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单词 Enforce
1. Governments make laws and the police enforce them.
2. In some countries the police enforce the laws.
3. The legislation will be difficult to enforce.
4. Have you any facts that would enforce your argument?
5. The police are there to enforce the law.
6. It isn't always easy for the police to enforce speed limits.
7. It's the job of the police to enforce the law.
8. The police enforce the law.
9. You can't enforce cooperation between the players.
10. Desegregation may be harder to enforce in rural areas.
11. Local inspectors helped enforce presidential decrees.
12. Have you any statistics that would enforce your argument?
13. The army was/were called out to enforce the curfew.
14. They tried to enforce agreement with their plans.
15. It is the job of the inspectors to enforce compliance with the regulations.
16. Fighter planes are being sent to enforce the UN no-fly zone.
17. Rules are rules and it's my duty to enforce them.
18. Aircraft will enforce the no-fly zone to protect UN forces on the ground.
19. The new teacher had failed to enforce any sort of discipline.
20. Game wardens were appointed to enforce hunting laws in New Hampshire.
21. The government may take steps to enforce compliance with the new measures.
22. Today most planning authorities enforce fairly strict guidelines on new houses.
23. The most stringent laws in the world are useless unless there is the will to enforce them.
24. Match officials should not tolerate such behaviour but instead enforce the laws of the game.
25. The new law about safety belts in cars was difficult to enforce at first.
26. The White House has noted his promise to support any attack that was designed to enforce the UN resolutions./enforce.html
27. The agreement will give the UN some muscle to enforce human rights.
28. The changes to the tax system proved impracticable as they were impossible to enforce.
29. Clearly, the police cannot break the law in order to enforce it.
30. He'd been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire.
1. Governments make laws and the police enforce them.
2. In some countries the police enforce the laws.
3. The legislation will be difficult to enforce.
4. Have you any facts that would enforce your argument?
5. It isn't always easy for the police to enforce speed limits.
6. The most stringent laws in the world are useless unless there is the will to enforce them.
7. It's the job of the police to enforce the law.
8. The police enforce the law.
9. They tried to enforce agreement with their plans.
10. You have no right to enforce your own views on me.
31. You have no right to enforce your own views on me.
32. The police don't make the laws, they merely enforce them.
33. It is unlikely that a record company would enforce its views on an established artist.
34. What you cannot enforce, do not command. Sophocles 
35. It's difficult to enforce discipline in these surroundings.
36. They are willing to explain but not to enforce.
37. Where the courts will not enforce compliance, governments will.
38. The will to enforce its diktat is present.
39. And there's some doubt as to whether the council can make its tenant farmers enforce the ban.
40. Significantly, section five of the amendment allowed Congress to provide military aid, if necessary, to enforce its provisions.
41. Housing authorities that enforce the policies will qualify for certain categories of bonus funding.
42. The government is reportedly unwilling to enforce conservation laws in the case of influential royal parties from its Gulf allies.
43. This entitled them to bring a patent action against the buyers to enforce the patent.
44. A party entitled to enforce the judgment or order may apply on affidavit to issue the necessary process.
45. Greenpeace claim that the Authority is failing in its statutory duty to gather the necessary evidence to enforce the law.
46. A misrepresentation or misdescription could result in the landlord being unable to enforce the terms of the agreement.
47. The myths and rites will be given different interpretations, different rational applications, different social customs to validate and enforce.
48. It is doubtful whether the council will be able to recover all the back tax or enforce the costs order.
49. Police say they had to enforce the law after 1am when the clocks went forward an hour.
50. The Roman centurion can return and enforce the evacuation but he can't open up responses.
51. Wednesday afternoon, riot police were out on the streets of Belgrade to enforce a ban on marches by anti-Milosevic demonstrators.
52. For death penalty adherents, the pendulum has finally swung their way: California will enforce the death penalty more quickly.
53. Clearly no government can legislate for such a wide array of circumstances, let alone attempt to enforce such legislation.
54. The administration of law and order may enforce another definition of crime which is different from the legal definition.
55. Lord Wellworthy can enforce the covenant only whilst he retains the legal estate in the Stately Mansion Hotel.
56. There is therefore the broadest possible political consensus behind the pressures to enforce such a duty to disarm.Sentence dictionary
57. Most existing international agreements depend on governments to enforce rules on companies.
58. Some superiors were more zealous than others to enforce the disciplinary code.
59. Is that on the cards, or has Unesco got some rules that he is going to enforce after all?
60. Respondents identified a number of procedural deficiencies in the Act which was said to lack sufficient powers to enforce compliance.
61. To enforce this group consensus about how much should be produced, there were informal rules.
62. Chief executives are officials who run governmental bodies that formulate and enforce laws.
63. The police were not competent to enforce the civil provisions, which required that employers should do so.
64. Those who anticipate that both will be granted will campaign for legislation to enforce a new schedule of environmental safeguards.
65. The only answer to this is to develop a comprehensive programme of accounting standards and to enforce them vigorously.
66. Then the militia, or the U. S. Army, in extreme cases, would enforce the injunction.
67. Employees are scared to enforce their rights because if they did they would be unfairly dismissed.
68. It was his job as district attorney to enforce a state law prohibiting abortion except to save a woman's life.
69. Additional police officers were put on the street to enforce an 8 p. m. curfew aimed at preventing looting.
70. The applicant sought judicial review of the Director's decision to seek to enforce compliance with the requirements of the notice.
71. Users can reach their own collective agreements on usage, but these may be costly to organize and enforce.
72. The organization is free to use any available social mechanisms to enforce compliance and ensure its own stability. 5.
73. But it is one thing to have rules, another to enforce them.
74. Trying to enforce the law regulating the length of passenger buses has been a bureaucratic nightmare.
75. What sanctions existed to enforce compliance with the orders of missus or count?
76. The exchange should have a mechanism by which to enforce its members' compliance with the rules.
77. In addition, parties that comply with the Convention ultimately may find it easier to enforce their judgments abroad.
78. Rigby worked with ardour to suppress trafficking in slaves and his efforts to enforce the 1845 treaty were unremitting.
79. They created a system of elected building captains and court captains to enforce them.
80. They contend that the commissioner is required by law to enforce the anti-redlining regulation, regardless of personal preference.
81. The committal order was for failing to attend court for examination of his means in proceedings to enforce judgement debts against him.
82. Their specific duty is to prevent a breach of the peace or to enforce a court order; for example,() access.
83. The work of regulatory agencies was also undermined by budget cuts and a concerted unwillingness to enforce existing regulations.
84. It manipulates the environment, and it is able to enforce moral duties on those who are inclined to disregard them.
85. In built-up areas, for example, special slow-reacting catalytic surfaces will automatically enforce the speed limit.
86. The government was bitterly denounced for the emergency measures it was taking to enforce order.
86. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
87. The government has already introduced tougher laws on food hygiene and now it hopes the register will help council officers enforce them.
88. As segregation and violence became commonplace, the national government expressed no willingness to enforce a new racial order.
89. The recovery processing will enforce the outcome.
90. This requires construction companies to enforce their cost control, lower the cost, and gain profit from management and try to maximize their profit.
91. The text will ensure that goods are released from customs control as quickly as possible, while preserving the ability of customs authorities to strictly enforce customs laws and regulations.
92. It can conciliate China and the west, transfix in the ancient and modern, help to enforce and manage state affairs--- The law science blueprint what he describe have democratic, scientific character.
93. To enforce the principle of monogamy, in 1985 the Civil Codes stipulated that "bigamous marriages are grounds for nullity."
94. To enforce the academic norm is for academic reliability of musicological research.
95. We will establish a sound mechanism of regular pay raises for workers and strictly enforce the minimum wage system.
96. If we are dependent upon a system that governs, we will also be dependent upon people to enforce the rules of that system.
97. I find fault with a government that does nothing to enforce the laws of the land.
98. France becomes the first country to enforce a ban against the niqab, or Muslim face veil Monday, when new legislation comes into force.
99. They wanted me to enforce a peace upon the whole land of Lyonnesse, so that no man could make war upon another.
100. In effect, they are daring Beijing technocrats to enforce the credit ceiling and risk a widespread liquidity shortage in the latter part of the year.
101. Software libraries that enforce this independence between implementing and calling code are considered loosely-coupled.
102. We will enforce the newly revised interim regulations on value-added tax, business tax and excise tax, and comprehensively implement VAT reform.
103. The revision of the corporation law should take compromise capital system and enforce the civil responsibility system.
104. Thus it is important to make exploitive measure of human resource in Chongqing, under the strategy of human resource to enforce our country.
105. When nations breach agreed international norms, the countries who espouse those norms must be convinced to band together to enforce them.
106. The SNB will enforce this minimum rate with the utmost determination and is prepared to buy foreign currency in unlimited quantities.
107. You will continually draw into your life people who need to enforce authority, and you will struggle with them until you learn the lesson of obedience.
108. For the equipment, facility provided by customer, set the maintenance requirement and enforce it.
109. For the last 25 years CCTV has proliferated into public spaces across the UK, but is it going too far to use cameras to give parking tickets and enforce bus lane rules?
110. Jackson did more. He asked Congress to give him the power to use the Army and Navy to enforce the laws of the land.
111. It was the judicial authority to enforce, but not to expound, fundamental law and was limited to the concededly unconstitutional act.
112. She has partnered with states to implement and enforce the No Child Left Behind Act, which commits our schools to bringing all students up to grade level or better in reading and math by 2014.
113. But then, is there much reason to think that countries at different stages of the Kuznets curve could even agree to enforce tough restrictions?
114. Data services also perform a critical governance function - they help centralize metrics, monitoring, version management, reuse of data types, and enforce data visibility and access rules.
115. Make sure you take steps within your program to enforce serial access to shared file descriptors and other external resources.
116. Article 237 The debtor may request the lien holder to enforce the right of lien after the expiration of the time limit for payment of the debts.
117. Based on the resultant,[http:///enforce.html] managers should enforce budgetary participation and budgetary control of members.
118. The Carrier's lien shall survive discharge or delivery of the Goods and the Carrier shall have the right to enforce such lien by public auction or private sale in its discretion.
119. The PRACTICE specification determines which utilities are to be monitored and which syntax rules to enforce for each utility.
120. Gregory VII did more than any previous Pope to enforce clerical celibacy.
121. To grantsuch a patent license to a party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a patent against the party.
122. We'll put in place the strongest consumer financial protections in American history, and create an independent agency with an independent director and an independent budget to enforce them.
123. The step had the effect of making the FCC's power to enforce network neutrality subject to interpretation, emboldening those looking for ways around it.
124. In the event legal action is required to enforce any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and costs.
125. In 1919 northern Persia was occupied by the British General Edmund Ironside to enforce the Turkish Armistice conditions and assist General Malleson contain Boshevik influences in the north.
126. A variant of enforce, this check is more complex, as an additional context check is made based on the node returned from the XPath expression test.
127. The court called for a demilitarized zone near the Preah Vihear temple and the posting of Indonesian army observers to enforce the agreement.
128. Gaza court run by Hamas then ordered the assets unfrozen and police were dispatched Monday to enforce it, putting them in the odd position of barging into a bank and asking it to hand over the dough.
129. After two days of chaotic looting that heavily damaged Concepcion, the deployment of 14,000 troops to enforce curfews there and in other cities began to instill a measure of calm.
130. Aging nuclear plants pose a risk in the United States as well, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission must enforce up-to-date safety standards more forcefully -- or risk the possibility of a disaster.
131. We must pay attention to meet six obstacle factors and solve six problems to enforce the mod-el of resources securitization in western regio...
132. Both theory and reality show that the environment to enforce minimum wage in China is immature so far, however why does the government still push the minimum wage system?
133. In the future, the Chinese Government will further strengthen its efforts to publicize and implement relevant export control regulations with an aim to enforce them comprehensively and effectively.
134. First, local government roust enforce the supporting, including funds and policy.
135. Methods The ordinary silk thread of was used to enforce peritoneoscope gall bladder resection in 106 instances.
136. Though these comments are not systematic and attract little attention, they enforce the back - to - the - ancient Fu thought in late Yuan Dynast), .
137. When parties don't enforce right and have an effect on profit of interested person, the interested person can cite temporis exceptio before procedure of first instance and close of debate.
138. You still need a way to enforce a low-privileged access policy on inbound messages, and that is usually through MCAUSER.
139. POSIX provides the mutex function to create critical sections that enforce exclusive access to an object (a piece of memory) by a single thread.
140. SENIOR NON-COMMISSIONED DEFENCE FORCE MEMBERS implement and enforce directives of commissioned officers of the Australian and New Zealand Defence Forces.
141. However, once the commission approves appropriations, the act provides that it is the task of the CEO to enforce the requirement that county funds be spent only in accordance with the approved budget.
142. The proposed algorithm uses three search steps and introduces random numbers to enforce ergodicity .
143. The state-run Bahrain News Agency said the lawmakers want King Hamad bin Issa al-Khalifa to enforce martial law for three months and impose a curfew to protect peace and stability.
144. If any legal action is necessary to enforce or interpret the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, costs, and necessary disbursements.
145. He says the commission would act narrowly and enforce only parts of existing law.
146. Requesters and providers interact directly[http://], through the minimum number of ESBs (there is no need to enforce hierarchical routing through the enterprise ESB that hosts the top-level registry).
147. The Equality and Human Rights Commission should publicise and enforce this.
148. You want the safety of having the compiler enforce the identical element type and calling sequence.
149. At this time of laws, you cannot just show a map with 9 dashes to enforce a claim.
150. One, introduced in May, would authorize inspectors with the city Department of Consumer Affairs to enforce a little-known state law that requires businesses to display their names in English.
151. The U.S. is ranked No. 68 in pay equality—despite laws in place to enforce equal pay for equal work.
152. They enforce the difference between positions we must respect, although we think them wrong, and positions we need not respect because they offend some ground rule of moral reasoning.
153. If you want to enforce mail quotas, you could compare the information output at this stage with a global or per-user quota, and provide the user with some kind of warning.
154. The Taliban's promise - in Pashtun areas straddling Pakistan and Afghanistan - was to restore peace and security and enforce their own austere version of Sharia, or Islamic law, once in power.




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