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单词 Infrastructure
1. Vast sums are needed to maintain the infrastructure.
2. The country's infrastructure is crumbling because of inadequate investment.
3. The war has badly damaged the country's infrastructure.
4. Some countries lack a suitable economic infrastructure.
5. Japanese proprietors are erecting a complex infrastructure of political influence throughout America.
6. It is a long-term task to rebuild the infrastructure of a war-torn country such as Angola.
7. Much of the state-owned industrial infrastructure is beyond repair.
8. It will also help to improve the general infrastructure.
9. These funds support infrastructure projects and training courses.
10. Infrastructure for planning, budgeting(), and oversight was needed.
11. Recently money has been thrown at physical infrastructure.
12. Do major infrastructure investments count as current expenditures?
13. Privatization could hold the key to upgrading the infrastructure.
14. John Lowry reports on Britain's second-biggest infrastructure project.
15. This will produce an infrastructure without contradiction and conflict.
16. Investment in infrastructure will be much more decentralized.
17. Deficiencies in the local infrastructure were assumed to be the principal cause of community distress.
18. A major change in the infrastructure will therefore produce a corresponding change in the superstructure.
19. So, some aspects of the technical infrastructure for electronic commerce are already in place.
20. Global information distribution networks represent the infrastructure crisscrossing countries and continents.
21. Many others provide the basic infrastructure on which towns and industries depend.
22. Schools and other infrastructure had been destroyed and society disrupted during the armed struggle.
23. I know that he appreciates the importance of infrastructure improvements to stimulate and encourage inward investment.
24. He also undertook to earmark $ 235 billion in government expenditure on infrastructure projects within five years.
25. The industry was accused of having invested little in workers, plant or infrastructure.
26. Although South Africa has many of the attributes of the first world-some good infrastructure, millions of rich people-it is still not part of that world.
27. A small modern city on the move, I thought, with all the necessary infrastructure.
28. They have developed accounting methods that force politicians to maintain the programs and infrastructure they build.
29. The Commission was attempting by these measures to reduce the past bias towards spending on large infrastructure projects favoured by national governments.
30. This in itself raises issues of how the information infrastructure can best serve two models at once.
1. Vast sums are needed to maintain the infrastructure.
2. He also undertook to earmark $ 235 billion in government expenditure on infrastructure projects within five years.
31. The reality of living here without the social infrastructure they're culturally used to would probably send a Blairy into trauma.
32. The future, therefore, lies in intellectual co-operation and communication as much as in network infrastructure. 13.
33. The Defendants counter argument that this infrastructure information did not constitute a record either was not allowed by the Court.
34. Quinn explains that spending on roads and other infrastructure accounts for most of the deficit.
35. Finally, the corporation has become more interested in investing in social infrastructure.
36. Alstom is also extending the product family concept to infrastructure elements, introducing two ranges of signalling equipment.
37. There are basic services, including good public transportation, sanitation, a sound infrastructure.
38. Then there are the implications that an excessive number of cars have on society s infrastructure.
39. The Opposition have made absolutely no commitment to provide free phones or to increase public expenditure on telecommunications infrastructure in any way.
39. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
40. As might be expected, the existing service delivery infrastructure geared up to help them.
41. Huntsville continues to build its high-tech infrastructure and should add jobs in that sector at a steady pace.
42. In other cases, generating a demand requires the emplacement of an infrastructure of maintenance for the successful adoption of innovations.
43. Priority would be given to improving the country's infrastructure and boosting production.
44. The developers told councillors they would pay £3.5m to create an infrastructure for the settlement, between Hurworth and Neasham.
45. Osaka has fought back with a splurge of infrastructure projects, most notably a new international airport perched upon a man-made island.
46. The demands and requirements various participants place on the network infrastructure are bound to be very different.
47. Groups are often forced to move into areas in which they are not welcome and where the existing infrastructure is inadequate.
48. Diamond does land deals, while Colangelo does jocks -- buying and selling, with you providing the infrastructure.
49. Schriefer is executive director of the Business Executives for National Security commission examining the defense infrastructure.
50. Transparency is essential for dealing with higher-level issues than physical media and interconnection that the underlying network infrastructure is in charge of.
51. It wants the money spent on public infrastructure, providing lucrative contracts for business.
52. Improvements to public infrastructure were emphasized as a means of making depressed areas more attractive to private industry.
53. Local government will also require appropriate resources to run the physical and social infrastructure the UDCs will have provided.
54. It controlled the economic infrastructure and used it as a means of exploitation.
55. Not so with the socio-cultural infrastructure for this kind of work world.
56. Railtrack will own the infrastructure but the successful bidder for the franchise will run the trains.
57. Massive bottom-up infrastructure sprouted all over the world in bits and pieces, proliferated, and a new paradigm was created.
58. And lack of funds and poor planning mean many new cities lack adequate infrastructure.
59. The developers now need social facilities and infrastructure, such as schools, open space and leisure facilities to support their own schemes.
60. These firms have begun making investments in technology to construct the new infrastructure.
61. These include a naval base, a composite air unit, a growing communications, intelligence collection, and logistics support infrastructure.
62. But a serious lag in the development of infrastructure has followed rapid annexation, and many annexed areas still lack basic services.
63. Priority was given to the Health and Education ministries and a new budgetary allocation was created for road infrastructure.
64. So, armed with consultants' reports on the favorable economic impact, they offer to provide buildings or infrastructure.
65. The infrastructure projects unveiled yesterday were not unexpected, but will give a welcome fillip to the construction sector.
66. Only 10 to 15 percent of cable subscribers currently are served by the kind of infrastructure required to support the Home operation.
67. Rather, cities needed to be revitalised through investment in infrastructure and facilities that would attract the growing service industries.
68. They will also receive the benefit of 60 percent of the infrastructure profits on all the other business.
69. However,(http:///infrastructure.html) the costs of building and of providing the necessary infrastructure together with planning restrictions meant that it was less than ideal.
70. The public health infrastructure of this country is poorly prepared for the emerging disease problems of a rapidly changing world.
71. The major area of cooperation is infrastructure, mainly pollution and flood control.
72. These initiatives are intended to strengthen the infrastructure for research, expand knowledge in computer technology, and further international scientific cooperation.
73. The government planned to distribute farm implements and seeds, repair small-scale irrigation systems, and improve productive and social infrastructure.
74. The family needs an economic infrastructure that is consistent with the conditions under which it now has to function.
75. At the same time the quantity and quality of the urban infrastructure was transformed.
76. Currently, the application of choice among the cable and telecom providers who are developing the infrastructure is video on-demand.
77. But he also believes that some public money will be needed to develop the transport infrastructure necessary to complement development.
78. The use of a network-based infrastructure reduces the cost and levels the playing field for both small and large businesses.
79. The tunnelling is ahead of schedule and ahead of budget, in contrast to most big infrastructure projects.
80. Much of the functionality of cellular systems lies in the microprocessors that operate both the subscriber units and the infrastructure.
81. The already over-stretched funds can not deal with serious infrastructure solutions to facilitate the development of flood plains.
82. Decisions on large infrastructure projects are usually made by bankers, engineers and politicians.
83. Many of them do not have the capital or a big enough infrastructure to go it alone, he said.
84. International media outlets consistently bashed the organization, transportation and infrastructure problems of these Games.
85. In 1994 the chamber decided to use the same basic infrastructure to expand into other industries.
86. This consortium will concentrate on establishing an integrated urban and regional infrastructure data base for London and the South East.
87. Enterprise in the third world tends to be hampered less by lack of capital than by bad economic policies and missing infrastructure.
88. This is not to say that there was no top-down activity or that all bottom-up activity will produce meaningful infrastructure.
89. Enormous capital flowed into these projects in the hope that the network infrastructure would eventually settle into place.
90. We support the location of new industrial and commercial developments in areas already well-served by good transport infrastructure and public transport.
91. Major capital investments are being made to build an ReD infrastructure in these industries.
92. Finally, we attempt to elucidate the infrastructure of current and projected associations that supports this picture, and consider its significance.
93. And so, founded on its sure infrastructure of heavy industries, free-flowing capital and cheap labour, the machine is off.
94. Capital expenditure in 1990 was set at F$122,600,000, of which 40 percent would be spent on developing the infrastructure.
95. Browne's definition of facilities management is the management, by a third party, of an organisation's information technology infrastructure.
96. But first they must overcome the high set-up costs in building the technology and product marketing to establish a strong commercial infrastructure.
97. Every fieldworker needs to acquire some insight into the basic infrastructure of the society he is studying.
98. These will be a regulatory authority, infrastructure company, operations holding company and an equipment company.
99. These futuristic service industries need both a well-educated workforce and good public infrastructure.
100. The company claims that the hardware-software system provides an infrastructure for messaging applications across all types of network.
101. To become a reality,(http:///infrastructure.html) electronic commerce needs a network infrastructure to transport the content.
102. The civic culture is present in the form of aspiration, and the democratic infrastructure is still far from being attained.
103. Other measures proposed include action to tackle traffic flows, and greater environmental considerations of spending on new transport infrastructure.
104. Over the next three years we are committed to the biggest investment in Britain's transport infrastructure in our history.
105. The country's poor infrastructure is a major hindrance to importers.
106. Our recently announced plans to significantly expand our hosting infrastructure are moving rapidly.
107. Commercially available since 1965, communications satellites are a crucial part of the global communications infrastructure.
108. The plan argues that each country should get the best out of its existing infrastructure and human capital.
109. From a Marxist viewpoint, behaviour is ultimately determined by the economic infrastructure.
110. These debates were also useful in reallocating resources in order to set up and build an infrastructure in some specific areas.
111. He also wants to spur engineers to build better hardware and encourage greater funding for its infrastructure.
112. However, the Internet provides some invaluable models and lessons about key components of national and global information infrastructure.
113. Provisions for cyclists will therefore require both the use of existing transport infrastructure and special facilities for cyclists.
114. Let us summarize some of the business issues concerned with network infrastructure investments.
115. It was achieved only because the senior ranks were there and able to provide the infrastructure and necessary training.
116. It specializes in electrical distribution and industrial control and automation for the electric power, industrial, infrastructure and construction markets.
117. Teams attempting to develop the service infrastructure undoubtedly try to liaise with and support voluntary groups, as the Nottinghamshire experience shows.
118. It is important to keep in mind that local infrastructure is a national issue for each of the countries involved.
119. They also sold infrastructure and public sector housing land to the councils at historic cost plus interest rather than developed land value.
120. The principal shortcoming of the existing communications infrastructure lies in its inability to provide integrated voice, data, and video services.
121. The most prominent of these lessons is that bottom-up infrastructure succeeds and sometimes even spectacularly.
122. The government also has announced a $ 250 million program of economic development and infrastructure improvements.
123. For instance, porter's model implies that national infrastructure and other factors determine national performance.
124. Strengthening of that infrastructure would stimulate self-sustaining growth in the private sector-growth which would continue after federal assistance had been withdrawn.
125. If anything the situation is worse, with sharp cutbacks in government investments in education, infrastructure, and research.
126. The government would in turn have undertaken various projects to improve the region's infrastructure.
127. Where existing infrastructure is inadequate or nonexistent, new alternatives tend to take off faster.
128. Questions relating to data integration emerge as being particularly critical in terms of environmental monitoring and settlement and infrastructure applications.
129. The colonial state also invested heavily in infrastructure such as railways and ports.
130. Ecotopian biotechnology on the contrary would possess an infrastructure based firstly on ecological rationality and secondarily on an economic basis.
131. Improvements to public infrastructure is one way of making depressed areas more attractive to private industry.
132. The settlement and infrastructure field is also characterized by a wide range of users with a great diversity of interests.
133. In summary, the key to understanding society from a Marxist perspective involves an analysis of the infrastructure.
134. The new men were not aping the landed gentry; they were basing their careers upon the infrastructure provided by urban Britain.
135. Today: The community -- with its central location and established infrastructure -- is well along on the path to a resurgence.
136. Everett expects 6,000 sailors and their families to arrive when it is finished, and has built most of the infrastructure.
137. Agreements, however, extended far beyond the most generous definition of infrastructure.
138. To make advanced computing and communications information infrastructure available to-and usable by-a larger segment of the society.
139. The joint venture will depend on Verio for Internet infrastructure requirements.
140. In other words, they must develop a defensive political infrastructure of their own.
141. Its people are overburdened by religious riot, ethnic strife, corruption and the absence of social infrastructure.
142. The family currently lacks a legal infrastructure for operating in the market economy.
143. In addition, cable telephone technology might also enhance local infrastructure in some countries.
144. Verio supports its operations with highly reliable and scalable national infrastructure and systems including a facilities-based Tier One national network.
145. These foundations support the infrastructure needed to address the ongoing, but often changing, threats from emerging infections.
146. It is responsible for the national infrastructure and standards for networking and the encouragement of the effective use of information systems.
147. That is why the Government are committed to an expanded roads programme and continuing major investment in our transport infrastructure.
148. Mr Norris said standards applied in reaching the decision were the same as those used for all other major transport infrastructure projects.
149. The sixth stage, national information infrastructure, or the I-way, is the ultimate goal.
150. But, like the ancient infrastructure, the tanya are gradually disappearing.
151. These developments often failed because of the limited scale of the local social and economic infrastructure.
152. A good example is Washington, a city whose local infrastructure is controlled by blacks.
153. Major private finance infrastructure investment opportunities will initially be in the form of buy-back schemes.
154. After developing the infrastructure and getting the ball rolling, the mine churned out great quantities of lead and silver.
155. And despite the rickety infrastructure, computer networks are growing fast.
156. The telecommunications moguls are creating the national infrastructure for the next century.
157. States would have less money for large infrastructure projects such as grid extension or publicly funded large hydropower schemes.
158. It fails to provide the infrastructure for mothers' independence - shelter, childcare and jobs.
159. In our forthcoming activities as private dealers we will require no more than an administrative infrastructure.
160. In other words, national ISPs extend high-speed connections to users just about anywhere, bypassing the existing telco infrastructure.
161. What percentage of workers are employed in providing the infrastructure?
162. The building and operating of the new telecommunications infrastructure is expected to create hundreds of jobs for the area.
163. Int'l company's direct investment to infrastructure in China.
164. Impressive infrastructure was built for the Olympics and Paralympics.
165. Both the national and state governments developed transportation infrastructure.
166. Population density and ridership doesn't justify rail infrastructure yet.
167. The organization, in the ecosystem integration level, now creates a virtualized infrastructure to run applications.
168. In countries without much technical infrastructure, localization of both commercial software and FOSS is slow.
169. Impact type system of the domestic pressure-blasting machine meet the needs of the construction of infrastructure projects, easing the market for natural sand serious situation of insufficient demand.
170. The stockpile, infrastructure and work force played a critical and evolving role in every stage of our nuclear experience, from the Manhattan Project to the present day.
171. At the same time, the airport people, despite the risk of tremors, conducted a quick and overall check of the infrastructure and equipment.
172. And, also, we have a traffic department, called urban infrastructure department.
173. The Tivoli transaction monitoring infrastructure notifies the Tivoli ARM engine about which transactions need to be measured.
174. THE LOOK OF HIS LAIR: Minimalist furniture, hi - tech infrastructure , glass block room dividers.
175. Telecommunication enterprises are main builder and network operator of the national information infrastructure, taking charge of the important mission of capital construction.
176. China Education and Research Network (CERNET) has become one of the most important information infrastructure in China after its five years developing and running.
177. Amazon provides a wide range of infrastructure services to go along with EC2, which you can use to address issues like data reliability and backup.
178. About its engagement in that decade-long proxy war with the United States, resulting in the loss of countless lives and the destruction of that "small country's" infrastructure?
179. The continent is doomed by its population boom, its endemic diseases, its tribalism, its corruption, its lack of infrastructure, even -- whisper some, more in sorrow than in prejudice -- its genes.
180. Railroad is carried and conduit carries the infrastructure that is area resource development and economic progress.
181. Through cash-for-work programs in the immediate aftermath, which created jobs to clean up and rebuild damaged infrastructure, over 84,000 workers and their families earned income.
182. What is the cost of service outages, to be weighed against the expense of implementing a highly available infrastructure?
183. Russia's vast permafrost areas may shrink by a third by the middle of the century due to global warming, endangering infrastructure in the Arctic zone, an emergencies ministry official said Friday.
184. With most ofits basic infrastructure flattened and the majority of its citizensliving in temporary housing and tents, Port-au-Prince is beginning tothink about how it will rebuild itself.
185. Urban infrastructure, as basic material condition of economic increase, should be kept synchronously increasing with economy.
186. From Listing 5, you can see that, in order to write an observable that uses the DEBA framework, you have barely anything to do about the underlying SOAP infrastructure.
187. They displayed the location of dengue cases and areas at high risk of exposure to the virus, in relation to each city's infrastructure.
188. The Palo Alto, Calif. , company will provide the technology infrastructure needed to drive DISA's Rapid Access Computing Environment (RACE).
189. A security data exchange system based on XML was designed and realized by the use of public key infrastructure(PKI) technology.
189. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
190. The global financial and economic crisis is expected to severely impact infrastructure services in developing countries, as governments face shrinking resources and declining private financing flows.
191. This system reduced the threshold for application of GIS. And it structured on the J2EE open infrastructure, which can easily extended function and integration with other information services.
192. What's happened in Charlestown shows how rezoning and a change in public infrastructure can help bolster an area's home prices.
193. The main problems include the unbinding of the coordination system and area planning agreements, redundancy construction of infrastructure, and the unnecessary competition inside the area.
194. This paper approaches the subject that should provide what contents and consider what problems in the agreement of chartered right when practising BOT form in port infrastructure construction.
195. Its important for finishing the building of infrastructure project by selecting project financing model appropriately.
196. Briefly speaking, the knowledge infrastructure must have three elements: systems, procedures and structures.
197. At the beginning of the 21st century, the task of organizing and implementing Knowledge Infrastructure and Management Engineering has become a pressing issue.
198. There is a tendency for IT infrastructure projects to shortchange the planning process, with an emphasis on jumping right in and beginning the work.
199. Regarding the attributes of economics, infrastructure has the natural monopoly.
200. The head of the Indian Council of International Economic Relations, Rajiv Kumar, says lack of adequate infrastructure holds back growth and discourages investors -- both domestic and foreign.
201. Large up-front capital commitment and a well-in-advance planning process are required to procure the infrastructure in advance.
202. Gross premium from the sale of land and construction of urban infrastructure facilities costs of two parts.
203. Software compatibility can refer to the ability for the software to run on a particular OS or environment or hardware infrastructure like CPU architecture etc.
204. Portals co-locate each other forming the basis of a skeleton network infrastructure.
205. The pitfalls of synchronous processing in a scale-up environment are related to the exhaustion of resources spent waiting on non-responsive or temporarily overloaded components of the infrastructure.
206. In building a cloud infrastructure, other considerations include infrastructure resource management and capacity planning.
207. Then introduce the infrastructure of MMDB system based on two-phase commit protocol, which is as the support structure of a real-time data processing application.
208. The United States has woefully underfunded its national infrastructure, according to a bipartisan congressional commission, the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission.
209. FRS.AX) for A$12.6 million and help building rail infrastructure for iron ore exports.
210. It's not only necessary to improve the bikeway environment but also the infrastructure of the bikeway system to provide safety to cyclists and to provide the utilization rate of bicycles.
211. The application and physical infrastructure, much like applications in SOA, must be discoverable, manageable, and governable.
212. TDR's Director Dr Robert Ridley says, "We work with national authorities and country partners to build research capacity and infrastructure.
213. NBN Co. , the main contractor for the project, has been touting it as "nation building infrastructure".
214. Our transport infrastructure in the UK is farcically inadequate for a developed nation.
215. By centralizing the development infrastructure, organizations can rapidly respond to changing business needs and scale and source projects, while lowering the total cost of development.
216. So the reform of State-owned-enterprises in infrastructure field should choose the way of "pedigree way, step-by-step" rather than the normal route of "two-part, one-step".
217. It doesn't matter how much time or effort is invested into the infrastructure; it's always lacking the one function or feature that you need to perform your current task.
218. Integrating identity infrastructure and apps requires evolving to a hub-and-spoke model.
219. The airline rejoined the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in April 2003 enabling SAA to improve the aeronautical infrastructure and to support the "open skies" strategy within Africa./infrastructure.html
220. Yet, the mission delegates also discovered that the infrastructure to support a vibrant equipment leasing industry in China is still imperfect.
221. Movement of capital: Investment in companies and infrastructure around the globe.
222. An operational data store (ODS) built on XML can reduce application development costs and can provide an agile infrastructure to accommodate evolving data management demands.
223. The Development Committee also supported the World Bank's new Africa Action Plan and committed the Bank to increased financing of infrastructure as part of a growth agenda.
224. BoardBand MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)is the hotpoint that the carriers sustained invest, and the emphasis of infrastructure construction of Chinese network.
225. Facebook Login lets any website on the planet use its identity infrastructure—and underlying security safeguards.
226. Without an infrastructure enhanced by digital technology it will be very hard to provide the country's newly urbanised population with enough food, transport, electricity and water.
227. Direct investment in the Shanghai World Expo is 28.6 billion yuan, urban transportation, communication, and other indirect investment in infrastructure to reach ten times the direct investment.
228. Public Key Infrastructure is a very important part of information security in public network.
229. Sept 8(), 2009 - China Railways Materials Corp agrees to take 12 percent stake in FerrAus FRS.AX for A$12.6 million and help building rail infrastructure for iron ore exports.
230. Dynamic, just-in-time discovery and wiring: the virtualized infrastructure can be flexibly and even partially moved across servers, private and public clouds.
231. The establishment of a diversified investment mechanism and improve community infrastructure.
232. Mr Obama has promised a Rooseveltian strategy to rebuild America's infrastructure, but he is careful to talk about active as opposed to big government.
233. Recto said infrastructure spending in the region would mostly be on transportation and agriculture.
234. We need to resolutely work to reorient investment by shifting the government's priority in infrastructure investment to the countryside.
235. PRISM is being developed by a working group of IDEAlliance (formerly known as GCA), a consortium of publishers involved with electronic technological infrastructure.
236. The high cost of fully developed physical infrastructure, a major development impediment in many developing societies, may also be overcome with the use of IT.
237. All of these capabilities can be combined to create a fairly functional -- and useful -- application right in ij, without having to build any external infrastructure.
238. Infrastructure in the rural community is an important material capital regarding rural development.
239. Founded in 1982, Vanda is a premier IT solutions provider in Asia that specializes in systems infrastructure and application solutions services.
240. Infrastructure improvements are punishingly expensive and desperately needed in a place where, for instance, people travel by boat or plane because there are no roads connecting towns.
241. Rural road infrastructure is intermediate means for reduction of income poverty and human poverty through the direct and indirect ways.
242. Whereas China is boosting infrastructure spending to prop up demand, India's plans to build roads and power plants with the help of private money may be delayed by the credit squeeze.
243. Then introduced further to situation and function of project financing of infrastructure construction of Liaoning Province.
244. Before the emergence of cell phones and mobile smart phones, long-distance communication required extensive and expensive infrastructure, beyond the ability of many poor nations to afford.
245. Financial infrastructure includes accounting standards, payments, credit, performance assessment , relevant laws and so on.
246. Your IT infrastructure, including your networks and development tools, should enable you to support a variety of distributed organization scenarios.
247. They also agreed that a working group of the U.S.-EU Energy Council would help Ukraine develop its energy infrastructure, particularly as a gas transit route from Russia to Europe.
248. If your applications require significant storage, it may make sense to use an emerging best practice -- consolidation of all storage in your infrastructure into a storage zone.
249. In his budget statement, delivered to the House of Commons on 24 March, Darling said that the UK must renew and modernise its energy supplies if it hoped to improve its infrastructure.
250. Booming industrial and infrastructure development, increasing export value bring about broad markets for the financial circles. Mr.
251. I just think some other infrastructure engineering companies have done a better job of preparing for the post-recession world.
252. Base value for land depends on productivity with adjustments for nearness to urban areas, ecological conditions, availability of infrastructure, etc.
253. Digital earth is the important part of the national information infrastructure, and a focus paid close attention to in recent years too.




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