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单词 Whereas
1. Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 
2. Wise men love truth, whereas fools shut it. 
3. Some people like fat meat, whereas others hate it.
4. Whereas the following incidents have occurred.
5. you will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don't kveth for it if it doesn't appear in your life.
6. The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple.
7. Death is so final, whereas life is so full of possibilities.
8. He is a globalist, whereas we are nationalists who will put our country first.
9. You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don't kveth for it if it doesn't appear in your life.
10. He must be about sixty, whereas his wife looks about thirty.
11. "And", "but"and"whereas" are conjunctions.
12. She is slender,whereas he is stout.
13. Some praise him, whereas others condemn him.
14. Whereas the city spent over $1 billion on its museums and stadium, it failed to look after its schools.
15. Her teachers said she was a slow learner, whereas in actual fact she was partially deaf.
16. He earns 8000 a year whereas she gets at least 20000.
17. She described him, rather charitably, as quiet whereas I would have said he was boring.
18. France play with more flair and inventiveness, whereas England are a more disciplined side.
19. Your hair has a natural wave whereas mine's just straight and boring.
20. We thought she was arrogant, whereas in fact she was just very shy.
21. There is yet some good in public envy, whereas in private, there is none. For public envy, is as an ostracism, that eclipseth men, when they grow too great. And therefore it is a bridle also to great ones, to keep them within bounds.
22. He works slowly and precisely whereas I tend to rush things and make mistakes.
23. Pensions are linked to inflation, whereas they should be linked to the cost of living.
24. She actually enjoys confrontation, whereas I prefer a quiet life.
25. My sister's absolutely crazy about chocolate whereas I can take it or leave it.
26. Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not.
27. The specific trend features mosaics of circular-concentric configuration, whereas the general one features mosaics of relatively complex, strictly axial geometries.
28. Most female models have to retire around the age of 25, whereas a well-preserved man can go on working into his forties.
29. Religion is a diffuse topic liable to unending disputation whereas theism is not.
30. You eat a massive plate of food for lunch, whereas I have just a sandwich.
1. Some people like fat meat, whereas others hate it.
2. The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple.
3. He is a globalist, whereas we are nationalists who will put our country first.
4. He must be about sixty, whereas his wife looks about thirty.
5. Religion is a diffuse topic liable to unending disputation whereas theism is not.
31. Whereas Prost had been delayed as the Ferrari mechanics fiddled with the right-rear wheel, Senna's stop went like clockwork.
32. Whereas relationships express the association between two entities, relations are a tabular representation of an entity, complete with attributes.
33. One authority supports elderly residents solely in voluntary establishments, whereas the other uses a combination of private and voluntary provision.
34. Carter had advocated deregulation, but he approached reform via legislation whereas his successor sought the same end primarily through administrative action.
35. Speech is normally used in face to face interaction whereas writing is used across barriers of space and time.
36. As a result, brand name activity is no longer permissible whereas corporate is[http:///whereas.html], or at least still goes on.
37. They run cool, whereas light bulbs may overheat the water in warm weather.
38. The restrictive covenant in a sale agreement protects goodwill whereas restrictive covenants given by employees protect the employer and employee relationship.
39. In most societies women travel to live with their husbands, whereas men tend to remain close to their relatives.
40. Comets and carbonaceous asteroids of the appropriate energy disrupt too high, whereas typical iron objects reach and crater the terrestrial surface.
41. The foxes cause little nuisance, whereas domestic pets befoul the streets, parks and gardens.
42. Particular characters are high-lighted by a touching arrow whereas important regions are indicated by an arrow slightly removed.
43. Most produced only animal bone, whereas the five sunken buildings contained bone, pottery and other small artefacts.
44. Whereas resistive potential dividers dissipate electrical power, capacitive dividers do not.
45. Brain functions become more diffuse in girls, whereas they take up specific locations in the heads of boys.
46. Among other things, imprinting is known to take place during gamete formation, whereas differentiation takes place in the early embryo.
47. This allows for the fact that a coupon security will pay interest before it matures whereas a discount security will not.
48. At one time, a half a dozen major aerospace businesses were headquartered in Los Angeles, whereas today only Northrop remains.
49. A greedy Brahman might be reborn in the merchant class whereas a spiritual trader could return as a Brahman.
50. Whereas traditional politicians offer visitors green tea, the Reform of Heisei serves black coffee.
51. It was true that less developed countries had seized educational technology; whereas the developed countries had resisted it.
52. But whereas the wretched Io had to pay dearly for the distinction, Europa was exceedingly fortunate.
53. Nearly a quarter of men clean out their cars once a month whereas nearly three in four women do it less frequently.
54. Maxwell's electromagnetic theory involved an aether occupying all space, whereas Einstein's radical recasting of it eliminated the aether.
55. The gain from leverage arises because the interest payments on bonds are tax-deductible whereas the dividend payments on shares are not.
56. Old, or unearned, money tends to be neither acquisitive nor outward-going, whereas new money tends to be both.
57. Their lashes would be heavily caked whereas the newcomers were fearful of the technique at first.
58. Atheists and secular people are more liberal and less prejudiced and dogmatic, whereas theists and religious people are more conservative and less rational and tolerant. Dr T.P.Chia 
59. But whereas caricature depends on paring down character to exaggerated essentials, acting conveys shades, nuances and inconsistencies.
60. Whereas most attempts sought eastward directions, Oodds proposes the alternative of Scythia and Thrace with their shamanistic traditions.
61. It will cease with time, whereas contemplative life may be begun in time, but it will be perfected beyond it.
62. Conclusion - Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibition by enalapril effectively reduces microalbuminuria in normotensive diabetic patients whereas hydrochlorothiazide is not effective.
63. Leukopenia tends to cluster early in the course of treatment, whereas aplastic anemia occurs fairly evenly throughout the first year.
64. Anthony had more of Michael's ruggedness whereas Geoffrey had softer features, almost effeminate.
65. A circle is multi-fold, whereas an ellipse has two-fold symmetry.
66. Whereas the extremities of a parabola become parallel to its major axis[/whereas.html], the asymptotes of a hyperbola cross one another.
67. One of the letters seems to support our conclusion, whereas the two others focus on possible methodological difficulties.
68. Equality in poverty might mean civil population contentment whereas glaring inequalities sow the seeds of a class struggle or revolution.
69. The report of the committee enunciated that whereas tribunals were not courts of law, neither were they appendages of government departments.
70. In other words, in Winans no confidential information was specifically entrusted to the employer whereas in Newman and Materia there had.
71. Whereas few - not to boast - few are speedier on the draw with the old chopsticks than young Ollie.
72. Whereas blood recipients can easily receive infectious agents, passing them on is difficult.
73. Uranium, selenium and calcium are concentrated in cell walls whereas bismuth and sulphur are concentrated within the cells.
74. Whereas channels of distribution are marketing institutions, physical distribution is a set of activities.
75. Whereas the offence under section 1 is a summary offence, a charge under section 2 is an either way offence.
76. Mildew is destructive to cotton whereas nylon looks stained and smells a bit but the fabric remains intact.
77. Numerator data are based on registration returns about child deaths, whereas denominator data are obtained from the 1981 census.
78. Some current trends reinforce this linear pattern, whereas others modify it.
79. Gingivitis did not increase the risk of coronary heart disease, whereas periodontitis or having no teeth increased it by about 25%.
80. He was, and is, a distinctly affable chap, whereas I came across as cold, prickly and generally difficult.
81. This can be a helpful approach in discussion - some one may regard you as stubborn, whereas you see yourself as determined.
82. Socialism and fun were here colliding, whereas conservatism and fun seem to bounce along happily in the YCs.
83. In earlier times the former had been underachieving educationally whereas the latter are now near the peak of their attainment level.
84. Whereas in the Catholic Church the word and Churches Doctrine held equal weight.
85. A relative clause counts as dependent whereas an adjective modifying a noun clearly does not.
86. Whereas traditional databases have some structure to them, a hypertext database has no regular structure.
87. Method 1 is suitable for small diameter pipettes whereas method 2 is for larger ones.
88. This allows healthy growth whereas imbalance creates illness and chaos.
89. Whereas the endangered species listing is determined solely upon scientific data, economics play a role in deciding critical habitat.
90. The subject class is made up of the majority of the population whereas the ruling or dominant class forms a minority.
91. Whereas rumour led him to believe that Robert Beaumont was a cultivated man, likely to appreciate music.
92. The specific dictionaries show a standard deviation of 9.95%, whereas for the general dictionaries this figure is only 5.95%.
93. The surface area of a plate is reduced at a subduction zone whereas it is increased along a spreading ridge.
94. We are not prepared for it, whereas our competitors are.
95. The second difference is that reality isn't very exciting, whereas Brookside, at its best, was very exciting indeed.
96. Whereas the United States was in favour of taking a tough line, Britain argued that economic aid should not be stopped.
96. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
97. In the control group all occurred in hospital diabetic clinics whereas for the prompted group 67% occurred in general practice.
98. But whereas open-end funds take in cash from investors at any time, closed-end funds have a fixed amount of assets.
99. A malleable metal can be beaten into a sheet whereas a ductile metal can be drawn out into a wire.
100. But whereas calypso now only rarely contains a political message reggae almost always does.
101. But presidential elections are quadrennial affairs, whereas Superbowls happened annually.
102. Some methods of treatment require plants that cost more than others. whereas some processes may have much lower running costs.
103. Some minerals seem to survive more or less unaltered even after being subject to prolonged weathering(), whereas others decompose very rapidly.
104. For instance, one person may estimate only electrical work, whereas another may concentrate on excavation, concrete, and forms.
105. Indeed, the definition of a financial audit explicitly includes examination of systems of internal control whereas the commercial audit does not.
106. Some parents reach this state of equilibrium within a few weeks after the birth, whereas others take many months.
107. I was certain there was very little risk on the downside, whereas the prize was great.
108. Fortunately, he quickly regained control, whereas the rest of us lost it permanently.
109. Whereas non-infected individuals respond with largely type-specific responses, infected individuals respond with a profile distinctly different from the normal individual.
110. The latter involves the recipient of the memo in additional work, whereas merely giving information does not.
111. An eagle looking down from above implies a threat whereas a heron flying from A to B suggests a more peaceable purpose.
112. He was enthusiastic about the paper being located in Manchester, whereas Pilger had clashed with them over the move.
113. Some local authorities only support elderly residents in their own homes, whereas two authorities have no directly provided provision.
114. The two comets are entirely ablated, whereas the stony objects lose most of their kinetic energy to deceleration, not ablation.
115. Origins of schizophrenia Schizophrenia is primarily a thought disorder, whereas depression is dominated by a mood disorder.
116. They never in any case became a significant part of the newly emerging pattern, whereas the other four did.
117. Normally the antisense probe is used to detect mRNA whereas the sense probe serves as a negative control.
118. Whereas conceptual art chooses to break the link between art and craft, it is this link that any painting re-enacts.
119. Carbohydrates contain 3.75 calories per gram whereas fat contains about nine calories.
120. One of the differences between life and writing is that writing always has to be believable whereas life isn't!
121. And, whereas King forged an alliance with the Democrats, Loury is a member of an exotic breed.
122. Some varieties of waterlilies are fairly new to cultivation whereas the majority of well known cultivars date back years.
123. But whereas amateur athletes often compete just for the privilege of winning, retailers compete for customers and profit.
124. Whereas the original boasted an eerie aura, the remix merely sounds like a half-hearted run through an old New Order B-side.
125. Deep, thick fringing could be used with velvet or linen drapes, whereas a delicate edging would suit lighter curtains.
126. Whereas in the Far East, until just last week, everyone was going to work on an ox cart.
126. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
127. My sister was always calm and careful, whereas I would get excited and upset by the slightest thing.
128. Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods. Christopher Hitchens 
129. Peace is an ambiguous concept in the Middle East, whereas war is clear cut.
130. Eurosterling bondholders tend to prefer protective covenants that prevent a deterioration in credit quality, whereas eurodollar bondholders prefer the put-at-par option.
131. Whereas traditional DBMS cannot administrate they effectively.
132. They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism.
133. Some people like fatty meat, whereas others hate it.
134. Windows has complicated architecture whereas Linux has simple architecture.
135. British people tend understatement whereas Americans towards hyperbole.
136. The chains are held together by ionic bonds, whereas individual silica tetrahedrals bond together covalently.
137. The Philippines and Thailand are on the list, whereas impeccable democracies such as Slovenia are not.
138. The zinc content dissolves whereas iron precipitates and lead and silver remain undissolved.
139. Whereas gasoline fumes linger close to the ground before dispersing.
140. Whereas the medical doctors'wives don't flop -- catch'em at it!
141. Harmony promotes co - existence and co - prosperity ; whereas differences foster mutual complementation and mutual support.
142. Farther north, Antares sets even earlier, whereas farther south Antares sets at a later hour.
143. Whereas, the asymptotic transfer function analysis has advantage in this respect.
144. Certain aphids seem to prefer waxy leaves, whereas other species are repelled by them.
145. Whereas the case cannot constitute a crime, administrative punishments shall be meted out.
146. A musician is an artist, whereas a singer is an artiste.
147. Regurgitant murmurs are generally early diastolic whereas ventricular filling murmurs occur in mid and late diastole.
148. The lac operon is an inducible operon, whereas the trp operon is a repressible operon.
149. Oxygen bonds chemically to the hemoglobin, whereas it dissolves only into the perfluorocarbon emulsions.
150. Whereas exchange is the concept of marketing, A transaction is marketing's unit of measurement.
151. The work is easy an expert, whereas it is difficult an inexperienced person.
152. Yet whereas the mystique around such figures accumulates posthumously, he possesses it and lives.
153. Whereas internalization focuses on the transfer of explicit knowledge, intermediation brokers tacit knowledge.
154. The ileocecal valve is edematous and irregular, whereas the terminal ileum is spared.
155. She has authentic charm whereas most people simply have nice manners.
156. Whereas West Germans drink wine, their Eastern cousins prefer Schnapps.
156. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
157. Whereas this method is compared with the usual method - folded of segmental filter paper ? s.
158. Some, for example, are hydrophilic ( water lov - ing ) , whereas others are hydrophobic ( water fearing ) .
159. Whereas the alloy with low Na content exhibited ductile fracture with dimples.
160. Leaf fat content increased with N, P and K application whereas S, Mg and B had negative effect.
161. Whereas, all the Civil Law countries make provision concerning Eigentumerhypothek.
162. Some people enjoy sleeping in a canvas tent, whereas others prefer a caravan.
163. Whereas the property is held in trust for the appellant.
164. Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises.
165. Results: PAB, Alb, TLC, Hgb and Hct increased after NHD whereas lipid and apoprotein in blood were stalbe.
166. Celeborn is, in fact, quite decisive, whereas Galadriel is deliberative and cautious.
167. In left - sided pneumonectomy patients, R volumes were normal whereas L ejection fraction was abnormally low.
168. E 5 sets mainly produced stainable abortive pollens ( SAP ), whereas.
169. These gases trap the sun's heat whereas sulphur dioxide cools the atmosphere.
170. Modesty helps one advance, whereas conceit makes one fall behind.
171. Standard soybeans contain about 7 % linolenic acid whereas the new varieties contain 1 % or 3 %.
172. Whereas , Sludge disposal technologies include incineration, land filling, land application and building materials.
173. Whereas many other southern American cities were racially segregated, New Orleans was a true melting pot.
174. Cold water is flowed in the annulus whereas the hot water flowed in the inner tube.
175. Non - discounting methods ignore the time value of money, whereas discounting methods explicitly consider it.
176. In the upper part the vertebral body is hemispherical whereas in the part it is triangular.
177. Whereas in Nicaragua, the blind are often told they can't do anything.
178. Whereas he once said he would unite the country, he has been deliberately and destructively divisive.
179. Whereas the most difference among quantity characters are lobule petiole length and beta coefficient is 70.03 %.
180. Occasionally, nodes will reveal only nonspecific lymphoid hyperplasia, whereas a neighboring node will harbor metastatic tumor.
181. Whereas, the protection andlimitation on the freedom of religion party and association are various.
182. Whereas patients with extrinsic prominence or varicosity phlebangioma averted harmful operation or biopsy.
183. Whereas subconscious mind is governing the internal organs by saying, Don't stop unless I tell you.
184. Whereas historically the Kyrgyz were nomadic herders, Uzbeks were settled farmers.
185. Whereas in business , alas, waffle and bullshit have become the gold standard.
186. Spica radiates blue - white, whereas Saturn shines with a golden hue.
187. Whereas scientific managemant system proffer reference of objective, nought refutation for individual profession development.
188. George's, Bermuda was officially established (as New London) in 1612, whereas James Fort, in Virginia, was not to be converted into James towne until 1619.
189. Antispasmodic and tricyclic antidepressant drugs improve pain, whereas ispaghula improves pain and bowel habit.
190. And whereas the Arctic has been exploited economically for centuries, trade has never really touched Antarctic.
191. Its passenger vehicles will carry Nissan brand, whereas commercial vehicles mainly carry the Dongfeng brand.
192. Whereas the Blue Revolution started by Roman, Kenyon and Jose is on a fast track.
193. A bank cannot refuse to cash banker's draft, whereas it can refuse to cash a cheque.
194. Whereas attractants, repellents, and many incitants are olfactory substances , stimulants, and deterrents are usually gustatory.
195. The configuration dialogs are better pedagogic tools, whereas the buttons provide immediate action.
196. MD reduced ACC concentrations and ethylene evolution rate, whereas SD remarkably increased them.
197. Whereas , there was a negative correlation between the GMRT and C 3 concentration.
198. Green vegetation becomes white, whereas human skin becomes pale and ghostly.
199. Currently, the Thor has splash damage, whereas the Battlecruiser has direct damage in its attack.
200. Our words are static and structured, whereas time requires movement and fluidity.
201. A bank cannot refuse to a banker's draft, whereas it can refuse to a cheque.
202. Mann - Whitney U test was used in univariate analyses whereas logistic regression was used in multivariate analyses.
203. The appliance alone island , whereas campus network can contribute more.
204. It found 100 bugs before release, whereas the second found only 74.




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