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单词 paramedic
释义  Related topics: Occupations, Nurses, doctors, etcpar·a·med·ic /ˌpærəˈmedɪk/ noun [countable]  BOMNsomeone who has been trained to help people who are hurt or to do medical work, but who is not a doctor or nurse 〔非医生或护士的〕护理人员,医务辅助人员► see thesaurus at doctor —paramedical adjective [usually before noun]Examples from the Corpusparamedic• Four days after paramedics recommended Brown be hospitalized, he was transferred to the state mental hospital.• But when I came to retrieve her, my way was blocked by paramedics and fire trucks.• After police used pepper spray to subdue the man, paramedics were called because he was having difficulty breathing, police reported.• Mr Lennon was treated at the scene by a team of paramedics before being taken by ambulance to Wigan Royal Infirmary.• Ambulances, each staffed by one paramedic and one emergency medical technician, must arrive within 12 minutes under the new standards.• In the ring paramedics gave Ingle emergency treatment.• By the time the paramedics arrived, he knew his wife was dead.par·a·med·ic nounChineseSyllable  been people to who trained Corpus has someone help




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