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单词 Legislative
1, Congress is the legislative branch of the U.S. government.
2, Legislative reform is long overdue.
3, The legislative session prorogued yesterday.
4, The new assemblies will have no legislative power .
5, She was nominated to the legislative council.
6, The legislative body had voted to oust the country's onetime rulers.
7, The real legislative power still rests with the lower chamber.
8, Clear legislative reform is needed to overcome the inadequacies of the current situation.
9, Never blame a legislative body for not doing something.
10, Government ministers have legislative(), executive and judicial functions.
11, The plan will require federal administrative or legislative approval.
12, The council would assume legislative, judicial and executive powers.
13, A non-revolutionary socialist, she believed in legislative action.
14, No legislative action has been taken on either recommendation.
15, The legislative branch has just chosen its leadership.
16, The Assembly was not a true legislative body.
17, A former legislative assistant to North Carolina Sen.
18, Not everyone is happy about the legislative proposal.
19, And that meant both the legislative and executive branches.
20, Legislative power is vested in the bicameral Legislative Assembly.
21, There is no elected national legislative body.
22, Ireland entered into legislative union in 1801.
23, The legislative and regulatory framework applied to gas exploration is also included in the study.
24, Chances are the competitive nature of state legislative elections will increase also.
25, Executive, legislative,[http:///legislative.html] and judicial authority flowed from him and there were no legal limitations to his power.
26, Today's hearing was just the first step in the legislative process.
27, Power is shared between three main branches of government: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary.
28, In face of these political and economic problems, the legislative record of the second administration was necessarily limited.
29, This provision was overturned by the Supreme Court as a legislative intrusion on the executive authority of the president.
30, The United States faces years of indecisive government, with Washington paralysed by score-settling and legislative gridlock.
1, Congress is the legislative branch of the U.S. government.
31, Primary legislative authority is exercised through the unicameral Chamber of Deputies, elected every five years.
32, The special position of this mainland group in the Legislative Assembly was guaranteed by the Constitution.
33, In the present case, however, a pure delegation of legislative power is precisely what we have before us.
34, Thus far, only two relatively minor planks of the 10-point House-initiated legislative agenda have become law.
35, The courts have also addressed themselves to the question of whether natural justice or fairness applies to matters of a legislative nature.
36, Instead they set out to ride roughshod over the legislative branch, attempting to govern without congress rather than with it.
37, What was needed now was a major legislative victory that would change the atmosphere of political resentment and resistance on Capitol Hill.
38, But the Oregon story also illustrates some of the difficulties that will accompany legislative changes on such a massive scale.
39, That is necessarily implicit in the legislative scheme, and section 58 must be so read and understood.
40, Unitary Because all legislative power stems from Parliament, we have a unitary as opposed to a federal constitution.
41, Legislators introduce bills in the legislative body and examine and vote on bills introduced by other legislators.
42, Thus economic models of bureaucratic behaviour usually involve a theory of legislative behaviour in which politicians aim to maximize their electoral support.
43, Not withstanding these comforting words, Gerald Ford never succeeded in establishing a productive relationship with the legislative branch.
44, Boer nationalism merely erected a massive legislative panoply for racial discrimination.
45, It provided for Kurdish legislative and executive councils, but real power was retained by the central government in Baghdad.
46, The judiciary, not the executive or legislative branches, was the most powerful institution,[/legislative.html] I decided.
47, As we shall see later, legislative backed codes of conduct have been adopted to deal with the problem.
48, Some even believe that scandals, unless they get out of hand, can serve as an incentive for legislative achievement.
49, The Democrats in the 1980s have continued to dominate congressional, gubernatorial and state legislative elections.
50, It involves the power to nullify legislative acts on constitutional grounds.
51, The example shows that the objector's neat distinction between adjudicative and legislative authorities is mistaken.
52, Also, as the Senate leader, Dole can contrast himself with Clinton with a legislative agenda that reinforces his campaign message.
53, It was the first and biggest step in changing the council from a legislative body to a rubber stamp for his administration.
54, The ruling yesterday is expected to have an impact on six other states that have legislative term limits with lifetime bans.
55, The majority takes command of committee chairmanships, the bulk of staff positions, and legislative scheduling.
56, The results of these activities are subsequently evaluated by the legislative body in order to determine whether objectives have been met.
57, But that law was repealed as part of a legislative effort to boost voter registration and participation.
58, Perhaps with reason, Brown has regarded most legislative reform proposals as a personal attack on him.
59, Each participating State will provide for its legislative approval of defence expenditures.
60, Policy goals and objectives are set by legislative bodies, made up of politicians.
61, It was alleged that population growth since that time had resulted in serious inequities in the allocation of legislative representatives.
62, The northern legislative position essentially hinged on the unfairness of increasing proslavery representation in Congress under the terms of the Three-fifths Compromise.
63, Legislative power is vested in a bicameral Parliament, the lower chamber of which is popularly elected for up to five years.
64, It effectively ended when a new Legislative Assembly was formed following the November state elections.
65, To be sure, an inaugural address is not the occasion for a president to list the details of his legislative agenda.
66, We have no plans to extend the current legislative provisions.
67, There is a unicameral Legislative Assembly of 70 seats, 62 of which are elected by universal adult suffrage for five years.
68, Legislative power is vested in a bicameral parliament consisting of a popularly elected 49-member House of Assembly and an appointed 16-member Senate.
69, After the 1999 legislative battle, the university system's Board of Regents appointed a committee to examine collective bargaining.
70, If the Bundestag is unable to convene, legislative power goes to a joint committee of the Bundestag and Bundesrat.
71, It will be helpful to set them in the context of the legislative framework which we have applied for many years.
72, When legislative elections were held in 1990 under domestic and international pressure, the opposition party won 392 of 485 contested seats.
73, Some of the earliest arguments that legislative intentions count were made to judges in the course of lawsuits.
74, State law bars convicts from holding offices invested with executive or legislative authority.
75, These days, the evolution issue is symbolic of the legislative influence of religious conservatives.
76, To ensure political accountability, they might need executive approval to borrow up to a higher limit, and legislative approval beyond.
76, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
77, Legislative authority is now vested in a unicameral National Congress, with 100 members elected for five years by universal adult suffrage.
78, Rather than adopting an inappropriate legislative approach, we must persuade people and affect attitudes.
79, He omitted it on applications to be a legislative assistant on Capitol Hill.
80, Judicial appointments have the potential to matter more than legislative recommendations.
81, One knows that governments have other considerations to bear in mind, including the legislative process itself.
82, In exercising its norm control jurisdiction the Court acts as a restraint on the possibilities of abuse inherent in the legislative process.
83, Legislative power is vested in the National Assembly, elected by direct popular vote for a five-year term.
84, But hampered by the lack of enthusiasm from the White House, the measure failed to complete its legislative programme.
85, The council would elect a board of directors to act as consumer advocates on judicial, legislative or regulatory health-care matters.
86, They recognized that some of their objectives could be reached by administrative action without running the gauntlet of the legislative process.
87, Whether Congress holds extensive hearings into legislative policy adjustments may seem like boring, inside political baseball.
88, Where this is so, Parliament's legislative role is as above described in relation to Acts and United Kingdom delegated legislation.
89, Despite this the Duma was reduced from a legislative to a consultative body and hedged by all manner of restrictions.
90, The power of the Congress to conduct investigations is inherent in the legislative process.
91, Legislative mandate and legal offence are linked by an unguided and pervasive administrative discretion.
92, Aronoff, Riffe, other lawmakers and lobbyists adamantly deny any connection between campaign contributions, honoraria and legislative action.
93, Their budgets are closely controlled by Congress and any departmental legislative proposals will have to run the gauntlet of Congressional scrutiny.
94, The government's unpopularity was demonstrated in the January 1991 partial legislative and local elections.
95, Half the bills introduced each year are written by lobbyists, who often serve alongside elected lawmakers on special legislative committees.
96, He is charged with no duty at all related to either the legislative or judicial power.
97, He said the pledge was meaningless unless a concerted effort was made to find legislative time for outstanding recommendations.
98, The gravitational field generated in its productive phase by the legislative cycle attracted items from several diverse sources.
99, The Revolution certainly marked a belated victory for the policy of Exclusion, and finally established the legislative sovereignty of Parliament.
100, Viewers at home receive regular legislative briefings and can hold tele-discussions with their elected representatives in the state capital.
101, The use of framework legislation and the practice of delegated legislation were thus viewed essentially as methods of efficiently allocating legislative tasks.
102, This is the perspective from which we should approach the novel constitutional questions presented by the legislative veto.
103, They mounted an especially effective legislative liaison operation that secured a high level of Republican unity while drawing in conservative Democrats.
104, The regulation of financial affairs involves inpart legislative action, inpart executive action.
105, Despite the absence of precise measures, there are a few types of circumstantial evidence that suggest legislative weakness.
106, Although the legislative branch was clearly subservient to the executive, the Supreme Court exercised power independently.
106, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
107, It also cleared the way for the Senate to take action on Mr Bush's cabinet nominees and his legislative agenda.
108, Tim Leslie, R-Roseville, was given final legislative approval by the Senate on a 23-3 vote.
109, It is justified solely as an adjunct to the legislative process.
110, One argument is that two legislative houses ensure more careful deliberation on issues and laws.
111, Another obstacle to congressional effectiveness is the communication gap between the executive and legislative branches.
112, What exactly the government did mean by freedom was hard to discern in the nineteen legislative Acts which together constituted the emancipation.
113, Legislative and judicial elites are almost completely frozen out of corporatist policy arenas.
114, But others, such as tax relief for financial service companies, would require legislative action.
115, In our democracy, the making of public policy is usually reserved for duly elected legislative bodies.
116, Some bills go through numerous legislative contortions before they are approved.
117, All the candidates were said to be in favour of free legislative elections and economic reform.
118, Without a constitution, the powers of the legislative council are unclear.
119, To his surprise, Alexander recalled, Baker won and tapped him to go to Washington to work as his legislative assistant.
120, The courts can not declare a legislative measure or an executive action contrary to the provisions of the Constitution.
121, An election campaign between an incumbent president and a Senate majority leader is bound to be fought out in legislative jousting.
122, The reductions in status of the Duma from a legislative to a consultative body illustrates this.
123, Sovereignty is exercised by the Pope, who has absolute legislative, executive and judicial power.
124, There is no legislative assembly, although the formation of an advisory assembly has been under consideration since 1980.
125, A federal court has upheld legislative term limits in Maine that do not have a lifetime ban.
126, Critics say the law upsets the balance of power by delegating legislative authority to the executive branch.
127, Dole already has used legislative issues such as gun control and strategic missile defense to score political points.
128, Legislative authority is vested in a unicameral National Parliament, the 38 members of which are popularly elected for up to four years.
129, Beck had no intention of letting his report gather dust on the legislative shelves.
130, This California legislative history explains why patients resorted to a statewide ballot initiative.
131, There, I predict that any such legislative edict would be tossed out on its ear.
132, BAfter all, the extension has been postponed for decades by a barrage of legal and legislative challenges.
133, Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole could not leave it dangling as a rebuke to his legislative skills during his presidential campaign.
134, To elect as many legislative candidates as possible this fall who are sympathetic to both sides.
135, This has the great plus of achieving a certain coherence and integrity through the whole of the legislative programme and executive actions.
136, Congressional elections In simultaneous legislative elections the Democrats maintained control of both chambers of Congress.
137, At the legislative elections in 1990 it had advocated a strongly right-wing economic programme.
138, Historically[/legislative.html], weapon sales have jumped during legislative debate of gun-ownership controls and before any new restrictions become law.
139, Parallel legislative provisions clarify responsibilities and establish an integrated approach to change in schools.
140, It must be marvelous to just belong to some legislative body and just pick money out of the air.
141, We publish a handbook for our members, provide appraisal services, and we're active in legislative matters.
142, The nature of the decision implemented by the one-House veto in these cases further manifests its legislative character.
143, A lawyer, Alexander went to Washington as legislative assistant to Sen.
144, The monarch gave formal assent to any legislative measure approved by the two houses.
145, The legislative victory also burnished Putin's credentials as an economic reformer.
146, The proposal to establish an upper legislative chamber composed of the Matai was rejected in the referendum.
147, However, the Judgments Act is not the only legislative approval for the imposition of interest.
148, His only real legislative achievement was creation of the Peace Corps.
149, Whether this assumption is properly made depends ultimately upon one's conception of meaning and on questionable premises concerning legislative intent.
150, Together, these two bodies constitute the bulk of legislative and executive authority within the Community.
151, Abisala pledged to retain the majority of ministers in their posts until legislative elections, scheduled for Oct. 25.
152, Party loyalty used to be a powerful force in determining legislative action.
153, Democratic lawmakers are calling for a joint legislative committee to review the conduct of Gov.
154, Population is, of necessity, the starting point for consideration and the controlling criterion for judgment in legislative apportionment controversies.
155, An empirical test of the relative decline of legislative power is especially difficult.
156, This point can perhaps also be illustrated by some of the recent legislative reforms of company law.
157, Legislative acts that levied taxes and defined benefits have never contained any provisions for investing in assets to provide future benefits.
158, Executive hegemony is also facilitated by institutional arrangements that combine, rather than separate, the legislative and executive branches.
159, But the long-term movement of stock prices will hinge on follow-up actions by the Cabinet and the Legislative Yuan.
160, There is a shadow here, experts say: Consumer mistrust and legislative action could keep the concept from really taking off.
161, It was charged with writing a new charter and would meanwhile perform legislative and monitoring functions.
162, In the United Kingdom the doctrine of legislative supremacy dictates that Parliament has power to legislate on constitutional matters.
163, Legislative response to that conviction can not be regarded as arbitrary or capricious and that is all we have to decide.
164, In these systems, the electorate selects legislative candidates from a party committed to support a particular prime minister.
165, The chamber's procedural rules mean that the Democrats will now gain control of its legislative agenda.
166, This success was to be repeated, albeit less convincingly,[http:///legislative.html] eighteen months later when much-delayed legislative elections were held.
167, Along the staircase of the Legislative Council building are old paintings of water buffalo and bamboo paddies.
168, Legislative leaders, who approved modest increases in college funding in the last few years, could not be reached Friday.
169, With Carpenter, Kelly and Davies acting as a voting bloc, the board adopted a conservative legislative agenda.
170, Three years as a legislative liaison, six years in the state senate, four tedious years as lieutenant governor.
171, Regulations, directives, and decisions have in common that they are binding legislative Acts.
172, However, Clinton has no illusions that the Republican Congress would react favorably to a legislative agenda, McCurry said.
173, As we explain below, we find this legislative effort within constitutional bounds even if Congress may not regulate drinking ages directly.
174, The agreement was subject to legislative approval in both countries.
175, The Act of 1944 remains the one substantial legislative achievement of the wartime coalition.
176, Throughout the 1960s, as technology, especially computer technology, developed, pressure built up in Parliament for legislative controls.
177, He also found ways around previously agreed limits of 20 directly-elected seats to the Legislative Council in 1995.
178, The oath of office, too, imposed by the legislature, is completely demonstrative of the legislative opinion on this subject.
179, Later, Albright worked as a legislative assistant to the late Democratic Sen.
180, Legislative changes in benefit regulations of course cause difficulties at the Department of Social Security which is already unable to cope.
181, No fewer than 20 legislative acts will be required, says Mr Otsason.
182, Part three is legislative reconsider on special recidivist system.
183, The Legislative Yuan is the highest law-making institution.
184, An Enabling Act gave Hitler"s government full legislative power.
185, Nonpartisan observers generally expect almost all the money directed at education to survive in whatever final package emerges from the legislative process.
186, We can intuitively perceive the philosophy of judicial activism through the case of Scott which was accompanied by a much political attempt and the case of Lochner which vetoed legislative regulation.
187, In order to protect public benefit and realize legislative aims of administrative prosecution law, we should set up this system.
188, On the basis of the law of corporation and the practice of corporation's operation, the primary goal of this paper is legislative perfecting of board of directors in corporation.
189, From the legislative level, the clinical brain death to allow patients to achieve during his lifetime a voluntary donation of organs for other seriously ill patients transplanted wishes to implement.
190, Most international and domestic observers believe the presidential, gubernatorial, and legislative elections were some of Nigeria's fairest ever.
191, The third part involves the legislative perfections on Chinese marine cargo insurance.
192, They must coordinate the executive and legislative authorities with the judicial authority.
193, Finally several legislative opinions for improvement of legal obligation of information disclosure about listed companies.
194, Aloha State as its official popular name in a 1959 legislative act.
195, A guarantee fund is suggested to be set for the movie industry by legislative councillors, thus the government will lend money for the movie people for production of more movies.
196, The legislative mode of our current foreign investment law is to use special legislation of foreign investment enterprise to constitute the basic law groups assisted by other relative laws.
196, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
197, To develop the foreign trade agency, we should resolve the legislative chaos at first.
198, But cutting budgets is tough politics, which is why special commissions are at times called in to make recommendations away from the legislative hurly-burly.
199, The implementation of economic, social, and cultural sights relies mainly on legislative and administrative measures, moreover, some rights are justiciable in contracting states.
200, That is why a multilevel legal system with one basic law on climate change is very necessary, which would utilize umbrella-shaped legislative pattern, commonly seen in the field of environmental law.
201, This seems to be mutual advantage, they do not need to do anything, only in the Legislative Council voting to support me, in return I will allow them to suck Hong Kong People's sweat and blood !
202, This part puts forward the defects of discretionary non-prosecution from legislative and judicial aspects.
203, Chapter Five: Legislative thinking and mode selection of china CSR system.
204, Countries adopt specific legislation, unfair competition law, trademark law, hybrid legislative four protected mode.
205, The enabling legislation for the merger was also introduced into the Legislative Council on November 10 and is expected to be enacted in early 2000.
206, The western legislative evolution concerning victimless crimes shows the tendency of decriminalization, yet even such accusations are reserved in the penal codes.
207, Emily Lau, Former Chairperson of Hong Kong Journalists Association, Legislative Councillor, Convenor of the Frontier, Vice-chairperson of China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group, Hong Kong.
208, The study, however, did not predict who had the charisma to win the races in Tuesday's US legislative and gubernatorial elections.
209, By adopting a comparative approach, this dissertation will analyze the rationale of law draftsman, legislative intent, cases and statutes of different countries.
210, However , because of the legislative inattentiveness and excessive complexity of judicatory practice , the procedure for checking death penalty in our country has'm .
211, When did the building become the home of the Legislative Assembly?
212, It invested "all legislative Powers" in the Congress, "the executive Power" in the President, and "the judicial Power" in a Supreme Court and in inferior courts established by Congress.
213, It abreast with advanced legislative experience of the international community on the labor contract period system.
214, Wherever necessary, we will appropriate legislative changes to strengthen the regulatory framework.
215, Introduce the current rules relating to hearsay evidence in the legislative situation.
216, In first chapter it gives brief introduction to the legislative background of Konzernrecht, economic course and debate of establishing konzern .
217, October 30, 1905, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia grants Russia's first constitution, creating a legislative assembly.
218, The system of serving as a record is an important form of legislative intendance.
219, Namely, on the legislative aspect, our country has not yet set up an independent, unified system of arbitration rules.
220, An example of the impact of legislative annotation took place as far back as a year ago, when conservative blogger N.Z.
221, The state of Hawaii recognized the Aloha State as its official popular name in a1959 legislative act .
222, Conclusion: the meaning of improving the government's Privacy legislation and legislative Direction. "
223, Chapter III: Public enterprise at this stage the need for anti-monopoly and legislative deficiencies.
224, Understanding the US legislative rangeland management will help our scientists and policy makers to rationally manage rangeland resource in China.
225, An opposition candidate in next month's Venezuelan legislative elections is holding a breast implant raffle to fund his campaign, AFP reported.
226, According to the newspaper, Tam Pak Yuen, secretary for the Economy and finance of Macau, announced the figure during a closed meeting of Macau's legislative assembly.
226, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
227, recommendations, if any, for legislative changes that could facilitate more effective investigation and prosecution of the creation and distribution of false identification documents.
228, BFA of thief booty has different models of legislative act in world countries: application to BFA, no application to BFA, no application to BFA on principle.
229, Emily Lau talked to the students of the City University of Hong Kong on 17 November about the "Budgetary politics in Hong Kong: the role of the Legislative Council".
230, Whig leaders, especially Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky, tried to control the new president. Clay proposed detailed legislative programs for the new administration.
231, Tax enabling legislation exists in the legislative systems around the world.
232, Commercial registration law which is legislative form of commercial registration legal system has three legal characters: public law, compulsion, procedure.
233, The legislative value , nature and effect is the most basis and nucleus problems in the company registration law.
234, It is a common legislative trend around the world to recognize the legal status of an one-member company.
235, Civil law of civil law system adopts and develops the rules of error of the Roman law, but has different models of legislative act in the balance of interests.
236, Increased congressional use of federal executive agencies to administer federal statutes and to promulgate regulations which effectuate legislative policies.
237, It is very necessary for the legislative body or competent authority to make uniform laws or regulations in accordance with the international practice.
238, With economic development and perfection of legislative technique, one-person company has gradually become a trend of corporate legislation.
239, There appear many situations that procedures reverse back in legislative and judicial practice throughout our country's criminal lawsuits history.
240, So the National Legislative Assembly decided to set up a panel to review it," NLA member Wallop Tangkananurak told Reuters.
241, The law eliminated "loopholes" (or legislative oversights ) that in the past allowed the use of soft money to aid candidates running for federal office.
242, The first part is the legislative reference of title insurance.
243, And it is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority wi1l be fully equal, fully adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us.
244, The second category is called delegated or secondary legislation which consists of measures enacted by a person or body to whom the Oireachtas has delegated legislative authority.
245, During this trip to Europe, President Bush also suffered a set-back to his top legislative priority of the year: comprehensive immigration reform.
246, To classical scholar, rhetoric was important in three spheres of human interaction: in law courts, in legislative assemblies, and in public forums.
247, Any stakeholder can buy a printed copy or browse online the law-making process and offer opinion through the Judiciary Legislative Council and consultation channels.
248, Apart from legislative protection, layout-designs of integrated circuits can also be taken right to judicial protection and administrative protection in the form of protection.
249, Included in these sections is the right to vote, the right to run for public office, and the maximum duration and sitting of legislative bodies.
250, The second part is the legislative value of title insurance.
251, But even in the face of adverse opinion polls and objections from Congress he has stressed his intent to push ahead with his top legislative priority – healthcare reform.
252, In China's legislature, obvious loopholes exist in this field, because there is no legislative tradition which combines civil partnership with commercial partnership.
253, The judicial explanation of criminal law could be classified as legislative and adjudicative explanation based on whether it is universal or not.
254, This legislative session will be remembered for New York's acceptance of same-sex marriage, a milestone in the national fight for this fundamental freedom.
255, In 1619, Virginia set up the House of Burgesses, the first elected legislative assembly in America.
256, They can see our legislative process is full of give-and-take, that there is ample debate.
256, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
257, This refers to the legal provisions of the literal meaning than the legislative intent of narrow, literal meaning than to make broad interpretation.
258, The theoretical bases are: 1. China adopts legislative non-restrictionism for spiritual injury compensation; 2.
259, Such legislative delegations will be upheld unless Congress abdicates one of its powers to the executive agency or fails to give legislative definition of the scope of the agency's power.
260, China's legislative process of software copyright protection is influenced by the United States. "
261, The Basic Law of Special Administrative District (BLSAD) is not a "minor Constitution", nor a statute enacted by legislative assembly, but a special law of the Constitution.
262, The valuable pursuing of administrable legislative procedure is ensuring the democratic rights of public to take part in the administrable legislation, and then enhancing the legit operation of it.
263, In addition, recent legislative changes to the state's retirement policy meant that they would be losing close to a third of their IT workforce in the next two years.
264, They also ask about our legislative debates, on issues like the debt ceiling.
265, It is difficult problem to protect computer software sufficiently but not exorbitantly in the legislative choice and protection of all countries, which is also international problem.
266, It is not only a legislative principle, but a judicial principle.
267, Last week, administration officials briefed U.S. legislative staff on the upgrade plan, part of a consultative process that precedes formal notification of a sale.
268, And it is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority may be wholly equal, wholly adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us.
269, In order to make up of this legislative flaw and to give the victim's condonation the corresponding legal status, the article will do systematic research on it.
270, The defects of the system include: lacking legislative system and specialized authorities, the monotonous operation way, imperfect supervising system and unconsummated related systems.
271, Finally, the paper advances legislative consumption in detail to perfect the system of legitimate child's renouncement in China and also concretely makes some legislative suggestions.
272, In the forth part, some legislative suggestion are put forward based on the analysis of the defects on the promoters' civil liability in our company act.
273, Finally, the afro-Asian Latin American developing countries, including non-material cultural heritage legislative situation analysis.




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