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单词 Indigenous
1. Many of the indigenous insects are needed to pollinate the local plants.
2. Are there any species of frog indigenous to the area?
3. Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia.
4. Each country has its own indigenous cultural tradition.
5. The tree is indigenous to China.
6. Blueberries are indigenous to America.
7. The indigenous method costs less money.
8. Giant pandas are indigenous to China.
9. The kangaroo is indigenous to Australia.
10. The indigenous people were brought into the Catholic fold.
11. The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand.
12. Not all indigenous regimes were willing to accept the supposed benefits of British trade.
13. All manifestations of their indigenous cultures were outlawed.
14. The cemetery is surrounded by indigenous plants and trees.
15. Akan[Sentencedict], Kru and other indigenous languages.
16. Fulani, Malinke, Soussou and other indigenous languages.
17. Fang, Bubi and other indigenous languages.
18. Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo and other indigenous languages.
19. Kongo, Lingala and other indigenous languages.
20. The Aztecs dominated dozens of indigenous communities.
21. Investors have been a tad nervous since indigenous people rioted for several days in March.
22. Another important difference between exogenous and indigenous firms concerns their linkages with the local economy.
23. Red foxes are indigenous to the East and Midwest parts of the U.S.
24. This often meant, of course, depriving the indigenous peoples of the very essence of their traditional culture and religious practices.
25. The region's indigenous peoples demand that they be included in discussion about environmental issues and development.
26. As an alternative to aping Hollywood, it could be seen as a useful model for the development of indigenous cinema.
27. Ordinary people here have shown they care about the atrocious living conditions of our indigenous peoples.
28. However, the key factor has been domestic agricultural policies which protect indigenous agriculture for security or political reasons.
29. These difficulties were exacerbated by the almost complete absence of indigenous, vertically-integrated companies.
30. Hundreds of soldiers last month entered the Chiapas village of Oventic, an indigenous community that supports the Zapatista rebels.
1. Many of the indigenous insects are needed to pollinate the local plants.
2. Are there any species of frog indigenous to the area?
3. Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia.
4. Each country has its own indigenous cultural tradition.
31. Indigenous economic interests and institutions become dependent on the state bureaucracy.
32. This is the richest of the indigenous churches of the district where limestone is plentiful and masonry developed early.
33. The fact that most of the rainforest is uninhabited, with only a few pockets of indigenous communities, makes exploitation attractive.
34. This paper will argue the importance of indigenous ethnic identity in influencing economic development in the region.
35. Prior to the uprising, indigenous leaders from Chimborazo had been conferring with their counterparts in other areas of the Sierra.
36. But for the vast majority of people - particularly in rural areas - indigenous language remains the most potent expression of their aspirations.
37. This at least often seems to be the majority view in the indigenous culture of our society.
38. Part of the event are exhibitions of indigenous art and a colloquium on visual anthropology.
38. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
39. But Marcos stopped short of endorsing Fox completely and warned that the rebels' struggle for indigenous rights would continue.
40. Another conference at Llangollen on Wednesday examines how indigenous cultural resources can generate economic growth.
41. For example, some countries need to import coal because there are no indigenous supplies.
42. Plans to lease timber rights from indigenous peoples for extremely low prices were also criticised.
43. The food is dumpling-based, substantial, and it would be kinder to draw a veil over the indigenous wine lake.
44. Indigenous oil discoveries proved disappointing and efforts have been directed towards hydro-electric power, nuclear and geothermal energy.
45. Instead they are crafting theologies and liturgies that draw on their own indigenous cultures.
46. He, too, was blessed with that sense of humour which seemed indigenous to them all.
47. Thus far, Stone has failed to consult with any indigenous body.
48. Juan Bautista de Anza inhabited these parts back when the Old Pueblo was still in the hands of indigenous city fathers.
49. Very little produce is imported, and with the restrictions imposed by a hot climate, meals are based on indigenous ingredients.
50. The whole concept, by the way, is indigenous to baseball.
51. The government appears to be taking a conciliatory approach to the indigenous unrest.
52. From this we put a major explanatory weight on the indigenous construction of human nature and emotions.
53. First, foreign earnings from copper have been used to purchase shortfalls in indigenous production.
54. Land ownership and the life of indigenous communities is also receiving detailed scrutiny.
55. The latter had grown in the pre-colonial era as the commercial and political centres of indigenous kingdoms or empires.
56. I shall look at five indigenous concepts which I think throw some light on the particularity of Chewong social and individual behaviour.
57. They had to create formal societies and cultures at the expense of looser indigenous ways.
58. Indigenous organizations had threatened to boycott the presidential and congressional elections unless their demands were met.
59. Survival International has launched a campaign against the programme and its likely effects on the indigenous inhabitants of the forest.
60. In February, federal government negotiators signed an accord with the Zapatista rebels that calls for expanding indigenous rights.
61. It was economical, thought Lydia, and reassuring to make your dwelling place of the same indigenous material as your grave.
62. The musicians belonged to indigenous Maya communities decimated by the 36-year-long conflict.
63. Most of these were 1948 refugees, but some were indigenous to the West Bank.
64. The government today is trying to combine preservation of indigenous cultures with economic development.
65. It is an interpretation found equally applicable to developing capitalist states where indigenous bourgeoisies are yet to develop fully.
66. There are also patents on varieties of seeds and plants, as well as unusual genes and cell lines from indigenous peoples.
67. When teachers are sent, most of them are ladinos, as relatively few teachers from the indigenous communities are trained.
68. For indigenous peoples[/indigenous.html], the values and sense of belonging to a community which aspires only to serve the world are paramount.
69. The indigenous communities of Chiapas discuss and decide, and he is their mouthpiece.
70. The indigenous media need more than ever to promote lasting peace with justice, through ecumenical and interfaith dialogue.
71. The law would grant indigenous communities significant autonomy in the way they run their communities.
72. Overall, these groups include ethnic minorities, ethnic nationalists, indigenous groups, inter-communal contenders, and militant sects.
73. Today the region is home to a million tribal people and is the largest remaining stronghold of indigenous culture in the country.
74. New Zealand's numerous indigenous shrubs and trees provide unending greenery.
75. So the idea of the transnational capitalist class includes fractions of both the old indigenous bourgeoisie and the comprador bourgeoisie.
76. The indigenous churches draw on the past to prepare people for the future.
77. It is not the indigenous people who are visited by colonists here.
78. Such an approach is in keeping with the guidelines for the original conference, which stressed the interpretative importance of indigenous concepts of self.
79. The comment is irrelevant and demeaning to indigenous peoples living a traditional lifestyle.
80. Elizabeth Durack was one of the first white artists to adopt indigenous painting techniques.
81. Before Marcos spoke, other comandantes made brief appeals for greater respect for indigenous people.
82. The many types of indigenous culture which existed in Siberia fall into approximately nine groups.
83. Throw it all together, along with a few indigenous ingredients, and you have an unparalleled culinary repertoire of great depth.
84. The indigenous community has borne the brunt of the costs of regeneration but has enjoyed few of its rewards.
85. Some maquilas were established in indigenous communities, others among mestizos.
86. In Chapter 3, the situations of indigenous tertiary education in Mainland China, Maori in New Zealand, Canada, and Saami had been analyzed respectively and compared to draw up conclusions.
87. We are the first indigenous manufacturer of Plastisol Inks in India.
88. Indigenous to Italy, the blood orange is an offshoot of the sweet oranges that came from Asia in the 1400s.
89. Protecting indigenous culture and benefiting local people are the foundations of tourism development, in turn acting as the body of plane.
90. South Africa's fast growing, indigenous, Pentecostal-influenced Zionist churches encourage baptism by full immersion as a form of healing and rebirth.
91. Traditional medicine that has been adopted by other populations (outside its indigenous culture) is often termed alternative or complementary medicine.
92. Bolivia plans to open three indigenous universities next year that will teach in Aymara, Quechua, and Guarani, which are co-official languages in the South American country, along with Spanish.
93. Nidia Matamoros of Nicaragua, a member of the Miskito indigenous group's project, saw her trip delayed because of storm-canceled flights, but managed to arrive Sunday.
94. Foreign businesses in China have fought most bitterly over a new government procurement policy, launched in 2009, that favours products listed in catalogues of "indigenous innovation" technologies.
95. WCS partners with indigenous groups, private sector industries and national governments throughout Central Africa to reduce threats to the Western Lowland Gorilla.
96. The invasion of Spartina alterniflora had increased rhizospheric soil organic carbon contents and storages of the wetland of indigenous Phragmites australis.
97. Any of several food and game fishes of the drum family, especially of the genus Menticirrhus, indigenous to warm Atlantic waters.
98. Most of the workers are indigenous Quechua people. They have been working here for generations and live precariously on the outskirts of the salt mines.
99. On the island of Mindoro, however, indigenous farmers fear they will lose their ancestral homeland to the strip-miners.
100. The Inughuit are one of the smallest indigenous groups in the world, with a population of just 800 spread across the four settlements that make up the Thule region.
101. The newfound native language may have borrowed from Quechua, a language still spoken by indigenous peoples of Peru, Quilter said.
102. For Western readers, the architecture of the ancient world, of the Orient, and of the pre-Columbian Americas may be divided into two groups: indigenous architecture and classical architecture.
103. Some local bird feed and pet stores can be a wealth of information about seeds and the types of birds that are indigenous to your area.
104. In Guatemala, a lower-middle-income country, 62 percent of Spanish-speaking girls but only 26 percent of indigenous, non-Spanish-speaking girls complete primary school.
105. It is more nearly adequate to say that vulgarized Nietzschean thought activated latent problems, and accelerated indigenous trends, already present in American life.
106. The pickled mustard tuber, which is produced by pickling the stem mustard (Brassica juncea coss var tnmida Tsen et Lee) in salt solution, is an indigenous Chinese fermented vegetable product.
107. Chinese attempts at indigenous SAMs were somewhat poor even after an injection of Western technologies during the 1970s and 80s when China was an awkward bedfellow of the West against the USSR.
108. The Titan Arum was discovered in 1878 in its sole indigenous habitat, the Indonesian island of Sumatra, and grows in cultivation in only a handful of places around the world.
109. A revision on the scientific and Chinese name of the verrucose wild rice indigenous to China.
110. An indigenous North American plant, black cohosh is proving to be an excellent natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy for women.
111. During the Dutch colonial administration, ethnic-Chinese were encouraged to assume an economic "compradore" (middleman) role between the Dutch authorities and the subjugated indigenous populations.
112. The results show that hydrodynamic dispersion and indigenous biodegradation under mixed electron accepter conditions are primary mechanisms for the attenuation of ethanol and BTEX in porous media.
113. Later they were replaced by the Chinese indigenous Type 65 82mm recoilless gun developed in the mid-1960s.
114. In Chile, for example, pressure to speak Spanish is eroding the indigenous language of the Mapuche people.
115. Annual herb (Capsella bursa-pastoris) of the family Cruciferae (mustard family), indigenous to Europe but now a nearly cosmopolitan weed in temperate regions.
116. Back in Puebla, head to the Casa de la Cultura to view the indigenous and modern altar-building contest entries and visit with the artists.
117. The popular Tagalog and Filipino languages threaten small indigenous languages in the Philippines.
118. The United States was founded on the slaughtering of indigenous population and the slave system.
119. And she wrote a book that many people in China were taken by called "Bead on an Anthill: Lakota Childhood", it's about growing up indigenous in the modern age.
120. In the northeastern state of Assam, ethnic clashes between indigenous tribes and Muslim settlers have killed more than 50 people in recent weeks.
121. Mexico has 62 indigenous languages spoken today even though the national language is Spanish.
122. The author thinks we only have the consulting model that can adapt and solve indigenous mental disturbance, we haven't impossibly to set up the oriental consulting model so called.
123. Through translation, the postcolonial writers incorporated the elements of the indigenous language and culture into the postcolonial literary texts.
124. To oppose U. S. imperialism , people of European origin in the Latin-American countries should unite with the indigenous Indians.
125. The Wajapi of the tupi-guarani cultural-linguistic group are indigenous to the northern Amazonian region.
126. "It's an indigenous revolution," says Miguel Urioste, researcher and former director with the La Paz-based nonpartisan land rights group Fundacion TIERRA.
127. In other words, the new scripts do not require that you leave behind everything and move into a tipi or grass shack as your indigenous ancestors once lived.
128. Clarification of indigenous and exotic species is very important for floristic analysis and vegetation restoration.
129. According to the result, both detection limits of acetate-C/L and salicylic acid -C/L by baro- respirometric meter were apparently affected by different indigenous bacteria and temperatures.
130. Now that the indigenous method is to be launched, but the scene shot well.
131. What further amazes Verner, a macro-economist, is the deftness with which the indigenous people navigate the modern world while retaining fidelity to their traditions and customs.
132. "Pocahontas was not romantically involved with John Smith, " said John Mohawk, the director of indigenous studies at the State University of New York at Buffalo.
133. A masked marcher participates in an event celebrating the 16th International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples in Manila, the Philippines.
134. Ecuadorian farmers and indigenous residents have accused Texaco, which Chevron bought in 2001, of discharging some 18 billion gallons of toxic water into the rainforest.
135. They are highly trained indigenous warriors who can wield their clubs with great skill and are often used as shock troops.
136. One of the goals is to include indigenous peoples and forest-dependent communities in policymaking.
137. As a result of a heightened sense of national identity and indigenous culture, as well as attention from the elites, the koa-a opera has been hailed as a symbol of Taiwan's indigenous theater.
138. But indigenous Oaxacan mothers traditionally breast feed their babies for a year and rarely use bassinets, carrying their infants instead in a rebozo, a type of sling.
139. While Australia's indigenous people, the Torres Strait Islanders , and immigrants from overseas for this writer added a new field.
140. Centaur tribes terrorize the Barrens of Kalimdor and ransack the indigenous peoples' villages and cities.
141. What I do know is this: If I ever end up near a manzanita bush, which is indigenous to the Sierra Nevada, it is a great source of food.
142. Meroitic was the indigenous language of the Kingdom of Kush.
143. It has been almost 20 years since a royal commission raised the alarm of the widespread lack of care for Australian indigenous prisoners.
144. Those who speak it live on indigenous lands like Diahui, Middle Madeira river, Southern Amazonas State, Municipality of Humaita. As of 2006, one speaker was left.
145. Perhaps more importantly, Ms Johnson Sirleaf has not been able to dispel the sense of disenfranchisement felt by many indigenous Liberians.
146. Many of the most vulnerable segments of the Peruvian population, including indigenous peoples, live in remote places in the Andes or Selva regions.
147. It would have a certain koine to it; that is, a Greek overlay, over what may be also be there, the original indigenous kind of cultures and languages.
148. A further improved variant fitted with an indigenous KLC-1 surface search radar and a ASW suite was introduced in the late 1990s.
149. Populated by indigenous dendritic cells, medium and large human arteries have immune-sensing and T-cell–stimulatory functions.
150. GSHP technology, as one of the indigenous, high efficient, clean, savable and sustainable energy technology, must be widely spread and apply in our country.
151. It is indigenous African, with the Zulu, Xhosa, and Sotho peoples all playing their role in ancient times.
152. Hungry for help: This child beggar, also from the Akha tribe indigenous to the area near Tachilek, looks to tourists' generosity for her daily subsistence on March 31 in Tachilek.
153. Lei Ting, producer of the indigenous musical Wanderings of Sanmao (which recently played in Shanghai), says it is impossible to popularise musicals in China merely by imitating western models.
154. The culture of Timor Leste reflects numerous cultural influences, including Portuguese, Roman Catholic and Malay, on the indigenous Austronesian cultures of Timor.
155. The Black Arm Band presents music of the Australian Indigenous experience.
156. It, however, is paradoxical that "enjoying the rural life" has never been an indigenous idea having developed independently and self-consciously, but a bounce-back of urban cultural expansion.
157. More recently, studying indigenous medicine has become a cost-effective way of identifying active chemical ingredients from plants that might be valuable in modern medicine.
158. Besides, there are 22 "madhesi" (inhabitants of the eastern Terai), 11 dalits, and 22 from the indigenous groups also among the 73 Maoist MPs.
159. The USA's Faith Based Initiative law provides Christian missionary organizations with taxpayer funds that are used to proselytize Christianity to indigenous populations throughout the world.
160. Some scholars believe that most of the indigenous population resided in Mesoamerica and South America, with approximately 10 percent residing in North America, prior to European colonization.
161. The most alluring place in Maya Guatemala is Chichicastenango a walkable town about three hours by road from Guatemala City where more than 95 percent of the people are indigenous.
162. Much of the indigenous Melanesian population opposes Indonesian rule and see the government—and their allies at Freeport—as occupiers.
163. The bioprospecting/'biopiracy' debate has pitted corporations against a number of developing country governments and indigenous peoples, who claim that they are being exploited by such practices.
164. RISA shows that the inoculated strain QYY can steadily survive in the system and does not affect the indigenous populations of the microbial community.
165. One should not forget that Newar Buddhism possesses quite a number of indigenous elements, which are not to be found in Indian Mahayana Buddhism.
166. A member of any of the indigenous peoples of Melanesia.
167. There's a lesson to be taken from this by the English loving crowd on here, who keep on saying that English is the language of business,() and call learning indigenous languages a waste of time.
168. The right to self-determination, particularly for indigenous people like Greenland's Inuit, more commonly known as Eskimos, was a recurring theme this weekend.
169. For 1, 000 years the indigenous Nenets people have migrated along the Yamal peninsula.
170. This paper discusses the effect of heat on the survival of non indigenous organisms in ballast water.
171. SAVE THE RAINFOREST: An indigenous person shot video at the SOS Amazon event Tuesday in Belem, Brazil. The event is meant to bring attention to saving the Amazon forest.
172. If the spacecraft, after running out of maneuvering fuel, should crash into Europa, it might contaminate that moon with stowaway microbes from Earth and confound future searchers for indigenous life.
173. Those toiling under the vultures mutter to one another in Warao, an indigenous language spoken in the nearby delta where the Orinoco, one of the world's mightiest rivers, meets the Atlantic.




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