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单词 Ashes
1) Ashes to ashes dust to dust. 
2) The house burnt to ashes.
3) Lye is leached from wood ashes.
4) The wood burned to ashes.
5) A volcano emits smoke, lava and ashes.
6) The building was burned to ashes.
7) Her ashes were scattered at sea.
8) The volcano belched forth fire, smoke and ashes.
9) The fire had died to cold ashes.
10) They scattered his ashes at sea.
11) They had to remove the ashes from the burner first.
12) He blew hard on the ashes to rekindle the fire.
13) The volcano spewed out more scorching volcanic ashes,(http:///ashes.html) gases and rocks.
14) It is his duty to rake the ashes out of the stove.
15) Ashes were all that remained of her books after the fire.
16) The town was reduced to ashes in the fighting.
17) The fire is smothered by ashes.
18) The house was burnt to ashes overnight.
19) The fire reduced the house to ashes.
20) He tapped the ashes out of the pipe.
21) The ashes were quickened into flames.
22) The house was burnt down to ashes.
23) Peace to his ashes / memory / soul!
24) The ashes must be scraped out from the stove.
25) Her ashes were spread over the sea.
26) Ashes from the volcano fall over a wide area.
27) A volcano belches forth smoke and ashes.
28) All her hopes and dreams had turned to ashes.
29) The volcano belched out smoke and ashes.
30) The sparks expired in the ashes.
1) The house burnt to ashes.
2) Lye is leached from wood ashes.
3) The wood burned to ashes.
4) The building was burned to ashes.
5) Her ashes were scattered at sea.
6) The volcano belched forth fire, smoke and ashes.
7) The fire had died to cold ashes.
8) They scattered his ashes at sea.
9) They had to remove the ashes from the burner first.
10) He blew hard on the ashes to rekindle the fire.
11) The volcano spewed out more scorching volcanic ashes, gases and rocks.
12) It is his duty to rake the ashes out of the stove.
13) The ashes must be scraped out from the stove.
14) The airline rose like a phoenix from the ashes.
31) The airline rose like a phoenix from the ashes.
32) She had seen all her dreams turn to ashes.
33) She swept the ashes from the fireplace.
34) His ashes were scattered at sea.
35) Allied bombing left Dresden in ashes in 1945.
36) Wood ashes are leached to extract lye.
37) His ashes were scattered on his beloved farm.
38) All her dreams had turned to ashes.
39) She wanted her ashes to be scattered at sea.
39) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
40) It burned to ashes.
41) The pages crinkled and curled and turned to ashes in the fire.
42) Can a new party rise from the ashes of the old one?
43) She rakes the ashes out of the stove in the evening every day.
44) A conflagration in 1947 reduced 90 percent of the houses to ashes.
45) His ashes were buried next to those of his wife.
46) The ancient temple rose from the ashes of the original which had been distroyed in the war.
47) When I go, I'd like to have my ashes scattered at sea.
48) Out of the ashes of the economic shambles, a phoenix of recovery can arise.
49) In accordance with his wishes, his ashes were scattered at sea.
50) The party had risen, like a phoenix, from the ashes of electoral disaster.
51) The writer was absorbed in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar.
52) The organization has risen from the ashes to become very successful.
53) He flicks his ashes without reflection on the ground.
54) In the ashes were bits of broken eggshell.
55) His strength was turned to ashes.
56) The town's historic centre was reduced to ashes.
57) The residue will consist of cold, invisible, subatomic ashes.
58) I had duly collected Nigel's ashes.
59) Never empty ashes into cane or rush wastepaper baskets.
60) McCrea wanted his ashes scattered at sea.
61) The sky took their smoke, the earth their ashes.
62) Small dust devils swirled through the ashes.
63) All relationships turned to ashes sooner or later.
64) The coals under the ashes on the dark hearth she fanned to life until a cheerful fire was burning.
65) In fact, one way and another the food is very aptly named, having risen from the ashes in two senses!
66) All that stuff about birds hatching from ashes must have been written by some one who didn't know anything about birds.
67) The site is rising from the ashes of a former foundry following Mrs Thatcher's famous Wilderness Walk there in 1987.
68) Their time is constantly spent in tilling the soil, manuring it with ashes, raking and hoeing it with wooden hoes.
69) The New Zealanders, appropriately garbed in funereal black, arrive next week to scatter the ashes./ashes.html
70) All turned to ashes because he had not trusted her, or the love she had given him.
71) Induk said, exhaling, dispersing my ashes like pollen into the night air.
72) Firemen sifting through the ashes had heard the click of bangles.
73) The island became covered with vegetation, fossils of which are sometimes found in the volcanic ashes.
74) There has also been a miraculous rise of the Liberals from the ashes - they may just squeak past 5 percent themselves.
75) Investigators sifted through the ashes to find the cause of the fire.
76) It will be carried stiff to the burning ground and there burnt and reduced to ashes.
77) After the fire exterminated itself, I flushed the ashes down the toilet after a not-inconsiderable bowel movement.
78) Since Gatting and his troops had retained the Ashes just a few days beforehand, they were ready to take on all comers.
79) Dad sat poking the dead ashes in the grate and sucking on his empty clay pipe.
80) Quench me quick and clean: let the ashes fly lightly where they will; no plaques.
81) Other analyses of soda-rich plant ashes contained considerably higher magnesia levels accompanying the soda.
82) It is hoped the law will be in place in time for next summer's Ashes series.
83) Other days I think how close they came to destroying the Union and leaving it in a pile of ashes.
84) The original versions were reduced to ashes when an earlier Capitol burned in 1881.
85) This year, the phoenix has risen from its ashes, a phoenix in brighter plumage than he has ever worn before.
86) In ten seconds or so I would be either triumphant or in sackcloth and ashes.
87) Pluto's theme is transformation and his emblem the phoenix rising from the ashes.
88) And his family are hoping to scatter Mr Corbett's ashes at Anfield, where his father Dennis also came to rest.
89) His proposal that a new socialist party should rise from the ashes of the present one was hardly disputed.
90) There was initially an extreme reluctance to scatter the ashes.
91) Ashes and kitty litter also contain some salts, but their main use is as grit.
92) The phoenix builds a nest and bursts into flame and the new bird arises from the ashes.
93) The living room inside is lit by the remains of a log fire, collapsing now into ashes.
94) A deep pile Raking ashes into a pile would then be automatically reinforced.
95) His ashes were placed in his wife Gail's coffin which was buried with their three children in the rainswept Lake District.
96) The court has now told the warring couple to each keep half the ashes until they can agree on a resting place.
97) These scenes, and many others, look a lot like sequences from Alan Parker's underrated Angela's Ashes.
98) Passion is blushing furiously across pop, rapidly turning it to ashes in its shame.
99) His ashes were scattered on the course and his bonds given to the Club.
100) Yet before the ashes of the council fire are cold the Great Father is building his forts among us.
101) Even when remains are cremated, the ashes are often placed in an urn and buried.
102) She now wants to bury all Ryan's ashes in Santa Barbara, California.
103) Cigarette ashes crusted with coffee in saucers or spilled over the sides of motel ashtrays.
104) Of course, I thought, it's the ashes of the coffin as well, so it would be quite a weight.
105) They were all covered in ashes with thorns in their feet.
106) I have no wish to see Aitken go through the rest of his life wearing sackcloth and ashes.
107) Once the ashes had cooled(), they would be taken to the seashore and tossed to the winds.
108) Ashes without phoenix Whatever the president decides in June, the biggest threat to a slimmer space station will be Congress.
109) Five years later - the Ashes series - he was a Test selector.
110) Eve's ashes are interred under a great oak at Mottisfont Abbey in Hampshire.
111) Many crematoria include scattering or burying the ashes in a garden of remembrance in their fee.
112) In that moment of truth she wanted to be struck by lightning and reduced to smouldering ashes.
113) We used to cook potatoes and sausages in hot ashes after the fire had burnt down.
114) She had chosen for herself the human equivalent of sackcloth and ashes, and she denounced herself for a masochist.
115) The weather had turned a chill grey, and a brisk wind scattered the ashes of half-a-hundred fires.
116) Some churches are happy to scatter the ashes in the graveyard or bury them according to the family's wishes.
117) Life is like a lit cigarette. The past is ashes, the present is burning, and the future is up in smoke. Fast as a breath; inhale exhale. Anthony Liccione 
118) The fireplace in the room was full of cold ashes.
119) He stirred the damp black ashes of the study floor with his foot.
120) In the fall, somebody had emptied the ashes out the side door.
121) On the board she placed olives and radishes and several eggs which she had roasted in the ashes.
122) Her female Spirit-Self simply seems to rise mysteriously like a phoenix from the ashes of patriarchal conditioning.
123) A castle garrison was sometimes glad to see their town reduced to ashes, reckoning that it simplified the task of defence.
124) Love is like a match to a wick. It takes that right combination to strike a flame. But once the flame is there, it can either give warmth, die out or burn your world to ashes. Even kill you. It's how you sustain the flame, feed it, and moderate the amount of energy in balance. Anthony Liccione 
125) Billy's bright ashes were almost subsumed into the dull greens and the grey.
126) In 1871 it burned down, 17,000 buildings were consumed, and a third of the city lay in ashes.
127) Material suitable for deep sea dumping included sewage sludge, industrial waste, and toxic ashes left after the incineration of garbage.
128) From the ashes there arose, by public subscription, a new Daily Citizen, responsible and relatively free.
129) They came eager for the great enterprise, to cross the sea and lay mighty Troy in ashes.
129) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
130) Our passions are the true phoenixes; when the old one is burnt out, a new one rises from its ashes. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
131) He went round the back of the house and inspected the incinerator, now full of partly glowing but mainly black ashes.
132) Sally with her slaves rolled up and her hands black with ashes from the dead fire.
133) He fanned the coals with the pad till the ashes rose up the chimney and the flames jumped.
134) Ev'n in our Ashes live their wonted Fires.
135) Ashes of the corpse that stands, an unburied death.
136) The fake marriage license turned to ashes in seconds.
137) Japan rising from the ashes . 28 mins.
138) She raked out the ashes from the boiler.
139) Anamnesis is the ashes of time.
140) After cremation,() the pet's remain will change to ashes.
141) This paper presents basic mechanics properties about building mortar admixed with fly ash "two ashes powder".
142) He put ashes on his head , apologized profusely , but then went glibly about his business.
143) If the 20th century marked California's rise from the ashes of Prohibition, the 21st century will surely herald a golden age for California wine and wine lovers the world over.
144) There have been reports that the ashes of the late George Harrison will be scattered somewhere along the Ganges or Yamuna.
145) Warm ashes were kept in a shelter for women ... Hestia . Every four years the best athletes from the ashes to become flame ignition.
146) But should the Republicans control both houses of Congress, they should not expect, in the ashy dawn of November 3, a chastened president to appear in the Rose Garden mantled in sackcloth and ashes.
147) It is curious that I just have seen much moisture ashes on his body as if it were burned bone ash.
148) I do not care a twopenny damn what become of the ashes of napoleon.
149) So, for example, alkali is derived from al-qili, defined as "the ashes of the saltwort plant."
150) Several other materials can be used for liming purposes, such as, baked or burned oyster shells, marl, basic slag, wood ashes, and cement industry by-products.
151) Widows in equatorial Africa actually wear sackcloth and ashes when attending a funeral.
152) Then, dressed in her gray smock, she had returned to the ashes in the kitchen.
153) Usual involved western culture reduce to flying ashes and smouldering smoke already, some dialyse and comprehend only, some joyful with fanaticism only, some to satisfy and highly praise only.
154) There was a heap of old feathery wood - ashes on the hearth.
155) Having put the children to sleep under an orange tree, she sat down beside them. She fixed her eyes dazedly on the smouldering ashes.
156) I don't want to rake over old ashes, but while we are discussing personal matters, have you heard from Jim lately?
157) This paper introduced process and technology of recovery of gold from waste auric electroplate liquor, gold plating wastes, auric alloy wastes, gold foiling wastes, auric ashes, etc.
158) Therefore I reprehend myself, and do penance in dust and ashes.
159) Online funerals would not retain the ashes, but set up an online cemetery and memorialize the deceased by posting an obituary and funeral messages.
159) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
160) So today is an extra-special opportunity for me to remember him – and yesterday I visited the grounds and gardens where his ashes were scattered.
161) He was entirely nude, of the hue of ashes, and mounted on a horse which was earth color.
162) The herbaceous peat of humus and high—ashes is mainly used for all kinds of composts, humic fertilizer and Krilium.
163) And in every province, whithersoever the king's commandment and his decree came, there was great mourning among the Jews, and fasting, and weeping, and wailing; and many lay in sackcloth and ashes.
164) Where the flowing ashes are overlain by airborne ash, an ignimbrite or tuff is formed.
165) I thought that he'd posted the letter, but a week later he came to me in sackcloth and ashes to say that he'd found it still in his pocket.
166) Through our life Who has never dreamed of burning And quietening down In the silence of ashes?
167) The ashes of its funeral pyre shall be transmuted into swans, which will swim away upon dry land as though in water.
168) Blue and ashes, and the color of the genus lithospermum as scarlet, green these color can also very good to highlight the rational choice as cheerful personality.
169) Trembling and awe-struck , Caderousse hastily shut the door and returned to his guest, while La Carconte lighted a candle by the smouldering ashes that glimmered on the hearth.
170) During a visitation, an urn with the pet’s ashes is displayed or the body is viewed before being sent to the crematory or cemetery.
171) I would rather be ashes than dust: I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot.
172) There is both mad delight and infinite irony in the thought of my ashes scattered to the four winds, sown frenetically in space, an eternal reproach to the world.
173) He looked at it, and recognized a wooden shoe, a frightful shoe of the coarsest description, half dilapidated and all covered with ashes and dried mud.
174) As soon as she had recovered her breath a little, she called out to the White King, who was sitting sulkily among the ashes, 'Mind the volcano! '
175) Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.
176) Thunderbolts then fell from the sky and at once reduced the pyre to ashes.
177) I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on his ashes!
178) The imposition of ashes in this service will remind us of our mortality and sinfulness, and therefore help us to appreciate our need for a Savior and God's response to that need in Jesus Christ.
179) The crashed plane was smashed into ashes in a plash , with cashes splashed in clash.
180) " What does he put sackcloth and ashes on his head for? " inquired Huck.
181) D. , Pliny the Elder wrote of using sea urchin ashes to treat baldness.
182) Out of the ashes of the Suffragette Movement , phoenix - like, a new feminist militancy was being born.
183) As long ago as 5000 BC the Egyptians were making a tooth powder consisting of powdered ashes of ox hooves, myrrh, powdered and burnt eggshells, and pumice.
184) If out of the ashes of Labour, Mr Osborne creates a self-reliant nation freed from benefit addiction, yesterday's pain will not be in vain.
185) Devil's head was finally reduced to ashes, and people keep the habitude as a festival.
186) The portress had "done up" his room; only she had picked out of the ashes and placed neatly on the table the two iron ends of the cudgel and the forty-sou piece which had been blackened by the fire.
187) Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.
188) Then the night of our sordid commonplace life closes in around it, and the burned -out case, falling back to earth, lies useless and uncared for, slowly smoldering into ashes.
189) Chemical speciation of seven heavy metals of fly ashes in incinerator was quantitatively tested using ICP - AES .
189) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
190) Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.
191) I broke a vase and my wife made me wear sackcloth and ashes for a week!
192) He repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes for his misdeeds.
193) " You're irrepressible,'she said, " I expected to find you in sackcloth and ashes, and silent. "
194) For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.
195) If you are not burned to ashes, you will then be able to philosophize lyrically.
196) The ossein porcelain is in ceramic material, adding animals ashes high-temperature low-temperature grain burn and burn glair, twice as high whiteness...
197) His ashes, sealed in a wooden box with a brass plaque, were put up for auction by the cat's owner and sold for more than four times the initial estimate.
198) He giveth snow like wool: scattered the hoarfrost like ashes.
199) If you return home, I'll bury you in the ashes of Asgard!
200) But if you do, gentlemen, if you should ever look into the face of your own boy, or your own brother, or look into your own heart, you will regret it in sackcloth and ashes.
201) Main products: Grave Burglar Alarm, Longevity Blanket , lamp, Electronic candle, Ashes protection particles and so on.
202) Danes long ago used the ashes of hay as a seasoning, so Mr. Redzepi does, too: they smell vaguely of popcorn, and have accessorized both an egg dish and one with king crab.
203) The earthenware which appears together with the ashes concluded initially is cauldron which the life uses.
204) Paul is to be honoured with a six foot statue on top of a football, however, in the middle of which will be a see-through window with the golden urn containing Paul's ashes.
205) The distribution of Edgar Snow's ashes according to his directions occurred later.
206) They would long ago have repented in sackcloth and ashes.
207) Think of foot washing this way: just as we wear ashes on our heads to produce repentance on Ash Wednesday, so we wash feet on Maundy Thursday to inspire humility and service.
208) I thought that he'd posted the letter, but a week later he caMe. to Me. in sackcloth and ashes to say that he'd found it still in this pocket.
209) The statue is around 1.80 metres high with Paul straddled on top of a football, with a see-through window displaying a goden urn containing the octopus's ashes.
210) My wife gets as mad as a wet hen whenever anyone drops ashes on the rug.
211) In the ashes of World War II, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's science advisor, Vannevar Bush, wrote "Science: The Endless Frontier, " a report on the state of the nation's research efforts.
212) Apparently the man's zeal for agriculture had burned with a failing flame, expiring in penitential ashes.
213) Then said the swineherd , "I am afraid I carried this plant away from the forest in my bundle, and it has been burnt to ashes long ago."
214) Nansen died of a heart attack in 1930 on the balcony of his castle-like house in Lysaker, on Oslo's outskirts, where his ashes are now buried beneath a simple gravestone on the south lawn. He was 69.
215) The genealogy of his family was reduced to ashes in the fire.
216) They say that when your eyes are painted with collyrium made from the ashes of a frog's head you see snakes everywhere.
217) Pompeii was overwhelmed by a vast accumulation of dust and ashes.
218) After the death of the monk cremation, the ashes remain in the stone - like material.
219) In 1993 Australian Chris Doyle won the Best Cinematographer award at the Venice Film Festival for Ashes of Time, and has since become one of the most well-known cinematographers in Asia.http://
220) Therefore, let us avoid any thought that ashes and Lenten disciplines are sure formulas for spiritual maturation.
221) He went on about his irresponsible behaviour, the dreadful effect it would have on his children and so on. It was all sackcloth and ashes.
222) One lady, Rachel, had her ashes scattered on Ascot racecourse.
223) The herbaceous peat of mesic and medium—ashes is mainly used for the nutrition soil, nutrition—bowl, fuel, extracting humic acid, and made into humic fertilizer.
224) She wanted to be cremated and chose for her funeral urn a garden birdbath;the support column would contain her ashes.
225) Therefore I abhor myself, and I repent In dust and ashes.
226) E'en from the tomb the voice of nature cries, E'en in our Ashes live their wonted fires.
227) I believe that a phoenix that rises from its ashes will be even more dazzlingly beautiful.
228) Rockefeller's grave, and a monument to lawman Eliot Ness, whose ashes were scattered in Wade Pond.
229) All undergo the same tonsure, wear the same frock, eat the same black bread, sleep on the same straw, die on the same ashes.
230) It is recommended to use the Specific Collection Area (SCA) of the ESP as an index of the dust precipitability for different fly ashes, produced from different coal combustions.
231) Self-effacing to the last, he had his ashes scattered off England's coast at Eastbourne—the scene of happy holidays with the Marxes.
232) The diary would be reduced to ashes and himself to vapour.
233) Do add lime, small amounts of wood ashes or crushed eggshells to the compost pile.
234) But it is better to live here in sackcloth and ashes, than to own the whole state of Ohio.
235) Arjuna, just as a blazing fire turns wood to ashes; similarly the fire of knowledge turns all reactions from fruitive activities to ashes.
236) Let me also make a flamingo bar, in the fire to be reborn from the ashes.
237) Final guardian of the imperfect magic item, he replaced the sand in the hourglass with ashes from a funeral pyre of his massacred brothers, making it much more powerful.
238) Scatter, as from an unextinguished hearth , Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind! be through my lips to unawakened Earth.
239) I grew up among trees – oaks, ashes, acacias, and magnolias in the Sussex weald.
240) A small thimbleful of ashes can be made into 0.25 car at diamond, for which LifeGem would charge $4,000.
241) Shi Yuzhu with " player of class of ashes of the dead " with pose as of successful game machinator .
242) When cobwebs mercilessly sealed up my stove, When embers sighed with griefs of poverty, I still toughly smoothed out ashes of despair, Writing with nice snowflakes: Trust the future.
243) If the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.




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