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单词 Psychic
1. Trevor helped police by using his psychic powers.
2. I believe everyone is innately psychic.
3. He declared his total disbelief in psychic phenomena.
4. Some people are said to have psychic powers.
5. How am I supposed to know-I'm not psychic!
6. She claims to be psychic and to be able to foretell the future.
7. Do you believe in the paranormal and other psychic phenomena?
8. She was a psychic who was later revealed to be a fraud.
9. You don't have to be psychic to know what Maggie is thinking.
10. She claims to be psychic and helps people to contact the dead.
11. Psychic awareness ran in my blood.
12. The camaraderie was a psychic lifesaver.
13. External reality and psychic reality are thus inextricably intertwined.
14. She took her son to holistic and psychic healers.
15. Psychic imperialism is not my style.
16. Those psychic scars would never heal.
17. This is psychic electrolysis for the headstrong..
18. She claims to have psychic powers.
19. Psychic gifts,() such as clairvoyance and telepathy.
20. To destroy his diseased psychic kin without a qualm?
21. Certainly, there are psychic phenomena.
22. A cave brings this psychic tunnel into physical reality.
23. What's what in the psychic world?
24. "Psychic Detective" is a CD-ROM computer game from Electronic Arts Studios.
25. Some psychic charlatan convinced her she was going to die in six months.
26. It is a form of reenactment of repressed memories, a kind of photo-theatre, or psychic realism.
27. The true self goes into hiding to avoid the psychic annihilation caused by expressing itself without being able to get a response.
28. Lorenz and Ardrey suggest, respectively, that aggression and territoriality form a deep-lying part of people's biological and psychic constitution.
29. It draws us towards other ignored aspects of existence usually called the psychic, esoteric or occult and suggests a possible connection.
30. But belief increases the likelihood of a predicted outcome: placebos against psychic ailments work astonishingly well.
1. Trevor helped police by using his psychic powers.
2. Some people are said to have psychic powers.
31. He no longer had to consciously listen out for the psychic interference that pervaded the island.
32. The trouble with psychic phenomena is that they're very hard to prove-leaving plenty of room for cynicism.
33. Until his body recovered from the effects of the psychic blast this was his only means of defence.
34. The essence of any claims for psychic phenomena or powers is that there are alternative realities to the physical.
35. Nearly all of them have joined through exposure to psychic phenomena.
36. With his help, she might learn how to develop and direct her psychic powers.
37. Both were men given to passionate intensities; and I believe both had taken up positions in response to old psychic wounds.
38. I believe that claims of "psychic powers" are without foundation.
39. There is rage, self-defeat and its close psychic cousin, compulsive overachievement.
40. For psychic sons of Gary Cooper, these dudes seem awfully affected.
41. The one-sided patriarchal system is dying, and to cling to it is now a psychic sin.
42. Indeed, threads dangled down from all life, psychic and non-psychic alike.
43. The contradictoriness and ambivalence of racist discourses and interactions are produced by a complex combination of social and psychic structures and forces.
44. Beforehand, the pretence that he was interested in putting together a documentary series on psychic phenomena had seemed a good one.
45. How did you know I'd be here? You must be psychic!
45. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
46. Like many doctors still, scientists find it almost impossible to take on the notion of psychic energy.
47. In surrealism the revolution of the psychic self the inner world, was symbiotically linked with revolutionary Marxism.
48. In coming here, he was actually following psychic instinct, an indefinable but insinuating impulse to visit the court of Voronov-Vaux.
49. If you merely mean some sort of intuitive intelligence, then I hope I am psychic.
50. But while participation on business teams can offer enormous psychic satisfactions, it can also cause great distress.
51. This psychic shift has, of course, been great for company profits and terrible for the labor movement.
52. Recalling how Meh'Lindi had been violated on that other occasion, Jaq feared for her sanity once her psychic hood was removed.
53. They came away empty-handed, but one Tucson psychic, Joyce Martin, said she plans to continue searching on her own.
54. The firefly of a psychic spirit gleaming in the nightscape of existence: ah, that he could pinpoint by and large.
55. Anders believes those psychic perks were partly to blame for the occasional criticism he received from other defense executives.
56. Those who believed were asked to give their verdict on major psychic phenomena.
57. Eventually the High Masters of the Ordo Hydra would activate those psychic spores.
58. The calls that Deena overheard obviously had nothing to do with physical, emotional, psychic or political emergencies.
59. It didn't take a psychic to see that Annie had worked that out for herself.
60. How was I supposed to know she'd react like that? I'm not psychic!
61. In that case, Hurley could have billed himself as the 60-Second Psychic.
62. Almost every conjurer who has taken a parti pris in this field has found himself accused of possessing psychic powers.
63. These apocalyptic still lifes emphasise more strongly than the earlier work Christa Dichgans' preoccupation with the psychic reality of objects.
64. What these portraits give you is a glimpse of Lowry's psychic state, and it's not a pretty sight.
65. Was it some psychic time bomb long ago planted on Ludlow Street?
66. I loved Jo: playmate in psychic realities, friend, fellow therapist, mentor and so much more.
67. Thus the ego is not capable of successful integration with the other components of the psychic apparatus.
68. Not just in terms of hours, but the psychic energy they demand of you.
69. The dreams of nineteenth-century poets polluted the psychic atmosphere of the great boroughs and suburbs of New York.
70. We took her to a psychic reader about a month ago-we take that with a grain of salt.
71. Few of us would consider the possibility that the information has been obtained through the services of a psychic sleuth.
72. Seers galore will be on hand to shed a little light on those and other troubling queries at the Renaissance Psychic Fair.
73. Thus I was only too aware that the realities of psychic phenomena were somewhat exaggerated by these treatments.
74. In both manias fusion with the psychic representative of the parental figure - the superego - occurs with comparable consequences.
75. Some military remote viewers became bored with Earthly targets and began turning their psychic probing to bigger enigmas.
76. The psychic gifts appear to originate from no particular relationship, according to most of those to whom I have had to minister.
77. The fellowship itself has an innate self-criticism which comes from wading in the quicksands of the psychic.
78. I had nearly caused him a two-shot penalty, and probably incalculable psychic harm.
79. Prosecutors said Saturday that the professed psychic is being held on charges ranging from grave robbery to conspiracy to mislead officials.
80. Just as material rewards are disappearing, job security is barely a memory and company loyalty a psychic fossil.
81. These were, first, what human psychic needs does a sense of community arise to satisfy?
82. These two possible views of the Ring are kept up throughout the three volumes: sentient creature, or psychic amplifier.
83. Two days earlier I'd cancelled an appointment with a psychic healer, thinking perhaps I should leave well enough alone.
84. The groups can function like political campaigns or professional sports teams, carrying their own psychic rewards.
85. Psychic phenomena seemed to cry out for, and lend themselves to, scientific investigation.
86. These truths cause individuals much psychic pain.
87. Healing, divination, developing psychic abilities, divine inspiration, healing power.
88. It's slow and yet searing psychic force!
89. The psychic energy exploded in a flash of creation.
90. Unlock Your Psychic, Medium And Paranormal Ability!
91. Specifically the reintegration of our psychic awareness.
92. Play psychic, and read the minds of your friends, using a virtual deck of cards.
93. Do any of you remember me as the Superior General of the Talamasca, the Order of psychic detectives whose motto was "We watch and we are always here"?
94. According to this conception, we might designate as "undesired imaginings" those that are suppressed during the day, and we must recognize in their emergence a genuine psychic phenomenon.
95. They lack the psychic dynamometer that the effective working of matter represents.
96. On 3 January 2008, he described a suicide attempt the day before. His employer threatened him and he suffered psychic trauma. He was treated at the Emergency Department of Queen Mary Hospital.
97. Those who are ascending may be well aware of the psychic battles that occur recurrently in the choice to ascend.
98. Psychic Chirurgery. You repair psychic damage and impart knowledge of new powers.
99. Violet: Psychic damage and the target is dominated ( save ends ).
100. Anyone interested in creativity, spirituality, psychic phenomena, the universal, and so on will find in Jung a kindred spirit.
101. Parapsychology is a knowlege studying on various human psychic phenomenon.
102. opossum called Heidi, who has filled the void left by psychic Paul the Octopus, has predicted that Natalie Portman will walk away with this year's Best Actress Oscar.
103. The importance of moola bandha should not be underrated, because its perfection may lead to a spontaneous rearrangement of the mental, physical and psychic bodies.
104. The argument that psychic powers come from the unused majority of the brain is based on the logical fallacy of the argument from ignorance.
105. Ms Munro comes from southern Ontario,(sentence dictionary) an area of considerable psychic murkiness and oddity.
106. The inner self organizes , initiates, projects and controls the transformation of psychic energy into matter and objects.
107. You can remove such effects by performing psychic chirurgery on yourself.
108. Hemolytic anemias and psychic aberrations can be the presenting symptoms of Wilson's disease (Chapters 154 and 224).
109. It could construct psychic trauma by family paradox, individual development, loss of kinsfolk and so on. The family conflict was the first factor among these life events.
110. Sabat, the Lebanese host of a popular TV show, for years gave his viewers psychic advice and predictions. This may cost him his life.
111. Within dream reality there is greater freedom...Each dream begins with psychic energy which the individual transforms into a reality which is just as functional and real as physical reality.
112. As the meditator becomes increasingly aware of their own inner state of being through meditation, they are also enabled to take greater notice of their psychic environment.
113. Maximum Power Level Known: A psychic rogue begins play with the ability to learn 1st-level powers.
114. Psychic powers and extra-sensory perception (ESP) rank among the top ten unexplained phenomena if for no other reason than that belief in them is so widespread.
115. Libido technically means the urge, instinct or psychic energy to have sex, and everything from falling hormones and child rearing to rising responsibilities and job loss can dampen it.
116. They expect to make money from the spread of investments, but Mr Sohl believes they also seek "psychic income".
117. In the love between adults it refers mainly to the psychic needs of the other person.
118. Care is needed because you are being flooded with "psychic energy"...
119. The protagonist's six-day brief physical leisure trip corresponds with the psychic journey of the discovery of the myth and elegy of Englishness.
120. We found: 1) Different age, levels of education and sex had respective sensitive life events. Some life events could construct psychic trauma at any age, level of education and sex.
121. Not only intense creative emotions did the wars bring Ernest Hemingway, but also extreme psychic traumas.
122. The defects in family education, bad models, and the psychic trauma caused by family violence inspire the unhealthy mind of the juvenile.
123. The psychic also said "there was a 'G' in a sign nearby." Last month, cops unearthed the skeletons of the victims, missing call girls, each wrapped in burlap bags on Long Island's Gilgo Beach.
124. He wanted to go beyond the psychic 8 Hz brainwave and attract psi phenomena.
125. The psychic income people get from giving or volunteering is likely to be only loosely connected with actual social impact, if it is connected at all.
126. He excruciate the life's aim, but cannot help the infinity of the time and space, the insignificant of the life, he was analyzing the antinomy of life, seeking ask for the psychic end-result.
127. The cultural change is a complicated process, in that psychic culture is most difficult for changing. The change or fixedness of psychic culture relate to the sacred crowd.
128. The main problems included neurasthenia, depression, anxiety, neurotic personality, coercive syndrome , fear syndrome , psychic syndrome, somatization.
129. The psychic incorporates intuition with many other skills and extrasensory perceptions that create an internal checks-and-balances system to obtain much more accurate readings.
130. Where did all the psychic abuse in the human unconscious come from?
131. The psychic pain is so great that many victims would rather have terminal cancer.
132. This thesis querys it from the psychic monobasic structure outlook, and paint out that the intentionality is not the essence of the psychic phenomenon.
133. You need enough mental and psychic energy to maintain control over the projection and not slip into the dream state.
134. Nolan's strange wizardry has given rise to a psychic Rube Goldberg contraption that plays like a rousing "Star Wars" episode for smart people of all ages.
135. Physical teleportation is the near instantaneous transport of the Psychic from one location to another./psychic.html
136. Psychic changes have been commonly observed, as well as daytime somnolence, nocturnal insomnia, and partial blindness.
137. Procrastinators can change their behavior — but doing so consumes a lot of psychic energy.
138. Just as electrical energy generates heat when it meets resistance so our psychic energy generates tension and stress when it has to flow through areas that aren't our preference.
139. Although the first researcher, Dr Ray Hyman, remained ambivalent, the second, Professor Jessica Utts from the University of California at Davis, concluded that psychic phenomena were indeed real.
140. Objective : To explore the and treatment strategies for psychic syndrome in patients after piggyback liver transplantation.
141. This "psychic pain hypothesis" cannot explain the whole story, however, because few parents suffering from PPD abandon their newborn.
142. Coital penetration recovered in 18 of 20 injected patients with erectile failure of functional (psychic) or organic (endocrinic, vasculoganic or neuropathic) origin.
143. But the " fateful " garlic proved to be not so psychic after all.
144. You be downright psychic over the moon September 4. Take seriously any stirrings you pick up.
145. Psychic chirurgery simply restores access to the inaccessible powers; the chirurgeon doesn't need to know the erased powers to make the repair.
146. She is not charlatan, or a psychic - shes a synaesthete.
147. Mind Cripple (Su): A psychic rogue with this ability has learned to focus psychic energy into his sneak attacks, which disrupts the mental capability of his foe.
148. The psychic energy that directs and motivates the personality is called libido.
149. A cross-eyed opossum called Heidi, who has filled the void left by psychic Paul the Octopus, has predicted that Natalie Portman will walk away with this year's Best Actress Oscar.
150. Can you perform psychic chirurgery on yourself? What would the effects be?
151. Mars forms a favorable aspect with Neptune in your chart energizing your psychic nature.
152. Psychic : A psychic weapon's power depends on its wielder.
153. MB Free Psychic Color Test Software is an intuitive and an interesting resource that helps you to test your psychic abilities.
154. These attitudes, too, I take to be important indicia, and likewise the predominance of one particular psychic function over the others.
155. These results suggested that AA was related to heredity, psychic trauma and immunity.
156. This aspect stimulates interest in spiritual issues and produces a degree of psychic energy, even spiritual delusion.
157. A psychic gestalt may seem impersonal to you, but its energy forms your person.
158. Sarah: I must be 2 psychic. So you think Candy will get through grad school?
159. Flowing outward from this psychic harmony is the fourth cardinal virtue, Justice.
160. Any claims of "psychic vampirism" can likely be explained by imagination or playacting.
161. If she had been at all psychic she must have felt something.
162. You also have a very open attitude towards accepting supernatural phenomena such ghost, psychic, telepathy, parapsychology , etc.
163. Color Test Software is an intuitive and an interesting resource that helps you to test your psychic abilities.
164. Is the ability to teleport to any location the Psychic can see clearly via Sense Projection.
165. Pretty soon when you dial 911 around here, you're going to get the Psychic Friends Network.
166. When we are working to our preferences we set up conditions where our psychic energy can flow freely.
167. Maybe you are involved in occult activities like witchcraft;spirit guides and psychic phenomena.
168. Now with the easily manipulable Romanov in power, Yuri offers the premier his grand plan to put the whole United States under Soviet control by using his psychic technology.
169. In your system of three-dimensional reality you are learning about mental energy (also called thought energy or psychic energy) and how to use it.
170. This thesis dwells upon the alienation theme in Patrick White's The Tree of Man, probing into people's experience of alienation and their psychic trauma and psychosis.
171. "I was an odd child, " Levitt says, and perhaps some kind of oddness was to be expected: his mother is a psychic, his father the world's leading expert on the science of farts.
172. Freud thought of cathexis as a psychic analog of an electrical charge.
173. Hastiness and superficiality are the psychic disease of the 20th century and more than anywhere else this disease is reflected in the press.
174. No close-up psychic prediction test surpasses this one in impact, simplicity of execution and believability ...
175. MAO gene has polymorphisms, and some of which have a close relationship with certain psychic diseases, such as major depression, alcoholism, antisocial personality disorder and so on.
176. Only psychic chirurgery or similarly extreme measures can restore sanity.
177. I’ve often quoted Carl Jung at readings: that "any psychic is Janus-faced, it looks both forwards and backwards."
178. Each dream begins with psychic energy which the individual transforms into a reality which is just as functional and real as physical reality.
179. Objective : To discuss the effect of psychic intervention to the patients psychological condition with induced abortion.
180. Throw in a psychic son and an Olive Oylish annoying wife and we’ve got a bloodbath!
181. The interesting point is that these principles have similarities with the Law of Attraction, if you discard all the psychic mumbo jumbo and "wealth creation" baggage that it carries.
182. Hopefully Sabat's death sentence will be repealed, but it does seem odd that his psychic powers didn't predict this travesty in the first place.
183. Thought Bastion: This shield protects the wielder as the Psychic Bastion feat.
184. Grigori Rasputin (1869–1916) was a Russian mystic believed by some to be a psychic and faith healer having supernatural powers.
185. Sadly, their hearts either haven't developed or have been shut down due to early psychic trauma, such as being raised by narcissistic parents, a crippling handicap both emotionally and spiritually.
186. They would use psychic powers to spy on the enemy, disable nuclear bombs with telekinesis, and effortlessly kill with the power of thought alone.
187. According to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, the libido is identified as psychic energy.
188. Since there's no evidence that the bodily or psychic energy exists in the first place, there's no way to prove that a "psychic vampire" is in fact draining that energy.
189. Mr Kitt said the child's mother was attending a psychic night in a nearby pub.




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