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单词 Dependency
1. We worried about his dependency on his mother.
2. Britain was a Roman dependency for a long period.
3. The centre aims to free young people from dependency on drugs.
4. Their aim is to reduce people's dependency on the welfare state.
5. The Hawaiian Islands are no longer a dependency of the USA.
6. The very idea of dependency is incompatible with masculinity.
7. Paycheck dependency is sometimes an incurable disease.
8. It fosters third-and fourth-generation welfare dependency.
9. Table 7 Disability and dependency Future trends are uncertain.
10. What are the personality traits of Chemical Dependency?
11. Other students were trapped between self-reliance and technical dependency.
12. Functional dependency is frequently illustrated by an arrow.
13. Comprehensive state welfare also induces dependency, reduces incentives to work, and blunts initiative and enterprise.
14. With such a base, your dependency on the organization is lessened.
15. Calculating dependency ratios retrospectively or for current circumstances is not problematic.
16. Oral dependency has to be replaced by what the child can do for himself, on his own initiative.
17. Increasing disability with age means a growing dependency on others, as indicated in Table 7.
18. In 1985, he began to show signs of alcohol and drug dependency.
19. Most men would rather go to the grave than own up to feelings of dependency.
20. The social security system has been accused of producing a culture of dependency.
21. She seems to have found a middle ground in which mutual support, rather than complete dependency, is possible.
22. The whole scheme is intended to wean people off welfare dependency.
23. The patient had regressed to a state of childish dependency.
24. But social workers say that this has created a culture of dependency, particularly in urban areas.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. Corticosteroids, if used for a prolonged period, can cause a type of dependency.
26. The Finance Ministry originally came up with a plan in 1990 to reduce bond dependency to 5 percent.
27. In addition there is one other institution which symbolizes the continuing dependency of agricultural workers upon local farmers - the tied cottage.
28. Freud believed that the depressed person had developed from childhood with high dependency needs.
29. It would make possible the provision of vastly improved public services, while reducing dependency upon them.
30. But his complaints that government programs to aid children only expand welfare dependency earned him a certain public enmity in 1994.
1. We worried about his dependency on his mother.
2. Britain was a Roman dependency for a long period.
31. In this there is an exact parallel with sufferers from Chemical Dependency denying the severity of their illness.
32. The expectation from government industrial ReD is one of reducing dependency on imports without wanting to achieve self-sufficiency.
33. The existing system, the president declared, traps people in a cycle of dependency.
34. This situation, although made worse by the war, was a cumulative problem dating from the period of colonial dependency.
35. Unsurprisingly, refugees often fell into a torpid dependency, which did not bode well for the future.
36. Dependency costs for managers Two important sources of stress for managers in our sample companies are technological change and dependency on subordinates.
37. Nor are states of health and states of dependency automatically related to the biological facts of ageing.
38. However, studies have documented how increasing economic dependency is the cost of trying to keep families in health and in credit.
39. The group's latest album gives a cautionary account of chemical dependency.
40. The care programme approach was seen to foster dependency in two ways, on the part of clients and on the part of staff.
41. Consequently dependency ratios for future decades are again only best estimates and not real facts.
42. Compliance and complacency are the manifest behaviours associated with an infantile dependency culture.
43. Thus, marital dependency reinforces the likelihood that women will tolerate physical abuse from their husbands.
44. These specialized functions create dependency among those less able to cope.
45. On the other hand, some staff may have underestimated dependency in order that homes did not appear understaffed.
46. She suggested that dependency on cigarettes should be seen as another form of drug addiction.
47. The more technically advanced agriculture becomes, the smaller is its dependency on natural endowments.
48. Dependency and conflict From a Marxist perspective, the relationship between the major social classes is one of mutual dependence and conflict.
49. At the same Lime local government is responsible for implementing central government policy and hence we may find mutual dependency between organisations.
50. The nature of employment is also being affected by the increase in the dependency ratio.
51. The basic spiritual treatment of eating disorders is the exact equivalent of that for Chemical Dependency.
52. The predominant view in Britain and other Western countries associates aging with decline, dependency, isolation, and often poverty.
53. The discussion is closely linked to the different approaches of modernisation and dependency theories.
54. Articulation of modes of production and dependency theories would view the continued use of these labor forms as beneficial to capitalism.
55. Finally[http:///dependency.html], what looks like a determination to be patriotically self-reliant is simultaneously the opposite: the formalisation of complete dependency.
56. This historical work itself represents a strong challenge to some of the premises which underpin the idea of structured dependency.
57. The mutual dependency expressed here can be seen in an almost completely uncritical reading experience.
58. In many cities, they sank into a vicious cycle of drugs, crime, teenage pregnancy, and welfare dependency.
59. The dependency of the old person may emerge gradually with increasing frailty or suddenly, as after a stroke.
60. The dependency ratio is expected to top 28 percent next year for the second year in a row, economists said.
61. Anyway, chemical dependency is easier to study than other sorts.
62. This transitive dependency should not exist in third normal form.
63. For too long we have let welfare be-come a way of life for too many people, fostering dependency on succeeding generations.
64. Discussion Unbiased estimates of dependency levels in the different sectors can be achieved only by high enumeration and response rates.
65. In a word, the dependency culture should be replaced by an enterprise one.
66. The system incorporates many assumptions about family relationships and dependency.
67. The problems arise because old age is a period of increasing dependency - materially, physically, socially and emotionally.
68. The focus of this latter approach is of enumerating the dependency of the older age groups.
69. Indeed, it has even become fashionable for women to choose dependency by repudiating ambition and gainful employment once they have children.
70. This is really not very different from what dependency theories argue.
71. The major cost of age discrimination is economic dependency, the most extreme form of which is poverty.
72. In any case, for the dependency theorists, development did not necessarily mean Western-style industrialisation.
73. It should come as no surprise that welfare dependency, alcohol dependency, and drug dependency are among our most severe problems.
74. Not only are the men dependent on welfare, but many of the scars from ghetto crime stem directly from that dependency.
75. Economic dependency was frowned on, but there was no question of political independence.
76. The culture of dependency has to be replaced by the enterprise culture.
77. It is understood he was reported missing from a dependency unit at South Cleveland hospital earlier in the day.
78. There has been an increase in the dependency ratio because of several factors.
79. However, child benefit has fallen in real value,() so there was no justification for reducing the dependency additions.
80. Hence if the dependency levels on a ward increase, extra staff can be deployed.
81. Frequently the behaviors associated with dependency are also associated with poor self-esteem.
82. We also need to examine how communication technology and economic systems create political and cultural dependency. 5.
83. Second, the typical dependency ratio assumes that all those aged 16 - 64 are gainfully employed.
84. We post these warnings because unnatural feeding and artificial care create dependency.
85. But this is precisely the type of assumption statistical calculations of age-related dependency ask us to make.
86. The arrow will point from A to B in the functional dependency illustrated in the definition.
87. Thus, factors largely outside the control of the old person can create a dependency upon institutional care.
88. In a sense, much modern human life is about structured dependency.
89. He must already have begun to be aware that his dependency on alcohol was weakening his creative drive.
90. Some relationships drift into dependency and caring without much conscious thought.
91. It is this that leads to the dependency culture predominant among deaf people in integrated education.
92. The biggest beneficiary is the Oxfordshire Drug Dependency Team, which receives twenty-seven thousand pounds.
93. The period of costly childhood dependency was further lengthened by the introduction of compulsory education from 1880.
94. If education postpones such dependency it will have paid its way.
95. They prevent most of the underclass from being able to free themselves from welfare dependency.
96. I shall discuss the implications of the dependency ratio for the construction of family obligations in more detail in chapter 3.
97. When accompanied by minimum subsistence pensions, as in Britain, retirement means economic dependency.
98. Even less clearly struck has been the Government's attempt to reduce dependency on means-tested welfare.
99. This brings us back to the underlying issue in this chapter about welfare and dependency.
100. In the private sector a greater incentive might exist to show a need for higher fees to match high levels of dependency.
101. It reflects the inviolability of family life that in our society helps to mask the darker side of caring and dependency.
102. This is likely to be very unpopular and further reinforces individual dependency.
103. Dependency promotes what could be seen as the technological fix.
104. It can not be concluded from this, however, that the economic dependency of the elderly population has increased.
105. Pearl also required full real-time integration; any dependency on batch updating was unacceptable.
106. Bruised shadows of fatigue showed beneath her eyes - eyes in which Trent read gratitude and the beginnings of dependency.
107. Local government depends upon central government for much of its finance and such dependency will limit the scope of local government work.
108. The latter also emphasise the dependency relations which state intervention forces on people.
109. Sark is a dependency of Guernscy.
110. They can inspire euphoria, but can also induce dependency.
111. Dependency relations among the services are also assigned randomly.
112. Data dependency is an important concept in database research.
113. A more subtle problem is data dependency.
114. The constructions of predicate slice, input dependency set and the linear constraint of predicate function on the increments for the input are no longer needed.
114. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
115. By analysis of dependency relationship, which exists among the active rules, such concepts are given as triggering-transition closure, dependency-transition closure etc.
116. The accuracy of the experiment is 91.89% in open test and 99.4% in close test, substantiating the wonderful performance of dependency relationship analysis and Bayes Model.
117. "Three-dimensional treatment planning appears to have a significant impact on improving quality of life by reducing feeding tube dependency, " said medical intern Linna Li, M.
118. When the prepared transaction aborts, only transactions in its abort dependency set are aborted.
119. Although sentenced to "rehabilitation," they are denied access to effective drug dependency treatment and provided no opportunity to learn skills to reintegrate into the community.
120. A set of inference rules for XML weak functional dependency was presented and its soundness and completeness were given.
121. To study it deeply, this paper analyzes the property and characteristics when there exist weak left-hand side or weak right-hand side conflicts in the minimal merge dependency set D of FD set F.
122. In addition, long term time series had long term dependency which could be identified by Hurst coefficients.
123. Coding DTD can test the logical implication problem of XML function dependency in linear time.
124. Her unconscious looks wander to her husband with infantile dependency.
125. Reduction of knowledge and compression of information play a very important role in data intelligence processing, which deal with concepts of knowledge reduction and data dependency.
126. The conceptual memory and inference which based on the conceptual dependency theory arc wo important parts to realize the "understanding" in the NLUS.
127. In the system, effective pruning algorithm and useful features are adopted for Chinese dependency tree, semantic role identification and classification are exploited by a maximum entropy classifier.
128. A DependencyLink type is used to link a requirement with a link type of dependency (or any) to a capability, which indicates that the requirement is fulfilled by the target capability.
129. This usage, and the mutual dependency of commentaries and classics, provide other perspectives to think about the problems of the history of the classics in Han dynasty.
130. After China joining WTO, china-us trade relations after the unceasing development, mutual dependency are also growing.
131. Next, create a UML dependency relationship from this class to ATM_Machine.
132. The approximation of a linear dependency between heat flow and temperature difference leads to satisfactory results.
133. Because of the user's mobility and the location dependency of data, new challenge has been brought to cache replacement strategy for Location Dependent Query (LDQ).
134. The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion.
135. Scorplo's jealousy and possessiveness won't bother Pisces-in fact, it makes Pisces feel loved. Pisces's dependency is just what Scorpio is looking for.
136. A program using the words CODE or ; CODE associated with assembler code has an environmental dependency on that particular instruction set and assembler notation.
137. Numerical method for description of polarization dependency of the responsivity of optical detector is presented.
138. A line between two icons, or components, indicates a dependency relationship, where one component is used by the other.
139. Only a car that plugs in can cut oil dependency.
140. That would abstract away the details about DOM completely, and remove even the current small dependency on org.w3c.dom.NodeList.
141. Statelessness is achieved by ensuring that all the data needed for the call is available and there is no dependency on the machine that processed the request.
142. An efficient answer extraction system named Dependency Inspection based AE System (DIAES) was proposed to improve the accuracy of locating candidate answers.
143. A file reference does not create a build dependency, so it is possible to build the referencing project without building the dependent project, and the reference can become obsolete.
144. In order to design an XML database without redundancy, a succinct and understandable approach to define the dependency relationship between XML data is necessary.
144. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
145. It should be fairly easy to adapt the code to Oran's approach or to any other dependency injection container, e.g. Castle Windsor.
146. This paper introduces embedded multivalued dependency, generalized join dependency, subset dependency under fuzzy null value circumstances and corresponding axiom.
147. Resource dependency theory can also help to explain interlocking directorship.
148. The dependency requirements of these packages will be unmet after the install is complete.
149. Conceptual dependency trees are set up on the ontology theory to denote the relation of concepts.
150. All of them have no allergy to alcohol, no dependency of alcohol, no ophthalmocace and no severe disease.
151. This paper presents the mapping from the functional dependency set in a relational schema into a directed graph on a plane.
152. This paper summarizes the dependency relationship between jobs and provides a structured method of job-flow definition.
153. The results show that, for Chinese dependency parsing action - based parsers outperform generative and discriminative parsers.
154. Our mutual dependency will continue to grow and the interactions between us will continue to multiply.
155. The intent was to move Hawai'i off its dependency on imported oil and save money.
156. Conceptual dependency trees are set up based on the ontology theory to denote the relation of concepts.
157. In this paper the nature of the join dependency is analyzed. and its causing conditions and processing method are presented.
158. You can specify an optional dependency requirement that can be satisfied by a J2EE datasource capability using a dependency relationship link, as shown in Listing 18.
159. The current syntax tagging models are customarily based on PSG(Phrase Structure Grammar) or DG(Dependency Grammar), but all have some shortcomings.
160. This paper presents algorithm of functional dependency set F of relation scheme R to compute the minimal cover of projection on an attribute set U of R, and also proves it correct.
161. This paper presents three XML norm forms:1XNF, 2XNF, and 3XNF based on the concepts of functional dependency, partial functional dependency and transitive functional dependency for XML DTDs.
162. The biggest challenge is the simultaneous existence of marginalization and dependency.
163. The Acyclic Dependencies Principle: Allow no cycles in the package dependency graph.
164. This automatically installs both filesets, wparmgt.agent and its dependency mcr.rte.
165. The inferable theorem is discussed under the mixed circumstances under fuzzy functional dependency and fuzzy multivalued dependency.
166. At a minimum, it provides them with a platform into which they can package, deploy, and execute applications in a modular fashion to help them with dependency and version management.
167. A switchover to endosperm dependency occurs around the heart - shaped stage.
168. Herein , we point out that electronic evidence has dependency, high - tech, multiplicity , separability, concealment and frangibility.
169. This paper discusses the quality of fuzzy multivalued dependency. The inferable theorem is supplemented under the single fuzzy multivalued dependency.
170. This yandang mountain blend "for" the land had alpes - maritimes unfeasibility and become a specially for naming fro dependency zone of tourism brand, also called "the French Riviera".
171. Join dependency in relational data theory is not seldom seen during database systems designing.
172. A woman has an affair with her chemical dependency counselor.
173. Conceptual dependency trees are set up based on the conceptual dependency theory to denote the relation of concepts.
174. In our Main diagram we create a dependency relationship between the Specifications and Candidate Services Packages as a matter of good organizational form. See Figure 13.
174. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
175. Mutual dependency may exist in inappropriate proportions: lovers can consider their dependency on the partner to be too great or too little.
176. The tool will find the deployment order, based on the functional dependency of each resource, for you.
177. At the same time, Conceptual dependency trees of"Time" and "Location" are set up which will be the base of semantic analysis in the mechanical domain.
178. The functional dependency theory has a great influence over the design and application of relational database.
179. Multi - dependency bond is a plane, contact area is relatively large, so the comparison.
180. By contrasting advantage and disadvantage to knowledge representation, Conceptual Dependency (CD) theory and Production System was chosen as a method of knowledge representation.
181. SML's properties, constraint set and dependency graph were mainly described.
182. Chris Goodall on the UK attempts to reduce carbon dependency.
183. Caucho was an active participant in the respective specification ( JSR-299 Contexts and Dependency Injection) so it is no surprise that they offer their own implementation in the form of CanDI.
184. The lack of indifference and mutual dependency typical of love suggests why this frequently occurs in love.
185. Converting between phrase-structure tree and dependency tree is one of the most important subjects in computational linguistics.
186. This method can be used to analyze the semantic relations in object-oriented program units by ripple effect analysis, and the control dependency and data dependency by use of system dependency graph.
187. The vitro methods include autoagglutination test, calcium dependency test, pyrazinamidase test, salicin fermentation, esculin hydrolysis, Congo red colony test and virulence plasmid.
188. One of the defining points of a schedule network; a junction point joined to some or all of the other Dependency lines.
189. Because of the dependency, Guarantor has debtor's right to defense, right of rescission.
190. Based on analyzing and studying dependency injection, a formal description for its execution with a kind of mathematical tool named complete lattice is given in this paper.
191. All conceptions , including Content DataModel ( CDM ) , Data Dependency Graph ( DDG ) and Data Update Subgraph ( DUS ) are defined.
192. The former, which consists of the reciprocity theory and the resource dependency theory and the finance control theory, serves inter-organization intention.
193. This model is based on an intelligent scheduler / orchestrator to schedule ready-to-run tasks (based on a dependency graph) across a clusters of dumb workers.
194. The essence of designing the work cycle is to coordinate the logic dependency among the motion sections of each mechanism.
195. Based on these theorems, gives the minimum cover algorithm of the multivalued dependency based on the MVD schema matrix.
196. Using intra-scale dependency of wavelet coefficients and generalized Gaussian model, this paper proposes an adaptive neighboring threshold value de-noising method.
197. Far from acting as a relaxant aid for mood control, nicotine dependency an aid for stress.
198. In this paper, we discuss two kinds of "global dependency" in highly overlapped pipeline computers and propose some solutions.
199. Served as people's daily use, catering utensils are endowed with strong dependency(), which include tablewares and wine sets etc.
200. Topicalization is subject to the semantic constraint of operator-variable referential dependency in RT in light of the deficiencies of locality constraint in syntax.
201. This paper discusses the similar characteristics, the mutual dependency and relativity between information communication industry and modern power industry.
202. This assumption fails to account for unpredicted events and dependency failures, leaving triage teams with no tools or data to work with when such events occur.
203. But the clear and present danger to our economy and our security from America's long-term dependency on oil will not subside—unless we act now.
204. In this paper, we give the two approaches of the definition of XML functional dependency, in which one is based on tree tuples and the other is based on path.
204. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
205. According to a group of deduce rules about XML functional dependency, we expand the FD-Set to avoid losing semantics of original XML.
206. This list doesn't reflect all of the dependencies needed by Tapestry, but it's the dependency set needed for compiling basic Tapestry applications.
207. Use a global process for this kind of dependency relationship.
208. This paper proposes a software reliability growth model that consider software failure dependency and differences of testing and operational environment.
209. In 1970 s, there were Theory of Modernization, Theory of Dependency, and World - System Analysis.
210. Using fire fighting supervising system as an example, this paper exhibits the dependency relations of design phase model and requirement analysis phase model in software build phase by UML.
211. Neighborhoods plagued by a self - perpetuating pathology of joblessness, welfare dependency, crime ( Time ).
212. Note: When defining specializations, you should avoid introducing a dependency on special processing that lacks a graceful fallback to the processing for the base element.
213. Both SCA modules depend on the SCA library module; this dependency can be viewed in the Dependency Editor.
214. The computer aided tax system described in this thesis is a semantic grammar system, with the semantic dependency tree as the intermediate language.
215. The moment the Create button is clicked, a dialog box appears asking about a missing dependency. This should look similar to Figure 3.
216. In the phase of data dependency analysis, we give the algorithms for removing inter-statement and inter-iteration false dependencies.
217. A software process model SPM is proposed, and the concepts of data dependency and activity-data relationship are presented based on the model.
218. The theories of splitting views into the view dependency basis are the foundation of future work on the view-based inference control.
219. The introduction of approximate theory of rough functional dependency will accelerate the development of knowledge discovery for rough relational database and extend its research field.
220. The problem of inference rules for multivalued dependency is the key to solve implication problem between dependencies in XML and the key problem of XML normalization theory.
221. An obvious gain from an asynchronous, event-driven design is that many operations waiting for external services can be executed in parallel as long as no data dependency exists between them.
222. When a global variable is referenced within a DML SQL statement or within a trigger, view or routine, a dependency on the fully-qualified global variable name is recorded for the statement or object.
223. This shows that the mutual trade dependency between Belarus and Russia is quite high.
224. In order to be effective with these skills, there is a strong dependency upon the credibility skills as well as the "soft" skills mentioned below.
225. Ukraine is handicapped by its near-total dependency on Russian oil.
226. The nature of agriculture confirms its strong dependency to the land resource.
227. Despite past practice trends, non-pharmacological treatments should be considered first for chronic insomnia as a means to reduce dependency, adverse effects, and polypharmacy.
228. Creating too much dependency between applications with very different life cycles, developers mindsets, tooling, etc. leads to brittle and unstable systems.
229. Furthermore, hyperspectral and multispectral image processing is extended with the capacity to analyze additional bands of image data, which minimizes the dependency on specialized software packages.
230. Additionally, the design needs to detail decommissioning the current asset, which also requires dependency analysis and planning.
231. Unique, primary key, referential, check, and functional dependency constraints are supported.
232. The next day I admitted her to an inpatient chemical dependency treatment center for young people.
233. This issue policy effectively solves the problem of false data dependency, improves the issue rate and minimizes the influence of control hazard.
234. This might be enough[http:///dependency.html], but getting access to the internals is simply a matter of adding a dependency on the implementation module.
235. For the disease of axillary artery thrombosis with brachial plexopathy, patients should received aggressive rehabilitation program to improve their dependency and ADL function.
236. The test results showed strong dependency of the post liquefaction stress strain response on rates of the water absorption in shear, and the others...
237. Replaceability is limited to changing the dependency to depend on something different.
238. So we present a new approach for the explicit expression of components' dependency in the after-treatment way.
239. This model has more advantages over extensibility, dependency relationship management and fine-granularity AOP support than the current models. Meanwhile, it also in...
240. This paper examines the difficulties of old women's financial dependency and three generation living arrangement problems by qualitative exploration on women's experience and interpretation.
241. Office-copy of some countries'overseas dependency should notarized by the dependency firstly then their diplomatic organ and thirdly Chinese embassy (consulate).
242. Due to the dependency of embedded software on the target hardware platform, it can not be compiled and operated under the host environment.
243. XML function dependency, logical implication are the foundation of the further research on XML key and XML normalization theory.
244. The dependency section of the project.xml file for the phonebook application consists of 23 dependencies, half of these being .jar files needed to support Struts and the DisplayTag tag library.
245. Some analyze code for security problems for Web applications, and others scan code for dependency problems.
246. The abettor of our country has tri - nature: independency, dependency and unique nature. Independency is leading.
247. Existence Dependency Relationship is advanced for object-oriented modeling in this paper. Its use method and express method in object-oriented modeling is studied.




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