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单词 Genetic
1. A generation ago genetic codes were certainly unknown.
2. Genetic scientists are often accused of perverting nature.
3. Scientists have used genetic engineering to protect tomatoes against the effects of freezing.
4. Genetic engineers transpose or exchange bits of hereditary material from one organism to the next.
5. Each person's genetic code is unique except in the case of identical twins.
6. Sexual reproduction serves to create genetic variety.
7. Aggression is part of our genetic make - up.
8. Physical characteristics are determined by genetic inheritance.
9. Genetic engineering will have revolutionary consequences for mankind.
10. It's very difficult to treat genetic diseases.
11. The genetic material has suffered a mutation.
12. Our genetic inheritance cannot be changed.
13. Eye colour shows your genetic inheritance.
14. Genetic engineering is still in its infancy.
14. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. Cystic fibrosis is caused by a genetic defect.
16. Genetic evolution is necessarily slow.
17. Scientists have found a genetic mutation that appears to be the cause of Huntington's disease.
18. The offspring contain a mixture of the genetic blueprint of each parent.
19. DNA carries the genetic blueprint which tells any organism how to build itself.
20. We can use genetic engineering techniques to isolate the gene that is responsible.
21. Researchers are convinced of a genetic cause for the disease.
22. Researchers are gradually deciphering the genetic structure found in the cells of organisms.
23. In our DNA we all carry a genetic template for the next generation.
24. Scientists provided the key to understanding the genetic code that determines every bodily feature.
25. By changing the tomato's genetic blueprint , scientists can alter the rate at which it ripens.
26. There are tests which can establish a baby's genetic endowment.
27. She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering.
28. Genetic engineers should not be allowed to play God, interfering with the basic patterns of Nature.
29. It is probable that the disease has a genetic element.
30. Aside from a thorough medical family history, there is no need to offer any genetic testing on the basis of consanguinity alone.
1. A generation ago genetic codes were certainly unknown.
2. Genetic scientists are often accused of perverting nature.
3. Scientists have used genetic engineering to protect tomatoes against the effects of freezing.
4. Genetic engineers transpose or exchange bits of hereditary material from one organism to the next.
5. Each person's genetic code is unique except in the case of identical twins.
6. Aggression is part of our genetic make - up.
7. It's very difficult to treat genetic diseases.
8. Researchers are gradually deciphering the genetic structure found in the cells of organisms.
31. The genetic variation of some plants from their parents results in expansion of the gene pool for a particular species.
32. I'm giving a seminar on the latest developments in genetic engineering next week.
33. Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease in the United States.
34. These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally. They are things like muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.
35. The whole population is so inbred that no genetic differences remain.
36. Genetic engineering is very much a subject for debate .
37. About half that many papers dealt with genetic algorithms.
38. Genetic research may provide clues to overweight.
39. The random part is what makes genetic algorithms slow.
40. The full genetic algorithm will be described below.
41. The exact method of genetic transmission is still controversial.
42. Sometimes there seems to be a genetic component.
43. Genome: the genetic complement of a living organism.
44. Why all the concentration on genetic engineering?
44. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
45. Macular degeneration can be hereditary and genetic counselling appropriate.
46. The method involved forms half of a genetic algorithm.
47. But genetic counseling can have more dramatic results.
48. The genetic theory postulates two modes of evolution.
49. For more than 10 years voluntary organizations around the world have been working to collect and conserve genetic diversity in community seed banks.
50. This study exemplifies the combined use of human and mouse genetics to dissect human genetic diseases involving multiple genes and complex phenotypes.
51. Cancer, genetic defects and accelerated ageing can be caused by exposure to low level radiation.
52. The issues surrounding genetic engineering of this sort are even more profound.
53. Every evolutionary history consists of a particular pathway, or trajectory, through genetic space.
54. Transconjugant: a bacterium with new genetic information resulting from conjugation.
55. The same study finds a genetic component to the susceptibility to nicotine addiction, too.
56. In the intermediate zone between a population boom and a population bust, this superfluous genetic material is pruned out.
57. She expresses particular concern about the breeding of animals solely for experimental use, including animals with genetic alterations.
58. She subsequently attended the genetic counselling clinic, and was very anxious about the situation.
59. True enough, these two groups use the same basic genetic code.
60. One contentious area where ethical controversies abound concerns genetic screening and the detection of high risk groups.
61. The more violent the oscillations the greater the amount of parasitic genetic material.
62. We included genetic counselling alone, for familial cases when no prenatal diagnosis is available, among primary preventive approaches.
63. Some kinds of alcohol problems may have a genetic etiology; others are environmentally based.
64. So Potrykus used genetic manipulation to insert genes from the daffodil that encode the biological machinery for production of beta carotene.
65. Some genetic disorders predispose individuals to the toxic effects of substances found in the workplace or environment.
66. The authors concluded that genetic factors play a major role in the etiology of alcoholism in women.
67. Second, an animal might direct altruistic acts towards genetic relatives of those with which it was raised.
68. What the historical record shows is that people are not insects blindly following some genetic script.
69. Why did genes come together into large vehicles, each with a single genetic exit route?
70. A genetic disorder led to her using a cane and seeking a hip replacement.
71. But others at the Tuskegee meeting cautioned against dismissing too casually possible genetic differences in health outcomes among racial and ethnic groups.
72. Bacteria can conjugate sexually and exchange genetic material through a connecting tube that forms between two cells.
73. We are much less likely to find biological differences between races, simply because the genetic distances among them are so small.
74. Narcolepsy is not a psychiatric or physiological problem,[http://] but rather it is believed to be a genetic one.
75. As a merger between genetic enterprises it is, like any other business with two partners, liable to discord.
76. The world's main food and livestock species have centres of genetic diversity in the South.
77. Given that male albatrosses have the same genetic incentives as male elephant seals, why do they behave so differently?
78. They announced yesterday that their treatment also eliminates the genetic defect in laboratory mice, bred with cystic fibrosis.
79. The analogy between cultural and genetic evolution has frequently been pointed out, sometimes in the context of quite unnecessary mystical overtones.
80. The groups are usually composed of genetic kin, but not always.
81. Their ruthless pursuit of Navajos in the 1860s led to isolation of a small band, which interbred, risking genetic disorders.
82. The role of genes encoding other alcohol metabolising enzymes in a genetic predisposition to alcoholic liver damage has yet to be explored.
83. Rothenbuhler's experiments on the hygienic behaviour of bees provides a very clear example of the genetic control of behaviour.
84. Maynard Smith tried pitting different genetic strategies against each other in the same way that economists do with different economic strategies.
85. For neural nets and genetic algorithms, it is not so much fallible as crude.
86. The factors that influence the size of the proliferative compartment are less clear, though in rats there are genetic differences.
87. In the event the anticipated collapse of the first genetic engineering company amid a pile of bad debts did not come about.
88. And new genetic tests for other dread diseases are appearing almost every day.
89. Other methods of genetic purification can homogenize a DNA sequence.
90. The basic similarity between cells refers not only to their general plan but also to their genetic endowment.
91. As the mysteries of many infectious and nutritional diseases have been solved, what remain are the chronic disorders with genetic origins.
92. The reason for this is interesting, and worth a digression because it provides a good genetic analogy.
93. The existing pool offered too little genetic diversity to support energetic research, they said.
94. The unusual geographical distribution is equally compatible with a genetic component.
95. The human species has probably not undergone much genetic change in recorded time.
96. They are worried that genetic differences imported into the native flora will have profound ecological consequences.
97. Greenpeace is deeply concerned that this development will lead to monopoly control over genetic resources and an even greater dependence on herbicides.
98. The pair announced that they had identified a genetic defect in the dopamine system of some alcoholics.
99. It is the gradual reorganisation of the genetic program, the software coded into DNA sequences.
100. As a result of increased public interest, more than a dozen states have passed laws that prohibit insurers from genetic discrimination.
101. Genetic engineering techniques will speed up the development process for the AIDS vaccine, but these experimental new techniques still require time.
102. The prospect of genetic intervention is much more appealing as it gets to the core of the problem.
103. Bradley and colleagues are well aware of these problems as they seek to justify newborn screening for this untreatable genetic disorder.
104. Such behavioral diversity serves the same function as genetic diversity,[http:///genetic.html] and indeed compensates for restrictions on genetic diversity.
105. Another possibility is that the genetic regulation of the isotype response is different in the two populations of inflammatory bowel disease patients.
106. Voice over Police are now using DNA testing, or genetic fingerprinting in an attempt to track down the rapist.
107. Genetic evidence A number of studies have now firmly established the existence of a genetic component in the transmission of schizophrenia.
108. About one child in 20 admitted to hospital has some kind of genetic disorder.
109. The offspring, however, are slightly different from one another in genetic endowment.
110. Finally, it might be the result of an interplay between genetic and environmental factors.
111. Underlying genetic characteristics and treatment variables may be associated with an increased risk of radiation-associated brain tumours.
112. Complaints of headaches should be taken seriously and genetic counselling made available at the appropriate time.
113. Genetic epistemology is the science of how knowledge is acquired.
114. Now that scientists have access to human embryos, the question of genetic engineering arises.
115. In real-life evolution there is nothing that corresponds to steering towards some distant genetic target.
116. Such anxieties are still informed by nineteenth-century pseudo-scientific genetic and biological explanations of racial difference and comprise distortion, fantasy and myth.
117. Finding a remedy may be easier because there is less of a genetic component.
118. The finding could ultimately lead to a way to correct the genetic defect, scientists say.
119. A clear example of a mutation altering development is the inherited genetic defect, sickle cell anaemia.
120. For the genetic engineers, the grail of nitrogen-fixation remains unattainable.
121. We do not even have to posit a genetic advantage in imitation, though that would certainly help.
122. They carry within their range of possibilities, which includes their genetic coding, information about adjacent and surrounding systems.
123. On average, environmental factors caused about twice as many cancers as inborn genetic factors.
124. There is a good chapter on biotechnology and genetic engineering, with a simple explanation of gene splicing.
125. But this study has, for the first time, clearly demonstrated a genetic difference between concordant and discordant identical twins.
126. It's a genetic condition which means she's been physically disabled from birth.
127. Trichloroethene, a probable human carcinogen, can cause liver damage and genetic mutations in both human and animal populations.
128. What is more improbable is that the Genetic Supermarket, with its emphasis upon individual choice, will bring this possibility nearer.
129. Will we use our technological brilliance to annihilate genetic diseases before they strike?
130. Again, the level of risk implied by this explanation seems inconsistent with the dosimetry and previous estimates of genetic risk.
131. But as the study just cited indicates, environmental influences can powerfully affect the way genetic predispositions are expressed in human behavior.
132. Perhaps in people with a genetic predisposition, the trigger sends the immune system into permanent overdrive and disarray.
133. Others still advocate genetic engineering of plants and animals as the greatest single technology that will feed the world.
134. Admittedly the computer did use them to calculate the appropriate genetic formula for every point on the picture.
135. She had Sanfilippo's syndrome,[] a genetic disorder that attacks the nervous system.
136. Owners of deaf white cats report that their pets are brilliant at compensating for their genetic disability.
137. These causes are not necessarily genetic, but may include environmental factors such as upbringing in the family, social conditioning and so on.
138. One of the first steps will be to organise genetic counselling for all children not yet tested.
139. Read in studio Scientists have made a breakthrough in the fight against the genetic disease Cystic Fibrosis.
140. This is essential if the scientific quality of studies of biodiversity at the ecosystem and genetic level is not to be compromised.
141. Another possible place of chaos in genetic diversity generation is in the origin of life.
142. Such fears, however, should not be dismissed lightly in so far as genetic engineering is still in its infancy.
143. Some cases are hereditary so genetic counselling should be given.
144. Mobility may be increasingly affected. Genetic counselling should be available.
145. The mouse is bred with the genetic defect but remains alive, enabling potential cures to be tested out on it.
146. Because the sample is so large, even the last of these shows evidence of a genetic component.
147. It is a widespread phenomenon, not restricted to nuclear power or genetic engineering.
148. But could this fantasy of genetic engineering ever become reality?
149. This set of preoccupations led the ethologists to assume a more complex and extensive set of genetic endowments underlying behaviour.
150. Now there is a patchwork of state legislation enacted to deal with the legal and ethical issues raised by genetic information.
151. Enthusiasts for genetic algorithms do not seem worried about this.
152. In reciprocal altruism individuals are not required to have any particular genetic relatedness with one another.
153. There is also considerable potential for the development of novel biological control agents by genetic engineering.
154. You can cure many genetic diseases by changing the environment.
155. The main point was that the total genetic capacity of a species may increase due to gene duplication.
156. As albinism is of genetic origin, genetic counselling should be available to teenagers.
157. Their genetic code cells were showing similar deformities to those of Chernobyl residents.
158. Even the genetic code, which is arbitrary, is the same in all species.
159. The work was conducted on genetic material retrieved from embryos, not on embryos themselves.
160. So-called aberrant behavior, in particular lesbian and homosexual behavior, was shown to have a natural precedent and a genetic basis.
161. A range of genetic alterations have recently been described in colorectal cancer and its benign precursor, the large bowel adenoma.
162. J., and is the fourth microbial genetic blueprint Human Genome has determined.
163. I was involved in an attempt to control mosquitoes by genetic techniques some 12 years ago.
164. Language is the same in this respect as telegraphy, genetic codes, and mathematics.
165. Both are characterised by a focal or multifocal pattern of distribution, abnormal cellular proliferation, and a genetic component.
166. The sons are assembled for him, and he even gets a genetic guarantee of health.
167. Was it overlooked because it demonstrates that insights into genetic disorders can be gained without use of human embryos?
168. Though many genetic fluctuations do occur, most die out because they fail to confer any survival advantages on gut-dwelling microbes.
169. He concludes that changes in genetic factors obviously can not explain the crime wave.
170. Recently, John Fagin, an internationally recognized molecular biologist and former genetic engineer from Fairfield, Iowa, made a stand.
171. By manipulation of the tomato's genetic blueprint, scientists can alter the rate at which it ripens.
172. In her highly controversial book, Genetic Engineering: Dream or Nightmare?
173. Evidence supporting a genetic component to predisposition comes mainly from a large study of 15924 male twin pairs.
174. The disagreement comes when you try to understand why genetic mixing is a good idea.
175. These examples show clearly that the human genetic code does not contain specific instructions to behave in a particular way.
176. As yet there have been few large-scale studies of technicians involved in scaling up genetic engineering processes.
177. Because that was the only way to settle a long-running genetic dispute between sets of genes.
178. In the long term, the loss of genetic diversity will reduce the gene pool available for agricultural crops.
179. In the case of diseases, the effect of any genetic component is more clear cut.
180. Fertility genes enable a plasmid's genetic information to be transferred from a donor to a recipient strain.
181. Beginning Friday, the Civic will co-star in a new science-fiction thriller about genetic engineering, called Gattaca.
182. One works by crossing two parents with slightly different genetic codes, and mixing their genes randomly.
183. They are testing a genetic spray which can cure the disease in mice.
184. Just as a ratchet turns easily one way but can not turn back, so genetic defects inevitably accumulate.
185. There was an immediate outcry. Prior consent is a condition of genetic testing.
186. Evolutionary computing needs analogue computers with a digital storage of genetic material and noise to demonstrate its true effectiveness.
187. The idea of genetic algorithms is to mimic natural Darwinian selection of genetic codes.
188. Genetic control is now at the forefront of medical, scientific and state enthusiasm over the new reproductive technologies.
189. If such balancing selection maintains a substantial fraction of life-history variation, it will generate negative genetic correlations among life-history traits.
190. Hilbert called the above approach the genetic method.
191. Every living thing has its own genetic chips.
192. Genetic history reconstructs the origins of a literary work.
193. I use genetic algorithm, tabu search, exhaustive search.
194. Schizophrenia,[ ] manic depression have common genetic cause : study.
195. Those decrease with increasing genetic stability and inbreeding.
196. Informed Consent for Diagnostic Genetic Testing.
197. This ability decreases the negative effects of drift and inbreeding on genetic diversity in small populations.
198. Objective To establish a genetic diagnosis method for a novel MSH 2 mutation.
199. This paper introduces a hybrid approach using genetic algorithms and tabu search into case - based reasoning system.
200. A a collection of genic genetic material passed from one generation to the next.
201. To date, research on the application of the genetic map is very limited.
202. This theory and progress of morph genetic materials are introduced in this paper.
203. Genetics & IVF discovered a method using preimplantation genetic testing for the prevention of Huntington disease.
204. Genetic algorithm is applied to synthesize low sidelobe antenna array.
205. Natural selection can also, sometimes an agent of genetic uniformity.
206. Therefore, low temperature - resistant transgenic rice genetic research is necessary.
207. But a wide range of genetic screening will rise to a series of social problems.
208. Conclusions: Short tandem repeats are the major genetic markers used in medicine.
209. The St. Vincent Amazon panot is only the latest threatened animal to benefit from genetic profiling.
210. Abnormities of SC resulting from genetic mutation can directly induce arrest of spermatogenesis in rat model.
211. Modern genetic mechanisms, including informational macromolecules have not always existed in their present form.
212. They created HuMans, Homo Sapiens, through genetic manipulation with themselves and ape man Homo Erectus.
213. A unified resource binding is proposed for interconnect reduction with genetic algorithm.
214. Objective To immunologically characterize the binding activity of a genetic engineering human antibody against keratin.
215. OMIM ( Mendelian Inheritance in Man ? ) Continuously updated catalog of human genes and genetic disorders.
216. But people who might benefit from genetic tests are almost as leery.
217. Over 95 % of affected patients will express the DQw 2 histocompatibility antigen, which suggests a genetic basis.
218. Researchers from 25 countries now have a full genetic map of a cow.
219. Objective To observe the genetic factor in age - related macular degeneration ( ARMD ).
220. Chromosome map ( genetic map ) A diagram showing the order of genes along a chromosome.
221. Information about the genetic among the commercial cultivars is important for future guar breeding programs.
222. Use of genetic Methods: To analyze protein function, gene regulation and inherited disease.
223. Research has shown that there is a genetic or inherited element to handedness.
224. They also looked at the genetic lineage of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria infecting the patients.
225. In the Zhejiang University[Sentence dictionary], where he found a ladybug teaches genetic mosaic splash dominant phenomenon.
226. The genetic types of shales in the area under research are of humus and mixed type.
227. Trout and salmon with the head covering the same, there is a close genetic relationship.
228. For some rare disorders, such as Huntington's and Tay - Sachs, genetic information is a diagnosis.
229. Still, at times a cell may actually embrace the process of genetic mutation in essencein fast - forward.
230. The university's research team keeps pushing boundary of genetic science.
231. Objective : To analyse the genetic stability of lactic acid bacteria separated from DVS during subculture.
232. The paper proposes a novel method for the identification of Hammerstein model based on genetic programming.
233. This susceptibility might not be due merely to ethnic genetic differences.
234. Genetic mineralogy studies the genetic theory and the practical appolication of minerals.
235. The genetic basis of inbreeding depression cannot be explained by means of simple model.
236. Conclusion As an important and stable genetic marker, DYS 287 can provide reliable evidence in evolution study.
237. Objective To study the genetic variation and inbreeding of Xishuangbanna miniature pig.
238. Instead of being junky molecular relics, introns could have progressively acquired genetic functions mediated by RNA.
239. What genetic change allowed multicellular animals to come into existence remains obscure.
240. The Human Genome Project is inspiring, particularly the new avenues in genetic testing it's opened up.
241. Childhood - onset hypertrophy should prompt genetic analyses and family evaluations.
242. As genetic blood disorders, hemophilia and porphyria had serious effects on the crowned heads of Europe.
243. Based on genetic algorithm wireless sensor network localization algorithm simulation.
244. Insurance companies may be genetic screening information to predict the expected life of customers.
245. And here is why: the human genetic map comes in different versions called genotypes.
246. Genetic integrity of 29 cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum Linn . ) accessions was analyzed using SRAP and SSR markers.
247. Telomerase system is the genetic name of telomerase and telomere.
248. Sperm donors undergo extensive medical and genetic screening, as well as testing for infectious diseases.
249. Genetics: a characteristic resulting from the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
250. Genotype refers to the genetic make - up of an organism or a virus.
251. This includes honesty, psychological, and personality tests, genetic screening, substance abuse tests and polygraph examinations.
252. The authors hypothesize that an individual's genetic background determines the initial susceptibility to aortic dissection.
253. The power of this genetic holism can be seen in animal breeding.
254. The second sources ,[/genetic.html] where the weights separate network are updated by immune genetic algorithm ( IGA ).




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