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单词 Repressed
1, He repressed his natural sexual desires as sinful.
2, She repressed her desire to mention his name.
3, He repressed a sudden desire to cry.
4, Brenda repressed the urge to shout at him.
5, It is anger that is repressed that leads to violence and loss of control.
6, All protest is brutally repressed by the regime.
7, His childhood was repressed and solitary.
8, The military government repressed the striking workers.
9, He repressed a shudder of disgust.
10, Rebellions in the area were bloodily repressed by pro-government forces.
11, For years he had successfully repressed the painful memories of childhood.
12, English people are notoriously repressed and don't talk about their feelings.
13, The little boy was repressed by his parents and seldom spoke.
14, He had long ago repressed the painful memories of his childhood.
15, I repressed a smile.
16, Some have charged that the Puritans were sexually repressed and inhibited.
17, The disturbance was repressed at last by the riot police.
18, The repressed archaic heritage is unconscious.
19, The vicious circle of repressed feeling is finally broken.
20, It is a form of reenactment of repressed memories, a kind of photo-theatre(), or psychic realism.
21, The moment I saw Narendra all the repressed speech of the previous weeks came out like sulphurous gas from a geyser.
22, She's probably lived such a repressed life she goes berserk when she comes out to the West Indies.
23, Either he had genuinely repressed what he knew or he refused to acknowledge it.
24, I had a lot of repressed anger toward my family that I didn't realize till my father died.
25, Some tendencies in human behaviour were encouraged, others repressed,(http:///repressed.html) and the results were both pleasant and unpleasant.
26, Not all that is unconscious is repressed, although all that is repressed is unconscious.
27, But the ways of wild nature, repressed by sheep grazing for so long, will not be held back for ever.
28, An initial period of identification is important to a repressed group that has never had adequate self-images.
29, The man-hater is locked into the initial stage of separation, where repressed hurt and previously unarticulated anger are explored.
30, The Victorian era is characterized by its strict conventions and repressed emotion.
1, She repressed her desire to mention his name.
2, He repressed a sudden desire to cry.
3, Brenda repressed the urge to shout at him.
4, It is anger that is repressed that leads to violence and loss of control.
5, The military government repressed the striking workers.
31, As if some one like me should have sat there quietly like a mouse, demure and repressed!
32, None the less, Springhall is unwilling to conclude that young people were repressed by adults.
33, Dada released an amazing fount of creativity that had been largely repressed by the ethics of previous centuries.
34, Amiss had an almost overwhelming desire to cadge a cigarette in order to demonstrate solidarity, but he repressed it.
35, It may well have been rooted in a repressed homosexuality according to the psychoanalytic model.
36, Ace repressed a shudder, while Howard looked on unaffected, having seen the stones when they first arrived at the university.
37, Fat women are defined as undesirable, asexual, maternal, sexually desperate, rampant or repressed.
38, This wish is merely repressed, not abolished, by the desire to please the parents by obeying their prohibition.
39, It could have defended the frontiers, repressed religious intolerance and done something to accelerate economic and intellectual progress.
40, Patriarchal religion is built on many millennia of repressed fear of the power of female bodily processes.
41, For years the inhabitants of these islands have been repressed by the colonizers.
42, The instincts are known to us as impulses, wishes or desires which seek direct satisfaction, unless they are totally repressed.
43, This was achieved by turning half away with a repressed sigh so that the onlooker observed the profile which photographed very pleasingly.
44, They came from Williams' dysfunctional family, his tortured psyche and his repressed homosexuality.
45, Repression is self-evidently a defensive procedure, designed to obliterate any trace of the repressed material and to safeguard against its return.
46, Arthur Penn's movie is a study of teenage trauma and repressed sexuality masquerading as a Western.
47, Perhaps we have moved on, become less hate-filled, less afraid of difference, less sexually repressed.
48, The actress plays a repressed young woman trapped in a loveless marriage.
49, For example, most abduction experiences, which often take place in childhood, are repressed and have to be recovered using hypnosis.
50, For much of the time there was continuous subcutaneous and repressed friction, broken by occasional and emotionally trying attempts at reconciliation.
51, The repressed is, says Freud, the prototype of the unconscious.
51, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
52, Freudian teaching interprets this as heavily repressed feelings of hostility towards her family.
53, Different kinds of experiences are repressed as inappropriate to the self-image one is attempting to construct.
54, Laing is still preoccupied with the authentic self, the repressed human essence.
55, For pasty-faced, repressed Limeys who lived in a rain-soaked dime of a country, this wasn't a small question.
56, Our desires to eat have been repressed, and so they surface in extreme and perverse ways.
57, The drowned body that refuses to stay submerged can be taken as a metaphor for the repressed but irrepressible female.
58, Jekyll nurses a repressed longing for the maid and her tender ministrations, and she for him.
59, Individual feelings and complexities are repressed and there is a constant threat of mutiny among family members.
60, Government traders could have been mistaken for socially conscious East Coast WASPs, had they only been a bit more repressed.
61, Lots of meaningful glances and repressed passion as only the Victorians knew how.
62, She had repressed the urge to reach over and touch her-this woman who smelled deliciously of perfume and powder.
63, Don't expect a smooth ride; liberating that which is repressed can be quite traumatic.
64, This seems more like an eroticism created by rather than repressed by the social bond.
65, Their repressed emotions were ignited by her fiery speech.
66, High oxygen concentration repressed hydrogenase formation.
67, We hindered and repressed a great deal of cruelty.
68, Their voices, their very glances, became furtive and repressed.
69, It must be quickly and sternly repressed.
70, When positive transformation occurs, the criminal motivation is repressed.
71, Social subconsciousness is the repressed social psychology.
72, Bertha repressed her gaiety and began to eat.
73, What happens to those repressed split-off parts?
74, He repressed this first, generous instinct, and recoiled before heroism.
75, And then, sex is repressed until you get to the genital stage.
76, Being repressed both by the feudal disciplines and the ridiculous social rules, they behave the sense of sadomasochism in their minds.
77, But my point here is that then philia gave rise to agape in Christian philosophy, and in this concept, erotic love is repressed and what it symbolizes is the union of the souls.
78, Some of the repressed elements were irreducibly preserved in the unconscious. The constant recurrence of dispossession piled up Bulosan's repetitive trauma through the return of the repressed.
79, Freud believed that dreams are forms of wish fulfillment—in other words, indicative of our repressed desires.
80, He flew into hardly repressed passion, and wished himself clear of the whole household.
81, Cohabitation produced virtually invisible pressure, so he has repressed into physiological psychology of repression.
81, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
82, Watching “Chasing Amy”, we accept that a repressed man could be discomfited by his girlfriend's bisexuality.
83, The little boy repressed by his parents and seldom spoke.
84, More than that, Po must come to grips with his own repressed memories of the moment that left him an abandoned infant.
85, The once savagely repressed progressive Islamist party An-Nahda won the Tunisian elections this week on a platform of pluralist democracy, social justice and national independence.
86, She added that late-blooming sexuality was often wrongly dismissed as repressed lesbians finally coming to terms with their true feelings.
87, Freud thought that dreams expressed our repressed desires. And so they do, sometimes, but much modern research suggests that dreams help in information processing and memory storage.
88, They may have recalled aspects of the trauma that were forgotten or repressed ( psychogenic amnesia ).
89, When I learned about her story, then I learned about Burma and how repressed they are by this military junta that leads Burma - that is the government.
90, Very much repressed during the Franco dictatorship, Catalan is now promoted widely in the city.
91, Last but not least, students'creativity tends to repressed due to the humdrum and dull homework.
92, And if I weren't so repressed I'd give you a hug.
93, Turkish Kurds have been repressed for decades by the Ankara government.
93, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
94, Hence, the result suggests that over deposition of collagen maybe related to the over expression and hard to be repressed of HDAC-2 in the OSF.
95, It is repressed as the logarithm of the opacity of the material.
96, At the heart of the Lil' Slugger mystery that sweeps the nation is the repressed childhood memory of the first victim.
97, For Freud, repression was a defence mechanism - the repressed memories are often traumatic in nature, but, although hidden, they continue to exert an effect on behaviour.
98, "Inception" was an impressive demonstration of Christopher Nolan's command of time and space, but Scorsese's gothic nightmare was an altogether deeper and more troubling excavation of the repressed.
99, All such professors of the several branches of jocularity would have been sternly repressed, not only by the rigid discipline of law, but by the general sentiment which gives law its vitality.
100, They set the shop on fire to blow off their repressed emotion.
101, He repressed a smile.
102, Further analysis showed that WOX11 directly repressed RR2, a type-A cytokinin-responsive regulator gene that was found to be expressed in crown root primordia.
103, The current wave of protests may die down or be brutally repressed.
104, The desire - sober and repressed - of Elizabeth - Jane's heart was indeed to see, to hear, and to understand.
105, When repressed, they do not hide behind any trifling thing but behind ideas and figures that have already become problematical for other reasons, and intensify and complicate their dubious nature.




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