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单词 One state
1. Marriages performed in one state are routinely recognized by other states.
2. In the present context, the question is whether one State can enter into a treaty on behalf of another.
3. To place a binary cell in the one state.
4. All other transitions from one state to another may have operations that, when called, cause a transition to the next state.
5. However, what may be a misdemeanor in one state could be a felony in another.
6. The switch signal was encoded directly and one state was expressed with 3 long distance sequence code, then it was transmitted through the digital relay line of telecommunication network.
7. We can easily tell one state of matter from another by their form.
8. In the well-designed application, one state of the application function will move smoothly and quickly to the state of another function.
9. A finite state machine can only be in one state at any moment in time.
10. Shall there be a free port in one State and onerous duties in another?
11. Statefulness refers to how well one state of an application function is behaving when it goes to subsequent states of other functions in the cloud.
12. The highly paid, like the corporations that employ them, are mobile,[sentencedict .com] and can play one state off against another.
13. From fourth grade on, almost all social science and most other subject matter is identical from one state to the next.
14. Florida and California had the highest net increase of immigrants resettling from one state to another.
15. There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. Alexandre Dumas 
16. And this question varies from one circumstance to another, from one state to another.
17. Secondly, people tend to imagine that the mere existence of an international dispute proves that at least one state has broken the law.
18. This is actually a state-transition diagram in which each valid state is well-defined, and a specific activity has to be performed in order to move from one state to the next.
19. "No one wants to carry the ball 99 yards all the way to the one-yard line, and then give it to the halfback who gets all the credit, " one state senator complained to a local journalist.
20. Yeah. And a lot of we call treachery, you know, where one state would join with another state, and gang up on the third one. You know?
21. But not much is known about what happens to this abundant element under high-pressure conditions when it transforms from one state to another.
22. Yeah. And a lot of we call treachery, you know, where one state would join with another state, and gang up on the third one.
23. For a nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA), a new input may cause the machine to be in more than one state, hence its non-determinism.




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