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单词 Scattershot
1 The report condemns America's scattershot approach to training workers.
2 The bizarre circumstances of her early life left her with a scatter-shot education and an early talent for embellishing the truth.
3 You eat the trap without him blowing scattershot.
4 That said, a scattershot approach won't help Amazon become the single defining platform that bridges digital media and commerce.
5 But the distribution of food was scattershot, and every outlet was swamped with desperate crowds.
6 The animal kingdom merely takes a scattershot approach to improving its species.
7 However, blindly, the scattershot deepening referential symbols is irresponsible, and is contrary to the original intention.
8 Scattershot has been moved from the Marksmanship Tree to Tier 3 of the Survival Tree.
9 "The dissemination effort is scattershot at best," said Revanche Jefrizal Kabuik, head of the Tsunami Alert Community, also known as KOGAMI, a non-governmental organisation in western Sumatra.
10 In America, scattershot state-level policies have failed to converge on any coherent action, and precious little information exists on exactly where the country's discarded gadgets are going.
11 So their struggle was often scattershot and regularly violent, involving attacks on Chinese police stations and bombings of buses and other acts.
12 Nature is so wasteful because scattershot strategies are the best way to do what mathematicians refer to as fully exploring "the potential space."
13 What you need to do is be more careful in your scattershot approach to labeling people as bigots.
14 Little or no knowledge of a holistic view of any given science is needed to construct such scattershot attacks.
15 Our uncertainty about this question is reflected in our scattershot approach to markers of adulthood.
16 Mash the restealth key since sometimes the trap does break early (especially if you already ate scattershot) and you can avoid his aimed shot but of course eats rest of the hits.
17 The policy - related passages in " The Audacity of Hope " , his second autobiography, are scattershot and banal.
18 Instead of beating the bushes for customers with individual referrals or scattershot ads, you can tap into a targeted group of consumers en masse to jumpstart sales.
19 Shattered Sun Pendant of Might will no longer break crowd control effects such as Scattershot with its triggered effect.
20 Business leaders, the famous 1%, need to resist the urge to dismiss the whole movement based on the scattershot and at times ill-conceived nature of the arguments on the placards.
21 Finding silver bullets in farm science must now give way to scattershot approaches, often tailored to local conditions.




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