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单词 Time period
1. Answer guide: The time period for a budget will normally be one year.
2. Not really; the time period over which the returns are expected to arrive should not affect the investors' overall requirements.
3. The time period is determined by the resistor network R5 to R15 which are switched through S2.
4. Over the same time period the United States generated thirty-eight million net new jobs even though it has one third fewer people.
5. The time period that funds can be invested is critical in maximizing the returns from investments.
6. Set a time period or target for each goal.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. Hospital admissions also decreased oer the same time period.
8. You have a time period in order a search.
9. In the list to the right, select the time period for the timescale.
10. The time period used in defining current liabilities parallels that used in defining current assets.
11. The time period for requesting appraisal of a trademark which is approved for registration by the ruling of demurral shall commence on the day when the ruling of demurral is announced.
12. Under reasonably constant temperature conditions, the prototype unit provided a time period of 24 hours within two or three minutes.
13. A technique that works for some dads is to create a special time period devoted exclusively to worrying.
14. The more regular your schedule[], the easier it is to retrain your circadian rhythm in a twenty-four-hour time period.
15. P is the average price of all transactions and T is the number of transactions that take place during the time period.
16. Competitors had to drive around the country's top racing circuits within the five-day time period.
17. A second option would impose the moratorium throughout the whole city for the same time period.
18. It was as though he had created a virtual company for a specific time period to launch that particular product.
19. While rates in some states increased considerably, rates in twenty-two states declined over the same time period.
20. Industry political action committees contributed $ 23, 500 to Dole in the same time period.
21. But how do you compare open-heart surgery over that time period?
22. Just as there is not one mandatory plot type, neither is there a preferred historical time period.
23. The total return from a security in a future time period is dependent on a series of anticipated and unanticipated events.
24. By using the grey system theory and method, we built a grey prediction model to predict the start and end of an active time period in future.
25. More countries -- 17 in all -– officially announced anti-money laundering and counterterrorist financing laws for the first time in 2005, the time period covered in the report.
26. By checking the voltage change between the fixed resistor and the sensing blub over a set time period, the programmer writes an instruction set that can run the DTC subroutine.
27. Instead timing circuits use a fixed capacitor and a variable resistor if it is necessary to vary the time period.
28. It existed for more than a century, and within that time period Islam spread to most of the Malay archipelago.
29. Forward security of the scheme means that even if the secret key of current time period is compromised, some security remains. It is impossible to forge the signature relating to the past.
30. The next stage of the import wizard is to specify the time period from which to import data (Figure 16).
31. The Time Period of the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras, philosopher, mathematician and teacher of Pericles.
32. The evolution of the signal-noise ratio R with the quantum noise intensity D is discussed in the parameters of the noise and signal frequency and time period modulation frequency.
33. Statistically for the same Groups, one can track the Number of Days On Market, i. e. the Average calendar time period in days from Initial Listing For Sale until Deal Closing.
34. The prolonged time of postconcussional syndrome at each time period of posttraumatic amnesia is longer, and the symptoms are not ameliorated within half a year.
35. Jim Rogers: I would prefer gold to oil in that time period.
36. Such restrictions are typically placed on sections of the application such as an interrupt handler, where the code responding to the interrupt must complete its work in a given time period.
37. Throughout this time period , the document destruction continued, despite reservations by some of petitioner ? ? s managers.
38. If aluminum prices continue to slump , companies can cut the time period.
39. Earnings during this time period are used to establish the UI claim.
40. Accordingly, the vector quantities must be sampled over a time period.
41. Scarface: The World is Yours will offer a gameplay environment that authentically recreates the historical time period of the film, touching on politics, news items and events of the day.
42. This Series preserves the looks and graphical language of this time period.
43. Long-run equilibrium demands that the net balance on goods and services becomes zero over the secular time period.
44. Zoom in on the Gantt Chart to view a smaller time period in more detail.
45. The SLA should specify an average round-trip latency and packet loss over a given time period -- within a month, say.
46. To enhance HK's competitiveness and given the international trend to shorten the time period for finalisation of tax affairs, HK needs to do the same.
47. When graphed, the behavior of total revenues and total costs are linear (straight-line) in relation to output level within a relevant range(and time period).
48. What if he doesn't? I mean, is there a time period involved?
49. It is mainly used in intra-city settlement which time period is zero seconds. The receiving bank credit the amount to the beneficiary's account once the data from remitting bank has been received.
50. They studied the chemical properties of chrome yellow paint left in historic tubes from this time period.
51. Others argue that the cocktail was first served at the Knickerbocker Hotel in San Francisco, CA around the same time period.
52. Time period of Thales, who invented the idea of Nous.
53. The influence of the isolation systems on the response of the isolation structure is studied under the variation of parameters, such as isolator yield force and isolation time period.
54. Under accrual accounting, net income doesn't necessarily reflect cash receiptscash payments for a particular time period.
55. A latency time period between playback and authorization for deletion gives the viewer flexibility to replay parts of the presentation before deletion.
56. Based on the least square analysis, and integration method and linear extrapolation, the new heartland position can be predicted for a short time period.
57. Most websites sell their ad space for a set time period.
58. This Notice of Appeal must be filed at the office of the Registrar of the High Court within the time period as provided in section 32 of the Plant Varieties Protection Ordinance.
59. The authors put forward a multiple time period EOQ inventory policy with cost changes, deal with its optimal structure and provide an optimal algorithm for its solution.
60. Burn rate provides calculations of the completed and required rate of work based on the specified time period.
61. After bid selection , the winner refuses to sign the construction contract within the stipulated time period.
62. Can you tell me the time period when it was stolen?
63. The new standards, by contrast, don't stipulate a time period.
64. Sometimes you may want your script to run for a certain time period; Lotus Server.Load allows you to do this with the test time parameter option.
65. The absolute measure is less than a HF time period , which is independent of measurement period.
66. Set a time period or target date for each goal.
67. The driving source makes the cleaning piece move for a first time period in the outward direction when a passing through time has past, then makes the cleaning piece return to the home position.
68. Revenue recognition determines how much revenue you will put on your accounting statements in a specific time period.
69. The standardized time period needs to consider conditioning prior to testing.
70. Fueled by cheap money,() open interest in gold futures has jumped 25% in the same time period.
71. When the system is operating, it is checked once every random time period T to know whether it is in normal or abnormal.
72. However, currency in circulation is up only 7% in that same time period.
73. A legally prescribed time period shall not include travelling time.
74. The time period during which an infected person may infect others.
75. Devices used to discern whether some prescribed condition is present, usually within a predetermined time period.
76. Those venial sufferers may use Jianwen stones, however, the time period shall not be too long.
77. During the same time period when blogs were emerging,() Ward Cunningham invented a technology that allows anybody to contribute to a Web page through simple editing.
78. The outcome of patients with a displaced intracapsular femoral neck fracture treated non-operatively was assessed at 1 year and compared with patients managed operatively over the same time period.
79. Your ob-gyn or midwife may want you to keep a fetal movement chart during a specific time period.
80. Zoom out from the Gantt Chart to view a longer time period.
81. It is during this time period that Secret Societies took action, causing revolutions, overthrowing Monarchical and Papal powers and taking hold of the banking system.
82. Since the real time task sets in control system consist of hard real time periodic tasks and soft real time period tasks, the dual priority algorithm is adopted for scheduling these tasks.
83. It realizes graphics protraction of time and frequency domain in every time period.




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