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单词 Citizen
1. As a citizen, you should obey these rules.
2. Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.
3. Every citizen must pay taxes.
4. An honorable Chinese citizen should be jealous of his own rights.
5. Six years of total war had left no citizen untouched.
6. We, the people, still believe that every citizen deserves a basic measure of security and dignity.
7. He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
8. Every citizen should uphold the Constitution.
9. She became a US citizen.
10. When did you become a US citizen?
11. I don't appreciate being treated like a second-class citizen.
12. She is a prominent citizen of the town.
13. She's an American citizen but lives in Canada.
14. He applied to become an American citizen.
15. I invite every citizen to carefully study the document.
16. Every citizen could buy shares in privatized state property.
17. Any public-spirited citizen would have done the same.
18. The king was visiting France as a private citizen.
19. He was naturalized as a British citizen in 1940.
20. He became a British citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
21. He went into TV and got his first break playing opposite Sid James in the series "Citizen James".
22. 10.One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.
23. Jeff has permanent residence in Canada, but is still a US citizen.
24. She's Italian by birth but is now an Australian citizen.
25. One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.
26. It was argued that the civil and political status and rights of the citizen must be enshrined in a bill of rights.
27. He is a Dane inasmuch as he was born in Denmark,(http://) but he became a British citizen at the age of 30.
28. No one who ignores the law can call themselves a good citizen.
29. Before becoming a full-blown director, he worked as the film editor on Citizen Kane.
30. She is German by birth but is now a French citizen.
1. As a citizen, you should obey these rules.
2. Every citizen must pay taxes.
3. Six years of total war had left no citizen untouched.
4. Jeff has permanent residence in Canada, but is still a US citizen.
5. She's Italian by birth but is now an Australian citizen.
6. He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
7. She became a US citizen.
8. He became a British citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
9. It is obligatory on every citizen to safeguard our great motherland.
31. He emphasized that he was speaking as a private citizen, not in any official capacity.
32. When you're old, people treat you like a second-class citizen.
33. Mueller changed his name to Miller when he became a U.S. citizen.
34. It's not clear how the new law will affect the ordinary citizen.
35. He was a rebel in his teens but he's a respectable citizen these days.
36. She accused the government of trampling on the needs and rights of the ordinary citizen.
37. He became a citizen in 1978, thereby gaining the right to vote.
38. A citizen must not be relieved from fulfilling the fundamental duties of citizens.
39. It is obligatory on every citizen to safeguard our great motherland.
40. To be elected to the House a person must be twenty-five years old and must have been a United States citizen for seven years.
41. She is regarded as an upstanding citizen in the local community.
42. After living in France for years, she eventually became a French citizen. Subject can be used when the state is ruled by a king or queen:a British subject. National is most often used when somebody is living in another country:diplomats and foreign nationals.
43. The average citizen in the developed world uses over 155kg of paper per year.
44. She behaved as any upright citizen would have under the circumstances.
45. Under the law, every citizen has access to their official records.
46. And a Senator must have been a citizen of the United States for nine years at the time of his election.
47. This accusationof bribery is a vile smear on an honourable citizen.
48. He entered the United States in 1988 as a permanent resident because of his marriage to a U.S. citizen.
49. As a senior citizen, he is allowed to audit university classes.
50. Any public-spirited citizen would have been.
51. He visited it as a private citizen.
52. But he had always been a good citizen.
53. To us he will always be a Soviet citizen.
54. Claire is now a citizen of the US.
55. Thus ends the story of Reading's most notorious citizen.
56. Did you ever see his obituary in the Citizen?
57. I am a good citizen, a nice person.
58. Beaches Miserable at being a second class citizen?
59. Most were invisible to the average citizen.
60. "Citizen Kane" details the rise of a ruthless tycoon.
61. The middle-class citizen becomes the hero.
62. Clearly, the company has been a good corporate citizen.
63. Why is the average citizen unaware of this problem?
64. This choice of language is for example particularly important in communicating to youth and senior citizen markets.
65. He's an honest, responsible citizen who respects the law and is dedicated to his family.
66. The crowded church was silent for a few seconds at these words no citizen of Decin had ever heard before.
67. She was made an honorary citizen of Oklahoma that year.
68. The city chose existing citizen advisory boards and commissions as its vehicle for citizen participation.
69. If the model democratic citizen is active, participating, and influential, is this what the ordinary man aspires to be?
70. Later the Lopez family was sickened to see the poetry of Gina Celaya printed in the Citizen.
71. Douglas Hurd's active citizen and John Patten's lager louts are both given an airing.
72. Annie had been born in slavery, and this made her a notable citizen.
73. The Citizen is not circulated to my part of the world, and but little even in Tucson.
74. It installed the device in 1994 in response to a complaint by a citizen.
75. M., and will become a naturalized citizen in October 1997.
76. He says I don't think he's a responsible enough citizen.
77. Every citizen of the twenty-first century should be required to read the personal experiences of the residents of the bombed city.
78. The citizen ought to be able to find the basic law, the principal law, in statutory form.
79. Eventually he decided to move from the town where he had been known as a prosperous citizen.
80. Walter argues that the Convention guarantees compensation whenever a citizen is deprived of property.
81. The judgment encouraged citizen groups supporting term-limit initiatives in other states.
82. But the comparison with the position of the citizen, on the law as it stands at present, is most unattractive.
83. The surprising part was the level of sophistication with which the average citizen was mulling his market strategies.
84. Citizen committees endorsed the idea repeatedly, but city and county governments have been unable and unwilling to do it.
85. Jeff has permanent residence in Canada, but as a U.S. citizen, he still has to file taxes with the IRS.
86. An individual who is passive, utterly apathetic and withdrawn from community life is no true citizen.
87. He is concerned with the well-being of every citizen, and is a kind, prudent, generous man.
88. Further, this principle should not be inapplicable simply because the citizen paid the money under mistake of law.
89. Chapter 8 will examine forms of institutional arrangements regarding such matters as executive-legislative relations, party system, and citizen democracy.
90. Noriko's a Japanese citizen, but her parents are originally from South Korea.
91. He was an active if conventional soldier and citizen; and from early manhood he wrote plays.
92. We are, indeed, a nation of the law, and every citizen is guaranteed certain minimum rights.
93. Naturally, we hope every citizen will vote, a simple obligation of democracy with results that profoundly affect our lives.
94. Citizen discussion panels need to explore issues such as public transport, community care, or response to unemployment.
95. The upstanding citizen was able to make a collect call to his wife.
96. A different vision of the company might draw upon the democratic ideal which inspires the relation of the citizen to the state.
97. When a famous citizen died, he was commemorated by a statue or a plaque.
98. She was later picked up on a country road by a passing citizen, police said.
99. So the citizen could only flourish as a person by acting as a part or member of the whole, the community.
100. Normally, any ordinary citizen subject to dropped charges would receive a stony-faced apology and the opportunity to leave via the public foyer.
101. Thus is the citizen beset by the vision of a terrifying Trinity - Unaccountability, Inaccessibility and Unintelligibility.
102. In making policy city officials rely on over fifty citizen advisory boards and commissions for citizen input.
103. There seems to be no animosity towards foreigners on the part of the ordinary citizen.
104. Such a deeply mistaken belief can only come from a citizen of a country with a disciplinarian attitude to politics.
105. Every activity of the individual citizen is subject to scrutiny by the state, in the name of the public interest.
106. Citizen groups have mounted campaigns to silence the drug ballads in several states, but the popular songs play on.
107. To paraphrase Jefferson, that means every citizen should receive those services and be capable of using them.
108. Voting is one of the most important things you receive as a citizen.
109. He would state all these things and would add that Citizen Oswald takes no part in the social life of the shop.
110. In time of crisis her presence was expected, for she was a citizen of stature.
111. Even though the spraying programs were greatly curtailed after the 1957 debacle, citizen outrage intensified.
112. People who join citizen militias often believe the government is out of control and armed citizens are needed to prevent federal tyranny.
113. She seized his arm, turning him to see better, knowing it was a citizen bracelet.
114. Regulars say that's typical, but it obviously means that only certain kinds of motivated citizen bother to participate.
115. Citizen, a watch maker, helps all its suppliers to reduce their costs by at least 3 percent a year.
116. Because Dred Scott was property, he could never become a citizen of any state.
117. Citizen Oswald came to town wearing his dark tie, cashmere sweater and gray flannel suit.
117. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
118. With Citizen Kane, what you hear on tape is how they sing live.
119. Doublespeak, purveyed through television news and cinema, invades the mind of every citizen.
120. Another source of increasing tension in the federal aid system concerned citizen participation in decisionmaking.
121. A private citizen, secretly acting for the clergy, had pretended he was buying the land for non-religious purposes.
122. The active influential citizen described ill normative political theory is not excused from the obligations of the subject.
123. Does not the concept of a citizen imply the existence of a society?
124. In his private capacity, the president is subject to lawsuits like any other citizen, the panel maintained.
125. The audit report was also critical of the amount of funds allocated to staff support of citizen participation activities.
126. As part of the citizen participation requirements, councils had been set up in four model cities and twelve antipoverty target neighborhoods.
127. The hands-off policy was extended to the structure of citizen participation and the social targeting provisions.
128. There was a slight hiccup in the 1950s when a good citizen of Edinburgh objected to our bearing the arms.
129. More often than not the average member of the House, when first elected, is not a prominent citizen.
130. The five paramilitary officers from the Rathcoole district had each an unblemished record as a law-abiding citizen.
131. You, the citizen, must pay for these awards in increased premiums, their advertisements say.
132. One is a shift by the government from an emphasis on the adult active citizen to the young novice citizen.
133. One danger of treating all crime as sickness is that it makes the criminal a second-class citizen.
134. The expansion of citizen participation is greatly threatened today by government secrecy, industrial monopolies, and a closed media.
135. But for all this, the fact remains that the citizen of the agricultural welfare state is not a primal hunter-gatherer.
136. Two days later Diana took a well-earned break, her last as a private citizen.
137. I think this is one of the major rights and responsibilities when you become a citizen.
138. Crime prevention has becomes the responsibility of the private citizen.
139. Hence a knowledgeable citizen may not wish to have 502 reduction measures carried out beyond what is reasonable.
140. The court's ruling should be of interest to every citizen of Texas.
141. The essence of it was the direct personal participation of the citizen body in the government of the city.
142. The inhibitions of the average citizen were hot to trot.
143. It would ensure that the vote of every citizen had equal weight.
144. Liem had previously visited Pyongyang in 1977 as a private citizen.
145. Public and administrative law Law can prohibit or regulate activities: The citizen can obey or break the law.
146. The Department was notorious for its blatant discrimination against non-U.S. citizen employees.
147. The fact of production and the images presented have strong economic implications for the film and television industry and the ordinary citizen.
148. The plan was to love her for ever and then, somehow, become a good citizen.
149. Yet another way that Proposition 187 is stirring Californians is through citizen involvement.
150. If it does not, all its claims to be the guardian of the citizen and service user fall to nothing.
151. Aim: emphasis upon the responsible citizen, and the idea of service.
152. In the evening I was invited to have dinner with a citizen of the city, whose son is a student of.
153. At this point, economic incentives and bureaucratic rules alone are impotent to make him a useful citizen.
154. These are basic issues that have to be driven home to every individual citizen.
155. A citizen assigned to jury duty is jailed for throwing a temper tantrum before a judge.
156. There may be other local groups who can be contacted through lists kept at public libraries, or Citizen Advice Bureaux.
157. Outside the door of the workplace, Mary McCafferty, the citizen, has constitutional rights.
158. The pool with adjoining free form beach area caters for all age groups from the toddler to the senior citizen.
159. These reforms will ensure that every citizen is guaranteed a decent minimum income, whether or not they are in employment.
160. Now the obstacles seem even greater for Dole, the private citizen.
161. Fahd became a British citizen after living there for several years.
162. Finding an affable, unapologetic citizen who believed this stuff was unnerving.
163. Indeed, it is often suggested that a major problem with the procedure is its lack of accessibility to the private citizen.
164. A government or religion prescribes and imposes sanctions selected by their effectiveness in controlling citizen or communicant.
165. The competitive market is advocated because it is held to promote efficiency in resource allocation and the liberty of the individual citizen.
166. But once the sentence has been paid, the criminal is entitled to society's help to become a good citizen.
167. The government was to issue vouchers to every citizen to enable them to buy shares in factories and enterprises.
168. The complacent citizen looks up and sees a distant jet's contrails, whooshing along in impressive white streams.
169. Being a first-class citizen is about that kind of civic engagement.
170. A citizen should play an active part.-He might hold a local office.
171. When the Senate adopts a measure by 100 votes to none, the ordinary citizen should count the spoons.
172. Socialism does not work. Ask your dad or any citizen of the Soviet Republic..
173. Pro-Republican Catholics did express their opinions in newspapers such as the Leeds Citizen.
174. The average citizen feels completely powerless faced with the rising tide of crime and violence.
175. The militia and citizen patrols remained primarily responsible for control of the black population.
176. Wringe further argues that the picture of the active citizen heavily engaged in voluntary service is something of a contradiction.
177. It implies that the police fully enforces every law against the citizen.
178. The individual citizen was beginning to learn he had recourse against the all powerful government.
179. Tishkevich, the personnel chief,( ) told Citizen Oswald that his performance as a regulator was unsatisfactory.
180. He wanted to fit right in, and present himself as proud citizen of the fair place.
181. The point about an adult citizen is that he has these rights, privileges, duties and responsibilities whether or not he wants them.
182. Under Prop. 65, citizen groups must file a 60-day notice claiming jurisdiction to sue alleged violators.
183. Childbirth might seem to be the last inalienable right of any female citizen within a civilized society.
184. Of course we are speaking of those cases where the state is not put to an action if the citizen refuses to pay.
185. Finally, the citizen must, if true to his quality, be possessed of some civic virtue.
186. Buddy is running from July 27 to August 12 and Citizen has six pairs of tickets for the show.
187. The norms of citizen behavior found in these texts stress the participant aspects of political culture.
188. The Senate would even have required citizen participation in the execution of the program.
189. That act of citizen charity left Barry free to reclaim city hall once he got out of jail.
190. The result, according to the story, was that she could never become a citizen.
191. Not to hurt or be hurt, not to be a good citizen or a hero or a moral man.
192. Such disputes are often disputes between citizen and citizen, though the employer will often be a partnership or company.
193. In some states, no-fault insurance has made it easier for the citizen to collect for minor collison damage in automobile wrecks.
194. Take any tax or duty paid by the citizen pursuant to an unlawful demand.
195. From the ashes there arose, by public subscription, a new Daily Citizen, responsible and relatively free.
196. Crawford was eager to allow the bureaucrats to steamroller over any meaningful citizen participation in the process.
197. The law permits every citizen to use reasonable force to defend themselves or their property.
198. In the face of the need for such massive expenditures, the average citizen is overwhelmed.
199. The area plan was scrutinized by the citizen task force and the mayor, and minor revisions were made in boundaries.
200. They were expelled, and replaced by an Athenian citizen colony, strategically placed to hold the straits of Artemision.
201. It was at this time that the idea of a citizen militia to defend the constitution against its enemies gathered support.
202. The publication of a book by a private citizen led to the breaking-off of diplomatic relations.
203. So far, one citizen has used the lifts on the fixed-route buses.
204. Citizen involvement began in 1972 to coincide with the approval of a large urban renewal project.
205. The average citizen can enhance his or her own knowledge about agencies like ours.
206. We will create a Supreme Court to entrench and defend these fundamental reforms to the relationship between the citizen and the state.
207. I am normally a law-abiding citizen but I had not a single scruple.
208. The democratic citizen is expected to be active in politics and to be involved.
209. A new print of "Citizen Kane" has just been released.
210. Citizen de Tocqueville: There, gentlemen, is Baboeuf's program.
211. Abel, now a Citizen of the Republic of Singapore.
212. At the time, we were told our group marked the 1000th U.S. citizen to visit the country since the end of the Korean War.
213. Citizen de Tocqueville (turning toward the left): It might, perhaps become so, if you allow it to happen, [much approval] but it will not.
214. He is the recipient of the 1995/6 Wolf Foundation Prize for Music and an Honorary Citizen of Tel-Aviv-Yafo.
215. Article 16 A citizen may, by means of a will made in accordance with the provisions of this Law, dispose of the property he owns and may appoint a testamentary executor for the purpose.
216. William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, vigorously defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.
217. It simplifies the procedures for the citizen participation, reduces the interest express cost and the government decision-making cost, and enable citizens to express interest in order.
218. With a visa, a foreign citizen is allowed to travel to a U.S. port of entry.
219. A candidate for president, for example, must be a natural-born citizen of the United States, at least 35 years old, and a resident of the United States for at least 14 years.
220. More than 400 years ago, a great citizen wished to imbed the 5th of November forever in our memory.
221. In China, every citizen who has reached the age of eighteen has the right to vote and stand for election.
222. A Japanese citizen failed in his attempt to commit Seppuku, a form of ritual suicide by disembowelment, in front of the Houses of Parliament in Tokyo Monday after police foiled his bid.
223. You've invented not only the famous Kalashnikov machine gun itself but also a national brand which every Russian, every citizen of our country is proud of.
224. Yves Lion offers the vision of a Paris engulfed in forests and fields where every citizen would cultivate their own vegetable patch.
225. Firstly, it is an objective necessary of the development of socialist market economy which asks citizen for independence, awareness of fair competition, right and duty , rule -by-law .
226. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) once called him Washington's most important citizen, and city officials said at the airport that he will always be a Washingtonian.
227. Spain has demanded a prompt explanation from Morocco after 12 people including a Spanish citizen were killed when Moroccan security forces raided a protest camp in Western Sahara.
228. If you are a good corporate citizen Yammer would look a bit career-threatening - for reasons explained below.
229. Bout, a Russian citizen, was arrested in Bangkok in March 2008 following a sting operation by U.S. agents posing as members of the FARC, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.
230. One must learn to weed out incendiary polemics and agitprop from the whirling online maelstrom to become an informed and thoughtful citizen.
231. Any citizen of the Union, and any natural or legal person residing or having its registered office in a Member State, has a right of access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.
232. His house in Berlin was ransacked by the Nazis. Einstein gave up his German citizenship in 1932 and became a naturalised American citizen in 1940.
233. But he is denounced - and gravely - by the Citizen and Citizeness Defarge.
234. A citizen should be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the nation.
235. S . citizen who lives with you in China a strong tie to China.
236. Some loan plans require a U.S. citizen/resident to co-sign, meaning they guarantee that the loan will be repaid.
237. There are now two principles in the international tax jurisdiction, which forms the jurisdiction of income resource of the state taxation,(http:///citizen.html) resident jurisdiction and citizen jurisdiction.
238. This is a citizen and national interactive process and a combination of bottom-up and top-down process.
239. The paper is a reflection on the four views currently prevalent in the West concerning citizen education: liberalism, republicanism , communalism, and pluralism.
240. Today every citizen aged eighteen or over has the right to vote.
241. In the practice of decision-making, typical approaches of citizen participation include public hearing, consultative committee and so on.
242. If all the above is the superficies, then China's unique deep issue is the weakness of citizen society.
243. It begins to protest and agitate just as soon as any tax begins to act protectively, and it denounces any tax that one citizen levies on another.
244. But in city, the main labor for citizen is brainwork. Female has enough abilities to accomplish it. So there is no different between boys and girls.
245. Social contradictions are to blame for the attacks, Wen said. The government is striving to ease the tensions at grass-roots level to protect not only every child but also every citizen, he said.
246. Concretely arrive a translation idea, we don't approve to be naturalized as a citizen translation method.
247. Citizen legislatures are made up of elected officials who work in their normal jobs year-round but take time out to attend legislative sessions and enact laws.
248. Perhaps nationalism has succeeded Communism as the creed of Red China, but its rulers show signs of wanting to make their country a good citizen of the world.
249. Article 67 Any legal person,() other organization or citizen that is capable of fulfilling a Customs bond may become a bondsman except where it is otherwise provided for by law.
250. Every citizen has his or her own rights and duties.
251. And Casper is like any other senior citizen who rides public transportation.
252. While getting rid of a lady-of-the-night might avoid a storm (even at the cost of killing her) a great storm was seen by the upper crust as nature's unease at the death of a leading citizen.
253. A Belgian citizen hospitalized in Pakistan after a car accident was the first known death related to infection by the superbug.
254. But wall chromatically is having scientific basis however, the expert warns broad citizen, bedroom cannot optional chromatically .
255. As a result, it can be concluded that the capacity to pay the survival cost is the basis of a peasant-worker's transition to a citizen.
256. "Citizen journalism" refers to the non-professional reporting of news by amateur citizens.
257. Sexual pleasure between Greek male citizens and boys was legitimate and socially sanctioned,(http:///citizen.html) however if the boy become a free citizen (an equal) their sexual practice become problematised.
258. The knee-jerk disdain so many of his critics have for him can be traced largely to his worldliness: He's a man who, of necessity, was brought up not to be Joe the Plumber but a citizen of the planet.
259. On Sept. 11, biologists from the US Geological Survey are asking citizen scientists from the Big Apple to help them track the city's cricket and katydid population.
260. We are glad to see, newspaper can give community citizen reportorial chance.
261. On the other hand, if you're a poor US citizen, or you live in Brazil, you're much more likely to moralise and think the dog-chompers should be stopped in their tracks.
262. Not to be outdone by Spain, England sent John Cabot , an Italian explorer who had become an English citizen, across the Atlantic in 1497 and again in 1498 to explore the coast of North America.
263. Whether you're a law abiding citizen or a tax dodging criminal, there's something eerily omniscient about the taxman.




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