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单词 As a group
1. We just didn't gel as a group.
2. They were photographed separately and then as a group.
3. The gorillas go foraging for food as a group.
4. As a group, today's old people are still relatively deprived.
5. They work as a group — no one person is allowed to dominate.
6. As a group, females performed better on the test than males.
7. Let's try to stay together as a group ; there's safety in numbers.
8. Helots considered as a group.
9. Bank shares fell 0. 87 percent as a group.
10. I found where they had bedded down as a group, within about 50 square yards.
11. Other developed countries as a group showed growths of 8 percent in exports by volume and of 9 percent in imports.
12. We are still developing as a group and learning as we go along.
13. The Body Shop as a group joined Friends of the Earth and pursued such policies as using recycled paper for packaging.
14. It helps staff to work as a group, but it can take a while for somebody new to fit in.
15. Indirect taxes are, as a group, regressive, though this is not the case for all indirect taxes.
16. The successful LBOs as a group also experienced greater increases in leverage with the buyout.
17. Banks gave up 0. 74 percent as a group while brokerages fell 0. 84.
18. In essence, hedgers as a group buy insurance from speculators who take calculated gambles.
19. She enjoyed meeting with them once a month as a group and having lunches with individuals from the group now and again.
20. But as a group, ill veterans could be distinguished from healthy ones by overall test results.
21. As a group, the relapse rate in adults is greater than in children.
22. During the weekend we went out as a group to draw and paint.
23. As a group,(http://) banking shares listed on the first section slid 1. 9 percent.
24. The children will first sing individually and then together as a group.
25. Together, drawing up a training plan which gives adequate opportunity for working as a group, as well as identifying individual training needs.
26. They had had accountants to help them in the past but, as a group, Laura never trusted them.
27. Doctors control how often patients use medical care and doctors as a group can be kept within a budget, he said.
28. The dancers move very little in what follows, and when they separate as a group they return and pull together.
29. Travellers, a minority grouping within West Belfast were cited as a group who experience discrimination and racism.
30. What Primary Forum does is honor those important issues and teach children how to deal with them as a group.
31. The politicking between the ruwatu is kept at a relatively low-key level, for they rarely meet as a group.
32. The teachers then appeared before the school board, asking that they be treated as a group in any disciplinary proceedings.
33. Construction shares also jumped more than 1 percent as a group, led by shares of general contractor Taisei Corp.
34. How do you see top management here-do they work fairly well together as a group?
35. As a group, the cooperatives are the largest creditors to the mortgage companies.
36. Personal Interviews will often be on a one to one basis but can also be undertaken as a group exercise.
37. The dancing had broken up as a group of young men prepared to depart.
38. They appear to gel as a group, with only the odd complaint about sharing or taking turns.
39. Clerks had particular privileges in society and were as a group apart.
40. The hunt starts with the lionesses hunting as a group for their prey.
41. We treat older people as a group and set them at the margins of society.
42. Clerisy: Educated people considered as a group; the literati.
43. The commission cited Sept. 11 heroes as a group.
44. As a group they were anemic.
45. Capitalists considered as a group or class.
46. They began as a group of business clubs.
47. Antelope considered as a group.
48. Such persons considered as a group; the unconverted.
49. Fur garments and trimmings considered as a group.
50. As a group, we know virtually nothing about UFO.
51. This week China's People's Liberation Army (PLA), as the armed forces are known, is celebrating the 80th year since it was born as a group of ragtag rebels against China's then rulers.
52. Case in point: the ever-practical business major accounts for 20 percent of all undergrad majors, but as a group, they learn less and spend far less time studying than their non-business major peers.
53. Equally nostalgically, observers from the ex-Yugoslav countries sat together as a group.
53. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
54. Never forget the undisputable truth: any investor can never overturn the market trends, because it is actually investors as a group who collectively form the trends.
55. Europe is uniting as a group in the Economic Union anda dollar known as the Euro.
56. Being able to meet as a group without being afraid of prosecution.
57. Stonewall marked the first time that gays and lesbians as a group forcefully and vocally asserted their rights to equality under the law.
58. As a group, they symbolized the greatest achievement of coetaneous poet.
59. As a group they had a forbidding and rigid quality.
60. So much of Beckett is like living in a different world as a group.
61. Team actions - it can be rewarding to take an action as a group, for example helping one member to build a compost heap.
62. Historically, as a group, Hispanics have tended to vote Democratic, sometimes by as much as a two-to-one ratio.
63. Supplementary and substitutional Medicine can be defined as a group of institutions for health care in main stream medicine.
64. Your SME members might be unable to do this individually, but, as a group, they can serve as a platform to combine efforts on corporate-citizenship initiatives.
65. As far as a group of identical magnetic grains is concerned the laboratory unblocking temperature is not necessarily equal to the blocking temperature associated with the magnetisation.
66. There is some evidence that religious heritage matters , with Muslimcountries as a group being particularly undemocratic.
67. He is elected by the College of Cardinals, who as a group rank next to the Pope in ecclesiastical authority.
68. As a group, they all showed improvements in LDL ( bad ) cholesterol, triglyceride, and insulin levels.
69. Here's an example: unorganized data, such as a group of measurements, is usually processed in some manner to make it easily readable for users, such as a graph or a chart.
70. The article sums up several offences whose object of act is false coin in the specific provision of Criminal Law into offence against currency as a group of crimes to review in full view.
71. Four Seasons of the painted flowers and birds or landscapes, as a group of four.
72. In one embodiment, a multi-cast call, such as a group call, may be transmitted to active users via unicast channel(s) based on a predetermined criteria, such as number of active users.
73. Please note that they should not be priced as a group but rather individually.
74. On average, the male cavernosa is typically longer and thicker (which makes sense, since men as a group are bigger than women), and — unlike women — the majority of it is visible.
75. But as a group of players - talent - wise and speed - wise - it's asas I've been with.
76. Turn it into a pleasant social occasion when you meet at someone's house or go out together as a group .
77. Also note, higher fees apply if you do not travel as a group: single travellers pay an extra $40 per night, on top of the minimum day rate; couples an extra $30 per person per night.
78. Village community, as a group with great cohesion, gains economic profit and lays the material foundation for the primitive accumulation of capital in the fighting with lord, government and royalty.
79. As a group, Britain's Muslims come across as more disaffected than their co - religionists elsewhere.
80. Members of an investment club pool a set amount of funds each week or month, meet on a regular basis to research stocks and then as a group decide where to place their investment dollars.
81. Configuration control lets you roll out sets of information as a group to the production system.
82. On Jan. 17, 1893, Hawaii's monarchy was overthrown as a group of businessmen and sugar planters forced Queen Liliuokalani to abdicate.
83. For instance,() you might want to highlight individual product or regional totals using a graph that analyzes them all as a group.
84. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished.
85. In hindsight, perhaps it is understood that this was a mistake, for as a group of Pleiadian and blue tinted humans that had "white skin" invaded Earth, the red man was defenseless .
86. Second, young adults today as a group are highly motivated, but often directionless.
87. When designing a language from scratch, we have the opportunity to evaluate language features as a group, adjusting them to interact synergistically or avoid negative interactions.
88. As a group, those for whom prayers were recited had a higher rate of recovery.
89. Set of related communication protocols that operate together and, as a group, address communication at some or all of the seven layers of the OSI reference model.
90. At first, an algorithm is proposed, which rewrites a regular path expression based XML query as a group of simple path expression based queries using mapping information(mapping graph).
91. Addressing these diseases as a group has unquestionably facilitated greater operational efficiency and brought impressive results, but it has another advantage as well.




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