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单词 lanolin
释义  Related topics: Hair & beautylan·o·lin /ˈlænəl-ɪn/ noun [uncountable]  DCBan oil that is obtained from sheep’s wool, and is used in skin creams 羊毛脂Examples from the Corpuslanolin• All lanolin and fragrance free and developed without testing on animals.• It is also perfume and lanolin free.• There must be some way of getting lanolin without killing whales, surely?• Nero says will you send some more lanolin.• It was with a dab of lanolin.• It's unfortunate your big end's gone just as we've run out of lanolin, will axle grease do?• Sheep smell, too-of lanolin, the fatty exudate that waterproofs their wool.• I sniffed the lanolin of his rough wool sweater and the slaughtered smell of his jacket.Origin lanolin (1800-1900) Latin lana “wool” + oleum “oil”lan·o·lin nounChineseSyllable  is wool, sheep’s an Corpus oil from obtained used that is and




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