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单词 Far-reaching
1. The practice had far-reaching environmental consequences.
2. These countries need to carry out far-reaching reforms to modernize their economies.
3. Our findings have far-reaching consequences for researchers.
4. Tourism has had far-reaching effects on the island's culture.
5. President Kennedy's assassination had far-reaching repercussions.
6. The new report has far-reaching implications for the future of broadcasting.
7. The research has far-reaching implications for medicine as a whole.
8. These new laws will have far-reaching benefits for all working mothers.
9. The economy is in danger of collapse unless far-reaching reforms are implemented.
10. Sectorisation had especially far-reaching consequences for Railfreight.
11. The doctrine had a far-reaching, devastating impact.
12. He initiated far-reaching studies of the clustering of galaxies.
13. The constituency agitation had far-reaching consequences.
14. In one area Tanucci did aim at far-reaching change.
15. That has led to a suggestion with far-reaching consequences.
16. This culminated in the imposition of far-reaching controls.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. That could have far-reaching implications for the country.
18. The twenty-five articles of the decree were far-reaching and generally beneficial.
19. Debate over the far-reaching consequences of the attempted confiscation action should not die with their acquittal.
20. The second had far-reaching implications: A new medical discharge policy was announced.
21. Usually though, to make far-reaching decisions correctly and capitalise on opportunity, vital intelligence is essential.
22. The shift in the balance of power in the region has had far-reaching consequences.
23. Diplomats meeting in Chile have laid the groundwork for far-reaching environmental regulations.
24. Young people were already feeling insecure because of the far-reaching changes going on around them and the uncertainties about the reform programme.
25. And if it meant that Senna were to lose the championship, then the legal ramifications would be far-reaching.
26. The new government provoked widespread rebellion by instituting a series of far-reaching reforms in a brutal and disorganised manner.
27. We conclude, therefore, that the radical perspective on the labour process offers a far-reaching critique of conventional organisation theory.
28. For knowledge of different worlds helped them to see challenges' with better, more far-reaching perspectives.
29. Monkey business A legal case in Los Angeles County may have far-reaching implications for the rights of our closest non-human relatives.
30. This attitude was also responsible for a new horological invention that was ultimately to be of far-reaching social significance.
1. The practice had far-reaching environmental consequences.
2. These countries need to carry out far-reaching reforms to modernize their economies.
31. These different views of who the clients are also have far-reaching implications for how we organise the delivery of care.
32. Attempts to change the land-based activities that cause coastal pollution would have far-reaching economic, political and social consequences.
33. A far-reaching and comprehensive strategy, carefully integrated with broader plans for health care reform, is required.
34. The changes of the 1980s were more far-reaching than those of the 1930s.
35. Only surrounded by an even more far-reaching particular manifestation of life, such a thing as the expression of sorrow or affection.
36. The connection between this form of critique and freedom is more far-reaching still.
37. The study also suggests that there may be even more far-reaching effects of low fares.
38. Failure to communicate successfully will have far-reaching consequences - bad reviews, the need to repeat a class.
39. This is not surprising, since the effects of the industrial revolution were at this time causing far-reaching changes in society.
40. It has been paralleled by far-reaching changes in the ways in which politicians seek to influence their electorate.
41. This radical break with tradition had far-reaching effects on the tone and substance of the poetry.
42. But either way, its offering of a database engine will have an enormous and far-reaching impact.
43. Nevertheless it can have a far-reaching effect on the lives of those identified as known or suspected abusers.
44. In this day and age almost all of the most positive and far-reaching developments in pollution prevention originate in industry.
45. As Secretary of the Treasury you planted the seeds for the most far-reaching tax reform in our history.
46. But in the past twenty years there had been two far-reaching changes.
46. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
47. The implications of these presuppositions are far-reaching and affect every conceivable aspect of man's life.
48. It was a defeat which was to have profound and far-reaching consequences for state medical regulation of sexuality.
49. In fact, the new conditions of work require a coordinated effort and activities that are much more proactive and far-reaching.
50. The disintegration of the left's main power-base will have far-reaching consequences.
51. The effect of these changes will be far-reaching and transport will, in many respects, be at the sharp end.
52. It is possible to climb the circular stairs to enjoy far-reaching views from the towers and battlements.
53. However, out work carries immense potential, even more far-reaching than our own lives.
54. The most far-reaching omission was the lack of any firm commitment to a policy for integration.
55. The early weeks of the new era saw far-reaching institutional change throughout the country.
56. Virgo: an unexpected outing could have far-reaching consequences, bringing romance into your life.
57. Among his many far-reaching reforms, Gorbachev effected a transfer of power from Communist Party to executive presidency.
58. Important innovations were introduced by the 1919 Act, which were to have far-reaching implications.
59. We have not discussed what may well be the most far-reaching effect of the physical side of our courtship.
60. The effects of the war on the economy were far-reaching.
61. The most far-reaching change could be a cut in the capital gains tax.
62. Now they seem unwilling or unable to push for such far-reaching changes.
63. Pupils with less severe hearing impairments may also need modifications to the requirements, but of a less far-reaching nature.
64. Eickman said movie-making provides far-reaching financial benefits for the city, adding an estimated $ 50 million to the economy in 1994.
65. The outcome will set a precedent with far-reaching implications for the whole restitution process.
66. When this appears to happen literally the child may feel a guilt that can have far-reaching consequences.
67. But it also has some serious drawbacks, especially during times of far-reaching change.
68. New Labour, by contrast, has embarked on the most far-reaching programme of constitutional reform attempted in this country this century.
69. The court's decision will have far-reaching implications for the health care industry.
70. But other organisations supporting traditional woodland management have more far-reaching objectives in mind.
71. The railways not only made a direct physical impact on the landscape: their indirect effects were equally powerful and far-reaching.
72. The most far-reaching internal investigation in Phoenix police history cost four officers their jobs Friday for purchasing banned rifles under false pretenses.
73. This means he must look for what had the most far-reaching effects.
74. Obviously there are far-reaching differences between early modern metaphysics and post-structuralism.
75. This, the most far-reaching of the bill's proposals, would have resulted in the prohibition of over 300 pesticides.
76. Much of this reflects the entrenched acute-service bias of the National Health Service, and major change would have far-reaching implications.
76. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
77. Changes were taking place, though at the time no one fully appreciated how far-reaching these changes were to be.
78. This strange argument has far-reaching implications for understanding Freud's theory as being a social one.
79. This led to developments in both music and the Liturgy which were probably more far-reaching than the Council Fathers anticipated.
80. It can have far-reaching financial consequences affecting not just you, but your home and family too.
81. Investors took their money elsewhere, prompting a far-reaching economic crisis.
82. "That's how far-reaching the Lakers are, " Mantilla said.
83. Japan and the whole force of a battle fleet, though risky, but both far-reaching.
84. Cato's agricultural thought far-reaching impact on future generations, some of its advanced agricultural business management concept is still worthy of our study and use for reference.
85. Embedded access network interface protocol development based on Real Time Operation System is a promising area and has far-reaching theory research and practical application value.
86. Begin advanced sex to teach a meaning more special, influence particularly far-reaching .
87. He compared the insignificant white - washed strip with the far-reaching continent of unwhitewashed fence.
88. Introversive thinking has exerted profound and far-reaching influences upon traditional Chinese artistic theory, hence its clear-cut subject spirit.
89. In order to avoid emotional impetuousness, exaggerating in publicity and superficial understanding, should we go back to the study and listen attentively to the remote and far-reaching teaching?
90. Since the new policy of export rebate was implemented on January 1, 2004, it has made a far-reaching impact on our nation's export industries.
91. A shutdown would be far-reaching, since among other actions it would stop payment of government suppliers and possibly close private enterprises reliant on government operations.
92. Therefore, the research on tread pattern noise control not only has far-reaching theoretical importance, but also has abundant practical value.
93. The revival and spread of Aristotle's doctrine in medieval Latin World exerted a tremendous and far-reaching influence on the development of Western culture.
94. When combined with the telephone, the changes in banking are really far-reaching.
95. In order to provide students with the opportunity to experiment with their boldest and most far-reaching ideas, drafts are ungraded .
96. All these efforts will have a far-reaching impact on the establishment and perfection of the legal responsibility system under public international law.
97. Their findings have far-reaching implications for those who find themselves socially isolated?
98. The far-reaching pact has also made sure the Cold War is consigned to history with a joint peace declaration.
99. The Epistolary Novel The New Heloise, one of Rousseaus most famous literary works, has far-reaching implications in the history of literature.
100. The shapely phase change material(PCM) was a new type of environmental material for energy-storing with far-reaching significance.
101. Professor Pu Linzi warned parents not to let children, youth exposure to a variety of products containing p-phenylenediamine, these harmful chemical dyes may lead to far-reaching consequences.
102. The economic consequences of the Black Death were far-reaching. As a result of the plague, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of labor.
103. The IMF is also warning a downgrading in US sovereign debt will have a far-reaching global impact.
104. Getting to the bottom of the said problems, we find that the talent promotion policy of Yao and Shun is the original source and its effect is very far-reaching.
105. Not long ago I established the big study project of the translation of the Five Classics, and this truly has a far-reaching significance.
106. They painted the deep solid, supported by - level design, style stable, far-reaching conception.
106. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
107. The negotiations surrounding SALT I and SALT II provided a foundation for Reagan's far-reaching arms control agreements with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in the last years of the Cold War.
108. Vincent: A Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose work had a far-reaching influence on 20th century art as a result of its vivid colors and emotional impact.
109. Peter I became sole ruler of Russia in 1696 at the age of 23 and lost no time in setting about a far-reaching programme of reform that transformed his country by opening it up to western influences.
110. The geometric thinking in the analysis Liman , on the basis of mathematics and physics it focuses on the two areas of the far-reaching implications.
111. We can find, derating , raise an increase of to peasant different fields influence very much far-reaching.
112. As amended in 1990, the law is one of the most far-reaching pieces of air pollution control legislation in the world.
113. His works had a far-reaching influence on the subsequent Fauvism and Expressionism.
114. The consequences of this implicit approach are far-reaching. The "supplementary topics" section at the end of this chapter will include more comments about implicitness .
115. So engineering cybernetics becomes a mature disciplinary branch of cybernetics with extremely far-reaching influences. In his advanced years, together with other scholars, Qian has ...
116. This session of the Commission on the status of Women is of great significance and far-reaching impacts.
117. The resolution of the Congress which first proclaimed Armistice Day, described November 11, 1918, as the end of "the most destructive, sanguinary and far-reaching war in the history of human annals."
118. Therefore, research on terrestrial transmission technique according to digital television standard of our country has far-reaching meaning.
119. His continuing education idea of the combination of "learning" and "practicing" had a profound meaning and had a far-reaching influence on the afterworld .
120. It was put forward that utilizing sufficiently and innovating the Calligraphy art has the far-reaching meanings for modern packaging design combined with contemporaneity art technique.
121. Lin: I do not expect the effects from the Dubai World crisis to be very far-reaching, in part because of quick measures in Dubai to resolve the problems.
122. Among them, professor Yang Xiaobai translated more than 60 Arabic to learn work, the professor in Lizhen in Arabia Mohammedan culture studies the domain is far-reaching.
123. In our reading for today a prophet speaks far-reaching words of judgment that aren't fulfilled until about 300 years have passed (see 2 Kings 23:15-20).
124. But the impact of a conflict over a storm-tossed and otherwise unremarkable stretch of water south of China and bordered by most South East Asian states would be far-reaching.
125. Management identified and assessed risk in the context of the company's strategy, objectives, and alternative responses, and developed a far-reaching inventory control system.
126. The full opening of China's A-share market to foreign funds will have a far-reaching impact on the pattern of global investment in both short and long terms.
127. Foundation and development in our country of supplementary pension will have a far-reaching impact on capital market.
128. In truth, the Russians express no desire to return to Communism as a far-reaching Marxist-Leninist ideology, whether the Soviet version or the much attenuated one in Beijing.
129. In order to provide students with the opportunity to experiment with their boldest and most far-reaching ideas, drafts are ungraded (though required).
130. Toyota has recalled more than 5.3 million vehicles in the past year and been forced to institute the most far-reaching sales program in its history in order to attract buyers.
131. The study on the danger aspect of environment is of far-reaching significance.
132. This timely and controversial new book summarises what we already know about psychopathy and antisocial behavior and puts forward a new case for its cause - with far-reaching implications.
133. Perhaps the most far-reaching project is an initiative called Living Implants From Engineering ( LIFE ).
134. Lindenstrauss, the ICM citation says, "has made far-reaching advances in ergodic theory," which studies the statistical behavior of dynamical systems.
135. This paper introduces an ancient private school reading matter of our country Kiloword Script, from its creative work process, the main contents and the far-reaching effects to the later generations.
136. It is a predatory industry with far-reaching consequences that can't be quantified in a silly study masquerading as science.
137. The applications will show that the rather dry considerations have far-reaching consequences.
138. Her simplest acts seemed to be the result of far-reaching intentions.
139. The law instrumentalism has far-reaching influence on the development of legal theory in China.
140. Knights courtly love in cavalier literature, which holds a special position in western culture, exerts a far-reaching impact on later literary.
141. Leuciscus extremely fierce system has important democratic historical significance, and on later has far-reaching influence.
142. Chopin's Polonaise dance music has exerted far-reaching influence on the development of music on the world-wide scale and rendered us plentiful inspirations.
143. All this reveals the far-reaching change and impact of domus Augusta on the relationship between family and state.
144. Christ left us with the great far-reaching promise: "Be of good cheer,[] I have overcome the world."
145. When one is very poor , his ambition is not far-reaching.
146. Religious culture is an important part in ancient Egyptian civilization which exerted far-reaching influence on the ancient Egyptian psychological medicine.
147. The Second Vatican Council had far-reaching influence on the development of Christianity all over the world, and became the milestone in modem Catholic history.
148. Setting up a basic cost of living allowance system for all urban and rural residents has great and far-reaching significance for promoting social fairness and building a harmonious society.
149. The media did report his unoriginal but far-reaching suggestion that one remedy would be more political reform.




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