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单词 neighbour
释义  neigh·bour British English, neighbor American English /ˈneɪbə $ -bər/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable]  1  DHNEARsomeone who lives next to you or near you 邻居,邻人 One of the neighbors complained about the noise from the party. 有位邻居抱怨聚会太吵。 FBI agents were interviewing all their friends and neighbors. 联邦调查局人员正在向他们所有的朋友和邻居问话。 Our next-door neighbours (=the people who live in the house next to us) say they’ll look after our cat for us while we’re away. 我们隔壁的邻居说,我们不在时他们会照顾我们的猫。2  a country that is next to another one 邻国 → bordering Israel and its Arab neighbours 以色列及其阿拉伯邻国3  NEARsomeone or something that is next to another person or thing of the same type 身边的人;靠近的东西 The teacher saw Phil passing a note to his neighbour. 老师看见菲尔给坐在他旁边的人递了一张纸条。 The garden was divided from its neighbour by a high wall. 这座花园和相邻的花园被一堵高墙隔开了。Examples from the Corpusneighbour• She won a beauty competition in her local newspaper in 1981 after being nominated by a neighbour.• Each standing stone collects the raw power and channels it to its inward neighbour.• This shadowing phenomenon can be used to determine nearest neighbour interatomic distances in surfaces.• And when they have cleared go round to see some neighbour.• One of his daughters takes me to borrow the telephone of a surly neighbour, who insists I pay for the call.neigh·bour nounChineseSyllable  near someone you to you or Corpus who next lives




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