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单词 Intrusive
1. They found the television cameras too intrusive.
2. The cameras were not an intrusive presence.
3. When Alison was at home she was an intrusive presence.
4. On this occasion the press have not been intrusive and they have shown great tact.
5. In doing this try not to become too intrusive.
6. The photographers were pushy and intrusive.
7. Government would be smaller and less intrusive.
8. As you expand the dialogue, without being intrusive, you begin to build his confidence in you.
9. It is only when intrusive ethologists steal and hatch eggs that the wide tolerance of the goslings is revealed.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. The worst is often passionately intrusive, while the best is readily eclipsed by noisier and more persuasive methods of dissemination.
11. He was far too intrusive on his own, without bringing his sister and nephew into it.
12. It is impossibly complex, outrageously expensive, overly intrusive, economically destructive and manifestly unfair.
13. And they could be a more powerful and intrusive problem than any you encountered in the corporate infighting of your previous job.
14. Temperature taking is intrusive and will upset the child.
15. The constant presence of the media was very intrusive.
16. Contrast the formation of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks.
17. Choose a time that is not intrusive.
18. Planning permission was refused on the grounds that the proposed building would be "visually intrusive".
19. Her mouth felt as dry as a bone and her eyes were closed against the intrusive light.
20. However, it has also to be pointed out that many intrusive land uses have occurred in green belts.
21. Blackpool tourism spokesman John Hall said Lisa felt Gaynor's filming was too intrusive.
22. If it is fixed it gives a limited picture only but is less intrusive.
23. Impose strict limits on dissemination of passenger travel data and the use of overly intrusive searches.
24. The underlying aim may be briefly conceptualized as preventing the need for more intrusive interventions.
25. Police spoke of a benign new law enforcement tactic no more intrusive than a video camera at a convenience store.
26. Pizzi's garb-gold lame for days and more saffron robes than at a Hare Krishna convention-seemed intrusive.
27. Recently the jet stream has retreated northward, meteorologists say, leaving the field undefended against those intrusive southern storms.
28. It may not be as noisy as an old dot-matrix, but you could easily find its sound levels disturbing and intrusive.
29. I used the smoother side of the paper as I find a definite, rough texture rather intrusive.
30. In those days of fewer opinion polls they seemed to play a much smaller, less intrusive part in the elections.
31. Staff are courteous but never intrusive.
32. The people are warm and courteous but not intrusive.
33. The most impressive form of intrusive is the dike.
34. These questions were not intrusive, so I answered happily.
35. The rock mass produced by an intrusive process.
36. We both felt intrusive and out of place.
37. The administration of medications is often viewed as an intrusive procedure by the child.
38. Thus the intrusive igneous rocks usually have a coarse texture.
39. This paper analyzes the relationship between capillary pressure data of intrusive mercury method and oil saturation(), which is discussed as the following two aspects.
40. For a performance comparison between Intrusive and Non - intrusive containers see Performance section.
41. Donors also remain intrusive, cumbersome and rivalrous in their giving.
42. The actuators incorporate sophisticated electronics that provide - intrusive set - up and interrogation via an infra - red hand held remote.
43. Belgian Beer Ambassador and Master Beer Sommelier Mark Stroobandt, said: "All three varieties are complex in flavour but are well balanced so the alcohol is not intrusive.
44. Yanshanian strongly peraluminous intrusive rocks occur sporadically in the Hebei - Shanxi - Liaoning area.
45. A system of more intrusive inspections has been created under the so-called "additional protocol", but countries are under no obligation to subscribe to it.
46. Intrusive viruses are hard to write and very difficult to remove without damaging the host file.
47. Explains founder Jon Cook, "It's a way for guys at Harvard to meet girls at Yale, etc. And it's not intrusive.
48. There are four main types of viruses: shell, intrusive, operating system and source ode.
49. The studies on constant element, trace element, REE and lead isotope indicate that the subalkalic intrusive complex body is formed by deep crust mantle migmatization.
50. Indeed, dereferencing an iterator from an intrusive list is performed in the same two steps as described above.
51. Nephrite deposits in Qinghai Province have occurred in contact belt between intermediate - acidic intrusive rocks and dolomite - marble.
52. In Excel 12 , we've redesigned the formula bar to be both flexible and less intrusive.
53. On the other hand, overly intrusive judicial review is sometimes criticized for its undemocratic character.
54. Mafic intrusive rocks in Wuqiagou area, eastern part of Ahai Orogenic belt, include diorite porphyrite, olivine gabbro cumulates, and hornblende gabbro cumulates.
55. There exist quite a few deep xenoliths in silicified aegirine syenite porphyry within Jinhe intrusive body of Jianchuan, western Yunnan Province.
56. Regardless of the pay rate, though, this is a very intrusive form of advertising, so think twice before using it.
57. The studies on constant element, trace element, PEE and lead isotope indicate that the subalkalic intrusive complex body is formed by deep crust-mantle migmatization.
58. The impact of basic intrusive dyke on hydrocarbon accumulation inside the Archaeozoic buried hill in Liaohe Depression is studied on the basis of logging data, core test and oil testing data.
59. Baruch would have required more rigorous and intrusive regulation of all nuclear energy research and production — civilian and military — through an Atomic Development Authority.
60. The most common intrusive in the order of igneous rocks is granite.
61. "Too intrusive, " reader M.M. from Kentucky (21) said of these programs.
62. Meanwhile because the cold flame doesn't produce intrusive thoughts, people should have less practice suppressing them.
63. Most synaesthetes are positively disposed to their synaesthesia, but for a very small number, synaesthetic perceptions may be intrusive if they are particularly intense.
64. Its petrology , petrochemistry and geochemistry feature show the intrusive is post - collision and strongly - peraluminous granite.
65. The sea was near at hand, but not intrusive; it murmured, and he thought it was the pines; the pines murmured in precisely the same tones, and he thought they were the sea.
66. A coarse-grained, plutonic or intrusive igneous rock of felsic composition having large crystals of quartz, feldspar and mica.
67. The new measures are aimed at cutting back on intrusive telephone solicitations.
68. The Machangqin Cu - Mo - Au deposit is a type deposit related to the Himalayan epoch rich - alkali intrusive rock.
69. Ghosting: An intrusive interference image on a printed area of large solid or half-tone.
70. The Baocun and Chaoshan gold deposits in Shizishan are field are of skarn type, and their intrusive rocks are Baocun quartz diorite and Baimangshan augite quartz diorite respectively.
71. Store this hook in a class to be inserted in an intrusive container.
72. The intrusive rocks evolute in the direction of the intermediate, acid-intermediate to the uhraacid.
73. Logging GC usage is not intrusive, and so it is reasonable to enable GC logging in production by default in the event you ever need to analyze memory problems or tune the garbage collector.
74. Mesozoic intrusive complex in central eastern North China Block (NCB) is mainly composed of two sets of rock associations such as appinite and granodiorite.
75. Crust source remelting series contains only anatectic magma stage. It experience the development processes from contaminated granite (porphyritic) to intrusive one (granular texture).
76. The application note of Raman spectroscopy is suited to all sample of arbitrary shape, quick, precise, non destructive and non intrusive sampling.
77. Their occurrence, composition, enclaves, palimpsest structure and intrusive con-tact relationships prove that they are ancient granitic plutons which now occur in the form ofgneisss.
78. A variety of geological environments are extrusive or intrusive rocks.
79. The Mesozoic granitic volcanic - intrusive complexes are widely dispersed over the eastern Guangdong area.
80. A batholith has been defined as a huge intrusive mass of granitic rock.
81. Lincang granite intrusive body is a composite batholith formed by polyphasic intrusion, whose main rock type is the biotite adamellite.
82. ROBINSON The typical definition of libertarianism in my mind is that a libertarian wants the smallest, least intrusive government consistent with...
83. By removing the requirement for citizens to fill out a 'long form' (considered intrusive), it reduces its own access to vast amounts of quality information.
84. On the other hand, an intrusive container needs to know how to obtain a node from a user class, and also the inverse operation.
85. Phlebotomy technician students learn. under the supervision of physicians and other health care professionals. to draw blood samples from patients using a variety of intrusive procedures.
86. The plutonic complex unit consists of gabbro, mafic cumulate and ultramafic cumulate. There exist complicated magmatic intrusive events in the plutonic complex and sheeted dike complex units.
87. The intrusive is believed to be syntectic type with its diagenetie materials derived from the lower crust and upper mantle.
88. Intrusive viruses are hard to write and very difficult to remove without damaging host file.
89. When you run a forum site, ad placement and formats are key to designing ads that will be successful but not intrusive to your regular users.
90. She didn't hesitate to tell intrusive photographers to "naff off".
91. Some Intrusive hooks (auto-unlink hooks, for example) modify containers without having a reference to them: this is considered a write access to the container.
92. The Mesozoic and Cenozoic plutonic intrusive rocks are grouped into the Lhagoi Kangri and Gangdise granite zones.
93. Physical-chemical properties, REE compositions, chondrite pattern and infra-red spectrum characteristics of the zircon from the Zhongteng intrusive of different stages in Fujian have been studied.
94. But if it becomes too intrusive, the borrower will walk away.
95. Emergence stratums are of Sinian , Devonian, Permian, Trias and intrusive Granite dike and coarse - grained granite dike.
96. Only copies of objects are stored in non - intrusive containers.
97. If you've got a parent going through the transition, be supportive, but not intrusive./intrusive.html
98. This whole process offers a sustainable and non - intrusive way to decontaminate land.
99. That's another level of commitment altogether -- highly intrusive and not particularly suited to multitasking.
100. Rossing uranium mine is the only operating uranium mine in the world where the uranium occurs in intrusive alaskite.
101. Non - copyable and non - movable objects can't be stored in non - intrusive containers.




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