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单词 Retain
1 The sum ofbehavior is to retain a man's own dignity, without in -truing upon the liberty ofothers. 
2 The sum of behaviour is to retain a man's own dignity, without intruding upon the liberty of others. 
3 Why take dignity to retain a changed heart.
4 I retain a clear memory of those days.
5 And you will not retain my chosen one go.
6 Sear the meat first to retain its juices.
7 He struggled to retain control of the situation.
8 You have the right to retain possession of the goods.
9 She has lost her battle to retain control of the company.
10 If you want to retain youthful vigor,you have to take regular exercise.
11 A dyke was built to retain the floods.
12 She managed to retain the championship.
13 He is likely to retain the England captaincy.
14 It's increasingly difficult to recruit and retain good staff.
15 He will retain the honorary title of non-executive chairman.
16 Can she retain her Wimbledon crown?
17 Limestone is known to retain moisture.
18 The renovated buildings retain their traditional character.
19 The thick walls retain the heat.
20 Old people need to retain their dignity and independence.
21 She is determined to retain her Wimbledon crown.
22 The state wants to retain control of food imports.
23 He decided to retain him for the trial.
24 Retain a copy of the form for future reference.
25 I find it very difficult to retain facts.
26 It is difficult to retain top management.
27 He was allowed to retain his parliamentary seat.
28 He managed to retain his dignity throughout the performance.
29 You must retain your school reports.
30 These roses retain their scent.
1 I retain a clear memory of those days.
2 Sear the meat first to retain its juices.
3 He struggled to retain control of the situation.
4 You have the right to retain possession of the goods.
5 She has lost her battle to retain control of the company.
6 We shall retain our rights.
7 He drove the idea in somehow, and hoped that his pupils would retain it.
8 They built a wall round the shore of the lake to retain the water.
9 How does an aging politician retain his hold on the loyalty of the voters?
10 The bank has taken further steps to retain control over the value of the pound.
31 The couple will retain joint custody of their daughters.
32 We shall retain our rights.
33 He drove the idea in somehow, and hoped that his pupils would retain it.
34 The union needs to retain the allegiance of all its members for the strike to succeed.
35 She has a good memory and finds it easy to retain facts.
36 This season I expect us to retain the championship and win the European Cup.
37 The champion turned in a superb performance to retain her title.
38 Players are only reselected if they retain their form on the field .
39 These garments will retain their shape even with repeated washing.
40 Native people were allowed to retain some sense of their traditional culture and religion.
41 Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skin's elasticity.
42 Retain copies of all correspondence, since you may need them at a later date.
43 The team was struggling to retain possession of the ball.
44 Try and retain the excitement of the event in your writing, without taking liberties with the truth.
45 The government, he said, had resorted to political trickery in their attempts to retain power.
46 James is able to retain an enormous amount of factual information in his head.
47 If the company can retain its customers' faith it could become the market leader.
48 Disney will retain a 51 percent controlling interest in the venture.
49 They built a wall round the shore of the lake to retain the water.
50 Getting away at weekends is the only way I can retain my sanity.
51 How does an aging politician retain his hold on the loyalty of the voters?
52 The villagers retain a strong attachment to their traditional values/customs/beliefs.
53 They built a dam along the seashore to retain the seawater.
54 The bank has taken further steps to retain control over the value of the pound.
55 Pot plants are commonly treated with growth retardant so that they retain their shape.
56 I'm struggling to retain any vestige of belief in his innocence.
57 His speech could not retain the interest of his audience.
58 Farmers try, by careful crossing(http://), to retain variety.
59 Lecturers retain control over their destiny.
60 Barring market collapse, they should retain their premium.
61 Such patches still retain high levels of fertility.
62 Bathrooms retain old-fashioned yet appealing tiles and fixtures.
63 Hair by Scissors Boyish cuts retain their charm.
64 Jackson called on them to keep up the fight to retain racial and gender preferences in federal hiring.
65 Some, like Pesaro and Senigallia, have grown up around medieval towns and still retain old-world charm.
66 No one can hope to retain in his head the mass of detailed knowledge needed throughout the farming year.
67 The council tax will retain the most objectionable parts of the poll tax - the head count tax on the individual.
68 All bulk chemicals should retain their identity with intact labelling, instructions and safety precautions.
69 We rely upon the support of the families to retain personnel within the forces.
70 In the 1950s Keynesian economic management techniques were employed to try to retain full employment without inflation.
71 Two-thirds of those states that retain the death penalty allow children to face execution.
72 Whales and hippos may not much resemble each other nowadays, but retain some hints of kinship.
73 The new owners of the seventeenth century hotel have pledged to retain its charm and character.
74 But no matter how much geography changes in the sprawling Old Pueblo, the site still manages to retain its cottonwood-laced charm.
75 What gets through that set of filters is what we might retain in memory.
76 Under the Moynihan bill, injured parties would still retain the right to sue in cases of drunk driving.
77 It is ironic that we are particular about flushing out all the dirt through the drain, but we continue to retain a lot of it in our brain. RVM 
78 The National Park Service will retain control of open spaces.
79 Instead they retain the status of written professional standards. Serious or persistent breach of the standards could amount to professional misconduct.
80 Mr Gates will retain strong links with the company he founded 25 years ago by becoming chairman and chief software architect.
81 Incumbents retain a significant fund-raising advantage over challengers, particularly in the House.
82 In-service applicants may retain their current terms and conditions of service.
83 More often than not, leaders retain some hierarchical authority even if modified.
84 The grid states nothing about the degree to which investment is necessary to retain star position or sufficient to build competitive advantage.
85 Even if these cells are removed from the body and kept in tissue culture, they retain their characteristics through many cell divisions.
85 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
86 The art of reading, as of learning, is this: … to retain the essential, to forget the nonessential. Adolf Hitler 
87 Despite the pressure of tomorrow's Sun local derby against Roma, Gazza has managed to retain his outrageous sense of humour.
88 They say mixed colleges attract more applicants and find it easier to retain academic staff.
89 I am very keen to retain its originality, but I would like to add a temperature gauge.
90 Firstly they enable large systems to be produced yet still retain clarity within the grammar.
91 She also wanted to retain her own surname, separate bank accounts and tax returns.
92 More importantly, we retain the quantitative data that allows for post-inspection review or audit.
93 However there are severe limitations to retain flexibility unless the database is not very complex.
94 Your employer may consider it more cost-effective to retain junior employees who are paid less than you.
95 Such cultures retain viability and continue to proliferate for approximately I week but changing the medium may extend this period.
96 At a measured pace, and breathing with deliberation to retain his calm, he walked back to Suzy's bedroom.
97 But his plan calls for a 16 percent tax on income that would retain deductions for home mortgage interest and charitable contributions.
98 Superiors are reluctant to delegate authority because they retain absolute responsibility for the performance of their subordinates.
99 Any culture, because it has to retain traditional customs and beliefs, has to be in a sense a conservative institution.
100 At the same time, the walls of the pocket become extremely thin but retain their connection with the general epidermis.
101 However, the offense will retain its basic form, a fact with which Abdul-Jabbar is comfortable.
102 Harvard had hoped to retain its No. 1 spot by freezing out competitors from contracting with most of those physicians.
103 It deserves to retain its dignity and to escape trivialisation.
104 In addition, diesels generally require less maintenance than petrol engines and can retain impressive emission levels over large mileages.
105 Many differentiated cells retain the ability to return to the cell cycle when confronted with the appropriate mitogenic stimulus.
106 This from a man who would stoop to any level, psychological gamesmanship included, to retain the crown jewels.
107 The second is the desire by some elected officials to retain control over the pork barrel, through line items.
108 Clustered together, branches of the same bank help each other to generate and retain more business than they would do independently.
109 It was very uncertain whether Henry would be able to retain the crown he had seized.
110 As long as he is able to retain his faith in this bipolar unity, Emerson is characteristically affirmative and optimistic.
111 In order to retain the one-to-one correspondence, it is appropriate initially to restrict the Bell-Szekeres coordinate x to the range.
112 In such circumstances the abilities of individual farmers to retain the loyalty and affection of their workers will be considerably tested.
113 Together the two companies bid almost £53m to retain their 10 year broadcasting licences in last year's franchise auction.
114 Local people and regular travellers would also retain their concessionary fares on the crossing.
115 It was,(/retain.html) sheer character in any man to retain that particular sentiment above all others.
116 The organization advises Fortune 500 companies on ways to retain and promote women.
117 Reply yes, though retain private doubts as to whether Mrs T is fully biodegradable.
118 Symington, of course, wants to retain control of those dollars.
119 Conservatives insist that the new platform retain the 1992 abortion plank calling for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.
120 The vast majority of people retain some useful sight, however, and very few become totally blind.
121 The House will know that the Government thought long and hard about their decision to retain the statutory training board.
122 Only those who can afford to ignore these constraints feel capable of exercising a choice to retain a more traditional agricultural landscape.
123 But whatever happens, the ward will retain an important place in training.
124 What you can do It's important for anyone with arthritis to try to retain and improve mobility through exercise and movement.
125 We need to attract and retain members and that can be done with information which is very powerful.
126 We will retain the Department of Energy and move its petroleum engineering directorate to Aberdeen.
127 If it can retain its customers' faith it could achieve the leadership position it covets by 1997.
128 So even with the brake pedal to the floor on wet roads, you can still retain steering control.
129 For Leicester, the bottom club, teenager Kitson is likely to retain his place in attack.
130 They will retain a significant role through the party machinery in policy formation.
131 He could retain $ 75, 000 in home equity, plus a car valued at $ 1, 900.
132 Against this background, it's no surprise that housing associations are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit and retain staff.
133 Buildings can be designed to absorb and retain heat from the sun to save on heating costs.
134 She defines the area of feminist epistemology as that of developing theoretical accounts of knowledge which retain continuity with women's experiences.
135 The cities are competing against each other to attract and retain business.
136 The convention could include a battle over whether to retain the platform plank calling for a constitutional ban on abortion.
137 None the less, there were also women who chose against marriage in order to retain personal freedom.
138 They may wish to raise additional equity capital but want to retain voting control.
139 Also labels the components on your drawing as per your circuit diagram and retain for future reference.
140 The master, nevertheless, will always retain the power either to accept or reject the advice.
141 In January 1967, Sukarno offered to go into exile providing he could retain his office.
142 Even those who retain a degree of autonomy over their work agreed that marketing is increasingly controlled by more powerful interests.
143 Today, both villages retain their quiet charm and are well worth a visit.
144 Some freeholders were just as keen as was the average burgh councillor to retain close ties with the government ministers.
145 He needed to be active to retain his flexibility and health./retain.html
146 Made from rust-proof aluminium, it will retain heat and is suitable for both gas and charcoal barbecues.
147 Strain the liquid through a colander covered with muslin, and retain the liquid.
148 It would not, therefore, retain the tax credit attached to the original income.
149 Similarly, a respectable suburban life may well be suppressed by an individual who wants to retain credibility amongst the gang.
150 Under a trust for sale the trustees obviously can sell, and they are given by statute a discretionary power to retain.
151 In the first minute of the plug formation the platelets retain their granules and remain loosely packed.
152 I tell Opposition Members that we shall not give way; we shall retain control over public spending.
153 It followed that Northumberland's men were in a sense Gloucester's men, even though the duke could not retain them directly.
154 But Field probably will not retain the defensive coordinator position he held for 14 years under Terry Donahue, the source said.
155 They must retain the calm spaciousness of movement if they are not to destroy the essence of the classical style.
156 Rockefeller would retain its 50 percent equity stake in Embarcadero Center.
157 Furthermore, they did not retain these primal practices merely as heirlooms.
158 But the unit will retain a distinctive identity by having tan berets.
159 Abisala pledged to retain the majority of ministers in their posts until legislative elections, scheduled for Oct. 25.
160 School boards have the authority to Fix teachers' salaries, and they retain the power to reduce them.
161 This time would vary with the season, thus using imagination and flexibility to help such a client retain some autonomy.
162 This creates an offence of assisting a drug trafficker to retain the benefits of his or her proceeds.
163 Rising capital growth also helped the retail sector retain its high return of 10.9 percent,() again with rentals holding steady.
164 So long as people can walk out of a room and say they have decided to leave on their terms, they retain their dignity.
165 That is an unfair responsibility to impose on institutions that will not want to retain holdings in all 10 authorities.
166 Ideally the vendor will wish to retain absolute control over the way in which the business is managed.
167 Hair by Scissors Boyish cuts retain their charm. Hair is cut to the ears and the fringe finger ruffled.
168 I want to retain the present engine's performance but increase the miles per gallon.
169 One thing I am certain of after this encounter: Nico will not be bidding to retain my services.
170 In order to retain flexibility the Directors propose that the 5% in five year limit should be continued indefinitely.
171 In the prison camp, it was hard to retain some human dignity.
172 If the scientists could not retain their scientific autonomy, Oppenheimer told Washington, some would refuse to join the project.
173 They still retain large elements of animism, a belief which assigns a divine spark or spirit to every material thing.
174 The great thing about only having a licence fee is that you do retain complete editorial control and all the rights.
175 The shape of the skull began to retain more juvenile shape into adulthood, with a bigger brain and a smaller jaw.
175 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
176 A boundary extension would require new electoral boundaries and these could not easily be adjusted soas to retain Unionist minority control.
177 Both Mercury and Mars have gravitational fields too low to retain an atmosphere.
178 In that way, the Association can retain credibility as a representative body.
179 It is vital that you retain your dominance over your dog, and this dog shows clear signs of submissiveness.
180 The rims of the eyes also have this same bright blue, and they retain this coloration in the adult stage.
181 Each side could also retain 18,000 armoured infantry combat vehicles weighing between 6 and 16.5 tonnes, and 12,000 lighter armoured vehicles.
182 Perhaps Zeus consulted his father in order to avoid the fate of his grandfather and to retain his kingdom.
183 Member countries retain their respective currencies but there exists a parallel currency which circulates side by side with the national currencies.
184 Decisions to retain or reject an hypothesis are fairly straightforwardly determined by the results of experimental tests.
185 The message promised that the agency would retain its name, autonomy and management while giving the firm worldwide capabilities.
186 Lungs retain relatively insoluble particulate material.
187 Dicotyledonous plants retain a series of strands.
188 Americans retain a strong prudish streak.
189 One tusk - --- retain good throw away bad.
190 They wanted DB to retain its turn - up - and - pay style of rail travel, which German passengers cherish.
191 Is attending the language period university to retain student's matriculation authority.
192 For all heart - rending images , may the lens retain them all.
193 If you need money now, more investment in bonds or cash or retain it.
194 Personnel clouds unable to retain, how many of eolian total weight loss.
195 Sheffield band retain top two prizes while Take That and Kylie crown comebacks.
196 G. Do you have a sample retain system Areretains retrievable? How are retains disposed of?
197 Reform in 1861 to retain a large number of remnants of serfdom.
198 The power to learn or retain knowledge ; mental ability.
199 Retain Import, a leading indicator ( usually about three months ) for the manufacturing sector, is still down.
200 A fence or wattle placed in a stream to catch or retain fish.
201 He believes organic soil management can help retain moisture and protect against crop failure.
202 U.S. Federal Reserve will retain several of the largest banking holding company supervision.
203 Where this fails, the person may retain an uncompensated feeling of inferiority.
204 The French people still hoped to retain the monarchy establish a Constitution to transform the country.
205 In the United States most married women do not retain their maiden name.
206 Out of the profit, the company have retain 50 provision against bad debt.
207 Harvested at early grape ripeness and cool maturation in steel tanks to retain fruit freshness.
208 While the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words always retain their power.
209 Such sentimentality towards animals helped cavalry men retain their humanity.
210 Usually, the plasma cells are differentiated enough to retain the function of immunoglobulin production.
211 Remember, when decreasing energy set ting , that unit will retain last maximum energy level since discharge.
212 The South African group could then retain its listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
213 Apollos and Drones retain booster light when upgraded with Advanced Aeronautics atCarrier.
214 They may be expected to retain an important place in radiation dosimetry and radiation instrumentation generally.
215 One hectare of pine forest can retain 36.4 tons of dust annually.
216 In rear - fanged snakes , the fangs develop from an dental lamina and retain their posterior position.
217 Ban will retain to Rangoon, where the international donors'conference will take place.
218 Offering life insurance and totalpermanent disability cover with superannuation can help attract and retain employees.
219 Although General d'Epinay served under Napoleon,[/retain.html] did he not still retain royalist sentiments?
220 Effective encoding technologies to obliterate redundance and retain the image quality are the focus of research.
221 The Ford Mustang and Chevrolet Corvette have managed to retain their essential characters over decades.
222 To absorb or adsorb and retain ( a substance ).
223 Retain the head of the shrimp as a flavouring for miso soup and other dishes.
224 Many of the old puritan colonist retain their factious temperament in the new world.
225 Holsters shall be able to retain an unloaded handgun during the following tests.
226 Jing also said it would retain the legal right to accountability.
227 If clients have a traditional SAN connection, they will retain the advantages of high - speed direct - disk access.
228 For the most part, faulty work is considered an uninsurable business risk that contractors must retain.
229 Both companies will retain control over the commercialization of their own products.
230 Therefore, thinks the meter to retain the sausage treatment chronic bacillary dysentery curative effect affirmation.
231 Taking collagen supplements helps the skin retain its firmness and elasticity.




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