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单词 Spokesman
1. The spokesman was completely discombobulated by the hecklers.
2. He is the spokesman for the conference.
3. The spokesman adverted to a statement.
4. A spokesman said it was an isolated incident .
5. A bank spokesman was unable to clarify the situation.
6. The spokesman finally disclosed the facts to the press.
7. She was reported by the hospital spokesman to be making excellent progress.
8. The government spokesman gave a quick briefing to the reporters.
9. The spokesman stressed that the measures did not amount to an overall ban.
10. The spokesman for the State Department declared his views to a group of reporters from radio,television,and newspapers.
11. The spokesman never gave a direct answer to any question of the reporters.
12. The spokesman made it clear that no compromise was yet in sight.
13. A spokesman for the dockyard said they hoped to launch the first submarine within two years.
14. The spokesman refused either to confirm or deny the reports.
15. The spokesman said no decision on the proposal was likely in the immediate future.
16. A spokesman declined to comment until the evidence could be studied further.
17. The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry announced the news to the reporters.
18. A spokesman dismissed any suggestion of a boardroom rift.
19. The spokesman dealt in generalities.
20. Their spokesman declined to comment on the allegations.
21. The spokesman parried cleverly an embarrassing question.
22. A Defense Department spokesman briefed reporters.
23. The spokesman wrong-footed them with this question.
24. The spokesman implicitly condemned the United States policy switch.
25. A spokesman for the Palace has denied the accusation.
26. We'll have Jones as our spokesman.
27. A spokesman declined to elaborate on a statement released late yesterday.
28. According to a government spokesman,[http://] dozens of people were killed.
29. According to a hospital spokesman, his condition is said to be poorly, but stable.
30. A UN spokesman said that the mission will carry 20 tons of relief supplies.
1. He is the spokesman for the conference.
2. A spokesman said it was an isolated incident .
3. A bank spokesman was unable to clarify the situation.
4. She was reported by the hospital spokesman to be making excellent progress.
5. The government spokesman gave a quick briefing to the reporters.
6. The spokesman stressed that the measures did not amount to an overall ban.
7. The spokesman never gave a direct answer to any question of the reporters.
8. The spokesman made it clear that no compromise was yet in sight.
9. A spokesman for the dockyard said they hoped to launch the first submarine within two years.
10. The spokesman refused either to confirm or deny the reports.
11. The spokesman said no decision on the proposal was likely in the immediate future.
12. A spokesman declined to comment until the evidence could be studied further.
13. The spokesman made it evident that no compromise was yet in sight.
14. A UN spokesman insisted that the implementation of the peace plan is back on track.
31. Taking a stand as a theologian and spokesman of theocracy, Thomas Aquinas argued on some important socioeconomic issues.
32. A spokesman insisted the two events were "in no way related".
33. A spokesman said a text of Dr Runcie's speech had been circulated to all of the bishops.
34. The spokesman said the tone of the letter was very friendly.
35. A London Underground spokesman defended the decision to hold the train until police arrived.
36. Whenever the President is in difficulties, her spokesman is trotted out to face the press.
37. A hospital spokesman said she had suffered a fatal heart attack.
38. A spokesman said that the company had improved its safety standards.
39. A spokesman for the Palace confirmed that Her Majesty would be visiting South Africa next year.
40. A spokesman said the British government's position is perfectly clear.
41. The spokesman for the State Department excepted to the statement.
42. The shouts of the crowd flustered the spokesman and he did not know how to deal with the situation.
43. A spokesman said this firm action had defused a very nasty situation.
44. The spokesman was bombarded with questions on the press conference.
45. A government spokesman described the rise in inflation as a temporary blip .
46. Pentagon spokesman Williams says those talks are coming along quite well.
47. The spokesman made it evident that no compromise was yet in sight.
48. A spokesman said the changes were not in reaction to the company's recent losses.
49. A spokesman says the president has backed off from his threat to boycott the conference.
50. You may construe the statement of the government spokesman in a number of different ways.
51. The spokesman for the State Department disinformed some information about the country's military strength and plans in the news media.
52. An air force spokesman said the rescue operation was a race against time.
53. The spokesman confirmed that the area was now in rebel hands.
54. The spokesman refused to disclose details of the takeover to the press.
55. A spokesman for the company affirmed that a merger was likely.
56. These figures were given in answer to a question from the Opposition spokesman.
57. A military spokesman was quoted as saying that the border area is now safe.
58. A UN spokesman insisted that the implementation of the peace plan is back on track.
59. A government spokesman announced that the hostages had been released.
60. A spokesman said that bad weather was to blame for the delay.
61. The spokesman has just rehashed the speech of the president.
62. A police spokesman confirmed an investigation is under way.
63. BAn Arco spokesman had no immediate comment.
64. A spokesman for Dean Witter declined comment.
65. But a spokesman for the new chairman, Rep.
66. A spokesman said the 56-year-old singer pianist had flu.
67. Both factions needed a socially acceptable spokesman.
68. The author is Labour's foreign affairs spokesman.
69. A spokesman for Bigge Crane declined to comment yesterday.
70. An ambulance service spokesman blamed the icy driving conditions.
71. A spokesman voiced the workers'dissatisfaction.
72. A spokesman says a full investigation had been conducted.
73. Eric Hodges, a Miramar spokesman and naval flight officer.
74. A Century spokesman declined to comment.
75. No funeral was planned, a spokesman said Friday.
76. A Gillette spokesman also had no comment.
77. A spokesman in London also declined comment.
78. The Rosyth spokesman declined to say what it was worth.
79. Maybelline spokesman Gene Donati said the company is reviewing the letter and has no further comment.
80. Spokesman Michael Ritchie said it appeared the judges had agreed a crisis situation required crisis measures.
81. A government spokesman declined to comment upon reports linking the resignation with the Ursus bankruptcy.
82. A spokesman for the people now running the pension fund says they will in time.
83. Labour consumer affairs spokesman Nigel Griffiths warned Sega and Nintendo they had three weeks to act.
84. The state department spokesman, James Rubin, has done no more than take formal note of Mahuad's initiative.
85. However, the spokesman said it will contact the body before any text messages are sent out.
86. A Konica spokesman confirmed the company was in talks with Eckerd.
87. The spokesman returned in a state of even greater perplexity to confront the television cameras and assembled press corps.
88. A Dumfries and Galloway Police spokesman has now announced that a man has been taken into custody.
89. I was glad to meet Alan Savory, the opposition spokesman - a young, cool customer,[ ] dark and striking.
90. A spokesman denied the bank was insolvent, but depositors are rushing to withdraw their money.
91. A league spokesman in New York said Wednesday that an announcement on the teams could come soon.
92. A spokesman for President Clinton said federal teams were still assessing the damage.
93. A spokesman said the accusations against Mr Fallon would be investigated.
94. Automobile Association spokesman Terry McAllister warned motorists to reduce speed in the wet and windy weather.
95. Anyone who already has a decoder can carry on watching, a spokesman for the Department of National Heritage acknowledged.
96. An army spokesman said that the security vetting of personnel was a normal procedure in all defence forces.
97. The executives' pay is based on corporate performance, meeting business goals and stock price, a spokesman said.
98. She was to stay overnight in the hospital and was expected to be released Thursday morning, hospital spokesman Brice Peyre said.
99. The Roman Research Trust declined to be interviewed, but a spokesman denied that it had acted in any way improperly.
100. A spokesman for Limited declined to comment, noting that the company had just been served with a copy of the suit.
101. The exercise also will help the Navy determine targeting requirements for a future fleet battle experiment, a spokesman said.
102. A council spokesman said mortgage holders were offered a choice of insurance companies.
103. An industry spokesman acknowledged that toxic chemicals had been released into the river.
104. A foundation spokesman said the number of planes that crash during landings is of more concern.
105. The last time that I heard that argument so brazenly presented was by Mr. Neville Chamberlain's spokesman before the war.
106. The reason for the affray is unclear, though a police spokesman played down any suggestion of feuding between criminal gangs.
107. An army spokesman said the curfew would continue until further notice, but army radio said it would be lifted on Sunday.
108. Her clothing had been ripped away to the waist in the horrific attack, said police spokesman Shlomo Ben Hemo.
109. The spokesman said no one called the Kings on Wednesday morning to sever ties with the team.
110. But there were no authorised house-to-house collections, said a spokesman.
111. However, a spokesman said it was not police policy to discuss the occupation of people helping with inquiries.
112. But an ambulance spokesman said the man was not seriously hurt, although he suffered shock.
113. A Middlesbrough Borough Council spokesman confirmed that an inquiry had been launched into the incident.
114. A spokesman for Friends of the Earth described the statement as an important breakthrough.
115. Your spokesman will also need some advice on dress for television.
116. The official news agency Tass became independent, and Gorbachev's spokesman Vitaly Ignatenko was appointed to head it.
117. City spokesman Kelvin McNeill said police plan to schedule an appointment with the parents, each of whom has a separate attorney.
118. A Ministry of Defence spokesman said there was no evidence of hostile action.
119. A police spokesman said the two would appear at Dundee Sheriff Court today.
120. Labour consumer affairs spokesman Nigel Griffiths has given Sega and Nintendo a three-week deadline to act.
121. A Wilson spokesman said the governor is reluctant to approve a state takeover of a federal responsibility.
122. A spokesman for President Clinton said assessment teams were studying the storm damage.
123. Nigel Jones, who won Cheltenham for the Liberal Democrats has been named front bench spokesman on housing and local government.
124. And, a base spokesman acknowledged the cooler ban did not prohibit knapsacks, soft-sided fabric coolers or wagons.
125. Beatrice will decide whether to sell its milk business in two to three months, said Pat Howe, company spokesman.
126. Environment spokesman Jack Straw said £5 billion was lying idle while thousands were forced to sleep on the streets.
127. Clinton opposes homosexual marriage, according to White House spokesman Mike McCurry.
128. "We're looking for highly intelligent young people, with a genuine interest in their subject," a university spokesman said.
129. A police spokesman said the bomb exploded when the passenger bus was passing through the Noorbagh area of north Srinagar.
130. Blackpool tourism spokesman John Hall said Lisa felt Gaynor's filming was too intrusive.
131. A spokesman for Walton Hospital said security would be put on full alert in the wake of the incident.
132. A spokesman said the freight train driver spotted the danger but could not prevent the collision.
133. Mr Kaufman, Labour's chief foreign affairs spokesman, sat at his bench shaking his head.
134. A Department of Environment spokesman said that 1 gram of radioactive dust had been released.
135. Arlington police spokesman Dee Anderson said police began searching for the truck moments after Kevil called but found nothing.
136. Jim's spokesman Cliff Elson said there were no immediate plans for divorce.
137. Last year, BankAmerica casual dressers raised $ 1. 25 million for charity, according to BankAmerica spokesman Russ Yarrow.
138. A spokesman denied the group is a cult and said members could leave whenever they wanted.
139. He was welcomed in boardrooms and presidential palaces everywhere as the spokesman of worldwide Diaspora Jewry.
140. Spokesman Neil Midgeley said quality improvement measures have boosted his company's performance enormously.
141. Conservatives view the speaker as fearless, committed, and a fiery spokesman of their beliefs.
142. A council spokesman said this occurred when the last civic reception was held for the club and caused great concern.
143. Ministry of Labour spokesman Avar Arpad said evaluation would take two weeks and that no information would be given in the interim.
144. A police spokesman said Sunday night that no charges have been placed and that police were still investigating.
145. But a regional health authority spokesman dismissed the document as pure speculation.
146. While he lived Nehru remained the most eminent spokesman for the Third World.
147. A settlers' spokesman said that the motorist was critically wounded.
148. Dave Thomas, spokesman for the band,[Sentencedict] said it was a good opportunity for the band to reach a wider audience.
149. A spokesman said that Soglo was suffering from fatigue following an attack of typhoid fever.
150. The university had no immediate comment, spokesman Bill Gordon said.
151. A spokesman for Bond Corporation admitted the action could wipe out the entire group.
152. But the Coastguard spokesman said that about five tonnes of diesel had escaped into the sea.
153. Their veteran spokesman thundered occasionally from the back benches, but he'd been banished to the backwoods by popular opinion.
154. A medical spokesman explained that he needed an urgent operation to treat glaucoma caused by diabetes.
155. The spokesman said the mini veered off the road after it was in collision with another car approaching the bridge.
156. Officers would also be making house-to-house inquiries, said a Hertfordshire Police spokesman.
157. He was found unconscious with a bedsheet round his neck, a correctional services spokesman said.
158. The council spokesman also said there were not enough professional caterers in the area to meet demand.
159. The spokesman noted that not all the paperwork on the accord was finalized but said he expected it to be so soon.
160. The consortium's spokesman Chris Rowley claims his group is the only one to have cracked the retuning problem.
161. A spokesman for the parallel government said that the two men had been kidnapped.
162. The government news agency Notimex said 15 were dead while a Civil Defense spokesman said he had reports of 25 confirmed killed.
163. Yasuo Fukuda, the government spokesman, yesterday denied that the government planned any measures to offset this problem.
164. Shadow trade spokesman Robin Cook described the judgment as a humiliation for Mr Heseltine.
165. According to a Lever Brothers spokesman, the humble bar is not as hygienic.
166. A police spokesman said Board of Trade investigators would be notified.
167. The company prefers the overlay option because it provides more flexibility, a spokesman argued.
168. A spokesman for Littlewoods said the service was aimed toward users with a need to process huge numbers of documents.
169. A base spokesman said the total cost of relocating personnel and planes this summer will run as high as $ 3 million.
170. The most extraordinary feature of the Opposition's response has been the deafening silence of their principal spokesman in relation to the proposals.
171. Labour spokesman David Oakenson says there's evidence to suggest the blame lies with Swindon Police.
172. A spokesman for Darlington police said both women had been fortunate not to have been more severely injured in the crash.
173. In 1951 and 1952 he continued to act as the Rassemblement's main spokesman(), addressing rallies and holding press conferences.
174. The drugs stolen include an ampoule of adrenalin, which could kill if injected, a police spokesman warned.
175. Yesterday a Durham Police spokesman said the consultant in charge of Pringle had told detectives he is to undergo further surgery next month.
176. CompuServe spokesman William Giles said that the CompuServe officials based their decisions entirely on the names of the newsgroups.
177. A Green Party spokesman said that spent fuel rods are highly radioactive and potentially lethal.
178. A police spokesman added that the businessman on whose premises the bikes were found was helping with their enquiries.
178. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
179. A total of 143 tickets were sold at the near-giveaway prices, United spokesman Chris Brathwaite confirmed Thursday.
180. A spokesman listed the casualties in a detached, matter-of-fact tone of voice.
181. A spokesman said the government was confident of winning the vote and would not discuss the possibility of defeat.
182. An internal investigation last year failed to turn up the culprit, according to Disneyland spokesman Tom Brocato.
183. A spokesman for Mobutu said on state-run television that a seven-member delegation would negotiate an end to the war.
184. A police spokesman said the demonstrators were well behaved but wet.
185. Labour's energy spokesman says the decision is bad news for the consumer and a hammer blow for the coal industry.
186. A police spokesman confirmed a number of calls had been received from people worried about what was happening on Thursday afternoon.
187. A spokesman for the Housing Department would only say that the tower blocks had seemed a good idea at the time.
188. A spokesman for Mr Berlusconi declined to confirm or deny the reports.
189. A post-mortem examination showed he had suffered internal injuries, said a spokesman.
190. A tight-lipped college spokesman yesterday denied there was evidence of an improper relationship between the two.
191. A spokesman for the Clydesdale confirmed that the bank had made an error somewhere and had not processed the tape.
192. A spokesman for Greenpeace said that industrial pollution appeared to be the most likely cause.
193. Controll spokesman Andras Hajdu said that the firm was now negotiating with creditors.
194. A Treasury spokesman said there was no need to hold a press conference with every rate change.
195. But an army spokesman denied that it had been asked to prepare to intervene.
196. Spokesman Frank Losco said the board held several public workshops and meetings regarding new diversions from the river.
197. A State Department spokesman, also displaying a talent for diplomacy, declined to characterize the appointment as a promotion.
198. The Labor Department was set up to be their spokesman, their champion, their liaison to the White House.
199. A DoH spokesman said the new guidance will clarify where inspectors can play a legitimate role.
200. A spokesman for the airline said that much of the cost increase was caused by tightening of security.
201. His brief has converted him into Labour's chaos and disaster spokesman.
202. Worse, a spokesman for the Treasury implies this is a frequent occurrence.
203. The fire marshal discovered that the fire originated at a first-floor front window, the spokesman said.
204. The Ulster Unionist security spokesman maintained a stiff upper lip as he had his moustache shaved off - for charity.
205. A Justice Department spokesman said Tuesday he could not discuss the subject.
206. His brilliant career as attorney lifted him into prominence and gave him acceptance as spokesman for the untouchables.
207. Once elected, the pressure group spokesman becomes a politician, whose business is compromise, not ideological purity.
208. Martin O'Neill, the party's defence spokesman, said the road to arms control now lay through the process of negotiation.
209. A NationsBank spokesman declined to say what title that person might hold.
210. A Merseyside Police spokesman said the operation had passed off without major incident.
211. A spokesman for Walsh expressed satisfaction with Abrams's conduct and his sentence.
212. I should be interested to see whether an Opposition Front-Bench spokesman will intervene on this point.
213. The Conservative agriculture spokesman, Tim Yeo, said the situation was approaching a national emergency.
214. An unspecified number of employees were offered jobs at other facilities, said Witco spokesman Carl Soderlind.
215. A spokesman for the Lord Chancellor's Department said there would be wide consultation before any restrictions on the right of appeal.
216. The entire project will cost $ 40 million to $ 50 million, said Russell Johnson, Tenneco Energy spokesman.
217. In fact, a Harvard spokesman confirmed her admittance only when asked directly.
218. It was the official estimate from the Soviet spokesman at the international conference at Vienna this year.
219. A spokesman for Morgan Grenfell in London declined any comment on the allegations contained in the Codelco suit, citing client confidentiality.
220. He says the country is not facing a shortage of farm workers, according to his spokesman Allen Kay.
221. Ron Bayley, a spokesman for the Seattle company, said he could not comment on pending litigation.
222. The role of defending the Church was assumed by the lower clergy, their chief spokesman being Francis Atterbury.
223. Simpson will receive only one pound, about $ 1. 53, in appearance money, a Granada spokesman said.
224. An airforce spokesman has tonight confirmed that both the pilot and navigator of the F One-Eleven are feared dead.
225. A spokesman said the company also would add people at its research facility in Bridgewater.
226. But last night a spokesman for the Portadown business community pledged that life would go on despite the outrage.
227. A spokesman for the borough engineer's department said the matter would be looked into.
228. Presidential spokesman Park Joon-young denied that the government was dragging its heels.
229. Thirty-four soldiers and at least 150 rebels were killed in the clash, military spokesman Kumara Dewage said.
230. A hospital spokesman said there was no move to privatise any sections of the catering service.
231. Lawrence Livermore Lab was also affected, but apparently not as severely as others, a spokesman there said.
232. Consumer affairs spokesman Mr Griffiths accused games firms of rigging the market - forcing shoppers to buy, rather than rent.
233. A spokesman for the administrators would not comment on whether Mr Maxwell had answered the questions.
234. Mike McCurry, the White House spokesman, confirmed the campaign will air its first commercial beginning Friday.
235. A spokesman stressed the police's determination to find the girl's killer.
236. Yesterday, a spokesman for the Shrewsbury-based agents acting for Hafodunos Estates said discussions were continuing.
237. The White House spokesman noncommittal on this question.
238. The spokesman replied: These are nothing but stalling tactics.
238. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
239. Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu told a news conference.
240. An EA spokesman called the tactic barnacle marketing.
241. An Ernst & Young spokesman declined to comment.
242. The White House spokesman was noncommittal on this question.
243. A Jordanian government spokesman echoed that position.
244. The spokesman says they are not worrisome.
245. Crockett, a spokesman for Coca - Cola Co.
246. The spokesman said that Musharraf would face the impeachment.
247. An opposition spokesman said he hoped the agreement would give them pause for thought about the futility of violence.
248. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Obama retains full confidence in his treasury secretary.
249. The senate majority leader is the floor spokesman for his party in the senate.
250. A spokesman said the government of Panama'controls all navigation through the Panama Canal.
251. Dell spokesman says the company is known for its value.
252. At the Pentagon, spokesman Bryan Whitman says Defense Department inquiries offer a different conclusion.
253. Instead, customers called for blue, Heinz spokesman Robin Teets said.
254. But Brian Whitman, the Pentagon spokesman, says the Defense Department did not release the photos officially.
255. But the Noaa spokesman said not all not all effects of El Ni ? o are negative.
256. Seth Orinda would act as spokesman if an opportunity occurred.
257. The ballot is taking time to organise , concedes a GMB spokesman.
258. In this case we are a victim in that respect as well,'the spokesman said.
259. A spokesman for the U.S. Department of Justice ramona Ji Nata ( gina talamona ) declined to comment.
260. A spokesman for the Slovak Interior Ministry said police found the explosives buried in wasted material.
261. A Defense Ministry spokesman, Mohammad al - Askari , said Friday the former officers will be rehired right away.
262. Washington was recognized as the preeminent spokesman of American Negroes by 1895.
263. The government spokesman confirmed that the Mikado would visit China next fall.
264. The Dalai Lama , Tibet's spiritual leader in exile, has been an energetic public face and spokesman.
265. A purported Taleban spokesman claimed responsibility for the blast in the Panjwai district of Kandahar province.
266. It'successfully hit the designated target on the Kamchatka Peninsula the spokesman added.
267. Pakistani government spokesman says ten people were killed in the second blast.
268. Taylor Clark a US European Command spokesman in Stuttgart, said in a prepared statement.
268. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
269. A spokesman for the provincial seismological bureau told Xinhua more people were feared injured or dead.
270. A spokesman has said they were not an attempt to mislead.
271. Schmidt was elected at a board meeting held on Tuesday, an Apple spokesman said.
272. Tootle resigned before the warrant was issued, said Ronnie Arnold, Escambia County School District spokesman.
273. Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast presented a similar line of reasoning at his weekly press briefing.
274. An AT & T spokesman says many unionized workers being cut will be eligible for such positions.
275. The Ugandan military spokesman spokesperson says the rebel revel leader on the run the region.
276. Newspaper reporters have been trying to prise the details from the White House spokesman.
277. A U . N. spokesman expressed concern about reports that shelling has killed civilians.
278. The distinguished spokesman had been in Sacramento at the state capitol.
279. Ziyi as I look forward to a spokesman for the Phoenix Shuicheng.
280. It will soon unveil its trading platform , according to a spokesman.
281. Stowe and Wilkey , who left AIG for Prudential in 2006(http://), declined through a spokesman to comment.
282. British government spokesman said the authorities intended to deport them on the grounds of national security.
283. Peter Bond , spokesman for the Royal Astronomical Society , said Terence's safety was not guaranteed.
284. A NATO spokesman accused the Taleban of using civilians as human shields.
285. This thesis is about a research on disseminator influence of star spokesman in TV advertisement.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:37:46