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单词 Drivers
1. One in seven accidents is caused by sleepy drivers.
2. Drivers have to take occupational risks.
3. Drunk drivers are a menace to everyone.
4. Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes.
5. All the young men are expert drivers.
6. Tall drivers won't have enough leg room.
7. Educating new drivers is important for the prevention of accidents.
8. Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads.
9. Tired drivers were found to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs.
10. Drivers coming in the opposite direction swerved to avoid the bodies.
11. There were a lot of drunk drivers on the roads on Saturday nights.
12. New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers.
13. The rally drivers carried small tool-kits for making running repairs.
14. After the crash both drivers got out and inspected their cars for damage.
15. John was irritated by drivers parking near his house and causing an obstruction.
16. Drivers honked their horns in solidarity with the peace marchers.
17. Drivers will experience delays while stretches of the road are being resurfaced.
18. All drivers may be given random breath tests.
19. Drivers should always leave room for cyclists.
20. Many local taxi drivers charge extortionate rates.
21. Industrial action by train drivers seriously affected rush-hour services.
22. Many companies won't insure young drivers.
23. Snow forced many drivers to abandon their vehicles.
23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
24. Unfortunately belts are worn only by a small percentage of drivers and passengers.
25. There were calls for cab radios to link train drivers and signal boxes.
26. Various other groups of workers went on strike in solidarity with the train drivers.
27. The young men were assessed as either safe or unsafe drivers.
28. Three people died as wreckage blazed(), and rescuers fought to release trapped drivers.
29. A carpenter's tools include saws, hammers, and screw - drivers.
30. It's a moot point whether men or women are better drivers.
1. One in seven accidents is caused by sleepy drivers.
2. Drivers have to take occupational risks.
3. Drunk drivers are a menace to everyone.
4. Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes.
5. All the young men are expert drivers.
6. Tall drivers won't have enough leg room.
7. Educating new drivers is important for the prevention of accidents.
8. Unfortunately belts are worn only by a small percentage of drivers and passengers.
9. Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads.
10. There were calls for cab radios to link train drivers and signal boxes.
11. Tired drivers were found to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs.
12. Various other groups of workers went on strike in solidarity with the train drivers.
13. The young men were assessed as either safe or unsafe drivers.
14. Drivers coming in the opposite direction swerved to avoid the bodies.
15. There were a lot of drunk drivers on the roads on Saturday nights.
16. New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers.
17. The rally drivers carried small tool-kits for making running repairs.
18. After the crash both drivers got out and inspected their cars for damage.
19. John was irritated by drivers parking near his house and causing an obstruction.
20. Three people died as wreckage blazed, and rescuers fought to release trapped drivers.
21. A carpenter's tools include saws, hammers, and screw - drivers.
22. Drivers honked their horns in solidarity with the peace marchers.
23. Drivers will experience delays while stretches of the road are being resurfaced.
23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
24. The surface water made the road treacherous for drivers.
25. Drivers must be on the alert for traffic signals.
26. The police had set up a roadblock and waved several drivers down.
27. His jokes about woman drivers went down like a lead balloon.
28. You mustn't break the rule that no one but drivers can enter the cab.
31. Learner drivers often stall .
32. A hard core of drivers ignore the law.
33. Many people believe reckless drivers are treated too leniently.
34. Icy roads are a danger to drivers.
35. Miraculously, both drivers walked away without a scratch.
36. Those drivers should face an automatic charge of manslaughter.
37. The surface water made the road treacherous for drivers.
38. Twilight is a dangerous time for drivers.
39. Alcohol has a very bad effect on drivers.
40. The bus drivers went on strike.
41. Taxi drivers staged a demonstration against the new law.
42. Drivers risk heavy fines for driving without a licence.
43. They took strong measures against dangerous drivers.
44. Ambulance drivers provided only emergency cover during the dispute.
45. The police intended to clobber drunk drivers.
46. The bus drivers are striking for higher wages.
47. Both drivers were killed instantly.
48. The impatient drivers were beeping their horns.
49. Both drivers shared the blame for the accident.
50. Drivers are advised to take extra care .
51. Car insurance can be prohibitively expensive for young drivers.
52. It's time to get tough with drunk drivers.
53. Learner drivers are not allowed on the motorways.
53. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
54. Disabled drivers are an ever-growing minority group.
55. Sound your horn to warn other drivers.
56. Many companies won't insure new or young drivers.
57. They are very tough on drunk drivers.
58. The police blamed senseless drivers who went too fast.
59. Train drivers are being balloted on industrial action.
60. Women are safer drivers than men.
61. Shock tactics are being used to stop drink drivers.
62. Wet roads are a hazard to drivers.
63. Minicab drivers are not allowed to tout for business.
64. Police drivers have to undergo intensive training .
65. One of the drivers was fatally injured.
66. Several drivers honked their horns and waved.
67. Some drivers are real pigs.
68. Drivers must be on the alert for traffic signals.
69. Police officers have to be skilful drivers.
70. The dangerous drivers are those who think they're invulnerable.
71. Police warned drivers to beware.
72. The train drivers have voted to take strike action.
73. No parking is allowed, but an exception is made for disabled drivers.
74. Accidents are often caused by drivers who try to cut in.
75. Two drivers escaped injury when their vehicles collided near Thirsk.
76. Young drivers are far more likely to have accidents than older drivers.
77. A lot of drivers have a serious attitude problem .
78. According to one study, belts are worn only by about fifteen percent of drivers and passengers in cities, and only nine percent in small towns.
79. Drivers are urged to make sure that car engines are properly tuned.
80. The police had set up a roadblock and waved several drivers down.
81. The railway strike fizzled out on its second day as drivers returned to work.
82. Older drivers are more likely to be seriously injured because of the fragility of their bones.
83. Schumacher pulled ahead of Montoya as the two drivers approached the first corner of the race.
84. Drivers in London can expect to average about 12 miles per hour .
85. The city's bus drivers have been on strike for three weeks.
86. I don't like the way the drivers whip their horses.
87. The pickets persuaded some drivers not to enter the factory.
88. His jokes about woman drivers went down like a lead balloon.
89. Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect to be fined heavily.
90. Drivers stopping here will be ticketed and have their cars towed.
91. Motoring organizations are urging drivers not to travel by road if possible.
92. A significant number of drivers fail to keep to speed limits.
93. You'll dazzle oncoming drivers if you don't dip your headlights.
94. Abidjan was thrown into turmoil because of a protest by taxi drivers.
95. In an hour the drivers will be warming up for the main event.
96. Long-distance truck drivers often use CB radio to talk to each other.
97. Tourists complain of being ripped off by local cab drivers.
98. The police are really beginning to crack down on drivers who park their cars just where they like.
99. After a month of journeying over rough roads, the drivers and their trucks were looking the worse for wear.
100. Truck drivers have blockaded roads to show their anger over new driving regulations.
101. Out of a random sample of drivers, 21% had been in an accident in the previous year.
102. Drivers who forget to light up at night often cause accidents.
103. There are parking restrictions in the city centre with exemptions for disabled drivers.
104. Company car drivers will pay between ten and twenty five percent, less tax.
105. Often, the employer just called in the drivers and bargained with them directly, one-on-one.
106. The police have taken out a summons against the drivers of both cars involved in the accident.
107. There are rooms for drivers to kip down for the night.
108. The two racing drivers fenced for a chance to gain the lead.
109. Police and motoring organizations urged drivers to keep their speed down.
110. Both drivers escaped unhurt.
111. Be careful. Those grasping taxi - drivers might charge you too much.
112. Some drivers leave the car in gear when parking on hills.
113. Photographs taken by roadside cameras will soon be enough to prosecute drivers for speeding.http:///drivers.html
114. Selling alcohol at truck stops is an unnecessary temptation for drivers.
115. After an accident, most drivers need to build up their confidence again.
116. I've had a number of close encounters with bad drivers.
117. The drivers, as you might imagine, didn't care much for that.
118. It is usual to tip waiters, porters, guides and drivers.
119. Councils will get sweeping powers to impose fines on drivers who park illegally.
120. I certainly don't agree with his assertion that men are better drivers than women.
121. Drivers have to take a written exam as part of their tests.
122. Contrary to popular myth women are not worse drivers than men.
123. Drivers must be in possession of a current driving licence.
124. This is an indication to drivers who break the law that they will be punished.
125. Drivers under 21 are regarded as poor risks by insurance companies.
126. It's amazing how often you see drivers using mobile phones.
127. One of the drivers was fatally injured; his next of kin has been informed.
128. In my opinion both of the drivers were at fault.
129. Drivers often have a nasty habit of driving too close to cyclists.
130. Men make jokes about women drivers, but women have the last laugh - their insurance rates are cheaper.
131. Statistics disprove the myth that women are worse drivers than men.
132. The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences.
133. You mustn't break the rule that no one but drivers can enter the cab.
134. Drivers who hog the road leave no room for other cars.
135. The police were astonished at the sheer stupidity of drivers in going so fast in the fog.
136. One in seven road accidents is caused by drivers falling asleep at the wheel .
137. On this superhighway drivers should keep to a speed of over 80 miles per hour.
138. One rule specifies that learner drivers must be supervised by adults.
139. Wintry conditions are making roads hazardous for drivers in the northeast of England.
140. Broadly speaking, don't you think women make better drivers than men?
141. There is a new device for cars that warns drivers of traffic jams ahead.
142. Shock tactics are being used in an attempt to stop drink drivers.
143. It is unfair to generalize from these two accidents and say that all young people are bad drivers.
143. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
144. Drivers should keep a safe distance from the car in front.
145. In the 10 years I raced in Europe, 30 drivers were killed.
146. Parisian taxi drivers are threatening to mount a blockade to turn the screw on the government.
147. Both drivers were breathalysed at the scene of the accident.
148. After a series of road accidents the police pleaded for sanity among drivers.
149. Stick up drivers are round the bend!
150. Drivers like Yvonne have campaigned to change the law.
151. You see drivers do some crazy things.
152. Drivers with clean driving records pay less in insurance.
153. A large sign alerts drivers to bad road conditions.
154. Seat belts adjust to fit short or tall drivers.
155. Both drivers were injured in the crash.
156. Until then, drivers had to wear protective capes. 3.
157. No relief drivers were available.
158. The police are clamping down on drunk drivers.
159. How polite are drivers? How accurate is documentation?
160. The B.A.A. prohibited the drivers from entering the airport except as bonafide airline passengers.
161. Car drivers will now have to negotiate the dangers of an access road hidden by a bend on a hill.
162. In fact, once drivers are made aware of this they normally take compensatory action in their driving.
163. In the field, women proved themselves capable ambulance drivers, and many drove trucks bringing up supplies to the troops.
164. State and local governments hire teachers, bus drivers, police, and firefighters.
165. The M12 motorway, normally bustling with drivers heading to Belfast, was devoid of traffic.
166. In fact, he used to brag to fellow drivers his crashes were bigger and more spectacular than theirs.
167. Male cab drivers in Gloucester said running a female only business would give an unfair impression of men.
168. The marshal was killed moments after the start as the drivers slowed on the approach to the second chicane.
169. If drivers paid the true costs of road use, they might switch to less congested times, or make fewer journeys.
170. Apart from the risks to car drivers, passengers, and cyclists themselves however, pedestrian casualty figures are also alarming.
171. Some men conductors were trained as drivers and women conductors were first recruited in October 1940.
172. Or you can nominate friends, acquaintances, bartenders or bus drivers.
173. White-suited drivers, wearing straw hats and Madeiran boots, run alongside, pushing the toboggan to gain momentum.
173. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
174. Drivers are in such close proximity to passengers and there is no grille between them as in black cabs.
175. It just seemed that the Ferrari superiority was such that racing must be terribly boring for all the rest of the drivers.
176. In the Mercedes, tall drivers can really stretch their legs but, not surprisingly, those behind will suffer accordingly.
177. Although we nearly always need extra drivers, we cannot guarantee continuous employment.
178. At different times Polanco, Garza, Santana and Marmalejo were assigned to these buses as drivers or chaperones.
179. The roadblocks were really drunk-driving checkpoints at which police simply would ask drivers if they had a gun in the car.
180. Residents of Albatross Way have been suffering sleepless nights, plagued by rogue drivers racing their cars behind Presto supermarket.
181. Part of the program would require states to develop more tamper-proof birth certificates and drivers licenses.
182. But won't it lead to confrontation between drivers and pedestrians?
183. Also patron of bus drivers, motorists, porters, travelers, truck drivers; he is invoked against nightmares.
184. The hack drivers aided and abetted this extortion, hustling unwary tourists to the Davis establishment.
185. I stood at the side of the road and waved my arms to warn other drivers of the danger.
186. The two drivers, obeying hand signals from Charley, eased the toppled bulldozer away, steadily and with no rotating motion.
187. There were at least two world champions lining up for the start and many seasoned and experienced drivers.
188. Documents must not be handed to drivers or otherwise issued with blank spaces for recording particulars of tare weights or net weights.
189. Coffee grounds and cab drivers tend to be less precise than computers.
190. Environmentalists concede that it will not be easy to persuade car drivers to use their vehicles less often.
191. Read in studio Shock tactics are being used to make young drivers more aware of danger on the roads.
192. This sentence certainly will not act as a deterrent to other drunk drivers.
193. Drivers are being alerted that an escaped prisoner has been seen hitch-hiking on the road to Frankfurt.
194. The yellow and black police barrier was still there as a warning to other drivers coming over the crest of the hill.
195. All drivers should really know how to change a flat tire.
196. But while the passengers interrogated in London's black cabs may be wholeheartedly Conservative, taxi drivers themselves are wavering.
197. Accusations have been made that bus drivers already flout speed limits on the estate.
198. Most drivers pass the spot check, not so this Volkswagen.
199. Several hundred thousand newly arrived cars and trucks have turned Tirana into a cacophony of novice drivers, congestion and accidents.
200. Five thousand ambulance drivers can not do their own negotiating - they need representatives to do it for them.
201. Full Open Driving cover for drivers over 25 and under 70 years of age with a full licence for 12 months.
202. But then there was nothing left to pay the drivers or to settle the mounting bills.
203. Using the correct position and signals really helps other drivers.
204. The crash happened after drivers were blinded by a mixture of fog and thick black smoke.
205. He was told that the oil companies did not directly employ many of the drivers, who were self-employed subcontractors.
206. Drivers whose vehicles give off more poisonous chemicals than are allowed have ten days to clean up their act.
207. The ten-week course was designed to teach female ambulance drivers serving abroad how to repair their own vehicles in the field.
208. The drivers seemed less aggressive, even stopping to let you into a stream of traffic.
209. Public transport in Caracas was not affected after 35,000 subway conductors and public bus drivers voted not to join the strike.
210. The two drivers were later charged with dangerous driving, but it was widely suspected that they had been acting on orders.
211. His two drivers are bandy, bleach-blond Dan Runte and tall, woolly haired Eric Meagher.
212. In fact, the forward-thinking firm employs 13 administrative staff together with several drivers and warehouse staff and many dedicated sub-contractors.
213. There was a certain bucolic look to the faces of the cart drivers.
214. As in many western states, drivers in Nevada have increased their average speeds modestly since the limits were raised.
215. Some concierges have deals with individual taxi or mini-cab drivers who are able to jump the rank outside.
216. Taxi drivers still complain a bit, as they do, but parking facilities were made available for the disabled.
217. There, 300 yards from the road, the men ordered the 27 passengers and two drivers off the bus.
218. A To help alleviate the personal security fears of lone lady drivers, and allow drivers to make business calls whilst enroute.
219. Daytime drowsiness and associated sleep disorders can affect the quality of your life and can cause accidents, especially among drivers.
220. Later two cattle trucks came, and the drivers put coveralls over their regular clothes and hazed the yearlings into the trucks.
221. The drivers roared round tight corners and skilfully navigated a twisty, bendy and muddy course.
222. Bowaters told the plaintiffs and they brought an action against officers of the unions to which the drivers and loaders belonged.
223. He recruits young drivers from their results on the karting and lower formula racing circuit.
224. The hack drivers, who were present in droves, were a different breed.
225. School route: Durham county council has reminded school bus drivers that they should not use the narrow Roundhill Road route.
226. A sweeping investigation by national tyre company Superdrive spotlighted a huge number of drivers breaking the law.
227. Responsible drivers sometimes drive drunk, or fail to buckle up.
228. People ambled along, indulging in the local pastime of frustrating car drivers who had the temerity to attempt a breakthrough.
229. The pressure to close or rebuild the circuit increased rapidly following complaints from drivers about its safety standards.
230. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status, or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we all believe that we are above-average drivers. Dave Barry 
231. The drivers received a 25-percent commission on every nickel their reluctant passengers paid out.
232. They are equipped with full cab signalling and automatic train protection to assist the drivers.
233. Handicapped drivers were also alarmed to hear they would be prevented from using the streets like all other drivers.
234. Through word of mouth and demand from customers, they've built up a sizable business with five drivers.
235. His father and Mr Abrey fill in as relief drivers and backup.
236. Now the Government has proposed to crack down on mileage allowances by taxing drivers who cover large distances.
237. The blare from the horns and the shouting from nearby drivers and pedestrians waiting to cross was both fierce and ugly.
238. Drivers do not take full advantage of a vehicle's improved performance.
239. A comprehensive study done a few years ago focused on what particular quality was shared by winning race car drivers.
240. One of the taxi drivers shot in Castle Street was hit as he sat in his cab.
241. Dealing with drivers at this tender age obviously sparked an interest in transport which has developed over the years.
242. Researchers discovered that successful drivers came from every socioeconomic background.
243. Angry taxi drivers responded by boycotting a planned workshop on treating customers courteously.
244. High winds and torrential rains have swept eastwards across the country, prompting warnings for drivers to take extra care.
245. Hey, Willie, how about sending down a busload of Muni drivers who can read a road map?
246. New rules: Rules change on Monday for disabled drivers using orange badge parking discs.
247. Hence, drivers on the Massachusetts Turnpike get coupons for discounts at Staples with their toll receipts.
248. These airbags are designed to protect car drivers in head-on collisions.
249. After several decades of cyclists being terrorised by the bus drivers, the seeds of a counter-movement are taking shape.
250. Drivers are advised to avoid Elm Street today due to heavy traffic and long delays.
251. Non payment costs the taxpayer millions of pounds a year, so today roadside checkpoints were set up to stop drivers at random.
252. So ticket collectors would strike while train drivers worked normally.
253. From 7 April 1916, South Metropolitan staff came out on strike against the employment of women drivers.
254. Take care how you cross the road. Most drivers ignore the traffic lights and just drive through.
255. His job was made all the more easier by drivers who hadn't bothered to take measures to stop people like him.
256. But it was on the continent that the cream of the drivers could be found.
257. The study concludes that California drivers would save money if insurance laws were changed.
258. Workers in surgical masks are running a hydraulic compressor and tractor-trailer drivers are warming up their big rigs.
259. So, keep detailed records of drivers of all company vehicles: otherwise this personal criminal liability may arise.
260. Alas, the streets are full of Czech drivers intent on displaying maximum aggression.
261. People appeared and thickened-walkers, riders, drivers of buggies and wagons.
262. Exotic dancers, taxi drivers, cigarette girls, lawyers of the shopworn sort with dandruff on their lapels.
263. The trouble is that anti-social drivers making the smoke because their engines are not properly maintained give diesel a bad name.
264. Erosion had sharpened its edges and although the drivers trundled gently in bottom gear,( ) there were two punctures.
265. If the cross street is empty, drivers go, even if the light is red.
266. Country roads are often narrow and winding, so drivers should take special care and slow down.
267. It's not as if we're like bus drivers or air traffic controllers.
268. Then there is a natural antagonism between drivers and bosses.
269. Car drivers are turned on by such things as four-wheel drive, ABS, airbags and the like.
270. This video has been put together by Oxfordshire ambulance service to warn young drivers of the dangers of getting behind the wheel.
271. Impatient drivers beeped their annoyance.
272. Congestion could be countered by persuading more drivers to get on their bikes.
273. Drivers must not exceed a maximum of 55 miles an hour.
274. In America, overheated drivers have been known to shoot each other.
275. Chrysler was weak in the sunbelt, with its younger and more affluent drivers.
276. Drivers should not allocate memory using one of the must - succeed specifiers.
277. Many acoustic drivers are substantially symmetric about the axis of motion 22.




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