单词 | Local government |
例句 | 1. The local government provided special buses for the guests. 2. It will be my first foray into local government. 3. The local government requisitioned the peasants' horses for the troops. 4. The local government resettled the refugees in a new region. 5. They played only a minor role in local government. 6. Local government supports the petition for a new hospital. 7. The homeless refugees were rehoused by the local government. 8. The local government was riddled with corruption. 9. The local government tries to keep the prices down. 10. Local government has recently emerged as a major issue. 11. Town planning procedures gained a footing in local government. 12. People want a greater say in local government. 13. Local government elections will take place in May. 14. He kept bashing local government officials. 14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day! 15. The administrative burden must be lifted from local government. 16. There is growing agitation for reform of local government. 17. The local government and the army negotiated a truce. 18. Local government finance officers found the tax very difficult to administer. 19. Plans to reform local government are designed to neuter local democracy. 20. The armymen have preempted the powers of the local government. 21. The local government expropriated all the trucks and tractors during the flood. 22. Local government was inefficient. 23. These reforms were in the best interests of local government. 24. The local government took emergency measures to roll commodity prices back. 25. The question of local government finance has been the subject of debate for some years. 26. A direct food levy was imposed by the local government. 27. He's a local government administrator[], that is to say a Civil Servant. 28. Many people think that party politics should not enter into local government. 29. The pilots were supposed to drop supplies to the snowbound villages, but the local government was poor and they pranged up the whole operation. 30. This picture appears in the exhibition by courtesy of the local government. 1. The local government provided special buses for the guests. 2. It will be my first foray into local government. 3. The local government requisitioned the peasants' horses for the troops. 4. The local government resettled the refugees in a new region. 5. The administrative burden must be lifted from local government. 6. A direct food levy was imposed by the local government. 31. The local government was taking emergency measures to rectify the state of chaos. 32. These salary increases will affect only the highest echelons of local government. 33. Money for the project will be channelled through local government. 34. The prime minister addressed a gathering of local government officials. 35. These committees were gradually absorbed into the local government machine. 36. The party plans to unfreeze some of the cash held by local government. 37. Bristol regained its status as a city in the local government reorganisation. 38. He's a local government administrator, that is to say a civil servant. 39. The local government is trying not to jack the expenditure. 40. At about this time the new ideas about 'corporate management' had begun to infiltrate local government. 41. A big wheel in local government. 42. Local government, they say, is not without blemish. 43. He spent a career as a local government officer and was active in the affairs of the Methodist Church. 44. He also proposes to initiate discussions on planning procedures,[Sentencedict] within the context of the new statutory planning and local government systems. 45. Hence there was an extension of the powers of local government and the state intervened after 1870 to provide universal elementary education. 46. She was involved with local government from 1970-74 when she was a councillor for Stockton rural district. 47. The correct interpretation is to regard local government services as simply those services provided by local government in Particular circumstances. 48. But education has always been about more than a classic contest between federal and local government power. 49. A memo by the local government minister, Hilary Armstrong, admitted that Labour faced huge losses. 50. Career prospects include central and local government, teaching, the mass media, development agencies and librarianship. 51. Hence local government employs teachers, social workers, housing managers, architects, engineers and so on to carry out their professional duties. 52. In chapter 2 it was pointed out that the Thatcher government had made strong efforts to curb overall local government expenditure. 53. The 32-year-old confirmed that he will be a candidate for the Northland ward in Londonderry in the local government elections in May. 54. Our policy is to make changes to the structure of local government in the shire counties. 55. Externally imposed short-term alterations of this kind in the assessment of GRE clearly undermine prudent housekeeping by local government. 56. Local government has not been able to supply clean water from surface sources. 57. In fact, the technocrats of land drainage are heirs to one of the oldest forms of organized local government. 58. The mathematically confusing and politically risky question of local government funding has worried both administrations. 59. In this section we examine the economics of local government. 60. As to the formal structure of local government, however, it is relatively easy to specify which ranks lowest. 61. Second, local government is part of the overall democratic structure of the state. 62. However, local government does present the opportunity to gain experience in a particularly diverse range of work. 63. In local government, many of our shire counties and districts have led the way in raising the quality of public service. 64. The committee brushed aside concerns about racism and prejudice in local government. 65. The Group provides advice, training and research in local government administration. 66. The local government reforms following 1888 established new authorities with a franchise almost identical with the municipal boroughs. 67. Executives point to increased regulatory pressures as well as scrawny profit margins on underwriting new state and local government issues. 68. We have before us a proposal for a council tax to finance local government. 69. Moreover, the growing dependence of local government on central grants that so concerned the Layfield Committee has been reversed. 70. More than 12 million of our 15. 1 million full-time civilian public employees work for state or local government. 71. Thus government, i.e. local government, has strategic responsibility over its administrative area for the provision of sporting opportunities. 72. One of the first actions of the new department was to begin consultations about local government reorganisation. 73. Gavin, since been dismissed by local government union Nalgo, was a full-time union official representing thousands of council employees. 74. The move follows criticism by leading local government officials and academics. 74. try its best to collect and build good sentences. 75. Judicial review of administrative decisions by central or local government and certain other bodies is now commonplace. 76. In essence, these programs fostered the emergence of local government professionals who were more capable of making public-private partnerships work. 77. The parishes, for local government purposes, were abolished in 1929. 78. That action is in clear breach of the Local Government Act 1986 and the Widdicombe rules. 79. A major theme in local government is to control the power of the professional. 80. The means used to emasculate local government have been varied. 81. He taught himself to become a local government accountant through night schools and correspondence courses. 82. Male speaker There's fear hanging over everybody with the local government review there's going to be mass redundancies. 83. The main focus of this chapter is elected local government, but this in itself is organizationally far from simple. 84. Specifically, the impact of recent advances by blacks in local government is assessed. 85. Nigel Jones, who won Cheltenham for the Liberal Democrats has been named front bench spokesman on housing and local government. 86. Local government could meet in a telephone box because function is not important. 87. Similarly, in local government the tradition that senior officers are specialists with professional expertise has been questioned. 88. Many of the speakers came from a local government background, having spent years in social services or as councillors. 89. This direction and control must come from local democratic structures, both in local government and in the community. 90. However, the relationship between central and local government involves both partnership and conflict. 91. As such, a career in local government offers a challenge and opportunity to make a positive contribution to society. 92. As society evolved from the end of the nineteenth century, so pressure for local government reorganization increased. 93. Then, we've tax, insurance, local government rates, pension contributions, and the mortgage. 94. Finally, the Maud Report made some interesting suggestions for improving the image of local government and its relations with the public. 95. The most remarkable extension of central control has been in the field of local government. 96. That district authority and I agree entirely on the future of local government. 97. Thirdly, there is a housing benefit crisis in local government. 98. Conservative Members, however, have the cheek to suggest that that is the fault of local government, not theirs. 99. It will almost certainly place additional costs on local government generally, and urban authorities in particular. 100. Local commissioners can now accept any complaint from members of the public about maladministration in local government. 101. The bill also includes measures to reform local government by creating directly elected mayors and cabinets. 102. The program thrust local government into a proactive role as a deal maker in economic development projects. 103. For much of that time, local government acted as an arena through which wider political debates about the state were conducted. 104. He said that the real problem was a failure of local government funding. 105. The change was hardly the result of a recent awakening to the virtues of promoting privatism through local government. 106. At the same Lime local government is responsible for implementing central government policy and hence we may find mutual dependency between organisations. 107. Firms within enterprise zones would not pay rates for ten years, local government being reimbursed for lost revenue by the Treasury. 108. New legislation, the Local Government and Planning Act 1980, changed the basis of financial aid to local government. 109. Secondly, research looked at the relationship between these councillors and the local government officers employed to implement their decisions. 110. Still others see the pro-bat requirement as just another example of federal encroachment on local government. 111. From April next year, further education and sixth form colleges will be independent of local government control. 112. Part of the agitation for reform of local government concerned ways of improving this research function. 113. Proposition 209 bars preferences based on race and gender in public employment, contracting and education in state and local government. 114. Some former students have taken up administrative posts in various public and private enterprises and in the civil service and local government. 115. This was followed by the Local Government Act 1888 which established county councils and county borough councils. 116. It is no wonder that local government finance officers regard the poll tax as a financial nightmare. 117. Local government elections On Feb. 23 in local government by-elections 692 out of the 1,053 contested seats were won by independent candidates. 118. The Local Government Bill currently being considered in another place contains provisions for securing greater consistency of practice between local authorities. 119. Housing represents most of the capital assets of local government. 120. Rather federalism and local government constitute an efficient division of political labour, which permits a functional segmentation of the state. 121. An alternative strategy for the government in these circumstances was to place the burden of financing social provision upon local government. 122. Such growth, he reckons, will centre around local government, although the private sector is also showing some interest. 123. Local government agencies that provide libraries and parks and recreational facilities still work, to a degree. 124. The new law on assembly allowed citizens to gather or hold demonstrations without prior approval from the local government. 125. By what date does he believe that the reform of local government will be complete? 126. The administrative burden would be lifted from local government; it would then be able to concentrate on the job in hand. 127. The measures represent a major coup by central government against local government and the unions. 128. You now know that local government is a satisfying career choice and offers an exciting challenge to the solicitor. 129. Such people were adept at the manipulation of planning committees, the lobbying of local government officers. 130. Another way of distinguishing the services provided by local government is to group them according to certain shared characteristics. 131. The same logic is true for non-profit making organisations like government agencies or local government authorities. 132. This is also a difference between the central government system and the local government system in Britain. 133. Local government was allocated these responsibilities with great reluctance only after the government had explored every other possibility. 134. The largest allocations went, in order of size, to education, public works, defence, local government and health. 134. try its best to collect and create good sentences. 135. However, as he is always telling us, he does not want local government to raise more cash. 136. Mary Schuh, who also opposed incorporation and is one of the great gadflies of local government, particularly around budget time. 137. With limited exceptions, it proposed that all functions of local government be undertaken by a single authority in each area. 138. Parishes For local government purposes the parish had only existed within the boundaries of the former rural district councils. 139. A building society is not concerned with public or local government or the provision of a public service. 140. There could well be a major collapse in the administration of local government funding. 141. Therefore, we shall establish a local government commission to consider the needs of each area. 142. The former argues the case of viewing relations between central and local government in terms of tensions generated by uneven development. 143. In line with the services provided by other governmental agencies much local government activity occurs through the medium of discretionary powers. 144. Local Government is their profession and their life and they are most helpful to the elected members. 145. But despite this similarity, local government differs sharply among the five nations. 146. Local government services, afflicted by heavy cut-backs, have also been characterized by increasing politicization. 147. Great Britain is not alone in witnessing a growth in local government expenditure. 148. In recent years, the Government has introduced legislation which has brought fundamental changes to local government. 149. She has been involved with promoting freedom of information in local government. 150. The document stated that Kurdish cultural rights were to be recognized and that Kurdish regions would enjoy increased autonomy in local government. 151. There had been deep disappointment in the Conservative Party with the results of their own reform of local government. 152. Evidence of closer and longer-term institutional arrangements between business interests and local government at this time is far more limited. 153. Until April 1971 public expenditure included spending by central and local government and gross investment by the nationalized industries. 154. Suppose a regulation were being considered by your local government that you considered unjust or harmful. 155. As a result the law relating to local government had become very detailed. 156. Another change in local government finance is that the rate support grant has been replaced by the revenue support grant. 157. Local government will correspondingly be denuded of services accepted by local authorities in other systems. 158. An increase in transfer of power from the state to local government would also make institutions more accountable. 159. The local government has been unable to meet the demand for affordable housing. 160. Before 1902, no general grants were paid, either by central or by local government, to support secondary grammar schools. 161. Translated into today's idiom, the more that local government can rely upon its own tax base, the better. 162. As a result local government policies have changed, and employment strategy has entered a phase of negotiation. 163. Tax-exempt financing provided the local government development official with a great deal of discretion. 164. Even more controversial were attempts to challenge the prevailing white male hegemony within local government. 165. In this area,[http:///local government.html] solicitors can specialise in matters such as child care and other areas which specifically relate to local government. 166. Again the formal committee structure of local government indicates where authority is located. 167. John Gibson highlights the regressive aspects of recent local government financial reform, and predicts dire consequences for the urban poor. 168. A new service would have to be funded by the Exchequer, not local government using existing services. 169. Whoever bears the responsibility, the domination of local government by party politics is now almost complete. 170. They were also expected to meet in Sarajevo with officials from international lending institutions and local government officials. 171. The village elders were encouraged to establish a system of local government, and elected their leaders. 172. Local government is based on the system of representative democracy: councillors are elected to make policy on behalf of the general population. 173. Nevertheless, changes constantly occur as is shown by a cursory glance at the development of local government services in Britain. 174. Separated for local government purposes, the Hartlepools were united as one parliamentary constituency in 1868. 175. However, a private practice background, either during or after articles, is no bar to subsequent progress in local government. 176. A local government, for example, may provide health, education and highway services. 177. Second, economic expansion and diversification have provided a solid fiscal base for local government. 178. The most favourable field is in the local government service, which will be described in the next section. 179. However, we should interfere in local government with some trepidation because local democracy and local accountability underpin parliamentary democracy and accountability. 180. Polls show some 70 percent of Londoners favoring a local government. 181. The erosion of consensus politics overtook local government as it did many other areas of public life. 182. The current local government system is highly centralised and unsuited to the wider distribution of power featured in the Maastricht Treaty. 183. Confirmation that ministers were drawing up plans for local government and judicial reform was enough to satisfy many. 184. After what was often an acrimonious debate the 1985 Local Government Act ultimately emerged. 185. Inner city initiatives exhibit a similar bias against local government. 186. The councillors themselves often had professional expertise in the detail of local government services. 187. That is why I urge a renaissance of local government in the context of a more pluralistic and diverse society. 188. Rather, we desire that the commission should recommend the most appropriate form of local government for a particular area. 189. All agreed that new state and local government workers should be brought under the system, assuring new revenues. 190. The 1980s saw another twist in the controversy surrounding the structure of local government. 191. What, then, are the grounds upon which local government can be said to promote democracy? 192. However the statistics are compiled, an examination of local government expenditure shows a steady increase over the years. 193. And national or local government may offer subsidies for businesses to set up in favoured areas. 194. Local government then transforms these inputs into outputs in the form of the provision of services such as education or housing. 194. try its best to collect and build good sentences. 195. The partnership areas soon attracted most attention because of the joint administrative arrangements which were required between central and local government. 196. One has a clear impression that the Conservative Government has become hostile to local government. 197. It has a fine collection of manorial and local government records, and its archive of fens drainage papers is unique. 198. Sources of welfare are the family, the voluntary sector and the private market rather than central or local government agencies. 199. Fifthly, we must adhere to the rules set by the local government. 200. In the fourth part, the advices of local government bond system design are given. 201. There have been calls for the local government to ban prostitution. 202. The elected governing body of local government area is also called council. 203. The local government listed him as an elderly person of no family. 204. In partial compensation for these problems, however, we obtain the benefits of fuller local government. 205. She rose up the Tory hierarchy by the local government route. 206. Her husband is an agriculturist for the local government and also a private farmer. 207. The local government should exclude these despotic officials and ruthless bandits. 208. He a local government administrator. that is a Civil Servant. 209. Local government reform and creation should be expedited according to market development. 210. The edict also sweeps local government - level funds upwards into the central pot. 211. Then, the local government should transform the barycenter of cultural function. 212. Other and state - owned asset fulfils contributive person obligation on behalf of the country by local government. |
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