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单词 Ardent
(1) I've never met such an ardent pacifist as Terry.
(2) She was an ardent disciple of Freud.
(3) All her life she was an ardent feminist.
(4) He was an ardent suitor.
(5) Her admirers were fewer, and fatter, and less ardent.
(6) His father was an ardent socialist.
(7) She is at heart an ardent reformer.
(8) He's an ardent supporter of the local football team.
(9) He was a poet and an ardent spiritualist.
(10) The ardent hope for the future brought them through all the sufferings during the war.
(11) She has a reputation for being an ardent protector of individuals' liberties.
(12) He's been one of the most ardent supporters of the administration's policy.
(13) Even his most ardent supporters disagreed with this move.
(14) He was an ardent Zionist.
(15) Chris Evans is one of their most ardent fans.
(16) She offered ardent prayers to them perpetually, but not one of them would do anything to make Venus their enemy.
(17) As well as being an ardent botanist, Mr Taylor is also something of a historian.
(18) Mrs Currie, an ardent self-publicist, had been keen to return to ministerial office.
(19) Previously, some of the most ardent opponents of architectural conservation have themselves been architects.
(20) Conversely, often the most ardent champions of a particular nation are people who have little or no ethnic claim to it.
(21) The general was an unattractive man to all but his most ardent admirers.
(22) Ditto a few years later, when the coach became an ardent convert to the principles of the triple option.
(23) Good plan-except the result is a pretty dull confection for anyone but ardent Depp and praline fans.
(24) Many were held in the scientific institutions where some of the nonconformists most ardent supporters worked.
(25) He was a man of strong beliefs and had always given ardent support to the Reform cause.
(26) But sober reality will soon dampen the fervour of the most ardent.
(27) Newman had realised that, because of cultural inequalities, many people were not ardent followers of drama as presented in the Theatre.
(28) Often, the winner must hold a territory against his ardent rivals.
(29) The author of the 121st psalm has few more ardent disciples than me.
(30) And it may even be too sanitized for some of his most ardent followers.
(1) I've never met such an ardent pacifist as Terry.
(2) She was an ardent disciple of Freud.
(3) Her admirers were fewer, and fatter, and less ardent.
(4) His father was an ardent socialist.
(5) She is at heart an ardent reformer.
(6) He's an ardent supporter of the local football team.
(31) With time he began to settle and his school work improved: Yoash became an ardent flag carrier for Habonim.
(32) To add to the tension Kay's ardent admirer, Ted Latimer, is staying in the hotel across the bay.
(33) But the second-term congresswoman is also an ardent champion of free trade.
(34) Jerry Falwell were ardent supporters of the Likud and its policies.
(35) But most enthralling was her attraction to two people for whom she wrote her most ardent poems.
(36) Since Michelangelo was an ardent antiquarian, all this will have been familiar territory.
(37) He held numerous cabinet posts and was an ardent supporter of Mrs Thatcher.
(38) He was not an opposition supporter but an ardent disciple of MrMilosevic's Socialist party.
(39) I was an ardent admirer and supporter of MacBrayne's buses: they opened up the north-west for me.
(40) People believed that Edward, as an ardent nature conservationist, must be similarly passionate about all environmental matters.
(41) Clinton and Al Gore have become ardent defenders of a balanced budget and gay rights.
(42) His decidedly left-wing views clashed with those of his father Mathurin, a blacksmith, who was an ardent royalist.
(43) The ardent left-winger helped launch the Red Wedge pop-meets-politics movement to boost the Labour vote in the 1987 general election.
(44) Hope was an ardent supporter of the Society, and was its President from June 1859 until its dissolution after 1878.
(45) Middle-class moralists might be ardent, even strident, but working-class patterns continued to be remarkably resistant and independent.
(46) Sarah frowned at the ardent manner of her sister but slowly followed her into the society.
(47) Then Macleod, to the astonishment of some of his most ardent supporters, decided not to enter the lists.
(48) He is ardent in temper.
(49) He was an ardent disciple of Gandhi.
(50) His affection took an ardent form.
(51) an ardent supporter of European unity.
(52) An ardent outset may be followed by declension.
(53) His audaciousness has won him many ardent disciples.
(54) The climate in the July is very ardent here.
(55) Nothing can stagger her ardent belief in her husband.
(55) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(56) Hakka people's ardent enthusiasm influenced every visitor.
(57) Some ardent supporters were urging him to stand.
(58) I believed her young, ardent, reckless.
(59) Formerly Melville had been an ardent democrat.
(60) He was an ardent, though not uncritical patriot.
(61) Balletomane: an ardent admirer of the ballet.
(62) She is an ardent patriot.
(63) To ardent pro- lifers , the law today is immorally lax.
(64) By all accounts, Cousteau was not always an ardent environmentalist, nor was he always particularly sensitive to the creatures he was filming in the beginning.
(65) Willy Clipton the real estate tycoon from Arkansas was an ardent bridge player.
(66) Pastor Wundt, the shepherd of the Columbus church, was a sincere and ardent Christian, but his bigotry and hard-and-fast orthodoxy made him intolerant .
(67) But the Emperor Tiberius and many officials in the empire were ardent devotees of augury .
(68) He later became a Member of Parliament and an ardent proponent of Irish independence.
(69) The most ardent proslavery advocates admitted that slave labor was not as efficient as free labor but then insisted that the slave system had advantages that outweighed this deficiency.
(70) Over several visits to Shaoxing, I wondered what the locals, such ardent lovers of rotted soymilk and vegetable stalks, would make of rotted cow's milk, otherwise known as cheese.
(71) It won't take much to entice or captivate an ardent love interest.
(72) He recalled her memory with ardent, tender love, and hopeful aspiring to the better world.
(73) As for the English, even the most ardent mercantilist would rather they left viniculture to others.
(74) The Zhuang - dong people for many years have an ardent love for singing songs.
(75) On behalf of the IOC Commission of Philately, Numismatics and Memorabilia, whose Chairman I am proud to be and as an ardent Olympic philatelist, I wish to congratulate its editors warmly.
(76) In this faubourg exists poignant distress hidden under attic roofs; there also exist rare and ardent minds.
(77) The dull precious metal seemed to flash with a reflection of her bright and ardent spirit.
(78) The satisfaction derived from this act was all that the most ardent moralist could have desired.
(79) Ardent expectations were held by his parents for his college career.
(80) University Relation Department initiated the activity, named "Employing the Club Consultant" this term, which immediately won a ardent respondence from 27 clubs.
(81) Midwestern and western Domocrates were ardent supporters of Second New Deal domestic policies.
(82) Learn to foster an ardent imagination; so shall you descry beauty which others passed unheeded---George Norman Douglas, British writer.
(83) Fiery guitar - work embellishes the already hyperactive music, injecting ardent fury and cosmic demeanor.
(84) Following this ardent love for of Aisan culture, Denise went to Japan after graduating college . She began to study Nihon Buyo. She stayed in Japan for nearly ten years.
(85) After Redding about the lives of several great Americans, John became an ardent student of American history.
(85) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(86) Pagoda tree rice: International market of sunlight ? is ardent to demand of pagoda tree rice.
(87) I came out of a theater, where I used to spend every evening in the proscenium boxes in the role of an ardent wooer.
(88) Here in this tiny garden along a busy London road is Albane Gaspard. Originally from France, she is one of ' Food Up Front's' most ardent volunteers.
(89) Learn to foster an ardent imagination; so shall you descry beauty which others passed unheeded.
(90) I am an ardent fan of the TV series The Big Idea.
(91) At this, their own shrine, he knelt with them, an ardent devotee.
(92) Following this ardent love for of Aisan culture, Denise went to Japan after graduating college . She began to study Nihon Buyo.
(93) After trying to play the Washington parlor game of the moment — "Was Alan Patricof invited?" he asked, referring to a fellow ardent Clinton supporter — Mr.
(94) He was a very good family man and an ardent churchgoer.
(95) The result has been a Gordian knot of preconditions for resuming talks that even the most ardent expert would be hard-pressed to figure out.
(96) Ernst Haeckel was particularly ardent, aiming to synthesise Darwin's ideas with those of Lamarck and Goethe while still reflecting the spirit of Naturphilosophie.
(97) He walked away to listen to Bamberger, who was feebly spouting some ardent line.
(98) He lived in the company of writers and was an ardent balletomane.
(99) The dull precious metal seemed to FLASH with a refection of her bright and ardent spirit.
(100) Though ostensibly silent, a handwritten letter from someone we know speaks with the voice—querulous, joking, ardent, tinged with an accent from Padua or Bulawayo—of its author.
(101) How silly an ardent and unsuccessful wooer can be especially if he is getting on in years.
(102) Its most ardent admirers would say that it will be around forever.
(103) The writings of the abolitionists and Thoreau inspired the great Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy to become an ardent exponent of Christian nonviolence.
(104) Soon, even the most ardent liberal will understand supply-side economics.
(105) What instances must pass before them of ardent, disinterested, self-denying attachment, of heroism, fortitude, patience, resignation: of all the conflicts and all the sacrifices that ennoble us most.
(106) With an ardent and bitter look he said, " I'm not free for lovemaking. Neither are you. "
(107) I paid tribute to Hillary, who had been working on the issue for more than twenty years, and to perhaps the most ardent supporter of the reforms in the House, Tom DeLay, himself an adoptive parent.
(108) Abe, an ardent nationalist, has regularly prayed at Yasukuni in the past and reportedly made a secret trip as chief Cabinet secretary just before the shrine's main spring festival last year.
(109) Much to the dismay of his present readers, Pirandello was an ardent fascist who joined the party in 1923.
(110) Her adoration of Father Ralph had turned into an ardent, very girlish crush.
(111) Labelled "the fastest-growing company ever" by ardent fans, the firm has turned a simple concept into a money-spinner.
(112) He was an ardent Royalist and supporter of the Bonrbons.
(113) The basketball player John Hancock on the ardent fan's T - shirt .
(114) She is intelligent, ardent and ready to burn her boats.
(115) The dull precious metal seemed to flash with a refection of her bright and ardent spirit.
(116) In 1889, Yeats met Maud Gonne,(/ardent.html) then a 23-year-old heiress and ardent Nationalist.
(117) Great Empedocles, that ardent soul Leapt into Etna, and was roasted whole.
(118) Just as business and science reporters avoid economic and business jargon, sportswriters should avoid terms that only the most ardent fan or coach would know.
(119) In his ardent eyes the fanciful, lofty joy he experienced was something precious to the extreme.
(120) Learn to foster an ardent imagination; so shall you descry beauty which others unheeded.
(121) Zhang Liyan, usually called Sister Zhang, is a plain, elegant and ardent lady. A successful mature woman as she is, we can feel her imperturbability , aloofness, and kindness above all.
(122) The drummer usually allowed his ardent good - nature to get the better of his speech.




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