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单词 Render
1. They will render blow for blow.
2. This action would render the agreement invalid.
3. We can render down this fat.
4. I must render down this fat; we are short of lard.
5. It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.Sentencedict
6. She needed him to hear her out and render advice.
7. How would you render 'bon voyage' ?
8. I can't render my thought accurately.
9. Will computers render books obsolete ?
10. Steam the goose to render some of the fat.
11. We are going to render them economic assistance.
12. They will call on you to render assistance.
13. They refused to render up their fortifications.
14. Any assistance you can render him will be appreciated.
15. The conquered had to render tribute to the conqueror.
16. The sages of ancient times taught us to render good for evil.
17. It's a concept that is difficult to render into English.
18. You can render the chicken down to make stock for soup.
19. It is unlikely that the court will render an opinion before November 5.
20. He had a chance to render some service to his country.
21. He did not render up military secrets easily to anyone.
22. You will have to render an account of your expenditure.
23. The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation.
24. The complex administrative arrangements render the decision - making process somewhat opaque.
25. The villagers were expected to render part of their crops for the lord's protection.
26. These tests were so seriously flawed as to render the results meaningless.
27. They couldn't resist any more and decided to render up the city.
28. At last, the citizens were forced to render up their town.
29. Then castrate him to render him docile.
30. The blow to his head was strong enough to render him unconscious.
1. They will render blow for blow.
2. This action would render the agreement invalid.
3. We can render down this fat.
4. I must render down this fat; we are short of lard.
5. It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.
6. She needed him to hear her out and render advice.
7. We are going to render them economic assistance.
8. You can render the chicken down to make stock for soup.
9. You will have to render an account of your expenditure.
10. The complex administrative arrangements render the decision - making process somewhat opaque.
11. The villagers were expected to render part of their crops for the lord's protection.
12. At last, the citizens were forced to render up their town.
31. Xanthippos and Aristeides came home, to render distinguished service.
32. Digital technology could render today's televisions useless.
33. Such a move could render the elections meaningless.
34. To render this picture more informative, it is necessary to distinguish degrees and modes of participation.
35. In addition the Roman masonry below is suffering from sulphate attack aggravated by the recent use of cement mortar and render.
35. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
36. Hayek, however, constructs his theory in such a manner as to render such criticisms difficult to sustain.
37. Herewith, a few thoughts on how to render the experience as painless as possible.
38. Going along as a small independent with just a few programmes to your name does render you relatively powerless.
39. Of the exiles, Aristeides and Xanthippos came home, to render distinguished service.
40. The better way to handle the situation is to render the cats infertile without actually neutering them.
41. Also, do not use large amounts of sticky tape to seal envelopes, as this can render them unusable.
42. The stories about her render her variously as victim, betrayer, seducer, and translator.
43. It is indeed difficult to conceive of bad faith which would not automatically render applicable one of the two traditional control mechanisms.
44. Failure to disperse after it has been read publicly by a magistrate or other official may render an offender liable to imprisonment.
45. The recognition codes which the Simonova was broadcasting should not in theory render any platform completely inoperative.
46. An effective and systematic attempt at forecasting may reduce some of this uncertainty, and render the future more manageable.
47. Yet it only took a prolonged stare from Donald to render them meek and mild.
48. When we decide to do so, we can emancipate the black child from the ghetto and render justice in the workplace.
49. Certified public accountants audit financial state-ments and render opinions on whether the statements present fairly the financial condition of a firm.
50. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by NSAIDs is the major established mechanism by which NSAIDs render the gastric mucosa vulnerable to mucosal injury.
51. The unpredictable, sporadic nature of storms on an open coast presumably render exposed shores unstable in this respect.
52. In the United States a number of factors have combined to render the bureaucracy more open to public scrutiny.
53. Criminology, like crime control, tends to focus on males and marginalise females or render them invisible.
54. The dams also render the animals easy prey for hunters and trap them when the water is drained for irrigation.
55. To make cracklings, combine skin and remaining fat in a saucepan with water and place over medium heat to render fat.
56. The researchers irradiated all of the tumor cells to render them incapable of spreading once returned to the patients' bodies.
57. Unlike the criminal trial, the jury did not have to render a unanimous verdict, although it did.
58. Then she set to with bleach and scouring pads to render the vases spotless.
59. If Atlanta were a person, a psychologist might well render a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder.
60. What he can do, however, is render remarkable mixed-media abstract works that revel in the auras of his subjects.
61. Nowhere was it written that Macintosh would render Lisa an expensive and rather bulky doorstop.
62. Diets rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids enhance the phenomenon of adaptive cytoprotection and render the duodenal mucosa more resistant to acid.
63. To render capitalism more humane and efficient was the principal aim of the professional expert.
64. A failure to fulfil this duty on the part of the innkeeper may render the innkeeper liable to criminal prosecution.
65. Side by side(sentence dictionary), teacher and pupil should test and render practical any theoretical ideas that were presented.
66. Not least fascinating is the suggestion that deep breathing could render valium superfluous.
67. At one end there were serious procedural defects which would render any decision a nullity.
68. There is danger that technological change will render obsolete a product or method of production.
69. Trust the instinct to the end, though you can render no reason. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
70. An express prohibition on assignment does not in itself render the contract personal.
71. Mistakes which they make about factors which determine the limits of their jurisdiction render their decisions void.
72. The delays incurred could sometimes render samples inadmissible as evidence in court.
73. Invitro, oncogenes cooperate to transform cells and render them tumorigenic.
74. In this preface Miller apologised for alterations and additions which would render previous editions of inferior value.
75. The fact that the burns had come about in an unforeseeable way did not render the damage too remote.
76. And, to render this possible, it was essential for the state to provide a basic platform of entitlements.
77. To eliminate this, as in double-blind trials, would in many cases render the therapy impotent.
78. A failure to conform to the legal requirements in contracting a marriage will render that marriage void.
79. He wished to give it good government, Machiavelli tells us, which meant he wanted to render it obedient to himself.
80. We want to render the wall and then paint it.
81. Resubmission of this complaint, no matter in what form, will not render these flaky allegations any more credible.
82. Get some stuff from the services, the bulletin boards, render an opinion, put something on the Internet.
83. Chemicals in the paint render the rust inert and help to discourage further outbreaks.
84. This does not, however, render the question of social origins of state personnel, such as bureaucrats, sterile.
85. There are moments when mental overload can render words impossible. Nicholas Sparks 
86. Once more, though, the poem reveals a play of language which render meaning unstable and even self-contradictory.
87. It seemed fruitful to articulate, to probe and carefully render the overlay of my scholastic past and my working present.
88. There is also an emerging globalisation of ethical and judicial standards, which should render social and individual rights more secure.
89. They are mostly women with little formal education who render basic primary health care to people in their villages.
90. William Caxton, the great fifteenth-century Brit-ish printer and translator, was first to render Aesop in our language.
91. I'll make her render up her page to me.
92. How would you render bon voyage'( into English )?
93. Based on these data, intranasal phenobarbital administration seems to render a suitable alternate delivery route for this antiepileptic drug, which should be further evaluated.
94. Some had come from Glasgow, their faces registering disbelief that they had found a fixture that neither touts nor smooth-talking could render pregnable.
95. At the same time, the UNDP should adopt effective measures, attach greater importance and render support to TCDC and ECDC so as to promote South-South cooperation both in width and depth.
95. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
96. Another open source PDF transformer called iText (see Resources) uses an object-oriented approach and provides Java objects to render the PDF documents.
97. After that, you create a series of cells to render the column headings using the previously calculated values and drawing full borders for each cell.
98. Why our cooperators to open bank bill must render 8% billing charge first? Can they open bill ahead of payment?
99. The next step is to render this format pattern to the client side for the use of hxclient.
100. To their deliverer the poets paid the greatest tribute they could render.
101. Yet the resolution will likely be temporary, and the damage will be real and long-lasting – both of which render an already worrisome situation even more difficult going forward.
102. Its secluded leisure had something mysterious about it; one played about, or did as one liked and had not to render an account of one's doings.
103. "First of all, the adolescent brain is still undergoing several maturational processes that render it more vulnerable to some of the effects of substances,()" Tapert says.
104. Yes, a few nights of Boolean sleuthing might render you more knowledgeable than your doctor about a particular issue — and more power to you for your interest.
105. CAUTION: Loss of power during the firmware upgrade can render your camera inoperable.
106. Passivation is a method by which chemical agents react with metal surfaces to render the surfaces nonreactive.
107. Staple fiber may be varied in length, denier and other respects to render it spinnable on the several established systems for the natural fibers cotton, wool and flax.
108. Adequate facilities to render or denature the inedible meat product as applicable must be provided.
109. He could write of them sound English, and render them into sound English.
110. However, we are still using the render globals default Draft quality preset...
111. The Render method of the Web service is a good alternative when you want more control, for operations such as displaying the results in a picture box or saving the file directly to disk.
112. Every year, the people gathered on the mountain to render up their prayers to the Gods.
113. arvinddevalia – "Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world".
114. If there are few frames per second to render, then much of the user code can be executed.
115. When the world's greatest living painter can't do justice to his theme, can only render it as blurred and almost unseeable, you get a sense of its enormity.
116. The controller is responsible for using the model to perform core application processing and then feeding result data to the view to render.
117. Widgets can be both visual (in that they render visual content, such as a chart) or nonvisual (in that they provide some form of discrete function or access to a service).
118. Because I shall have to render an account of my actions.
119. It was in these romantic gardens, with their fountains, grottos, temples and terraces, that Fragonard conceived the dreams which he was subsequently to render in his art.
120. If a component is marked invalid, JSF advances to the render response phase, which will display the current view with the validation error messages.
121. International Channel uses "Qaddafi," as does the New York Times, because the letter Q is typically used to render the glottal stop that is so common in Arabic and that begins Qaddafi's name.
122. Pet. 4:5 Who will render an account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
123. Similarly, more fill light might be necessary to render a brighter "high key" style, or just to provide a softer appearance (such as with a photograph of a baby).
124. Recent along with organism high-tech in traditional chinese medicinal materials study domanial use, render myrrha study all the more go deep into, all the more systematization.
125. Meanwhile, to begin with the Benjamin's modern allegory theory, it is this struggle that render this novel more allegoric.
126. Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc). Moreover, to render text, a virtual point, located on the baseline, called the pen position or origin, is used to locate glyphs.
127. It's pretty much the same thing, there are same design principles people always implement and we are still complaining about the render times.
128. Changes in such a central library can easily render a system useless if such changes are not backward compatible.
129. The information traffic displayed was enough to render the Invid leave-taking a minor itch.
130. When the value is rendered back to the view, JSF will call the getAsString method in the render response phase.
131. Each piece of trash functions as a picture element on the screen or a pixel to render an image of what's seen by a video camera that's mounted and hidden in the center of the object.
132. David is supposed to be her soul mate, but Murphy and Franco render him a self-dramatizing bohemian.
133. Those files are used by FOP to render text in fonts other than the ones listed above.
134. Finding the advantage of this little collection, I proposed to render the benefit from the books more common, by commencing a public subscription library.
135. A man will not render good services to his country if he can do nothing good for his home; for in proportion as he loves his home, will he love his country.
136. Comparison with a control group of meat-eating dogs would render this study even more meaningful.
137. And you must implement some custom code to render the useful data from the retrieved complex object.
138. Polishing and chroming surface treatment render the product deluxe and fashionable.
139. Cyrus Harding, therefore, resolved to proceed without any further delay to the fabrication of a strong rope ladder, which, once raised, would render Granite House completely inaccessible.
140. The distinguished part he played in the early colonisation of Australia will always render him a prominent person in our history.
141. Adding the MemberField annotations to the Cabin class (Listing 4), for instance, will render a better look to the form (see Figure 8).
142. Finally, the Render Response phase creates a response component tree and forwards the response.
143. In addition to his diagrammatic drawings of time and space, Saul Steinberg could render Fifth Avenue or the interior of a theater with a flourish of details that testified to his presence.
144. The experiment indicated that using this engine can render a realistic individual face, which meet the demand of accuracy and efficiency that personage's model must equilibrate in the game.
145. A lawyer who meets the requirements of title insurance companies to be able to complete transactions involving title insurance and to render title opinions.
146. Apache Shindig: Explore this OpenSocial container to quickly host OpenSocial apps with code to render gadgets, proxy requests, and handle REST and RPC requests.
147. Quite a few scripts require rather complex procedures to re-order and re-position individual glyphs to render complex composite glyphs.
148. Of course, any such operation presupposes the existence of a font covering multiple character sets or enough information to render a complex font to the screen.
149. Semantic translation attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original.
150. For this example, the foreground text overlay file is saved as 3520x720whiteGillSansBoldSecondMedium.png and used in the compositing render step.
151. To enable bookmarking and direct address, we recommend that each URL contain the navigational state information, including all render parameters of all portlets on (at least) the requested page.
152. Creates the control hierarchy that is used to render a composite data-bound control.
153. The rest of the tree will be created during the Render Response phase, when the JSF implementation calls the renderView() method of the view handler.
154. At last the citizens were forced to render up their town to the conqueror.
155. Turn notes and render up the god of the human life field especially.
155. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
156. Consequently , we must render special legal protection for well - know trademarks according to Paris Convention.
157. Because of the specific mode of life, customs and environments, there are a lot of terms and expressions not easy to translate into other languages and render their meanings.
158. A man will not render good services to his country if he can do nothing good for his home; for in proportion as he loves his home, will be love his country.
159. You now have the best of both worlds: you are leveraging the navigational state pattern defined via the JSR 286 public render parameters and you can easily set parameters on a specific URL.
160. The Visualiser is designed to cope with large projects, although quite a lot of processing is required to determine the size of every class and to render the visualization.
161. Capitals are a set of typographical forms that render text in capital - styled glyphs.
162. A little more lightheartedness would render me the happiest being under the sun.
163. A small difference between them will render the composite translucent.
164. Number of items to render in the control. The value '0'indicates automatic pagination.
165. These two JSPs will simply render all of its children without creating multi-column tables so that you can use them without any changes.
166. Preview Render: preview render if all settings are works before start baking.
167. And if you do not do this, know that you are beholden to render an account before your Lord God Jesus Christ on the day of Judgment.
168. Methods Change the many units of ecological construction management to single unit of ecological purchasing company and render an account system to purchasing system.
169. And render unto our neighbours sevenfold into their bosom their reproach, wherewith they have reproached thee, O Lord.
170. To render other legal - assistant services for the Company as required by manager.
171. Again, a render request URL will be constructed and sent to the client as a redirect.
172. When you open a DB2 trace file, the EMF plug-ins visually render its content in a tree view.
173. The origin of the curse is never explained, but it does make sense that increasingly animal-like behaviour does render one beast-like in mind.
174. More than that, the vaccin adopts a kind of dosage form by special process, which could overcome the destruction from gastric acidity or pepsin, thereby render the vaccin more effective and stabler.
175. All his life, the scholar attempt to render science fathomable to the public.
176. In NO other case is presentment for acceptance necessary in order to render liable any party to the bill.
177. In this case, the JSF implementation cannot restore the component tree, which must be created in the Render Response phase.
178. During the procedure the arbitral tribunal is entitled to render interim award on its jurisdiction, as well as interlocutory or partial award according to the applied arbitration rules.
179. Render of the new Demo Battlebus, which can lay small demo- trap like mines, aswell as transport infantry.
180. The more nodes in the render tree that need recalculation, the worse it becomes.
181. Select Table to render the output in a table, with the goal of preserving the layout of the original host screen.
182. The entire leg offers various cuts for roasting and grilling, but only its lower portion, the shank, can render a velvety sauce when coaxed out by a long, slow braise.
183. To avert the risk of judges' abuse of their power, a "due-procedure judicial activism paradigm" should be adopted so as to render appropriate regulation as well as protection.
184. The method can improve the crystallization efficiency of the maltol and render the grain be even and stable.
185. In this way, you can render the graphic model that the XML specifies into any graphic space -- no matter how big or small -- and scale appropriately.
185. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
186. How can I render to a texture and make use of Anti Aliasing?
187. In this case, it passes an anonymous object that contains values for the name of the child view to render for that section.
188. This creates additional advantages: cable duct systems can be integrated and heat sources can be contacted directly with the machine bed, in order to render active climate control unnecessary.
189. We suggest the summer chooses product of a kind of render only can, need not repeat overlay, can appear bottom makeup massiness .
190. Bale and pace render theatrics unnecessary My favourite moment of the midweek Barclays Premier League action?
191. A resource URL contains the current transient state of the portlet (portlet mode, window state, render parameters), but cannot set new values for this state.
192. Cuba may be experiencing the beginnings of its own period of Glasnost — which will inevitably render policies of censorship and governmental repression unsustainable.
193. Daughter: When you render an account to mom everyday, mom always says: Wrong!
194. Similarly, mistletoe, when used in the casting of Wiccan or Druidic spells, could render a woman helpless and open to sexual exploitation.
195. Soon insights flow and they each share of their introspective moments to discover a common thread of karmic happenstance to render.
196. This is a quantitative criteria of reason, in recognition of the market conditions, no sufficient reason of art, no one will render to 20 pieces or more.
197. We use this as a check to determine whether to include another template file to render the login page and then jump out of the page.tpl.php file.
198. Instead, the event handler for the category list populates the subcategories and forces JSF to skip to the render response phase.
199. The canvas is then subjected to manipulative and destructive techniques that render the traditional form of the painting unrecognisable.
200. If you think of Listing 1 as an XML-based rendering of a given data set, you can render it in other ways.
201. The portlet window itself can decide at render time whether its output is cacheable or not, and under which cache scope.
202. In general, floating point digits are a challenge for developers to handle correctly, given the complex and differing techniques compilers and hardware instruction sets render such numbers.
203. We must now only think of you, my dear friend, and so act as to render your captivity supportable or your flight possible.
204. This provides an excellent method for using the processing power of your client nodes (and graphics cards) to render large 3-D environments quickly.
205. The Echo was written so long ago that it has escaped attention and I am now no longer called upon to render an account of its meaning.
206. It is a fact that we have got to render an account for the deeds done in the body.
207. Triphenylmethane (TPM) dyes normally render rather weak fluorescence due to easy vibrational deexcitation.
208. All-new render engine, which allows for 60 frame per second graphics.
209. In the identification of Bolshevism and Stalinism they render the best possible service to the Thermidorians and precisely thereby play a clearly reactionary role.
210. You create a pure vector-based drawing here and render a line here from source node to destination node.
211. Hackers can take advantage of the advances in cryptanalysis or malicious instance resources to render cryptographic algorithms insecure.
212. Aditi Bhaduri of the Asian Network for Free Elections says it is still premature, however, for international observers to render a verdict on the integrity of the election.
213. The attack blinded Bahrami, who sought to have authorities render the ancient punishment of "an eye for an eye" in accordance with Islamic law.
214. Hebrews 4:13 teaches "No creature is hidden, but all are naked and laid bare to the eyes of the one to whom we must render an account ".
215. That it is more blessed to render useful service, and more profitable than to demand something for nothing through government subsidies or public charity.
216. In the render on the right, the same texture was mapped to just the Incandescence channel.
217. About a year and a half after Endor, Pitta obtained a torpedo sphere from an unknown source, and set about procuring the thousands of proton torpedoes necessary to render the sphere militarily useful.
218. A chemical used to render visible the image recorded on a photosensitive surface.
219. The man was obliged to render up the land he had unlawfully enclosed.
220. His high military talents enabled him, during the memorable year 1715, to render such services to the House of Hanover.
221. If you put them inside the tag, no part of the page body will actually render until after the script has loaded and executed, giving the user the impression that your page is loading slowly.
222. The "click here" links that switch between the screens are encoded as render links and directly encode the ID of the target screen as a parameter on the link itself.
223. The computing power necessary to generate Pixar's outstanding imagery can be found in the Render Farm.
224. Cognitive factors and non-cognitive factors which are equally effective in their impact on anaphoric relations render the latter more complicated and enriched.
225. To adjust one's vision or an optical device so as to render a clear, distinct image.
226. A person, who is always anxious to render service unto the Supreme Lord Hari, as His eternal servitor, in all conditions of life is considered to be liberated even though within the material body.
227. With the introduction of the Render extension, X now has the ability of producing high-quality graphics based on vector representation.
228. The LORD render to every man his righteousness and his faithfulness; for the LORD delivered thee into my hand to day, but I would not stretch forth mine hand against the LORD's anointed.
229. Therefore, the default styles must be set during the execution of the Render Response phase before rendering the components.
230. Finally, cryptanalysis advances can render any cryptographic mechanism or algorithm insecure as novel methods of breaking them are discovered.
231. Venuti advocates that translators create a discursive heterogeneity by using non-dominant English forms to make the foreignness of the source texts felt and render the translations visible.
232. Those in precarious dis-synergistic union accolade dis-achievement of self. The dis-achievement fails to renew self and may render spirit and the energy field.
233. This is used by the pagination logic within the wml Navigation.jsp to determine the buffer space available to render the navigation links.
234. Relocatable resources: Resources can be told where to render themselves,(http:///render.html) and this rendered location may be different from the resource tag placement in the view.
235. After that we use the shortest diagonal method to complete the contour tiling and render the surface at last.
236. When a Bill is accepted generally, presentment for payment is not necessary in order to render the acceptor liable.
237. Page actions are specified using method bindings that are executed when entering a page, just prior to the Render Response phase.




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