feeling of political impotence. 88. Geriatric day hospitals, despite having a considerable minority of dementia sufferers have not in general tackled the issue of integration. 89. We can distinguish between two kinds of rationale or emphasis in general degree courses: the general and the generic. 90. In general, what people find most stimulating and most attractive is a bit different but not too different from what they know already. 91. She or he would have to spend a year in general practice to have the opportunity to acquire similar skills. 92. But in general the world religions kept to themselves, separated by linguistic, cultural and geographical barriers that seemed insuperable. 93. In general, the violations of the unities in sentimental comedy are slight. 94. Consequently it is not possible in general to analyse the singularity structure in such detail. 95. In general, consumers can be categorized into three types: 1. 96. In general, what the theory of dialectic materialism states is that every society is structured around its material basis of production. 97. Systems analysis in general - and data analysis is a branch of systems analysis - is an art, not an exact science. 98. What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure. Samuel Johnson 99. We have already seen that two sentences differing only in respect of cognitive synonyms occupying parallel syntactic positions are in general logically equivalent. 100. Paperbacks in general had pushed aside the hardback, except for the specialized and coffee table markets. 101. In general, consecutive spill should be considered for low packing densities and/or very large bucket sizes. 102. The clothier doesn't serve consumers in general, it caters to its own customer base. 103. But, in general, they include systems for design, production control, distribution, electronic data interchange and so on. 104. Like course content and organisation in general, length is negotiated with organisations before they come in. 105. In general, the longer the chain, the less stable the interacting web to environmental disruption. 106. It is often argued that television has contributed much to the trivialization of politics in general and to the nomination process in particular. 107. In general, the judicial structures are dependent on political power for their own power and survival. 108. In general most of these clauses are not highly desirable in short form standard conditions. 109. And in general, student opinion needs to be interpreted with caution. 110. In general terms it is suggested that determination by expert is quicker and cheaper than determination by arbitrator. 111. In general these cash limits were tighter than the losses industries had previously been making. 112. She began sleeping back in her own bed more often after that(/in general.html), and in general behaving differently towards me. 113. If banks in general are doing this, however, each individual bank will be receiving additional deposits and corresponding balances. 114. Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture. 115. A range of specialist advice is available to Polytechnic students in general through Student Services. 116. Rather than talking in general terms about the desirability of renewal, he began to talk in concrete terms of a timetable. 117. In general, ministers are willing to be flexible to ensure that they can counter criticism arising from immediate public anxieties. 118. The manufacturer, which makes everything from bread to handguns and auto parts, said it was outperforming the economy in general. 119. Many patients were happy to opt for sedation or other pain relief instead if the risks involved in general anaesthetics were explained. 120. In general, the thicker the mat, the greater the comfort level. 121. In general, pedestrians prefer to walk on the level and by direct routes. 122. In general, all visual aids were used for a purpose. 123. In general, teenagers from more affluent families are more likely than those from poorer families to terminate their pregnancies. 124. In the fourth sentence, the focus suddenly shifts to talking about creators in general and how they realize their dreams. 125. In general, nondairy products such as whipped toppings coffee creamers, and margarine are replacing the corresponding dairy products. 126. Human rights in general and the right to communicate in particular are bound up with the notion of democracy. 127. For, even if they knew in general that it was unlikely to be the case, they could not afford to take chances. 128. Confidence in markets has supposedly been enhanced - the confidence both of those directly involved and of the public in general. 129. In general, as the difference in electronegativity between two elements forming a bond decreases, so does the bond enthalpy. 130. But this ideology, though revolutionary in content, in fact sustained capitalist relations of production in general and big business in particular. 131. Sharks in general aren't flattened from side to side as free-swimming bony fish like herrings are. 132. There were many cases of theft, misappropriation, and favouritism which tended to destroy confidence in officialdom in general. 133. There is a high level of consensus among historians of the eighteenth-century Poor Law that relief in general was neither ungenerous nor ineffective. 134. In general, such luxury items occur only rarely in Lincoln and the owners may well have been relatively wealthy burghers. 135. In general, the classical perspective contained a peculiarly narrow view of what it actually is that controls human behaviour. 136. In general coals contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur with various other trace elements. 137. In general, users were treated on an out-patient basis, living at home in the community and visiting the clinic at intervals. 138. Such patients are uncommon in general practice; they are more likely to be seen in psychiatric outpatient clinics. 139. In general landowners were expected to work the land and to increase productivity, but not to upset the ecological balance. 140. Sarcasm I now see to be, in general, the language of the Devil; for which reason I have, long since, as good as renounced it. Thomas Carlyle 141. In general it seems that the greater the learning difficulties(/in general.html), the more didactic is the approach and the more controlling the relationship. 142. It should be recognised that, in general, it will be read by busy people and therefore should be concise. 143. The following chapters explain in general the opportunities open to you in an average agency. 144. When conscription was introduced, he could not plead a conscientious objection to war in general. 145. In general, though, thinking was retarded by the dichotomous classifications that were in use at the time. 146. Mastic asphalt can be laid over any deck but, in general, a general, a concrete base is preferred. 147. In general, women succumb to the male pattern only when coerced by pimps or heavily paid by powerful men. 148. The success of the recent TV series has aroused young people's curiosity about nature in general. 149. The focus of the forum blurred into Charter 88's campaign for constitutional reform in general. 150. In general, the photograph will be protected by copyright which will be owned by the publisher or perhaps a freelance photographer. 151. This book is in general good, but a chapter on foregrounding would have made it so much better. 152. In general, the examples exhibit behaviors that are more characteristic of people than of conventional computers. 153. My point is that, in general, the courts are under an injunction not to give custodial sentences to offenders under 21. 154. The disadvantage of Windows word-processors is that they, together with Windows programs in general, are very demanding of the hardware. 155. Before that time, alcohol had been in general use to deaden pain, though some sturdy souls rejected it on principle. 156. Second, that in general this means reducing the value of allowances and broadening the tax base rather than increasing marginal tax rates. 157. We are coping with this change and that, but failing to enhance our capacity to manage change in general. 158. In general, lunar rocks differ from terrestrial rocks in that the Moon contains much lower concentrations of easily vaporized elements. 159. It is therefore difficult to avoid the conclusion that the effect of insurance is in general to reduce the deterrent effect of liability. 160. Firstly, he or she will have an understanding of primary care, especially clinical presentations in general practice. 161. Eating and drinking: under-eating, over-eating, poor diet in general for whatever reason - choice, ignorance, poverty. 2. 162. This unequal but in general legitimated social hierarchy had depended on a healthy capitalist economy and benign, prosperous welfare State. 163. This, then, is how the cell cycle in general seems to be controlled. 164. For direct archaeological applications, radiocarbon dating and tree-ring work are in general much more useful. 165. The argument over exactly how filmed and televised violence affects people in general is likely to go on for ever. 166. Perhaps the easiest way to begin to explain this is to consider design as a model in practice of human culture in general. 167. Pupils with physical disabilities Pupils with physical disabilities should in general have the same attainment targets and programmes of study as their peers. 168. Using both experimental studies and computer simulation, existing theories of face recognition and learning in general will be evaluated and developed. 169. One can only speculate on the effect of long-term unemployment on vandalism, football hooliganism and the crime rate in general. 170. The weather in general was very cool at night but warm in the daytime, hence the necessity of dressing in layers. 171. In the control group all occurred in hospital diabetic clinics whereas for the prompted group 67% occurred in general practice. 171. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words. 172. In general, children over the age of 5 or 6 years are mostly treated by enuresis clinics. 173. On my arrival I found the lepers in general very destitute of warm clothing. 174. In general, spreads tend to average around 6 to 7 percent. 175. Wright found the condition in 1% of new patients in general medical clinics and in 5% of new patients attending gastroenterology clinics. 176. Since women in general have less social prestige than men, this in itself tends to reinforce negative attitudes to the elderly. 177. This thesis about the meaning of ethical words is presented against the background of a causal theory of meaning in general. 178. These transient colonialists dictated their needs, and the local populations in general complied. 179. In general, science policy-making institutions can not just confine their activities to provide policy directions. 180. But in general, sleeping with your boyfriend is a relatively accepted thing. 181. The police surgeon is often a close colleague in general practice. 182. He never had another fundamentally novel idea in general biological theory. 183. This survey aimed to provide some baseline information regarding their current procedures for ensuring quality of care in general practice asthma clinics. 184. In general, keep animation files small or your audience will have disappeared by the time they've downloaded and run. 185. If anorexia is about identity in general, it is also specifically and most importantly about autonomy. 186. In general, however, the scheme has been successful and has achieved the purposes for which it was instituted. 187. Laski himself led the way not only in general theoretical orientation but also in the detailed study. 188. However,[] a resurgence of working-class agitation during 1833-4 alarmed the Whig government and the propertied classes in general. 189. In general, the mountain areas of the Auvergne experience a much colder winter climate with a long period of Permanent snow. 190. The interest is not about violence in general, which may provide the context for individual atrocities. 191. In general, however, they found that consumers took better care of appliances on hire purchase and that servicing costs were lower. 192. The time ranges associated with these compositions are rather approximate, but are in general still perfectly valid. 193. The effects of comet and asteroid impacts are potentially damaging to life in general, and to human civilization in particular. 194. In general, the staff/student ratio is rarely as good as in a school for children and young people with severe learning difficulties. 195. Consequently, you will be able to judge for yourself how accurate we are in describing the abbreviated style in general. 196. As geology has become the focus of more attention, it has aroused the curiosity of young people about nature in general. 197. That is, it is infrastructural and confers a public benefit, from which enterprises in general will gain. 198. Do you have specific skills, such as writing, typing, bookkeeping, administration in general? 199. Mere nuclear bombs would do little to halt life in general, and might, in fact, increase the nonhuman versions. 200. In general, however, it was simply reinterpreting in new language a set of ancient popular beliefs. 201. Treatment efforts in general are not very successful. Child abuse and neglect continue despite early, thoughtful, and often costly intervention. 201. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 202. In general local law societies disagreed with the question, although they found it difficult to reach a consensus on the issue. 203. In general, how-ever, these problems pale to insignificance compared to the problem of radioactive waste disposal. 204. But where a decision affects everyone in general and no one in particular it is much harder to define sufficient interest. 205. They are convicted of physical harm or damage infrequently and they are in general petty and trivial offenders. 206. Is all this affecting the quality of life of society in general? 207. In general, most of these commentaries had concluded that domestic rates were probably as fair and efficient a system as any. 208. We can not prove in general that countries gain from trade in the differentiated products model. 209. Throughout the last two decades labour costs have increased, in general, more rapidly than end-product prices. 210. Oriental cats in general seem to be more likely to indulge - and Siamese cats in particular. 211. In general this only a problem if you want to change leads with a weaker climber. 212. In general it was almost exclusively extreme right-wing elements who were first involved, but they tended to be of two distinct types. 213. In general my children refuse to eat anything that hasn't danced on television. Erma Bombeck 214. Wall Street analysts say waste companies in general have steady cash flows, making it easier to service higher levels of debt. 215. Postgraduate and post-experience diplomas and certificates are, in general, designed for students with a wider range of academic backgrounds and experience. 216. Suppose that in general, the ball is seen at a random angle in three dimensions, rather than two. 217. The third rule is that in general it is better to tax than to borrow. 218. Such a projection does not in general preserve causal relations. 219. In general, then, decoration became outlawed as buildings without ornament were seen as works of art in their own right. 220. In general, ferns like organically enriched, moist but well-draining soil on the acid side. 221. In general, as the Finniston report made clear, there is widespread public confusion about this. 222. In general, the consumption of animal products has decreased while the consumption of plant products increased during recent years. 223. Any weakening of the stratospheric inversion would affect convective processes and atmospheric circulation in general, thereby affecting weather and climate. 224. Social history Studies of the Miners' Strike have in general focused on their national political dimensions. 225. In general riders don't like chicanes, especially the slower ones. 226. This assistance inevitably spilled over as an increase in general prosperity for the ordinary Milanese city dweller. 227. There is a powerful argument for saying that, in general, it should be subject to the rules of administrative law. 228. The same note of emotional catharsis was sounded by the Romantic poets in general, after the desiccation of late neoclassicism. 229. Ostrander nursed a burning anger about terrorists in general. 230. The dog was similar in general a spaniel. 231. In general, be upbeat and positive. Never be negative. 232. In general, authorities on sleepwalking agree with her. 233. Freedom of religious belief was not in general tolerated. 234. Intelligence and smartness in general is fundamentally prediction machinery. 235. I like meat in general, and mutton in particular. 236. In general they can select from table 1 transporter butylacralate. 237. Soil temperature ( Ts ) was 12~28℃ . Air relative humidity ( RH ) was 43~ 91 % in general. 238. In general, uterine fibroids cause no problems and seldom require treatment. 239. Such missions could shed light on the origins of life in general. 240. In truth, Mrs Gradgrind's stock of facts in general was woefully defective. 241. Summer, the development of vitiligo in general faster, slow down or stop the spread of winter. 242. Moreover, sportsmanship as an ideal is applied to life in general. 243. Concepts of objects in general underlie all empirical knowledge as its apriori condition. 244. Therefore, these and universities of professional piano music in general Course opened only two years. 245. Some people even pessimistically think that in general the trend of people's health is decreasing. 246. Popularity of toe shoe, slippers step - in general is smoother, medium high design. 247. In general , the Phenomenology is a method and an attitude of thought. 248. In general, the longer and deeper excoriations are, more severe was the pruritus that provoked them. 249. Park free charge to military personnel in general, the state - level scenic areas hit 5 discount. 250. This invention relates in general to an improved process for the manufacture of siloxane - oxyalkylene copolymers. 251. Im Ferrite Core, Bobbin in General, Bobbin for Inverter , Digital Scale, Talc Chalk, etc. 252. In general are genetically modified through the sexual reproduction process of implementation. 253. Cultural facilities, in general, include libraries, movie house, museums and so on. 254. The wear process of tribology system in general meaning has been analyzed and discussed. 255. Banks, pension funds and shareholders in general require a higher Return on Investment. 256. Objects representing steps in a process should, in general, be adjacent and ordered sequentially. 257. This kind of method in general retaining wall has been widely used in the calculation. 258. Beta users - just like customers in general - don't report usability problems unless prompted. 259. In general, no new substance forms in a physical change. 260. He has an innate propriety and simplicity of taste, which in general direct him perfectly right. 261. TM data with seven wave bands, in general, only three bands information of them are used. 262. In general, the top surface of the beam is acted upon by transverse loads. 263. In general, hepatic synthetic function is preserved and treatment is at relief of the portal hypertension. 264. In general, his theories are based on the followings: ancient mathematics, geometry, numerology and astrology. 265. In addition, alcohol consumption in general has a 5 % tax rate. 266. Voodoo ceremony in general, including acts of witchcraft and sorcery set of related concepts. 267. Also consult literature and forums about relaxation, yoga, physiology and tai chi in general. 268. The streaked plate is in general the most useful plating method. 269. In general, do whatever it takes to keep your mood negativity down. 270. In general, a grammatical clause contain a subject and a predicate. 271. In general, a Six Sigma Black Belt should be quantitatively oriented. 272. In general, the basic requirements for electronic commerce security include privacy, integrity, authenticity and non - repudiation. 273. In general, 25 psi over line pressure is required for full closure. 274. In general , Central - Asia is referred as five countries , namely , Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. 275. In general, all free - surface liquid motions are stratified flows. 276. They developed notorious reputations for massacres and mistreatment of civilians in general. 277. Cutting, Cutting movement Cutting tool's damages are all belong to the tribology in general. 278. In general Preference sauerkraut, pickles, vegetable cellar and just dish. |
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