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单词 Addictive
1 The drug is only mildly addictive.
2 Heroin is obtained from morphine and is extremely addictive.
3 Tobacco is highly addictive .
4 Nicotine is incredibly addictive.
5 Crack is a highly potent and addictive derivative of cocaine.
6 Why is it that I find chocolate so addictive?
7 He's got an addictive personality.
8 Coffee is addictive in a mild way.
9 Video movie-making can quickly become addictive.
10 I find jogging very addictive.
11 Crack is the most addictive drug on the market.
12 Cocaine is a highly addictive drug.
13 Betting can be as addictive as drinking or smoking.
14 The problem with video game is that they're addictive.
15 Some people have an addictive personality.
16 The problem with video games is that they're addictive.
17 To some people,[] smoking is addictive. Others can take it or leave it.
18 These nuts are addictive - I can't stop eating them.
19 Cigarettes are highly addictive.
20 Heroin is highly addictive.
21 Golf can be addictive and time-consuming.
22 Mass adoration is a highly addictive drug.
23 Heroin About £80 per gram Sedation. Highly addictive.
24 Still, the raw scope of data can be addictive.
25 Marijuana is said to be psychologically though not physically addictive.
26 Crack is a much cheaper, smokable form of cocaine which is powerfully addictive.
27 It started as a hobby, but it got so addictive I had to keep on doing it.
28 It was only later that the drug was shown to be addictive.
29 Marijuana has few withdrawal effects, and this has given rise to the mistaken belief that it is not addictive.
30 One could argue that smoking, by its very nature, is addictive.
1 The drug is only mildly addictive.
2 Heroin is obtained from morphine and is extremely addictive.
3 Tobacco is highly addictive .
4 Marijuana is said to be psychologically though not physically addictive.
5 Nicotine is incredibly addictive.
6 Crack is a highly potent and addictive derivative of cocaine.
7 I find jogging very addictive.
8 The problem with video game is that they're addictive.
9 Cigarettes are highly addictive.
10 Heroin is highly addictive.
31 Be warned that, once mastered, it is highly addictive.
32 Crack is a potent, highly addictive form of cocaine.
33 Nicotine in cigarettes is an addictive drug.
34 Crack is a highly addictive form of cocaine.
35 The caffeine in coffee is mildly addictive.
36 To some people, smoking is addictive.
36 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
37 Most addictive drugs are illegal.
38 Produces a relaxed euphoria and is highly addictive.
39 This is addictive disease the same as any other and needs to be treated as such.
40 The VGA graphics are colourful and flicker free and the game itself is quite addictive.
41 The alternative to the hopeless choice between continuing disorders of mood or continuing recourse to addictive substances or behaviours.
42 Crack is a cheaper, smokable form which is powerfully addictive.
43 The spiritual riches of a full life are kept from the sufferer while the therapist colludes with the addictive disease itself.
44 What is the normal course of progression of addictive disease?
45 The consequences of compulsive gambling are comparable to those of any other addictive disease and are not simply those of financial loss.
46 There is no evidence that stress causes addiction as such although a stressful life event may trigger latent addictive disease.
47 This clever ladders and platforms game is highly addictive(), yet simple to get the hang of.
48 She had an overwhelming fear of syphilis, and the pattern of her tippling was similar to that with other addictive substances.
49 Addictive disease, as opposed to physiological addiction, it is not a significant potential risk for all human beings.
50 Pride: Pride causes much wilful action in pursuit of solutions to the problems of addictive disease.
51 At the age of twenty, after a life of violent and addictive behaviour, the girl, Nancy, was murdered.
52 Like crack cocaine for the soul, Charlie's Angels delivers shameful, addictive, and no doubt tremendously harmful fun.
53 What is the overall picture of the process of addictive disease?
54 Wolfenstein is so addictive you will probably attempt to play it to a conclusion by staying up all night.
55 Not obtaining addictive drugs or collecting prescriptions on behalf of the sufferer.
56 Cannabis, the most widely used illegal drug in Britain, is not physically addictive either.
57 The most characteristic feature of addictive disease is that it is a relapsing condition.
58 Transfixing and intense, their dark, wine-soaked ballads and lock-tite harmonies are addictive.
59 Addictive behaviour is used just as addictive substances are used by people who are prone to addictive disease.
60 By learning to let the sufferer take the full consequences of the use of addictive substances or behaviour.
61 We also have a good explanation of why children continue to smoke: cigarettes are highly addictive.
62 There is something in this pattern of behaviour that is very reminiscent of some addictive or compulsive behaviours.
63 And morphine from opium is illegally converted to the highly addictive drug. heroin, widely abused in Western societies.
64 Addictive disease originates as a disease of the human spirit.
65 He found it addictive, stimulating, endlessly absorbing, and he allowed nothing-certainly no personal involvements - to distract him.
66 The vaccine teaches the immune system to attack nicotine by producing antibodies that neutralise the addictive chemicals before they reach the brain.
67 What happens to children bought up in families in which there is an addictive disease?
68 It is a very addictive game of logic, deduction,[http:///addictive.html] and lots of lucky guesses when you first play.
69 This simple physical concept of addictive disease and recovery has an obvious superficial attraction but may be far from the full picture.
70 It is the most addictive drug ever - many become addicted from the first time they use it.
71 Insert an addictive drug into the system and the din from the second messengers becomes deafening.
72 Detoxification from alcohol or drugs and weaning from other addictive substances or behaviours.
73 These turning points apart, he was also an addictive non-political speaker.
74 The eating disorders and other forms of addictive disease may not be seen at all except in their extreme forms.
75 These may either be addictive themselves or may reinforce the view that there is a pill for every ill.
76 Being aware of the nature of addictive disease and cross-addiction and its consequences and not frightened or shocked by it.
77 It can be addictive, for power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
78 They had a light syrupy taste, so addictive that she soon forgot her suffering. 2.
79 In one of more recent vintage, a Philip Morris researcher compares nicotine to cocaine in terms of its addictive properties.
80 Uydess said the company covered up findings that cigarettes were addictive, a charge tobacco industry officials have repeatedly denied.
81 Health and health studies Taxes on addictive and potentially hazardous products like tobacco and alcohol produce a dual effect.
82 Any activity that causes the same physical emotional feelings as the particular addictive behaviour would be best avoided.
83 Its affinity for the opiate receptor means, however, that it could be addictive in the same way as morphine.
84 What can doctors do to help intervene in addictive disease?
85 Try not to rely on Valium - it's highly addictive and will cause more problems in the long run.
86 The progressive decline in the course of addictive disease follows similar patterns in differing individual sufferers.
87 They seem to act on the host's nervous system in rather the same way as an addictive drug.
88 I'm not an addictive personality, I just like getting high, that's all. Rita Mae Brown 
89 While still suffering, the negative feeling of fearful projection may result in craving for the addictive substance or behaviour.
90 It will liken welfare to drugs: soothing, addictive, and utterly destructive of independence and initiative.
91 Humphrey claims that the tobacco industry hid evidence that cigarettes were addictive.
92 This is a superb program highly addictive, beautifully created and often fast and furious.
93 This is not so hard to sympathize with, even for those with no experience of addictive drugs.
94 Scientists have known for some time that nicotine is addictive.
95 Crack is a dangerous drug because it is initially very addictive and because of its enormous financial cost.
96 Relapse can be seen in changes of mood before it leads back to use of the addictive substance or behaviour.
97 The mental, emotional and other consequences are similar for all addictive disease.
98 Therefore they may believe that their back pain, for example, is physical rather than addictive in origin.
99 The causal connection between the addictive use and the damaging consequences may be denied.
100 They may well provide insight and help for other behavioural disorders but not for addictive disease as such.
101 Then, says Sicher, the caregiver can be like an addictive drug to the child.
102 This can give rise to the mistaken belief that cocaine is not an addictive drug.
103 Cannabis may have few immediate withdrawal effects and this again may give rise to the mistaken belief that it is not addictive.
104 Alcoholism and other forms of addictive disease are more probably born rather than made.
105 None the less, disrespect for the law and the general customs of society are commonly a sign of addictive disease.
106 SlapHappy! ? - The addictive reaction speed test.
107 People shouldn't do drugs. They're too addictive.
108 I have an eating disorder and an addictive personality.
109 Internet Porn Addictive Behavior is not easy to analyze.
110 Being an antitheist. Never addictive to smoking and alcohol.
111 Youda Safari is an addictive time management game.
112 Tobacco is more addictive than virtually all of them.
113 But be warned: windsurfing is addictive!
114 The catch is that these card games are addictive.
115 Studies of volunteers enrapt in addictive video games show that gamers continue to play on despite multiple attempts to distract them.
116 Xanax is one of a class of drugs known colloquially as "benzos" (benzodiazepines) that are safe and highly effective — but can also be addictive and have potential for abuse.
117 Addictive relationships can change, if both partners are self-aware and willing to do what it takes.
118 They also acknowledge that the U.S. surgeon general has determined that smokeless tobacco use is addictive.
119 Opium, morphine, heroin, marihuana and other addictive drugs and psychotropic substance.
120 The world's most addictive, which is one of the salsa more popular is mango, tamarind ready-mix and nuts, red peppers chutney.
121 In a study in 2009, participants either took a placebo or the drug naltrexone -- known to curb addictive tendencies toward alcohol, drugs and gambling.
122 Shisha smoking also delivers significant levels of nicotine, the main addictive substance in tobacco.
123 Simple, but really addictive mini scrabble with accompanying 52000 word dictionary!
124 Even more troubling, a Jackson family member told that Michael had been receiving daily injections of Demerol, an addictive painkiller.
125 Addictive game, good graphics, easy touch control, fun for all ages, must have!
126 Fatty, sugary foods subvert evolved instincts, as do addictive drugs such as nicotine and cocaine.
126 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
127 For travelling visitors, they encounter a spirit of unashamed conviviality which is at the root of this city's addictive nature.
128 Facebook isn't addictive—your desire to know what other people are up to is addictive.
129 Sponge follows and introduces the charming large-headed character who will eat up all the coloured pills you feed him (it's strangely addictive for both parties).
130 Addictive game, good graphics, easy touch control, fun for all ages, must have! Don 't give up until you complete all levels.
131 Beat the bosses in the mini-games and turn the fast food business in the big city into your very own success story in this addictive and tasty time management game!
132 Alcohol and tobacco are not two of them highly addictive substances.
133 And whether the biological preparation for the treatment was addictive was determined through the chiasm and vicarious experiment.
134 A bitter, yellowish-brown, strongly addictive narcotic drug prepared from the dried juice of unripe pods of the opium poppy and containing alkaloids such as morphine, codeine, and papaverine .
135 The British and Chinese experience with addictive drugs are cited, and we are supposed to picture scores of people lying around in the street, zonked out of their minds.
136 Intense but invisible, erotic but unconsumed, emotional infidelity is dangerous, addictive and way too easy to get away with.
137 It's a neat, addictive little gadget, and after weeks of testing, I've started to use its readings to justify any and all crankiness.
138 Cocaine is poisonous and addictive. Many cocaine used develop a false sense of their own indestructibility. Behaviour is often erratic.
139 Although antidepressants are not habit-forming or addictive, abruptly ending an antidepressant can cause withdrawal symptoms or lead to a relapse.
140 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) is widely used as an addictive in unleaded gasoline to curb the air pollution caused by leaded gasoline.
141 Up until now, hardware performance has favored classic game concepts that use addictive game play, but simple graphics.
142 XinQiDian offers organic flaxseed oil for high quality edible oil, nutritional supplements, natural cosmetics, pharmaceutical Intermediates, food addictive and health-care food.
143 Cannabis is nowhere near as addictive as nicotine or alcohol but it is wrong to say it is not habit-forming.
144 Fatty, sugary foods subvert evolved instincts, as do addictive drugs such as nicotine, alcohol and cocaine.
145 Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, a 12-Step program modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous, offers the addict a place to learn about themselves and the addictive process.
146 Objective To summarize the experience of surgical management in drug addictive patients with infectious endocarditis.
147 It is no accident that close on 500m people—half of all internet users—find Facebook an engaging, enjoyable and even addictive place to wile away their hours.
148 Spooky Spirits is an addictive puzzle game for players of all ages.
149 "With the buttery crunch of a sophisticated shortbread, these are dangerously addictive, " says Apartment Therapy.
150 With in - game achievements, 15 levels and three difficulty settings, LEGO Escape is brick - solid, addictive fun!
151 Asthma drugs are not addictive and you don't need to keep increasing the dose. If anything, the reverse is true.
152 This game is more than addictive 'a must have ' for all people like brain storming in a action environment.
153 The firing of ventral pallidal neurons was enhanced prominentlyin addictive rats, and it could be reversed by naloxone completely.
154 Tobacco is a harmful addictive product with special market performance. The price elasticity of demand for tobacco and its elasticity of income are different from normal market.
155 Can't Get Enough of Your Love: Dopamine is produced in the ventral tegmental area of the brain, the same region affected by addictive drugs like cocaine.
156 Acupuncture is an effective alternative to drugs for the treatment of depression, drug and alcohol addiction, and other addictive behaviors such as smoking and overeating.
157 Results: With exploring factor analysis, 4 factors were extracted , i . e . Addictive Behavior, Emotional Arousal, Shame & amp ; Dissatisfaction and Dysfunction.
158 Heroin: Heterocyclic compound, a highly addictive alkaloid derivative of morphine (chemically, it is diacetylmorphine) that makes up a large portion of illicit narcotics traffic.
159 Dopamine also plays a role in drug use and other addictive behaviors.
160 For instance, one item might be: " Nicotine is an addictive drug. ".
161 The taking drugs mentioned in these rules refers to the activity of sucking or taking opium, morphine, heroin, bhang, or other addictive kef or psychotropic.
162 The trinity of graham cracker, chocolate, and marshmallow was so elegant—not to mention addictive—that few of us stopped short of third helpings .
163 Besides the sugars and acids, other soft drink ingredients are of concern. Caffeine, which is added to many of the most popular soft drinks, is a mildly addictive, stimulant drug.
164 Filthy, funky and addictive: imagine traversing a lapdancing club with a head full of Mogodon.
165 Reading is addictive, as the same people who are smokers or alcohol.
166 It is a heterocyclic compound, containing a pyridine ring; its chemical formula is C10H14N. Nicotine is the chief addictive ingredient (see drug addiction) in cigarettes and cigars and in snuff.Sentencedict
167 Whilst Biltong may look like a speckled dry brown dog turd, the combination of meat and spices is addictive.
168 But President Clinton declared nicotine an addictive drug last August.
169 With realistic, addictive game-play, and all manner of features to explore, the Fruit Machine Gold mobile game really hits the jackpot!
170 And the best thing about them is they make saving the planet incredibly addictive.




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