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单词 Expansion
1 The company intends a slow-down in expansion.
2 The company was now set for major expansion.
3 Heat causes the expansion of gases.
4 Their much-touted expansion plans have come to nothing.
5 Expansion was made possible by the investment of government money.
6 The rapid expansion of cities can cause social and economic problems.
7 There are plans for the expansion of our school building.
8 Poor trading figures put back our plans for expansion.
9 Expansion into new areas of research is possible.
10 The plan will give an impulse to industrial expansion.
11 The board decided to embark on aggressive overseas expansion.
12 The expansion of higher education will continue.
13 His economic policies paved the way for industrial expansion.
14 She has some ambitious expansion plans for her business.
15 The country was on the cusp of economic expansion.
16 The expansion plans will face fierce opposition/resistance from environmentalists.
17 We are going for maximum expansion.
18 Expansion of the company has continued apace .
19 The design of the front pockets allows for expansion.
20 This revolutionary expansion required energetic nation-building policies.
21 The economy is still showing healthy expansion.
22 During the first phase of expansion staff will move to the new offices.
23 The company believes there is scope for expansion in this sector.
24 The vast expansion in secondary education is putting an enormous strain on the system.
25 Various problems have put the company's expansion plans into reverse.
26 The new digital technology would allow a rapid expansion in the number of TV channels.
27 The company has promised wide consultation on its expansion plans.
28 The years 2000 - 01 saw the continuation of the university's planned expansion.
29 The time has come for the firm to consolidate after several years of rapid expansion.
30 Despite the recession the company is confident of further expansion.
1 The company intends a slow-down in expansion.
2 The company was now set for major expansion.
3 Their much-touted expansion plans have come to nothing.
4 Expansion was made possible by the investment of government money.
5 The rapid expansion of cities can cause social and economic problems.
6 The years 2000 - 01 saw the continuation of the university's planned expansion.
7 There are plans for the expansion of our school building.
8 The plan will give an impulse to industrial expansion.
9 The company has promised wide consultation on its expansion plans.
10 The forces of expansion are balanced by forces of contraction.
11 Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on steam pipes.
12 We mustn't attempt unrestricted expansion regardless if it is within our capacity.
13 Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on gas mains.
14 Industrialization inevitably led to the expansion of the urban working class.
31 The forces of expansion are balanced by forces of contraction.
32 Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on steam pipes.
33 Physical stress caused by expansion and contraction can damage components within the computer.
34 We need a dynamic expansion of trade with other countries.
35 The company is set for further expansion into niche areas.
36 We mustn't attempt unrestricted expansion regardless if it is within our capacity.
37 The company's policy of expansion has created many new jobs.
38 The book is an expansion of a series of lectures given last year.
39 The novel is an expansion of a short story he wrote about forty years ago.
40 Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on gas mains.
41 In order to finance expansion on this scale, the government has relied heavily on borrowing.
42 Lack of space is the main restraint on the firm's expansion plans.
43 The company misguidedly thought that expansion was the best way to survive.
44 Once the railways had proved their viability expansion was rapid.
45 His big book is an expansion of the little book he wrote before.
46 The company is forging ahead with its plans for expansion.
47 We need to stop this expansion and concentrate on the core business.
48 The expansion of higher education should be a powerful force for change.
49 Her resignation has struck a blow against the company's plans for expansion.
50 Arco has reacted to the loss in revenue by pruning its expansion plans.
51 The company has not yet firmed up its plans for expansion.
52 Industrialization inevitably led to the expansion of the urban working class.
53 The genetic variation of some plants from their parents results in expansion of the gene pool for a particular species.
54 The expansion of state education brought new and wider opportunities for working class children.
55 Despite the unit's compact dimensions,[][] there's still plenty of room for expansion.
56 The industry has just undergone a period of rapid expansion .
57 The company's expansion was predicated on the assumption that sales would rise.
58 The circumstances were not propitious for further expansion of the company.
59 The expansion of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers.
60 All these ideas for expansion were abruptly halted by the outbreak of war.
61 One of the driving forces behind this recent expansion is the growth of services.
62 The company's expansion plans could put it in a head-on clash with environmentalists.
63 The memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the computer.
64 The rate of expansion of our overseas trade has been spectacular.
65 The company was forced to reconsider its plans for expansion.
66 The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.
67 The President said NATO expansion will finally erase the boundary line in Europe artificially created by the Cold War.
68 There was plenty of expansion to bankroll.
69 Funds are used for start-ups, for expansion and second stage growth, and often for management buyouts of an existing company.
70 No organization likes being told that it has got to hold back its expansion or abandon some pet project.
71 We expect a successful acquisition to provide a basis for the global expansion of our services in a full-fledged manner.
72 But such is the demand that studios have ambitious plans for expansion.
73 That strategy could be thwarted by a lawsuit challenging expansion financing that is now awaiting review by the state Supreme Court.
74 Shoppers will have more in their pockets and it will not cost companies vast sums to borrow for expansion.
75 Another feature of building society expansion in recent years has been the increasing concentration of the industry through merger activity.
76 The Shawnees, abetted by southern Creeks, were seeking to stem the surge of expansion into their hinterlands.
77 Citizens' groups are taking legal action to prevent the expansion of the freeway.
78 The environmental coalition also has proposed some type of barrier to prevent further expansion of the underground plume.
79 He realized that it would bankrupt the company if he continued the expansion.
80 Innovation and expansion have continued apace as manufacturers have no misgivings about the long-term future for clay roofing tiles.
81 Inevitably with the rapid expansion of the past few years the University is experiencing difficulties in providing sufficient academic as well as residential accommodation.
82 There are indications, however, that the government is now trying to put the brakes on further expansion.
83 The city will assume responsibility for convention center permit issues when bonds are issued to finance expansion of the facility.
84 The methodologies are also applicable to existing operations and to rehabilitation or expansion projects.
85 Modern art is directed at a public largely untutored in the fine arts amidst a rapid expansion of the means of communication.
86 The consultants also reviewed certain expansion issues to provide advice on matters of potential litigation.
87 There has been a linkage between the evolution of democracy and the expansion of avenues for traffickers into political systems.
88 It was avid for imperial expansion, and the majority of its citizens wanted to get rich.
89 This expansion brings elements of Journal news coverage to an additional four million people who buy these newspapers.
90 Elsewhere, urban centres did not experience the anticipated post-war expansion in liberal adult education.
91 The expansion, or attempted expansion, of genes is seen as the central causal mechanism underlying both individual and social behaviour.
92 There is thus no evidence to suggest that definition expansion may provide useful information when applied selectively to highly distinctive words.
93 By contrast older established partners may be less keen on expansion in view of the added pressures it will produce.
94 Even heads who do not share this cartel mentality may find that aggressive expansion is not worth the candle.
95 When order is restored over the next few weeks, Lotus will be ready for the most ambitious expansion in its history.
96 As relations with the Soviet Union deteriorated the Western zones began to be seen as a potential ally against Soviet expansion.
97 The group had reached a stage which provided a sound base for selective expansion.
98 But although this discovery has made accurate diagnosis much easier, the way in which the expansion occurs remains to be understood.
99 It gradually tightens itself so as to not allow for expansion of the rib cage.
100 Whether the intention was personal aggrandizement on the part of the family or a shrewd step towards industrial expansion is not known.
101 Indeed the earliest suburban development preceded railway expansion by a decade or so in the big cities.
102 The outward symptoms arose out of Tudor Grange's ambitious expansion programme, which could only be fuelled by borrowings.
103 All this was to change in a few explosive years of expansion in the mid-twelfth century, shortly before Richard's birth.
104 Expansion of the money supply in these circumstances may lead to no additional expenditure, only additional idle balances.
105 This week Sony announced a big expansion of its Bridgend television plant.
106 Moreover, an educated workforce is argued to be one of the important prerequisites for economic expansion and advance.
107 Mr Cannon is not the only regional brewer planning a big expansion.
108 But when, however, the expansion slows down, the gravitational effect begins to assert itself.
109 Perhaps the expansion can continue and possibly it will one day taper off in benign fashion.
110 The penalty imposed by big government for expansion in business is a growing burden of responsibility,[] paperwork and liability.
111 Loosen dust and debris from the motherboard and expansion cards with a soft bristle brush.
112 From 1981, Friends Provident also pumped money into the business, bankrolling its expansion until it was floated in 1985.
113 Expansion of the entertainment industry has also provided a significant boost.
114 Second, economic expansion and diversification have provided a solid fiscal base for local government.
115 Many software and hardware companies enjoyed rapid expansion before the bubble burst and market growth slowed.
116 Book 3 examines different aspects of marketing the product through advertising, organisation of sales force, expansion of sales outlets.
117 Any eastward expansion would be regarded by the government as an act of aggression.
118 The $ 150 quarterly increase reflects the increase in size of the loan concomitant with the fixed asset expansion.
119 The expansion allowed employers to reap the benefits of the deflation-induced rationalization.
120 The church for its part acted as an administrative agency of colonial expansion and a major institution of social control.
121 Five years later, the new albums represent neither an expansion nor a retreat but a hesitant reluctance to set out anew.
122 It will also keep plans to continue its aggressive expansion, opening as many as 232 stores this year.
123 Nobody seems to deny that the expansion was overdone.
124 Expansion of unemployment insurance will strengthen the safety net.
125 Further expansion of the sales force in the PRC.
126 Parkinson's Third Law: Expansion means complexity; and complexity decay.
127 The expansion process of heat shrinkable sleeve was discussed.
128 Their economic policy pave the way for industrial expansion.
129 Circuit expansion completed Timing Responder function.
130 A new technology of rapeseed oil by dehulling, low temperature pressing, extruding - expansion and extraction was described.
131 The expansion method by negative pressure for preparing thin - walled heat shrinkable pipe continuously was detailed.
132 Richmond Hill Church started the third phase of building expansion project.
133 The commission also discusses the preparedness of the EU for further expansion.
134 Their works are frequently related to the phenomenally rapid urbanization and urban expansion.
135 Place down the 3 rd finished Refinery on your Expansion Field . Sell the Emissary, que another Refinery.
136 To discuss the mechanism of scleral expansion in therapying the presbyopia.
137 Rivet sell all kinds of different specifications specifications expansion screws, screw.
138 The thermal deformation calculation on base definition of expansion coefficient is analyzed.
139 Therefore, Jiabao Cao Xining Airport Expansion Phase II is necessary and urgent.
140 Expansion of trinucleotide repeats represents an important type of pathogenic mutations.
140 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
141 Palatal expansion is frequently applied in correction of maxillary transverse deficiency and upper dental arch constriction.
142 The potable water expansion tank shall be a Watts Model PLT.
143 At the same time, they would a nuke at another of the enemy's expansion.
144 Upon heating the zeolite, the normal siloxane linkage would also experience strain due to thermal expansion.
145 Refinery - Sell after the Harverster comes out. Send the Rifleman to protect your expansion.
146 The expansion of high education on Oxbridge lines led increasing numbers to expect well - paid white - collar jobs.
147 As funding dried up, many businesses were forced to shelve their expansion plans.
148 At that time the shipbuilding industry was still in the high speed period of expansion.
149 The potable water expansion tank shall be of drawn steel construction.
150 Watts Model ET - RA Tanks are ASME removable bladder type pre - charged expansion tanks.
151 This makes fast scouting can detect expansion in time and stop it.
152 Expansion, reduction or redefinition of the design space could be desired upon gaining additional process information.
153 This product is characterized by low expansion coefficient, high refractoriness, good thermal and chemical stability.
154 All this has been done as excuses for their continued pursuance of a policy of aggression and expansion.
155 With the rise of economic freedom has come a dramatic expansion of political liberty.
156 He projects a slowdown in the rate of expansion of world trade.




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